A Murder Wizards Adventure

104 It’s like a Matryoshka doll

Understanding that time is of the essence here, I don't bother wasting any.

However, instead of simply charging at the men in front of me, I instead gather electrical chakra in my hand, winding it tightly around my my fore and middle fingers, using the two of them as 'rails' from which I create my alternating current.

Then I point my hand at the Shinobi in front of me, far enough away that they don't believe the battle has truly begun yet.

But my Jutsu has no such range limitations.

After a moment to properly charge it, I summon one of my bo shuriken from my tattoo, making it appear in my hand that has taken the shape of a finger gun.

Once the slim shuriken appears, I drop my thumb down, imitating the hammer of a gun.

The very instant my thumb touches the end of my chosen ordinance, there is a flash of light then, extending from my hand and to the centre of their formation is a line of sparking, electrical light.


The projectile lands and causes an explosion, the sheer amount of kinetic energy being released igniting the very air at the point of impact.

I admire the effect of my Jutsu for a moment, pleased with the knowledge that that wasn't even maximum potency.

However they weren't all just standing together in one big group, so by my estimate I only got a dozen or so of them.

Now they have realised the folly of keeping a distance they are all running for me, but it's not like my Railgun has a cooldown.

By the time they make it to me, I fired off three more Railgun shots, eliminating a couple dozen more, bringing the total down to a more manageable sixty or so.

Thinking that range Jutsu is me biggest strength, four of the fastest among them burst into my personal space, weapons drawn.

One kunai coming for my eye, a sword coming for the back of my neck and two more swords aiming for my torso.

Right as the blades are about to connect, I lean to the side and jump slightly at the same time, rotating my body so I am parallel to the ground, the weapons passing above and below me as a result.

As I am in the air, I spin, summoning a pair of tanto at the same time and taking the hands of off both of the Shinobi that were aiming for my torso.

I unsummon one of my tantos and land on the now free palm before using a Kawarimi to swap with a rock behind the man who tried to behead me.

Swinging my tanto before I even recognise the change in surroundings, already knowing where to swing, the man loses his head before the other two even properly recognise their lack of hands.

"Come now! It's not very nice to gang up on me like this! How about you all come at me one at a time and keep things fair!?" I shout my taunt to the rest of the Shinobi present.

I have to dodge around as a slew of kunai is their response to my words.

Before the kunai stop flying for me, I have to raise a wall of earth to block a series of lighting strikes aiming to turn me into charcoal.

A quick glance around to get a proper understanding of the situation shows that they have split into groups of around five and are starting to surround me.

Not wanting to give them the advantage, I rush to a group that doesn't seem as coordinated as the rest.

Dodging projectiles as I run, I jump into the air slightly as I approach, drop kicking the Shinobi at the front, sending the sword in his hands flying.

Using the push back from my kick, I land in a handstand and push off the ground, flipping to land on my feet and making another wall of earth, this time a dome surrounding me and this group of five, locking us together in darkness.

But I can see just fine thanks to my Jutsu and not wanting to waste chakra, I don't bother with any offensive Jutsu, instead I simply run up to the panicking Shinobi with my katana now in my hands.

The first man that tries to contest me comes with a pair of kunai drawn, it takes no effort to side step his strikes, stabbing deep into his arm pit when he overextends, killing him.

I pull my katana out and in the same motion remove the arm of the second man who was trying to get me from behind. I leave him screaming as I focus on number three and four.

Three clearly has no sensory capabilities as he is flailing a kunai in front of him, while four is weaving hand signs.

knowing that number two is still behind me holding his stump of an arm, I let four shoot his Jutsu at me, dodging the lightning and letting it pierce through his teammate.

Three uses the brief flash of light to throw his kunai at me, but that is easily dodges with a short twist, and I catch the kunai as it passes before throwing it at four.

Before it even lands I am already in three's face, katana posed to take his head.

Both of them die at the same time, blood spurting from three's neck covering my face.

As I hear the walls of my dome starting to crumble I quickly approach the guy I kicked at the start, who clearly has a few broken ribs and is trying to crawl away.

A quick thrust with me katana and his struggle is no more.

Aren't I such a nice guy?

As the walls around me crumble, I fall through the ground, swimming through the earth until I am behind another somewhat isolated group.

I launch myself out of the ground, intending to attack them from behind whilst they aren't expecting it.

Only, as soon as I leave the ground, the five of them disappear in a shunshin each, and I feel dozens of Katon Jutsu heading towards me from all around at once.

Right, everyone can sense my location perfectly thanks to the curse, I forgot about that.

Quickly taking control of the air around me, I make a dome as fast as I can, not having the time to think about a better solution.

Unfortunately, that was my second mistake today, as when the Fire Jutsu impact my dome of wind, they are not stopped, instead the wind acts as fuel and makes the Jutsu even stronger as they hit me.

Now, wind can be used to stop fire, but if the velocity of the fire is higher than the wind, then the wind will instead become fuel for the fire.

I don't really have time to properly appreciate this fact as I am currently 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦 and too busy screaming.

I may have a high pain tolerance, but burning alive is one of the most painful ways to die, especially when you are using a healing Jutsu to keep yourself alive.

But this pain isn't much worse than being melted alive, so I regain my mental faculties, even if it's difficult to properly focus through the pain.

But I manage to gather my chakra in my mouth and spit a river of water straight at my own feet, causing an explosion of boiling steam that is hardly less painful than the fire.

Using the resulting smokescreen, I wait for my body to fully repair itself, and then I launch myself full speed at the closest enemy, knowing that stealth and misdirection is mostly useless here.

Not expecting the sudden explosive movement, the first man I reach only has time to step back in shock as my blade removes his head.

As his head flies into the sky, I charge for his team who are still stunned by the blood spray in front of them.

The second goes down without realising it, the third flinches but dies without resistance. The fourth tries to dodge but is too slow and the fifth tries to parry with a kunai, but I just sharpen the coat of wind chakra on my blade enough that I cut through his kunai as easily as I do his head.

Only then, does the first's head hit the ground.

Covered in blood, both my own and my enemies, I turn to face those still alive, as I do so, I notice a lock of pink hair fall in front of my eyes.

Ah, my Medical Cloak has healed me to how I should be as all the modifications got burned off, meaning I am no longer in disguise.

I'm also naked again.

But I did plan for this, I have clothes in my storage that have been covered in Fuinjutsu to make them fireproof and just generally resistant to things, not that they will stop the fire from burning me, but at least they won't leave me naked so easily.

In a blink, I go from naked to fully dressed, since my storage tattoos are now connected to my full body tattoos, I don't need to make everything appear in my hands.

Now dressed in my, at this point signature long black cardigan, with black, comfortable and slim harem pants as well as a silk, pink shirt. Since there's no point in wearing anything stealthy, I figure I should go with what's comfortable.

Besides, I made all of this fire resistant for a reason after all.

On my feet are a simple pair of black steal soled and toed boots. I never understood why so many people wear open toe boots here, I much rather have some steal to enhance my kicks.

It's not just steal either, it's chakra metal, which opens up some options.

In response to the looks everyone is giving me, I flash a charming smile, somewhat offset by the blood in my face and hair.

"What? You didn't expect me to fight you naked did you? I'm sorry but if you want 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 kind of battle you'll have to see me in private."

I can tell that my jovial attitude even in spite of the situation at hand has had the intended effect of unnerving them.

I even hear one of them muttering something under their breath.

"It's the Bloody Wraith."

It fills me with joy that I am recognisable by sight, and the resulting smile only unnerves them further.

Before they can have a chance of regaining their wits, I charge forward once again, not bothering to go for isolated people this time, as is my general tactic.

Because that tactic relies on my enemy not knowing where I am, but obviously I can't do that, so I have to use a different fighting style.

But that's fine with me, it's like what many people have noted before about me. I do seem to do better in fights where I'm outnumbered rather than fair one on ones.

The reason why which becomes apparent the next moment.

Rushing straight into the largest concentration of enemies, I make to strike the closest man, only to be blocked my a number of kunai and shuriken, all of which are suddenly hit by a gust of wind that carries them off target and towards their allies.

As they are bust dodging their own projectiles, I swing my sword horizontally for the new number one's neck, but he leans backwards to dodge the attack.

Unfortunately for him, there was a blade of wind there and so he decapitates himself on my Jutsu.

I don't stay to admire the effects of my attack as the enemy has gathered themselves and are preparing another attack.

I rush to another group of Shinobi, three of them, and the rest cancel their Jutsu, not wanting to hit allies.

Right before I am about to engage with one of the Shinobi, I notice that what I believe to be the final Shinobi in the group finally entered the range of my Field of Death Jutsu, so in an effort to end the fight quickly, I ignore chakra cost for a moment and turn the area around me into a blender of oversized wind blades.

In an instant, it goes from a fight to a slaughter as my opponents find themselves transformed into a cyclone of blood and flesh.

I keep the red tornado up for a moment to ensure it was successful before pulling my chakra back and dropping it.

Blood flies everywhere when the thing keeping it in a tornado dissipates, leaving me standing in the centre of a circle of blood and gore.

The smell is horrible, but it's nothing I am not used to by this point, so I don't dwell on it.

I look around but don't see any more Shinobi and I don't have the time to do a proper check, my Field of Death is probably only around one hundred metres after all, I haven't measured properly, since it changes as I get better at it.

Satisfied, I get back to running.

Only sixty five hours to go.


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