A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 27. The Witch of Isle, Leisha.


A month soon passed by since then, I have soon adapted quickly to the new world, understood their culture and the locations around the city. And most importantly, both Mana and I have gotten super close, or should I say, we became a couple weeks after that day together with Flora who grew a bit taller. I do agree we are moving a bit fast, but it is still slower than most couples back in my world.


“Flora, don’t run!” Mana shouted, dressed in her white scholarly dress with a large wooden staff on her hand as she looked at Flora with a gentle look.


Turning around while pausing, Flora, who was dressed in a beautiful clean white dress with a straw hat looked at Mana and smiled beautifully as she said, “Mwama is slow!” before starting her run once more as Mana sighed.


Flora had started schooling a week after that day and has been able to speak longer sentences, though she still calls both Mana and I by the same name as always which is “Aywumi-ma” and “Mwama” because she feels like it has a deeper bond.


“You don’t have to worry much about her, Mana. She is, after all, someone who can handle goblins by herself,” I said before Mana looked at me and pouted as she slowed down, waiting for me to walk beside her.


“Even so, didn’t you remember when she cried after stumbling?” Mana rebuked as Flora stopped on her tracks before walking backward as she smacked Mana’s stomach as if telling her to forget that scene ever happened.


It was quite a hilarious scene, to be honest. It was during that time when Flora was being taught by Aurora and some of the other older people how to control her mana, which she did excellently for the first part, but… well, you see… she hit a rock while concentrating and stumbled down on the floor and started crying as a normal child would.


“There, there… I know, I won’t mention it again,” Mana said as she lifted Flora up with one hand as we continued walking down the road as the sun looked down at us bright. The reason why we are outside of the city is because we are taking another quest today.


A week ago, Mana and I were suggested to take quests at the adventurer’s guild by both Aurora and Estelle since it apparently helps us increase our experience in battles and all those other stuffs. Not to mention, Mana was enthusiastic about it since she would apparently be lifted off from the burden of not being able to make money.


“I think it should be around this area, right?” I said while looking at the mini map in search of a witch’s house that delivers potions every few weeks to the city. According to what I heard, the witch lives isolated and is apparently cruel and ugly which makes me not really enthusiastic about this quest.


“Yeah, the map says it is here….” Mana said as she looked at her papyrus map, which is tiring to hold, I did want to help her a bit by letting her use the mini-map function but apparently, that is only unlocked for people who are of higher relationship levels.


“If only I had that convenient skill of yours…” she looked at me and sighed as I smiled wryly. I forgot to mention, due to the nature of the relationship system, Mana herself can see some of the system windows and can use them herself.


She was utterly shocked at first and I was forced to reveal the truth to her which she still finds unbelievable, especially the part where I mentioned the white-haired lady she met was the Goddess Miu which apparently holds the title as the Goddess of Creation here.


“Well, you will be able to use it soon…” I smiled wryly as she pouted before the two of us stood side by side, smiling. She also knows about the relationship system and all those other kinds of stuff which took her a bit to accept but there was nothing she could do apparently.


“It certainly is handy though, being able to calculate without thinking much and having information about certain stuff,” she said before her hand bumped into mine as I smiled, grasping hers as we looked around before a pale white square appeared on the corner of my minimap.


“There seems to be something over there, want to look at it?” I inquired before she nodded as we started making our way towards the pale white square before alarms rang inside my head as I released Mana’s hand before grabbing my bow from behind.


“Frost Arrow…” I mumbled while pulling the bowstring as fast as I could before an arrow of ice appeared on the bow as I soon released the bowstring before a streak of blue and white twirling around, flew forward, followed by a loud crystal explosion as the figure of a white-haired idol-like lady with a witch hat came to sight.


“Alright! I am sorry, I didn’t mean to try attacking the three of you!” the white-haired idol lady screamed as she rose her hands up in the air, carrying a glass cylinder that was filled with an oddly blue liquid that didn’t scream safe.


Almost instantly after she finished speaking, the glass cylinder dropped to the ground as the lady’s figure vanished out of thin air as I released my bow before it vanished out of thin air as I took out two metallic black daggers from my waist, propelling my body forward as I held my breath.


It was one of the techniques taught to me which relied on the heavy control of mana to raise both my speed and attack points temporarily, but at the same time, reduce my health points by a certain amount as holding my breath reduces my oxygen consumption.


“There…” I mumbled while looking at the mini map as a white dot came to sight at my side, immediately, I launched a kick to the side before pushing my body down and jumping up in the air as I launched myself up and dropped my daggers down before they vanished as a window appeared.


Relationship System

[Mana Fragaria] will be launching the spell [Mini Fireball] at the target location, do you wish to follow up with Angel’s Arrow? [Y/N]


Without hesitation, I pressed the Yes button before a white foggy bow appeared on my hand like last time, but this time, the bow was more refined as my level had grown by a large amount since then along with my knowledge of the system.


Relationship System [Paired with Mana Fragaria’s system]

[Mana Fragaria] has launched [Mini Fireball] at the target location, within three seconds, please follow up with Angel’s Arrow.


After receiving the signal from the system, I pulled the bowstring as a white arrow came into sight before I released the bowstring as the arrow propelled forward followed by a descending sensation as I slowly descended down to the ground after manipulating my mana to keep me afloat.


In an instant, the arrow turned into a white net, flying towards the white-haired lady who had a pale face as the net captured her just before I was caught by Mana’s wind spell that reduced the impact of the fall by ninety percent.


“Ouch… that still hurts…” I said after receiving the reduced impact of the fall as Mana patted my hair before the two of us along with Flora started making our way towards the white-haired lady who seems to be resisting the net as hard as she could.


“I’ll assume you are the person we are looking for, is that correct… Witch of Isle, Leisha?” I said before the white-haired lady winked with her tongue out.


“You caught me, as expected of the infamous unrivaled couple that keeps carrying a child on every quest,” she said as Flora smacked her head, creating a tiny crater as the white-haired lady paled. Well… that’s Flora for you, she truly hates being called a child.

I decided to time-skip a month ahead, since it would be too boring to watch Ayumi swing and run thousands of times, right? Eeh... no? You wanted to read Ayumi swing and slash while being battered by her sweat? Perverts!


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