A Most Devious Rival




I gripped the covers a little tighter as the bathroom door opened, softly lighting the dark room. I had to work very hard to suppress the whimper that the sight of Alex tried to drag out of me as she padded out, fresh from her shower. Her short hair lay smoothly to one side of her head, mussed out of the way with fingers and still wet. An oversized, faded anime t-shirt covered her, hanging down enough past her hips to be decent, but still short enough to make my throat dry. The ample curves beneath her shirt were alluring, but something about the sight of her in an anime shirt sent my inner nerdy gamer gibbering about the sexy gamer girl. 


I could already feel the liquid heat pooling in my core, and was immediately thankful for how dark the room was, because it felt like my cheeks were glowing. I pulled in a shuddering breath as she climbed in bed with me. Alex slipped under the covers, giving me one last glimpse of her pale thighs as she did.


My chest tightened, and my face flushed again as she rolled onto her side facing me, tucking the blankets under her chin in just the cutest way. We looked at each other for a long moment. How had I never noticed how beautiful her eyes were before? They were a deep shade of green, like a murky pond, with flecks of gold scattered throughout them. I felt like I was falling into her as I looked into her eyes. Alex’s giggle pulled me out of my reverie, I blinked, glancing at her soft lips, and flushed again, suddenly not sure what to do with myself.


“So, are you going to kiss me or what?” she said with a smirk, and I spluttered.


“Wha!?... what?”


“Gods, you’re so useless sometimes,” she whispered, sliding towards me. Suddenly everything was moving in slow motion. Alex’s hand on my cheek, so very soft and warm, her leg slipping between mine as she pulled herself across the small gap between us. Then her lips found mine and the universe ground to a halt. She was so very soft, her lips warm and wet as they pressed against mine, not hard, but with a confidence I don’t think I’ve ever felt. I shuddered and relaxed into her, our lips working together slowly as we found a rhythm, our bodies pressing against one another as we pulled each other close. Her soft tummy and softer curves against my more lithe muscularity.


I practically moaned into her mouth as I felt her soft breasts pressing against my own small buds. The feeling of my breasts being pressed against another girl’s was just so much, I squirmed and felt a tear spill onto my cheek.


“Hey… hey, are you okay? Was that not okay?” she asked, pulling away, her eyes suddenly full of worry. I could only think about how I’d tried to push this feeling down for so long, and now that a crack had been put in the wall of my denial, there was no going back. I could only think about how badly I wanted to kiss her again, so I did.


Alex’s eyes widened as I closed the small distance she had made, and kissed her, trying to show her how she made me burn with need. Alex melted into my arms as I pulled her close, her soft hand finding its way to my cheek as the softness of her lips overwhelmed me. I don’t know who started it, but soon our tongues were dancing between each other’s mouths. The feeling of her tongue against mine made my entire body shake as if I was going to fly apart.


“I’m good, it just… felt so right, and feeling you against me made me feel like a girl,” I said as we pulled apart again, this time still clinging to one another. Alex’s murky eyes were hooded with need, and I could feel the warmth of her breath against me.


“Mmmm, that’s because you are a girl, silly. A very hot one,” she said as she pulled me into a hug, her face nestling into the crook of my neck. I gasped as she kissed me there, slowly working her way up, then along my jaw, making me squirm with need and turning my already wet panties into a complete mess.


“Uhhh, fuck, Alex…” I moaned as she nipped at my ear. It was all so much. This past year, all our years together suddenly coming to a moment so powerful my chest surged with affection for her.


“You know, I’ve had just the biggest crush on you for years,” she said, her voice breathy in my ear. I wanted to say something, put voice to the sudden rush of feelings inside me, but Alex pressed her lips to mine again and thought fled.


We made out slowly; our kiss deepening again. I couldn’t stop myself as I started to grind against her hip, my womanhood achingly hard. Alex moaned in return, taking my hand that I had been holding her hip with, and slid it under her cute anime nightshirt.


I shuddered as Alex slid my hand up her thigh, resting it on her bare hip. Her skin was smooth as silk, and so warm. It wasn’t lost on me she’d gotten into bed not wearing panties. The soft give of her body beneath my hands drove me wild and feeling Alex trail her fingers under the hem of my shirt made me want to melt.


“Is this okay?” She asked, her voice thick with need, but serious.


“Yes, I want you Alex. I think I have for a while, but I was just too scared to do anything.”


Alex rolled us over. Her eyes free of their usual dark makeup sparkled in the dim light. She stripped off her shirt, and it turned into a shuffle as I tore my own clothes off as well. No longer able to stand having even the thin fabric between us.


Her weight rested back onto my hips as I kicked off my sweatpants. The feeling of her plush ass and soft thighs was amazing. I groaned, rocking my hips up against her in need, inadvertently drawing a moan out of us both as I ground the length of my cock against her half hard womanhood. It seemed only fitting that her cock would be as soft as the rest of her.


She slumped down, gasping as I trailed my hands down her back to get a feel of the ass I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off of the past year. She let out another sweet moan as I gave her plump ass a squeeze, rocking my hips to keep grinding our womanhoods together.


Alex leaked precum onto my bigger cock, the feeling of this hot girl getting wet for me as I squeezed her ass drove me even higher. The way her girlcum made our cocks glide against each other felt amazing. I kept rubbing and squeezing her fat butt, Alex’s needy little reactions driving me on just as much as my need for her perfect ass.


“Fuck, babe. You’re so big, it’s getting me so hot feeling how much smaller mine is,” Alex moaned as she slumped against me. Our lips found one another’s again, a mix of messy, needy kisses, and simply moaning together as our hips continued almost on their own.


The wetness between us continued to grow, as did the heat in my core. My muscles spasmed, the tension in me threatening to burst, as little jolts of ecstasy shot through me. Everything about Alex was just so hot and being with her just felt so right. There was just no way I could possibly hold back.


“Uunnnngggh, I’m… I’m about to,” I moaned. Alex pulled back, kissing and biting at me as she crawled down my body. 


“Please. I need to taste you,” she said, her voice husky with need. I could only nod, moaning softly with every kiss.


I had been right on the edge, and now I positively ached with need. Her delicate hand grabbed the base of my womanhood as she slipped between my legs, and I was mesmerized as Alex, my friend, and apparently rival for years placed needy kisses all along my hips. I could only squirm and whine as she looked up at me with those stunning eyes and slowly licked her way up the underside of my cock.


I could feel myself pulsing in her hand, so hard it nearly hurt as her hot, wet tongue swirled around just beneath my tip. Finally, when I wasn’t sure I could take anymore, she pulled back. Our eyes met, and I couldn’t help but flush looking at her. Her lips were puffy from our kissing, cheeks flushed, and her eyes were hooded.


“Oh, gods… I needed this,” she moaned, biting her lip as she gave me a wink. Then she pressed forward, wrapping her plush lips around my cock, and sucking hard as she slid down my length. The sudden sensation of being enveloped by her was nearly enough to set me off. My eyes fluttered, and legs tensed as I grunted, trying to warn her.


She just gave me another wink, before moaning as she bobbed up and down, making her mouth vibrate in a way that made my toes curl. She clearly knew what she was doing, and it felt like I was going to melt. The incredible sensations her mouth gave me were nearly too much. Beyond that though, she was so enthusiastic, almost desperate to have me inside her, which made me smile just as much as it turned me on. One hand slid up and down my length in sync with her lips, and she reached up with the other, lacing her fingers with mine.


Out of everything, somehow it was her grabbing my hand that sent me tumbling over the edge. Blinding ecstasy exploded through me, surging in waves as I seized up beneath Alex, only able to make a strangled squeak. She moaned as my cock pulsed, squeezing my hand as she slid back until her lips held only my tip. She pumped her other hand, jacking me off into her mouth as she swirled her hot tongue around my tip.


I felt her mouth growing wetter as I shot my load right onto her waiting tongue. Each surge of pleasure running through me, sending another rope of cum into Alex’s greedy mouth. She moaned and sucked, making wet sounds around my dick as she worked to get everything I could give her.


After a moment that seemed to last an eternity, I finally went limp as the tide receded. Sagging back down into the bed like a puppet with its strings cut. I hissed as Alex placed a kiss against my very sensitive tip, which just made her smirk up at me. I was still gasping for breath as she slid next to me, cuddling up against my side.


“Oh… oh wow. Alex. Fuck,” I gasped. My brain is still trying to solidify from the thorough melting Alex had just delivered.


“Hmmmm, thanks cutie. You taste so good,” she said into my ear, her voice still rich and breathy.


“Mmm. I’m all warm and bubbly. I like it,” I said, suddenly feeling like I was melting into the bed.


“Oohh, is it your first time having an afterglow, sweetie?”


“You mean it’s always like this for girls?” I asked, still groggy from the strange bliss that was filling me up.


“Hehehe, yep. I guess I gave you your first girlgasm then. I think I like that,” she said, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I rolled over, pulling her into my arms and pressed my lips to hers. I could taste myself on her as our lips gently worked against one another, and it was honestly kinda hot.


“I think I do too. I guess it probably won’t be your first one, but I’d really like to return the favor. I’m just, I’ve never really done this before,” I said nervously. I’d kissed girls, and the occasional guy before, but I’d just never really felt comfortable taking it further before. I only recently realized that it was because I was thinking of being with those people in the wrong body, the wrong me. Being a girl had suddenly made a lot of things more interesting, but it was also different because it was Alex. She’d always been there for me, and being with her felt right in a way I can’t imagine it could with anyone else.


“Oh,” she said, eyebrows raising up, and I tensed up, suddenly nervous.


“Well, how’d you like to lose your virginity by buttfucking a goth gamer girl?” she continued, that smirk of hers tugging at her lips. I couldn’t help but giggle, and she joined in, rolling her eyes.


“I didn’t bring any lube,” I said. Suddenly worried that my chance at the ass I’d been obsessing over the last year would be thwarted by logistics.


“I uh, just happened to have gotten myself ready,” she said, driving away my sudden worries with a kiss.


“Wow, that’s convenient. Crazy how so many things happened to get us in bed together. What made you want to lube…” I said, surprised at how the universe seemed to be conspiring to get us to hook up, before Alex interrupted me with another kiss.


“I planned it, sweetie. You uh, don’t exactly pick up on hints my dear Fleur,” she said as she pushed a lock of hair behind my ear. And after an embarrassingly long moment, it finally all clicked in place.


“Oh…” I said, only just now realizing that the tournament had never had people share rooms before, and that it was pretty unlikely that they would have changed that without telling anyone.


“Now, how about we work on battle rezzing this perfect dick of yours,” Alex said, cutting off my spiralling thoughts, and making me giggle again.


We held each other close. Kissing in the softly lit evening. Right then, just in a world of our own. My hands explored her body. I traced my fingers along the soft, pale expanse of her thighs, slid my hands across the sexy plushness of her tummy, and gently caressed her large breasts. She had wide areolas that scrunched up when I ran my thumb across them, her nipples growing hard, and they were absolutely perfect. Every inch of Alex was perfect, and I wanted nothing more than to spend all night worshipping her.


Alex’s hands explored my body in return. Our tongues danced as she ghosted her fingers along the swell of my shoulders and biceps. She traced the subtle lines of my abs which made me squirm against her. It felt so strangely sensitive in a way that was somewhere between ticklish, and pleasurable.


Having a girl that hot pressed against you, her breasts pressing against your own, her tongue teasing your lips. Well, how a girl could possibly stay soft is beyond me. And I certainly wasn’t an exception. In short order, I felt myself stir against her hip. Alex smiled into our kiss as I ground myself against her soft thigh, growing a little harder with every thrust until I couldn’t help but grab her hips in need as I trailed pre across her skin.


“I think she’s ready for me, baby,” Alex purred as she wrapped her fingers around my cock, dragging a moan out of me as she pumped her fist. I could only nod, already drowning in my need for her.


“Well, I’m definitely ready for her,” she said, as she reached back and grabbed a pillow before tucking it beneath her hips. After an honestly adorable little wiggle to get situated, Alex grabbed my hand, encouraging me to climb between her legs, and I was more than happy to follow her lead.


My heart was pounding in my chest as I took her plush thighs in my hands, spreading her legs to give me access. The sight of her made my cock throb, leaking a little drop of precum onto the bedding. Alex’s soft lips were slightly open as she looked at my cock, her eyes lidded with need. Her slender cock was still half hard, and a little rope of precum trailed from its tip to her soft tummy as her little cock pulsed with need. Her cute little hole flexed and pulsed, pink and glistening with lube. The sight made me bite my lip with a groan. It seemed odd, but somehow seeing Alex’s asshole on display, just for me was strangely romantic, and I suddenly felt even closer to her if that was possible.


I slipped forward, pressing my tip against her entrance, groaning from the way it gave slightly, rubbing at my sensitive tip. I wasn’t exactly sure of myself, but I really wanted this to be good for her. Our eyes met, her murky pools gleaming with lust as she gave me a brief nod.


I pressed my hips forward and let out a shuddering moan as the head of my cock slipped inside her slick ass after the slightest resistance. I held back for a second, just as much to get control of my body as to let her get used to me. She was so incredibly hot and tight; the sensation made my entire body tingle. I could tell I was already leaking precum into her snug butt, and we’d only just started.


“MMmmm, oh, good girl. Good girl, Fleur. Don’t worry, I can take it,” she moaned, her ass flexing and pulsing around my tip, as if encouraging me to keep going. I wasn’t about to argue when Alex asked me to do exactly what I wanted most. We both panted and moaned as I looked into her eyes, feeding inch after inch of cock into her needy butt.


After a long moment, my hips met her soft ass. We both let out a soft sigh, and after another moment, I pressed against her, squishing her butt against me to sink in the last little bit of my cock. That last quick thrust made Alex grunt, and her eyes flutter as I ground against her, my soft pubes tickling her stuffed hole.


She gasped as I started to slowly pull back out, and I let out a long moan. I could feel her squeezing down on me on the way out. Finally, I felt the ridge of my cock press back against her ring, and I started a long, slow thrust back into her.


“Oooh, you’re such a good girl. You’re doing so good. Oh my gods, yes. So perfect, baby,” Alex moaned and babbled encouragement as I slid my length in and out of her. Every mention of me being a good girl made me smile and squirm. I tried to stay in control of myself, but Alex just felt so good, and the way she was showering me in praise had made my brain all foggy.


I slowly picked up the pace, pulling out slowly before pushing back into her, each time a little faster than the last. It didn’t take long before I had built up a hard rhythm. The sound of my hips meeting her ass over and over filled the air with a steady plapplapplapplap. Every thrust I could feel myself grinding against her swollen prostate, and see how my cock smashing her button made her toes curl, and her cock spurt on her increasingly wet tummy.


Alex’s praise had slowly degraded from actual sentences to a repetitive babble as I began to really hammer her snug ass. Her moans and cries of “good girl!” were interspersed by the wet noises of cock filling ass. Alex’s gorgeous voice praising me, her perfect body jiggling as I fucked her, and the incredible sensation of her ass wringing my cock. It was all too much, and I was quickly growing unsure who would cum first.


Thankfully, a moment later Alex finally broke, letting out a long moan as her ass spasmed around me. The feeling of her tight hole milking me, and the sight of Alex completely enraptured by the bliss of her climax sent me over the edge as well. Alex’s dick pulsed, letting out a few weak spurts of almost clear cum. My own cock pulsed inside her, and I could feel her already hot, wet ass grow even wetter as I shot my load deep inside her.


After a long moment, we both slowly started to come down. I let go of her legs, suddenly realizing I had been squeezing her thighs so hard I was a little worried I might have left a bruise, and had pushed them almost up to her ears. I started to pull out, suddenly unsure of myself, but Alex stopped me with a small noise of disapproval. She gestured me closer, and I was happy to oblige. Staying inside her for just a little longer sounded pretty nice right that moment.


I leaned forward, pressing my lips to hers, our breasts pressed against each other, as I slowly grew soft inside her. I relished in that moment, the feeling of being so completely connected. 


We held each other as the kiss ended, simply holding one another close. I rested my head in the crook of her neck, and for the first time felt actually at home.


“I… I think somewhere along the way, I’ve found myself loving you,” I said, my voice barely a whisper. She hummed, and pressed another kiss to my cheek.


“I’m glad you finally figured it out. I love you too,” she said, and I could feel her smile against my cheek.


“I thought maybe we could sign up for duos,” I said. She only sighed.


And that's it for this story! I really am just so very full of joy from all of the comments and attention the story has received. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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