A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 144. The Guild is too boring!


“Hey, girlie! Are you lost?” a buffed-up man stood up in front of me and asked while flaunting his muscularity which looked a bit annoying as I walked past him, shrugging off his question. I can already see the same cliché happening over and over again which is why I decided to change up things a bit.


While walking past him, I summoned my scythe and pointed the tip to his neck as I answered, “Hey, musclehead. Are you perhaps lost?” with a smirk on my face, releasing a bit of bloodlust as both of his legs fell to the floor, trembling.


I was a bit surprised, to say the least, that was a very tiny amount of bloodlust, yet it managed to knock him to the floor. There was no better explanation than the Empress Vampire passively increasing the bloodlust by many times which is indeed plausible, just like how the class Angelic Rose could increase the Holy statistic, the Empress Vampire could also increase a statistic of its choice even though it is a race and not a class.


After that little showoff, I immediately retracted both the bloodlust and scythe as I walked over the counter while asking, “I would like to register as an adventurer.”


The lady over at the counter was indeed a bit surprised from the ordeal but as expected of someone from the Guild managed to regain her composure almost immediately as she showed a welcoming smile, looking at me like I was a child, “You are free to be examined by one of our examiners over at the examination spot, though with your little display of power, you are more than able to become a D-rank immediately… would you like to be examined or receive your registration?”


Hmm—so basically, I could skip the entire examination process if I wanted to… but that would be a bit too boring for me. After all, if I don’t get to beat up a few people to vent out my boredom from doing town administration work then this trip over here would be a bit… how should I say it, a waste?


“I will choose to go through the examination, please pick out the strongest examiner for me,” I said with a smile before the lady kindly nodded.


“Please follow me to the examination room then,” she replied before the two of us walked towards a door where she soon opened it only to reveal an arena where newer adventurers were fighting against examiners one at a time.


Those new adventurers really reminded me of my first time in this world, had I not met up with Mana at that time, who knows how different my fate would have been. After all, my meeting with Mana inevitably allowed me to meet Aurora who taught me a lot about this world.


“You can wait at any seat if you like, the strongest examiner will arrive a little bit late,” she said as I nodded before walking towards one of the seats at the top, looking for a free spot before sitting down as I stared at the battlefield at the bottom.


The people fighting at the bottom was a young, black-haired man who was holding a wooden sword amateurly while his opponent was a red-haired man who wasn’t even holding his sword. Immediately, the young man ran towards the lazy tomato only to stumble back which confused a lot of people.


“A barrier of pressure, impressive,” I smiled while looking at the tomato who was only standing in front of the man. He was practically cheating by casting magic in a sword battle but on a real battlefield, none of that would matter.


I feel like this second race of mine is more able to comprehend battles faster—also, I can feel another personality of mine appearing whenever I am in this form. It’s like my emotions are being frozen which is why I feel empty… it feels odd though.


“Is that all you got?” the lazy bratty tomato looked at the powerless coal at the battlefield, the tomato was practically lazing around as he looked at the idiot coal who was acting like it was the end of his life, “Are you sure you want to be an adventurer with this amount of strength?”


“I—I will become an adventurer!” the overdramatic coal reacted as the tomato sauce laughed.


 I felt a bit bored looking at them and decided to stand up as the tomato sauce looked at the man while taking up his sword as he said, “Come at me with your full strength the—” only to be interrupted by me falling down between them with my scythe fully armed.


“I am a bit bored from watching the two of you, how about playing with me a bit?” I showed a smile which surprised the two of you.


“Kid, go back to your seat and wait for your examine—” the tomato sauce was about to scold but not before I swung my scythe in front of him, slashing a bit of his hair as I looked at him with boredom. I don’t know why but I feel a bit impulsive in this form, “Kid… do you have a death wish?!”


“Indeed, I do have a death wish. How about fulfilling it?” I smirked before he revealed some bloodlust as he took out his sword from the ground before pointing at me as I smiled, “Now, how about we battle it out since I am so bored.”


“You better wish you never came here, kid!” he said while running towards me with his sword—well, rather than running, it would be better to call it dashing if I was a newbie but my eyes on this form somehow only see him running which looked pathetic as he flew up and swung his sword down towards me.


Effortlessly, I twirled my scythe and swung the tip towards the middle of the sword’s blade before a loud clang echoed throughout the battlefield as the figure of the man being blasted through the other side of the battlefield came to sight, followed by a large cloud of dust.


“How boring…” I pouted, “Is there anyone stronger, this is too boring for me. At least give me someone who can last a minute even with half a percent of my strength…”


Everyone looked at me silently, some were afraid while others were visibly shocked. I could only laugh inside; I feel like I suddenly turned into a villain. Well, technically I am kind of a villain at this point but hey, it is more fun than staring at paper with boring legislations!


“You…!” the squashed tomato over the wall suddenly appeared to my side with his sword thrusting towards my direction but as expected of this form’s reaction speed, I managed to quickly block the thrust and countered with a swing using the less sharp part of the scythe on his chin.


Immediately after that, the sound of his entire jaws being cracked echoed as his body was launched up in the air. Feeling bored, I jumped upwards as well, propelling myself high up in the air as I followed with a kick down his stomach, slamming him on the floor while ensuring he didn’t die.


“Is that all you got, how could you people protect this town if this is only your strength?” I looked at them with a wry smile, “What if an outbreak happens from one of the dungeons, would all of you be able to protect this town in one piece?”


“As you said, little girl,” a voice suddenly came from where I entered as I turned towards the direction before another musclehead came to sight but unlike the original musclehead, he had an aura of strength with him that made me a bit excited, “If ever an outbreak comes, this guild would definitely be unable to protect the town like this.”


“But destroying the people who could also help in protecting the town is also another way of making it hard for us to protect the town,” he showed a bitter smile while staring at the man who was basically eating my boots.


“Are you perhaps the guild master here?” I looked at him straight in the eye before he nodded, “If you are then pleased to meet you, I am the guardian of the noble assigned here. Rosalia.”


“The noble assigned here, that means you are one of the servants from the infamous Windsor family, is that correct?” he asked as I shook my head with a smile.


“I am not someone hired by the Windsor family, they don’t even know about me. I am someone who is personally under Ayumi Windsor, her greatest servant,” I lied with a straight face… of course, I wanted to say that once. Let my original name soar above the skies! Imagine this—what if someone as powerful as me in my second race were to declare herself as a servant under my name and my guardian.


How many would dare to attack me for the recipe of the wasabi paste? This is all security for the future as well, I want to imbue a little bit of fear onto the minds of the people especially the nobility, so they won’t try to target anyone under me to get the recipe of the wasabi paste in the future since as you know, nobles are greedy creature—well, that’s partially the reason. My main reason is to have fun.


“For someone as great as the lady of the Windsor family, it is understandable why you would choose to serve your loyalty under her. Many of us in the guild would also love to swear our loyalty upon her for saving this town but sadly, unlike you, we are adventurers who are free people,” he smiled.


I felt a bit embarrassed to hear that inside—to think that many people would wish to protect me… how embarrassing! Though, it did feel good inside to be honored by people, almost like my efforts of saving this town didn’t go to waste.


“Anyhow, how about we have a little battle since I’ve been bored lately,” I said before grabbing the man who was practically licking my boots at this point and throwing him towards one of the seats while using a bit of wind magic to make him land safely as I turned back towards the man who nodded.


That coal person also vanished somehow; I don’t know where he went but I can only guess he went to take safety somewhere…. I hope—since I don’t actually want to be killing my own people.


“Are you ready?” the guild master looked at me with a serious expression. His mana fluctuated heavily as a burst of excitement blasted inside of me. From his stance and mana, I can roughly guess that I would need around five percent of my maximum power in this form to win.


With that five percent in mind, I placed a bit of my red-colored mana onto the scythe as heavy bloodlust eclipsed all over the battlefield as I looked at him with a smirk, “I am ready whenever you are.”


“Then—battle start!” he said before his figure vanished as I immediately reacted to my left through instincts, swinging my scythe to the left as the sound of a loud clang echoed throughout the battlefield before the sound of a body crashing down towards a wall echoed.


I looked towards the wall where the body crashed and lo and behold, the man was there with a smile on his face as he soon reappeared in front of me with his sword up in the air. I didn’t feel any danger from the attack, rather my body wanted me to try blocking it with a finger which I ended up doing.


The sword and my finger clashed with one another as his attack was completely blocked by my finger which impressed me. If it was back on my old body, I would be unable to do this… rather, my entire body would feel numb after but in this body, it felt like nothing.


His eyes looked shocked as he tried to place even more force only to be repelled back as I kicked him in the stomach, knocking him back to the wall where he first slammed on before I kicked myself forward before stopping in front of him as a cruel idea came to mind.


“How about giving up your descendants?” I showed a cruel smile before pushing my foot up towards his crotch only stopping a few inches away as he looked at me with cold sweat dripping on his face. You could see his face pale immediately after I said that, making me giggle a bit, “I was kidding… I am not that cruel.”


After saying that, I immediately retracted my foot before placing the tip of my scythe on his neck instead as I smiled, “That should be game over, right?” before he nodded without hesitation, looking at his crotch with a sigh of relief which made me chuckle a bit. I can really feel myself turning evil each moment I stay in this form.


If Ayumi Windsor was an angel then Rosalia—who I named just now is the devil. The two basically have their own personalities that integrate with me. It was like that basically, so whenever I turn back to Ayumi Windsor, my entire personality would also integrate back with hers from what I can tell.


“Thank you for sparing my future descendants,” he bowed down as I giggled.


“I am not that cruel to give my master a hard time, I can only imagine the town losing its future protection from your descendants if I were to demolish that part,” I said before he closed both of his foot out of instinct, “Anyhow, thank you for lasting a little bit longer than most people. I would also like to register as an adventurer as well.”


“That’s not a problem at all, your strength would probably place you on S-rank immediately, but we can’t promote someone to any rank above B without any major achievement done which is why I can only place you at C-rank for now… is that fine?” he asked.


“It’s fine, I will come back in a few days from now to pick up the identification card,” I smiled before he bowed down a bit as I walked out of the arena, leaving the guild under the shocked gazes of many before walking towards an alleyway where I turned back into a bat and flew to the manor.


After a little while, I soon reached the manor where I turned back into my human form which was a bit uncomfortable and heavy, but it was fine as my personality immediately turned back to the angelic Ayumi.

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