A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 24. Festival of Eve (2)

Sneakily places Patreon: https://patreon.com/mihou


After a while, Mana soon grabbed my hand and dragged us to another store that was opposite of the store she kept looking at, entering inside as a warm voice reverberated around the room, “Welcome! How may I serve you?”


The store contained many kinds of dresses, from outdoors to indoors; skirts and blouses; t-shirts for men and women along with pants, but all of which were still inferior to the one that Mana kept looking at a short while ago.


“Do you have any clothes for a child of this size, both indoors and outdoors?” she asked while looking at the deer hoodie-wearing Flora who had buried her head on my shoulders, still having a bad mood after being rejected by Mana.


After saying her request, a woman with a common brown-hair ponytail approached us and looked at Flora for a second before she asked, “Is it fine if we measure her a bit?” before Mana looked at me and nodded as I handed Flora over to Mana as she placed her on the floor, looking all confused as the lady took out a measuring tape.


“It won’t take long, don’t worry!” the lady whispered to Flora who nodded as she started measuring Flora several times, nodding with each time and noting down each number on a notepad before standing up as she asked, “Clothing for both indoor and outdoor usage, is that correct?”


Lifting the confused Flora back up, Mana nodded to the lady before she started patting Flora’s back as the deer hoodie-loving girl looked at me with eyes of confusion, or should I say betrayal.


“Don’t worry, we’ll eat as much as you want later,” Mana whispered to Flora’s ears as she soon relaxed and hugged Mana tightly, burying her head onto her shoulder this time as Mana kept patting her back before the lady soon came back, carrying several clothes.


After placing all of the clothing onto the counter, the lady soon gestured us to come as she asked, “Do you want to test them out right now?” before Mana nodded as she placed Flora down on the floor once more before saying.


“We’ll be testing out some clothes for you, Mana will be with you, okay?”


In response, Flora nodded as if she understood what Mana was saying as Mana soon smiled beautifully before taking a black skirt similar to the one I am wearing and placed it in front of Mana as she frowned her eyebrows.


“Ah, I have something really quick to do… do you mind if I head out, real quick?” I asked Mana who was still focused on Flora as she took out another dress and kept testing around without letting Flora wear it first. It seems like she is still looking for the best combinations.


“Don’t take too long!” Mana said as I nodded before exiting the store as I looked at the other store that she kept looking at before. The store had beautiful, yet simple and elegant dresses displayed behind a glass plane.


I wonder if I can find something that will fit her since I still have a bit of money left from what the headmaster gave me and considering that I already have plenty of nice clothes that were given to me. It should be fine if I buy Mana a few, right?


After walking a few moments, I soon arrived in front of the store where I slowly pushed open the door before a super warm atmosphere filled with luxury greeted me.


“Welcome to Illyasviem! How may I help you?” a sleepy voice echoed from the counter as a familiar golden-haired beauty came to sight, resting her head onto a table before she looked at me with her eyes wide open.


“Aaah! The nice-smelling girl from before!” the beauty said as I smiled wryly. It was none other than the sleepy golden-haired beauty from awhile back during the monster horde, though why do I seem to be able to remember fragments from that day when I was told that my memories were locked.


In an instant, the beauty soon left her station and approached me before sniffing around like a pervert as she nodded before asking, “What shampoo do you use… it smells so nice!” as she looked at me with puppy eyes before a hand smacked her head.


“I am sorry for the rudeness of our staff, young lady… how may I help you?” a beautiful long blue-haired girl asked dressed in a beautiful flowery dress that reached her knees and sandals with a brown sole and white strap.


“I was looking for a starry dress that was displayed a while ago, is it still available?” I asked before the blue-haired girl smiled.


“It is available though it will cost you three gold coins for one since it is our best design as of right now,” she said before I nodded without hesitation as she patted my head, “Will it be for your size, or are you perhaps buying it for someone else?”


“Well… I am kind of buying it for someone else…” I said before the golden-haired beauty rose her hand after raising from the dead.


“Is it for little Mana?!” she asked before embarrassment filled me as I nodded shyly before the golden-haired beauty smiled, standing up as she looked at me with shiny eyes. “If it is for little Mana then you should also buy these other two!” before running off as she grabbed two dresses.


The first dress was a silky dress with floral patterns stitched all around it, around knee-length whilst the other was a beautiful V-neck knee-length blue dress with shoulder cutouts that was filled with elegance and looked pricey.


“Wouldn’t it be expensive…?” I asked before the golden-haired beauty patted my hair.


“Don’t worry! Little Mana has helped me plenty of times, take it as a gift from me!” she said with a proud look on her face as the beautiful blue-haired lady smiled.


“Do you perhaps have her measurements on hand?” the blue-haired lady asked as I embarrassingly shook my head before the golden-haired beauty once again came to rescue.


“I know her measurements, I once peeked at her medical examination paper before!” she said before a fist slammed down onto the golden-haired beauty.


“You do know it is rude to look at someone else’s medical examination papers, Hannah!” the blue-haired lady wiped off her fists as the golden-haired beauty pouted before the blue-haired lady sighed as she looked at me.


“Well, you can leave the payment on the counter. I will do some final fitting for the dresses; do you want it packed in a little disguised packaging instead?” she asked before I nodded as I took out a few gold coins from my pocket and handed them to her as she smiled.


“Do you mind waiting ten minutes at maximum?” she inquired as I happily nodded. Ten minutes was little, at most, I was expecting around twenty minutes and considering how much time Mana and Flora will be at the other store, it should fine.


“You can wait over there, we will try and finish this up as soon as possible,” the blue-haired lady said as she pointed at the stool near the wall, following what she said, I walked towards the stool and sat there bored.


It truly is boring in this world without a phone, it makes me praise the inventors of the mobile phone back in my world. They truly made life super convenient over there, if only I have the knowledge to build one from scratch… well I could… maybe.


After sitting down for eight minutes, the blue-haired lady soon came back carrying a paper bag with leather straps and a tiny black logo at the very corner of the paper bag that said “ILVSHIEM” that wasn’t very visible until you took a closer look at it.


“Thanks for waiting, here is everything you have ordered. I wish you luck,” she winked before the golden-haired peeked out from the counter smiling as she gave the thumbs-up before I bowed down and thanked them before leaving the store as I started making my way to the other store where a beautiful sight of Flora dressed in a blue skirt that reached her toes and a white blouse greeted me.


“Took you long enough, how does she look?” Mana said as I smiled.


“She looks as Flora as ever,” I responded before she chuckled with a bright smile on her face. I truly hope she didn’t see me coming out from the store, otherwise, this surprise of mine is already busted from the start.

Sneakily places Patreon: https://patreon.com/mihou



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