A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 35. To The Town of Gesturia


“Well then, Estelle and I will be heading back for now! Take care the four… or five of you!” Aurora said as she waved her hand before dragging Estelle as the two of them sat hilariously on a broom before flying off as Aurora’s screams echoed from the distance.


After seeing them off, we were left with nothing to talk about. It was nothing but silence as people passed by us as if nothing had happened. Well, there was something that happened, but yeah, people tend to go with their day after being shocked.


“Are you two fine with taking the quest with us?” Kate questioned as she looked at Mana in particular who seems to be nodding.


“Well, I do agree with what the headmaster said, the coward will always steak weak whilst the risk-takers will keep growing, after all, it is an established fact that the risk-takers are the ones who are willing to sacrifice for growth…” Mana smiled satirically.


“I guess that means we’ll be together for the next few hours then. Please take care of us,” Kate said, bowing a bit down as we followed.


“Take care of us as well…” Mana and I said before we smiled at one another as Flora looked at us confused but followed anyway.


After a short while, we quickly registered ourselves at the counter as a party before taking up the quest which had the following details.

The Library: Quest [Advent of Doom]

A certain creature identified as a High Ogre was sighted near the outskirts of the Town of Gesturia; the creature was described to be thrice the height of the average human being with the width of three normal weighted people. The weapon carried was said to be a large greatsword.


You acquire the following by completing this quest.

- A level up (from 44 to 45).

- 16 gold coins (per party member)

- A level up in Adventurer’s Rank (Mid-B to High-B)



Failing this quest may lead to a high chance of death; the survival rate for this quest is around five percent in case of failure. The current survival rate is at eighty-six.


The Library, after leveling up to three, tends to provide more details about a certain quest almost like it was overseeing the world, which was interesting. It was a system I do not understand a lot, even the Knowledgebase, which is the records of plenty of things don’t understand.


“The four members, [Mana Fragaria], [Ayumi], [Kate Silvia], [Kaleen Isle] are now registered for Quest 83. A traveling carriage has been prepared by the requester, you may head for the Java exit and find a carriage with a white horse,” the receptionist, a beautiful ice blue-haired lady said as she handed us four wooden tags.


The lady kept staring at Flora for some reason, her eyes were pinned on her as if she was looking at a doll; the best way to describe her eyes was shiny, they were glimmering as they stared at Flora which made her a bit uncomfortable.


“Ah! Sorry… I kind of have a certain liking towards children, do you mind if I pet her a bit?” the blue-haired lady asked as I looked at Flora who seems to be consenting before moving her closer to the blue-haired lady as she started petting her before drool started falling from her mouth.


It was then when I realized, the lady was not any ordinary doll lover… but a lolicon, her eyes were dying as she petted Flora on the head. Flora couldn’t do anything, she only looked at me with a frozen look on her face as the lady soon snapped back to reality.


“Ehem… thank you…” the lady said, blushing as we stared at her with a different kind of impression. I guess people have their own quirks and stuff.


After that short session of weirdness, the four of us soon left the guild and headed towards one of the few exits that were marked with the tag “Java”; the exits with Java were located at the left and from as far as I can remember, it was the place where horse carriages wait.


“Now… where is this white horse…” Kate mumbled as she looked around, there were plenty of carriages waiting. It was an entire six rows with a line of eight carriages per row in front of us; the horses were mainly of different colors, some were brown, light brown and all those other variants.


All of a sudden, Flora poked my cheeks, grabbing my attention as I turned towards her direction before she pointed in the direction where she pointed before a white horse stood over the distance, resting on the floor as it drank milk from a metallic bowl.


“Nice catch…” I said as all of them nodded before the four of us soon made our way towards the white horse as a woman wearing a cowgirl hat with a shirt that left her belly button unprotected while in black shorts and heavy-duty shoes rested on the side of the carriage, looking at us as she waved her hand.


“Ya’hallo! Are ya four perhaps the quest-takers?” the woman asked.


“Is this the carriage for Quest 83?” Mana asked as the woman nodded before jumping high up as she landed on the carriage seat.


“Hop on! We about’ta have a good ride!” she said before petting the top of the horse who soon stopped drinking the milk as it howled.


Following after her words, the four of us walked to the back of the carriage where a single door stood, opening it up as we entered inside the carriage that was made out of wood with two collapsible glass windows at either side.


“We’ll sit over this side...” I looked at Mana and said as we walked towards the right side before sitting down with Flora between us as Kaleen and Kate sat on the other side as the woman looked at us and nodded.


“Ya’ll ready?” she questioned before all of us nodded as she patted the horse’s fur before shouting, “Yeehaaa!” as the horse started moving towards the direction of the Town of Gesturia, the town well known for its high-quality rice.

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