A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 154. Dungeon of Fiona, Cleared!


After taking a short break in the boss room, I soon stood up, enduring the pain as much as I could while remembering what the announcement had said. I had earned ten levels from Gira which meant my level is now around 21 or 285 since 10 levels are equivalent to 100 human levels—that is one insane number even for me.


Not to mention, 158 skill points—if I remember they can be allocated to boost my skills or allow me to trade it into another item, is 158 skill points a lot, or do I need around the thousand range to level up a skill? I have so many questions in my head that could only be answered if I head to the Land of Memories.


“Anyhow, it should be almost the end of the second day now… I need to rush to Fiona and capture her before time runs out,” I mumbled while closing my eyes as I took several deep breaths before opening my eyes once more as I dashed forward at a faster speed.


The next wave of monsters were thousands of skeleton swordsmen which surprised me a bit, but it was still no match for my level as I completely turned the entire wave into ashes by just passing by them with my scythe, after going down several stairs and fighting off another wave of skeletons, I soon reached the final boss room which was a glamorous giant pink door with the symbol of a succubus.


My heart was pumping heavily, the door felt heavy as my hand pushed forward, opening the boss room as all the torches on the wall lit up one after another, carrying an ominous atmosphere as I looked at the front where a single lady almost the same height as me with brown hair and wings that looked like mine could be seen, sitting on a throne.


Her horns were a bit larger than mine, but our overall appearance didn’t differ much, my vampiric form was indeed more superior though, but her chests are—well, what should I say…? Succubus indeed?


“A vampire trespassing into my kingdom, what is your purpose for defeating all my servants?” the lady who was none other than Fiona stood up and glared at me, her hand carried a single ordinary silver sword that looked flimsy yet carried this intense pressure.


“My purpose for coming here is to capture you and turn you into the best strategist this era will ever see whether it’d be in the future or the past,” I looked into her eye, holding onto my breath as I tightened my grip on my scythe.


“You are no ordinary vampire—rather, aren’t you the Empress of all Vampires in existence?” she looked at me with her eyes wide, “To think that the strongest vampire in existence would come to me, a mere succubus to become a strategist—aren’t you looking down on me?”


“A succubus who was once a former human, isn’t that right—Fiona Yurisvel?” I replied with a smirk as her eyes widened as if she was surprised. No one knew her real name, even the people in her life before never knew her last name, they only knew her as Fiona which made them think she was a commoner, “The Princess of the former Yurisvel Kingdom which fell apart after an uprising.”


“Having escaped from the kingdom before its downfall lived as Fiona who was thought to be a commoner by many people. Turning herself into a merchant, rising in the ranks before enlisting in the military as a strategist who then earned the title ‘The Legendary Strategist’.”


Her face wrinkled as if she couldn’t believe what I was saying, of course, she would react like that since her past was pretty much buried deep in the ashes of the olden books; her past as a Princess wasn’t even known to many people since no one survived the uprising, everyone in the kingdom died except for her who managed to escape.


The tragic backstory of hers had something to do with Silvia’s wishes, she wanted to create a strong character who thinks of emotions as a luxury that she will never be able to afford. I have to say, Silvia is quite the horror when it comes to creating characters, she isn’t merciful to her own creations.


“How much do you know about me?” she looked at me in the eye and asked.


“I know everything I need to know, like your age before you turned into a succubus which was 21. Your first love who was Richard Salmon and the person who betrayed you who was Kelson Ariel together with Princess Lami Satia,” I replied, “There is also one thing I know, you killed the person who turned you into a succubus—the former Succubus Queen, Rose Bela who wanted to turn you into a crazed killing machine.”


“Who told you all that information?!” she questioned in a loud voice, “There should be no one in existence who would know all that information about me, at most, they would only know fragments!”


“I am different. I am someone who knows a lot about you. How about it, do you wish to become my strategist, or do you want to be part of the many souls who were killed by my scythe?” I showed a bright and confident smile, flaunting my scythe a bit as she flinched.


There was no chance for her to obey me which means I will have to use force soon, her hand looked to be preparing to engage against me in battle right now. If possible, I wanted to avoid a full-on battle since my level completely overwhelms hers which is only around 185 but if that is not possible then I could try neutralizing her as fast as possible.


“My ego does not allow myself to bow before a weaker person than me, if you were to win against me then I will sign a soul contract which would bind my loyalty to you for eternity but if you were to lose against me, you will have to serve me. Is that fine?” she responded back.


“Serve me… heh,” I chuckled before shrugging my shoulders, “I accept your challenge, the time limit is one minute and if neither of us could defeat one another within one minute then it is a draw. We will have to give up one item that is important to us instead.”


“As you wish,” she said before taking a few steps back as she went into stance.


“Once the coin falls to the ground, the battle starts. Do you understand?” I inquired before she nodded without hesitation as I prepared myself in my battle stance, taking out a coin from my pocket before throwing it up in the air as it flew high up.


The two of us locked our attention on each other, my ears were listening heavily onto the sound of the coin before soon the sound of metal hitting the ground echoed as both of us dashed towards each other at high speeds.


My eyes managed to keep track of her as I immediately cast eight Blood Magic spells simultaneously, four defensive and four attacks: [Blood Magic: Assimilation], [Blood Magic: Reaper of Death], [Blood Magic: Grimreaper], [Blood Magic: Contender & Amplify], [Blood Magic: Ironic Cries], [Blood Magic: Miracle of the Waters], [Blood Magic: Absorption] and [Blood Magic: Shield]


In an instant, an eight-layered magic circle appeared on the edge of the scythe, colliding with the sword of Fiona which was brimming with a bright purple glow. The shockwave from the collision caused the entire boss room to melt, the temperatures of the room rose as both of us desperately tried to push one another.


“You are quite strong,” I chuckled, “But it’s not enough against me.”


After speaking those words, I immediately separated the attack layers and positioned them in a spot that covered all four directions of her. With [Absorption] sending the four layers ten times more force of her attack, each attack circle had enough force to even decimate the dragon in one go.


“Do you want to surrender now, or do you want to experience pain?” I asked as all the four defensive circles repositioned themselves around me, acting as a layer of defense while the attack layers kept her stuck in one spot.

It was basically a checkmate at this point, if she dared to move then all the attack circles would drop her health near zero, and even if she did manage to attack me, the four defense circles would be able to deflect almost all the attacks.


“It seems like I had no choice from the start,” she laughed, “You really are worthy of being called the Empress of all Vampires. To think that you would place me in a difficult spot like this is impressive. The force each circle around me carry is enough to reduce me to ashes, if I want to live then I would have no choice but to surrender.”


“So—what is your answer?” I asked, “Don’t keep me waiting, I don’t want to keep my daughters waiting for me to come home.”


“You already know my answer, I surrender,” she showed a bitter smile before I gestured all the attack circles to fire all at once. Her eyes widened as all the circles glowed bright red before striking her mercilessly as she laid on the floor with near lifeless eyes.


“I can’t trust you right now since you are quite the schemer in the past. The only way I can trust you is after the contract is finished,” I said while lowering myself a bit as she glared at me, “If I remember, a contract can be formed by engraving a certain magic circle onto one’s body, that means, I can do it myself.”


After saying that, I dematerialized my scythe and instead took her sword before gently drawing out a tiny magic circle on her arm, despite my best efforts to keep it as painless as possible, her face looked like she wanted to scream but endured as I continued drawing the circle which was a simple circle with a tree at the center.


The magic circle took only ten minutes to draw and after the entire circle was ready, I soon looked at my finger before slicing it a bit as the blood slowly fell towards the circle, landing onto it as I kissed the circle before a bright golden light eclipsed all over the room.


The Library

You have successfully formed an eternal contract with [Fiona Yurisvel] and therefore finished the quest: [A Legendary Strategist]


1.       10 levels.

2.       200 skill points.

3.       The Ring of Fiona [LEGENDARY]


Almost immediately after the window appeared, a ring materialized on my finger as Fiona looked at it with surprise, turning towards hers which also had another one, “How did you manage to create the exact ring as mine?!”


“It’s a secret,” I smiled before closing my eyes as I cast, “[Blood Magic: Regeneration]


After casting, all her blood which was spilled on the floor rose from the ground before gruesomely entering inside of her as all the wounds on her body vanished like it never existed. The entire process of healing with Blood Magic looked super gruesome but it was indeed working, can’t complain.


“Anyhow, do you have any way of leaving this dungeon immediately?” I looked at her while handing my hand towards her as she nodded.


“We can leave through the portal over there which exists in all dungeons,” she answered with a bitter smile.


“Let’s leave then, I can feel the dungeon is about to collapse now that it has no leader,” I said before she nodded as the two of us ran towards the portal just before the entire dungeon came crashing down, after entering inside the portal, we were immediately transferred at the entrance where a beautiful sunrise could be seen.


The sunrise looked so marvelous that even I could not help but take a deep breath from its beauty. The sun’s glow which was like cheese melting over the gradient skies, a wonderful scene to see early in the morning.


The Library

You have cleared the dungeon [Fiona’s Dungeon] and have received the following rewards:

1.       All statistics increase by 50% [SPECIAL for SOLO]

2.       A thousand gold coins [SPECIAL for SOLO]

3.       100 skill points & 10 levels.

4.       500% increase in Guild Reputation.


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