A Murder Wizards Adventure

106 Geoguesser Gone Wrong! w(゚Д゚)w

Ok, so I have the Third Raikage on my tail, as well as Killer B, Jinchurriki of the eight tails, and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if at this point A junior is also chasing me.

Though, maybe they decided that they should leave someone behind to defend the village.

Then again, I doubt they are expecting me to last very long, especially with Big A on the case.

But what is really important right now, is killing these guys and running further ahead.

Most of my clones are simply going to be buying time with words and conversation, so that they don't waste chakra and I can get it back when they pop.

However, if a clone comes across a group that they think they can take out reasonably quickly, then they are to do so, so as to keep them guessing which is the real me.

It would be rather obvious if only one chakra signature didn't stop to talk after all.

In other words, I shouldn't be wasting my time talking with these losers, and should just kill them all quickly.

Deciding on that course of action, I start to cover my hand and forearm in lightning chakra, coiling it around my appendage as tightly as I can, then I point my hand to the largest concentration of Shinobi, summon my projectile and fire.

A beam of light leaves my hand and impacts my enemies in almost the same instant.

The resulting explosion is much larger this time.

Where my usual Railgun shots make an explosion around ten metres in diameter, this one makes an explosion that by estimate about ten times as strong.

Which is why, before the dust even settles I am rushing in to make use of the fact that they are still reeling from the force of the blast and the ringing in their ears to my advantage.

I would say that my Railgun Vol Two killed approximately a quarter of them, but now they are likely to keep greater distances with each other in future encounters.

The first group I reach are still disoriented and quickly lose their heads in flash of chakra enhanced steel and I am onto the next before the first head can hit the ground.

By the time my opponents are aware enough to start dodging, I have already taken out fifteen of them in three groups, taking the total down to around one hundred and thirty, give or take a few.

And I am right in the middle of them all.

A ring of kunai and shuriken closes in on me and I manipulate the earth beneath me, causing a pole of earth to rise from the ground, launching me into the sky and away from the metal projectiles.

Of course, with me now being in the air I am a clear target for Jutsu.

At the apex of my jump, when the effect of gravity on me is zero and I'm at that point where you are just still in the air for a moment, I see around me a barrage of Lightning Jutsu, all ready to turn me into a crisp husk or meat.

But I am not so careless as to put myself in such an unfavourable position.

Granted, I can't use kawarimi thanks to all of the chakra interference around me, but I always have a surprise or two hidden away.

I face myself towards the tilted pillar of earth, as simple kunai wasn't enough to fell it completely, and I open my mouth.

Chameleon Style: Fly Catcher.

My tongue extends from my mouth at a speed comparable to my Railgun and connects with the top of the pillar, sticking to it. In the next instant I am below the Jutsu as they all clash in the air above me in a giant explosion.

Meanwhile, I am swinging around the pillar by my tongue, until I let go, making use of my velocity to turn a mans skull into mush with my feet, flying through that guy and cracking the ground below him as I land in a crouch.

Moving before the dust settles from my landing I stick out my legs, standing on my hands, and I spin a quick circle, knocking the feet out from under the two Shinobi within arms reach of me.

As they are still horizontal in the air, I spin to get back on my feet and with a push of chakra, the floor beneath the two of them spears up in a long triangle, cutting them both in half even as I approach the other two members of this group, katana drawn.

A burst of speed has me appearing before the two of them, both of which reel back from my sudden appearance in their faces.

I swing my katana for their faces, but both of them dodge by leaning backwards in synch.

I bring my missed swing back the other way, lower this time, aiming for their legs, making the two of them jump up, still in synch.

Only, instead of their hands finding stability on the ground, they find themselves landing on a spike of dirt which pierces both of their hands.

Pushing through the pain, they try to do a full flip to land back on their feet, but the shock of pain made them pause, and in that time I brought my blade back around, bisecting them both at once, getting even more blood covering me, since I'm not wasting chakra just to keep clean.

Not when every drop matters.

I have to jump backwards, away from the fresh corpses to avoid another barrage of Lightning, only for a Shinobi to jump for me, using my velocity to bring us closer together even faster.

I barely have the time to spin mid air to avoid being skewered, but he still managed to land a deep gash on my side as we passed.

I touch ground and another pair is trying close combat, the first comes at me with a swing of the sword while the other is on my opposite side with a pair of kunai.

I step towards the sword wielder and grab his wrist before his swing can gain momentum, then I spin on my heel, launching the man in my hands at his teammate, hearing bones brake from the force of my throw.

A burst of my Medical Cloak and I am back to peak physical health, but my chakra is waning. Though I do still have a number of clones out who are holding my reserves with them.

Another slew of lightning heads my way, and just as I use a shunshin to get away, though not too far to save chakra.

That decision to be conservative turns out being a mistake as what seems to be liquid lightning breaks off from where I was standing to chase after me.

Not having expected that, I am a little late to respond, only barely getting out of the way in time, resulting in one of my legs getting burned to a crisp and start spasming uncontrollably.

On one leg I burst my Medical Cloak again, immediately jumping away after, heading for another group this time since I need to lower their numbers.

Briefly, I lament. If my invisibility was a factor here, then this would be going a whole hell of a lot differently.

But eh, what can you do.

The way I'm smiling might be betraying my thoughts slightly though.

I can't help it though.

I am just 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘜𝘊𝘏 𝙁𝙐𝙉~.

A laugh slips out of my throat unbidden as I truly let the fact that the Raikage is here and that I might die set in.

I can't lie.

𝘐 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴.

I reach the next group and decide to say fuck it to chakra cost. Time is a more important factor.

In other words, 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴.

I land in the centre of a group of ten, and in the next instant all of their heads roll off, ten rings of super sharp wind having closed in from around their necks.

The rest of the attacks pause for a second at the sudden change in lethality, but I won't let them survive for much longer than that.

How many are even left? One hundred and twenty or so?

That seems about right.

I jump from my rock towards a group who has been using a large rock for the height advantage to launch Jutsu from.

I'm pretty sure the guy with liquid lightning was up here, so I launch myself full speed into the rock, reinforcing my leg as I spin to land foot first into the rock, turning it into rubble through strength alone.

Bitch, my wife is the strongest woman on the planet, you think I can't crush you with my bare hands?

As they evacuate the broken high ground, I locate the user of what I think is Storm Release and I launch a pair of chakra strings, wrapped around each other to become a chakra rope, one from each hand that land on a large piece of rubble each so I can launch myself forward like spider man.

Just because I never really have a need to use many Jutsu, doesn't mean I haven't been abusing shadow clones to learn Jutsu.

Mid air, I dispel the chakra ropes and summon a lump of metal from my tattoos under my feet and using the brief moment before gravity takes hold, I launch myself through the falling rubble, off of my foothold and spear into the Storm Release user.

We collide in the air and I tackle him. After a brief moment wrestling in the air, I manage to spin us around so that we hit the ground on his back, only before we do so I tuck in my legs so that me knees are driven straight into his guts.

He dies on impact, spitting out his lungs in a horrific display of gore that would have had Jun dying of laughter if the bastard was still alive.

I roll over the corpse to bleed my momentum and take off running.


It's not like I 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 to kill them all, and right now I am a distance away form them and they are all distracted.

My main objective here is still to escape, and my clones are mostly dead at this point, only three of them- two of them still fighting.


I make a new set of clones, dispelling the two still standing, since it's obvious they are clones now, and when we split up again, I make sure to take the direction that leads me exactly opposite to the Raikage.

After a few more minutes of running, the clones behind me mostly having died already, leaving me with half, I see a village in front of me and that reminds me.

I have been running without a map for a while now, I have absolutely no idea where the fuck I am. Am I even heading away from Kumogakure anymore?

I have no idea, and that is a bad thing. Would it be too much to quickly get a map while I'm here?

It would certainly be helpful.


Fuck it, it shouldn't take long, small villages like these usually have a big map in the centre of the village.

I run into the village, not slowing down in the slightest as my eyes take in my surroundings in supersonic speeds.

I see the map and grab it, dropping explosive tags as I go and I am in and out of the village in about four seconds.

I am very fast after all.

The village explodes behind me a moment later and I can only hope that my pursuers take the time to help out the villagers instead of ignoring them to chase me.

I notice some of my explosive tags disappearing from my seals and can only assume that a clone or two has also come across a village and had the same idea.

Naturally, we are the same mind after all.

Now, where the fuck am I?


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

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