A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 31. Cute…



After dashing for some time, I soon reached the gate where a familiar white-haired idol-like lady stood there with her hand waving; the lady was none other than the Witch of Isle, Leisha who seems to be dressed in an odd outfit.


“Yo!” she said as I looked behind and waved back after determining that Estelle was not going after me anymore. She is one demon when mad, especially when it involves money since she is someone who loves to spend at the same time conserve money.


“What are you here for?” I asked while resting behind the gate, taking several deep breaths as she looked at me surprised.


“I was just passing by,” she said while averting her gaze suspiciously as I stared at her with suspicion. The witch of Isle passing by the school, which is like an entire direction away from the gate where her little hut is located?


“Okay… fine, I just wanted to see if I can get a sandwich before leaving…” she pouted most likely after realizing her suspicious look. Well, this girl seems to have fallen in love with Mana’s sandwiches… though I do admit, her sandwiches are evolving at a high rate.


“Well, bad luck for you—Mana is not here,” I said before her face looked stunned as she grabbed my shoulders and asked, “Are you serious?” before I nodded, confused as her eyes turned gloomy, her body turned into a slime, sliding down to the floor as a gloomy atmosphere descended before her.


It really seems like she wants another sandwich though Mana should be already at Flora’s school, which makes it hard since Flora dislikes anyone who tries to take away her snacks, makes me shiver remembering how Estelle was smacked away like a fly after trying to take a bite of Mana’s sandwich that was all for Flora.


“Ah right! The Guild!” she said as her eyes shone before standing up as she looked at me and asked, “If I request one directly from the guild, she will accept right?!" staring into my eyes as I looked at her surprised.


“Why are you wasting five silver coin fee and a reward to get a sandwich?” I asked before her body reverted back into a slime as a dark atmosphere surrounded her. To think that this was the same witch people thought was “ugly and scary”.


“Ahhh! Whatever, I will just come back after my business!” she screamed, standing up before grabbing my hand and opening it as she placed three blue tickets on it. The tickets specifically say “Band of Dragons” with three serial numbers. I was confused, but immediately after her face turned pink as she said, “Be sure to watch tonight…” before leaving as I looked confused.


Well, that sure confirms our speculation that she was a member of the Band of Dragons though what is strange is, why would the Witch of Isle be playing as a member of the Band of Dragons when making potions already make you a multi-millionaire.


“Ayumi, cough…” a creepy voice called from behind as I slowly turned around, shivering as the orange-haired Estelle stood there, dragging a half-dead Aurora on the floor as the thick, heavy knife on her hand glimmered like a tiger preying down on its food.


“Uh… I didn’t do anything…” I said while trying to run, but it was too late as a knife flew down a few steps before me, stabbing the ground which made me freeze for a second as Estelle grabbed my back and threw me like a pancake being flipped.


“Now then, how about I teach the two of you a lesson?!” she said as her neck cracked, her knuckles exploded as sweat dripped from my forehead before our screams echoed throughout the entire school.


After an hour of punishment which involved repairing the hallway, cleaning up the fallen glass, buying new glass panels, and all those other kinds of stuff. I was finally released from the torture, walking back home as the figure of Mana and Flora walking down the street towards our gate, holding ice cream to sight.


“Aywumi-ma!” Flora looked at me and ran towards my direction as Mana who was carrying the ice cream looked towards my direction surprised. Without batting an eye, I lifted Flora up and patted her head as she smiled.


“Ehehehe!” she buried her head onto my shoulder as I walked towards Mana with a smile.


“How was it?” I asked before a bright smile came to her face as Mana reached out to her before Mana gave the ice cream back to Flora who started eating on it. It was a chocolate ice cream that could be found in a café near here.


“It was good, Flora performed excellently as always. She was even awarded an award,” she said before a warm feeling came to my heart as we walked inside the residence with Flora biting on her delicious ice cream, she was the type to bite the ice cream and not lick.


“She really takes after your intelligence,” I complimented, patting her head as she squinted her eyes while continuing to bite on her ice cream before the three of us reached the door as I lowered her down before she handed me her ice cream as she took off her shoes like an obedient child.


She was a child in appearance, heart, and mentality; I feel like it would be wrong to call her a spirit at this point, even the older people have said that she is pretty much like a human child at this point but with the only difference being her intense mana and strength.


“How about you, how did your talk with the headmaster go?” Mana asked as we entered inside the residence after taking our shoes off.


“Well, it went kind of well…” I responded before she laughed.


“Don’t tell me the vice headmaster smacked both of you again?” she said with a loud voice, closing the door as I smiled wryly.


“I mean… it’s technically not my fault…” I rebuked before her laughter became louder as she placed a kiss on my cheeks, patting my head as a brighter smile came to her face. There was no reminiscent of her old-self anymore, that same pink-haired girl who used to slap me on the face, and who always used to avoid groups… all that’s left was a bright and happy girl.


“You have changed a lot, Mana,” I said before she tilted her head as she asked, “Have I? I mean… I have been communicating a lot with other people after Flora came, not to mention… I am not alone anymore…” before her face blushed as Flora and I looked at her surprised.


It was a cute look on her face, a shockingly adorable look. I was speechless, her fingers fidgeted around like a cute girl… to think that this was the same Mana I knew before… shocking.


“Ehem! I should cook first…” she said while running away as Flora and I stared at each other for a second, nodding as we walked to the living room, still surprised over how adorable Mana was at that time.



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