A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 20. Scary…


A night soon passed by since then, whilst sitting inside the cafeteria with Flora on Mana’s lap. A crowd surrounded us, looking at Flora who was happily munching on some soft garlic bread with a cute smile on her face.


To say the least, Flora became a model inside the school in an instant; her cuteness was unbeatable that even a single glance of her would make you want to pinch her cheeks.


“There are too many crumbs on your face,” I said whilst wiping her cheeks that were filled with breadcrumbs as she continued munching on the garlic bread without minding the crowd that was watching her.


“Ara, what mess did I come into?” an older sister like voice echoed inside the room before the figure of the older sister with super large chests came to sight. Her figure looked as if she had just woken up but immediately after entering the crowd, her eyes were pinned on Flora.


“What an adorable creature is this?!” she shouted before suddenly appearing before Flora as she pinched her cheeks but not long after, a loud smack echoed throughout the room as Mana smacked the top of her head.


“Ouchies…” she cried whilst laying on the floor as laughter filled the room before one by one more and more people came to the crowd, handing tributes to Flora as if she was the Goddess of cuteness before out of the blue, a loud clap echoed throughout the cafeteria.


“Everyone should continue eating!” a familiar voice reverberated inside the cafeteria as the crowd quickly dispersed like dust before the brown-haired lady, Aurora, and the orange-haired girl, Estelle came to sight, walking towards our direction, “To think that the Spirit of the Forest would cause a large crowd inside the cafeteria this early in the morning…”


“Well, it’s not like they can do anything… right, Aurora?” Estelle said as a wry smile appeared on Aurora’s face before she looked at me and smiled.


“Did you two sleep well?” she asked before both Mana and I nodded at the same time, remembering the incident that happened last night before turning pink.


“Oh right, I remember being recommended this dagger by the blacksmith. Do you know what kind of dagger it is?” I took out the dagger and showed it to the headmaster as she accepted it before taking a good look at it.


“That Juris really knows how to pick a weapon…” she mumbled before handing it back to me as she continued on, “This dagger is a dagger that can grow together with its owner. To be exact, the more monsters you kill, the more powerful it will become.”


“Though, it cannot be used yet until you gain at least more experience in using daggers. If you want, we can start our exercise and lessons after the three of you finish eating,” she explained before Mana rose her hand.


“Who will take care of Flora? I will be heading to my magician class in a while…” she inquired before she looked at Estelle and nodded.


“Well, it’s a little troublesome because it seems like she has received a name from the two of you now and has accepted the new name which means she cannot be easily separated from either one of you,” Estelle answered before the two of them sat on the seats in front of us as Aurora waved her hand to the counter with her index finger up in the air.


“Then what should we do…?” Mana questioned.


“It’s simple, either one of you will bring her together with you in your class. To be exact, it would be preferred if she comes along with you since Aurora’s teachings aren’t really friendly to look at for children though she isn’t one, her mentality is that of a child right now…” Estelle answered.


“Not to mention, the chances of her going wild and attacking me while training is super high since Great Spirits are known to attack anyone who tries to attack their ‘parents’ or families which is why I don’t really like having her near me when training…” Aurora said with a wry smile as she looked at Flora who had eaten up the entire garlic bread.


“Mwana, moar!” she asked before Mana took another piece and handed it to her as she continued on with her business of eating garlic bread like an ordinary child would. It seems like she doesn’t really care about her surroundings that much.


Well, I do understand why the headmaster doesn’t want Flora near her when training since if Flora could contend a dragon on her grown-up stage then one can imagine how strong she is in her early stages… though it makes me curious who actually screamed at that time… the scream definitely didn’t sound like from Flora… well, it could just be someone from the crowd.


“I guess I’ll have to take over teaching from Seele… how tiring!” Estelle said as she laid back on the chair before the lady from the counter before approached our table carrying soup and some Linguine with lemon.


“Well, I’ll reward you some good stuff tonight,” Aurora winked at Estelle who soon blushed as she nodded with a smile on her face before the two of them soon started eating on their snacks with Aurora, in particular, eating the Linguine whilst Estelle with the soup.


The five of us continued eating afterward, discussing several arrangements there and there with Aurora assigning another class to me which was Archery class that she will teach since she has some experience with archery herself.


And after much time, our breakfast soon ended as the five of us separated with one another. Aurora and I moved towards a stadium whilst the others with Flora moved towards the individual classrooms of the school which was in the opposite direction of the stadium.


“Do you want to use the dagger you bought or a training dagger instead?” she asked whilst looking at me with two wooden daggers in her hand. Each dagger didn’t look sharp, more like blunt daggers that were truly meant for training.


“I think I’ll use the training dagger. The weights for them should be the same, right?” I inquired before she shook her head as she placed one of the wooden daggers on my hand as I weighted the wooden dagger and the matte black dagger.


“Each dagger has its own weight; some are lighter than others whilst some are heavier than others. The speedier users like to have the lighter one which is obvious whilst the ones who desire more firepower would go for the heavier one,” she explained.


In particular, the wooden dagger wasn’t far off from the matte black dagger in terms of weight, but the matte black dagger was far lighter which could be attributed to its material. Wood tends to be heavier than most other materials from what I can remember. As if assisting me, a window popped out showing both dagger’s weight.


Anonymous Dagger

0.25 KG (0.55 pounds)

Training Dagger

1 KG (2.21 pounds)


It seems like the training dagger was heavier than I thought though it surprises me how light the Anonymous Dagger is, only weighing around 0.25 kilograms or 0.55 pounds which is like a feather’s area of lightness.

“Anyways, which path do you wish to go for?” she questioned before an idea came to mind.


“Can I go for a balanced route instead?” I asked before she smiled, nodding as she grabbed a crystal green dagger from her waist, throwing it up in the air as her voice echoed.


“It seems like Seele picked me the right student… This is what a balanced dagger user can do…”


All of a sudden, her figure vanished out of thin air as a loud explosion blasted from the direction of the hay figures which startled me as I looked towards the direction before all four of the hay figures vanished as the headmaster’s figure stood there with a domineering aura.


No word left my mouth other than shock as the floor below her cracked. It was as if a meteor had fallen from the skies and slammed down, even my eyes couldn’t track her movements at that period… seeing it in reality really makes me shocked.

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