A Murder Wizards Adventure

108 Please don’t die

From their perspective, perhaps it seems like they have a chance of victory.

After all, here I stand, in the centre of a ring of over nine hundred Shinobi, above us a giant dome of rotating weapons, from kunai to shuriken to katana, if it's metallic, then it's there, poised to turn me into a pincushion.

I can see how they would make the mistake of believing they have the advantage here.

But they are blind.

Blind to Natural Energy at least, because I started gathering it as soon as this guy showed his face.

Which is why, as soon as I see the first of the floating kunai start moving forward, I ð˜®ð˜°ð˜·ð˜¦.

In the same instant, my features change as I entre Sage mode. My blue irises spread to cover my sclera as a six pointed, purple star emerges from my pupil, two point horizontal, either side of my pupil, while the other six make a pair of reverse crowns in my eyes.

The moment my transformation is complete, the weapons in the sky not having covered even half the distance to me, I ð˜£ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜´ð˜µ forward, moving faster than I ever have in my life, and I reach Toroi before his eyes can even move to track my form.

In slow motion, I watch from my crouched position as Toroi's eyes slowly move downwards to meet my own, his eyes widening at the same slow speed.

Before he can move however, I am already thrusting my hand, coated in Senjutsu enhanced wind chakra, straight through his heart and out the other side.

I pause for a moment as time returns to normal and all of the weapons in the sky fall down, luckily having all been inside of the circle and thus not hitting anyone.

But other than the clanging of falling blades, silence pervades.

That silence however, is broken by Toroi, as he coughs up a globule of blood right on the side of my face and shoulder.

Still, no words are said as he stares at me in disbelief, before the light leaves his eyes and he collapses backwards, falling off of my now red arm.

It really feels gross thrusting your hand through a person, because at that point the blood isn't really liquid, but is more slimy and sticky and it just isn't the greatest, but it's also kind of nice? 

I guess it's like slime, sometimes it's gross, but sometimes the texture is just oddly soothing.

Man, I really sounded insane just then, oh well, time to get back to killing.

Still in Sage mode, I decide to just go all out and end this quickly.

Gathering chakra in my lungs once again, only this time Instead of water, it is a mountain of fire that I launch from my mouth.

From my lips, spill a wall of flames so high you would have to crane your neck to see it's top, but even with it's hight, it takes less than a second for the flames to reach the first of the Shinobi around me, atomising them in an instant through it's sweltering heat.

I spin a full circle as I spit the unbelievably large torrent of flames out of my mouth, not even watching as it turns men and women to dust.

The fire burns me too, but compared to the screams of everyone around me, I handle it much better.

Not wasting time, and sure that everyone here is either dead or incapacitated, I activate my Medical Cloak and grit my teeth as I run through the fire in the direction of the other interesting thing I found on my map.

I thought about simply trying not to get burned by the fire, but a cloak of water would simply evaporate, and I learned my lesson about defending against fire with wind.

Of course, it's only after I am free of the flames that I realise I could have probably used my elemental control to make the fire split before me, rather than trying to protect myself from it.

Ah well, all things are simple in hindsight.

I don't forget to deactivate Sage mode once I'm clear of the fire.

A number of Shinobi did in fact survive my overpowered Jutsu, but none of them try to stop me as I run past, visibly afraid.

It's a good thing too, because I poured a solid half of my chakra into that, enhanced by Sage mode, it was surely quite the beacon.

Which means my other clones now serve no point, so I dispel them.

I don't bother making any more clones as I run forward this time, since my destination is not far, and at this point it's obvious that I can't simply run away and stall for time.

Because now, they will be keeping everyone together, since clearly splitting up is not a good idea. The hundreds of charred corpses I just left behind should attest to that well enough.

And I realised something, why even bother running?

All I will be doing is tiring myself out, and if a fight is inevitable, I might as well get it out of the way before I start really getting tired.

With my clones now dispelled, I would say I have a bit more than half of my chakra remaining. I should be able to regain a portion of it through meditating before the Shinobi chasing me finally gather the nerve to attack.

Not that I plan to be giving up the initiative this time.

My smile returns full force as I consider what I have in store for the fools who think they can kill me with simply overwhelming numbers.

I reach my destination after a short run and an even shorter climb.

This place is what is known as a battle temple.

The monks have places like this all over the elemental nations, they are something of a point of pilgrimage for them, the idea being that you hike up the mountain and then, as the name implies, you fight.

Because of this being it's purpose, the entire top of the mountain has been removed to make space for a flat arena.

The result is that it looks like a giant sword cleaved the top third of the mountain off.

This means that it is a simple flat surface, nothing to get in the way.

Even in the dark of the early night, the view from up here is something to be admired. A forest of black, no light polluting it, except of course, the red scar in this black canvas that is the result of my earlier Jutsu.

A sense of pride fills me, seeing the destruction that I caused, but I quickly look away from that and focus on the forest in general, looking for movement.

I make four clones with an idle thought and they quickly run a full circle around the perimeter of the mountaintop before taking up position so that each of them is standing in one of the cardinal directions.

Then I simply move to the middle of the arena and sit down to meditate and eat a soldier pill to help with my chakra recovery and make up for how little sustenance I've consumed in the past day or so.

I hear the buzzing starting after about an hour, swiftly followed by the explosions as each of my clones start using my Railgun technique to snipe at the Shinobi in the distance.

At this point, my chakra is probably a little below half, but once my clones dispel that will probably jump to a little above half.

So, that's not too bad.

I can work with half, it's still a lot after all, more than the average Jonin. Then again, the average Jonin isn't that impressive to me anymore.

The repeated buzzing finally stops, and I can only assume that the army of Kumo-nin realised that they shouldn't bother and entered a retreat.

The thought of them giving up makes me smile, but also makes me disappointed and I open my eyes with a sigh, ready to get a proper understanding of the situation without popping a clone.

But before I can stand, I hear a crackling that is distinctly not the sound of my Railgun.

Looking behind me, I almost gape as the Third Raikage appears, seeming to manifest from a bolt of blue light.

What the actual fuck?

That question is answered when I immediately pop all my clones and shoot to my feet.

One of my clones could see movement in the far distance, but as I was going to shoot, I noticed that it was only two people, so I held my hand and looked closer, becoming shocked to see that it was the Third Raikage walking next to some tan skinned girl who I would say is only seventeen or so.

Then the Raikage Disappeared and now he's here.

I don't remember anyone being able to do that.

"Heya, fancy seeing you again. What say you and I simply talk things out like calm, rational people?" I hedge, not really liking the thought of fighting the man while I glow orange.

"Calm, rational people? I am perfectly calm, and perfectly rational. You, have single handedly killed more than a thousand of my men and that's without even mentioning the death of my Daimyo. There is nothing irrational about this, you are an enemy of my Lands and my people, and as Raikage, I will kill you myself."

Damn, I can't lie, he looked really cool when he said that. 

"You say that, but I was only acting in defence of my honourable self!" I rebuke him, because really, I am the victim here and I am very honourable.

Apparently he doesn't agree, if the glare he sends my way is any indication.

"You are a child with no honour. You act as if the lives you have taken mean nothing. How could a man like you be called honourable?" He spits his words out, like it offends him to even consider the notion that I am honourable.

"Well, your mother seemed to think so when I was pounding her against the kitchen counter,"

Here, I start speaking breathily in a high pitched and moaning voice,

"'Oh honourable Sage, punish this lowly mortal like the whore I am'," Then I make an exasperated shrug and shake my head as I speak my next words with a fond sigh, "she's a kinky bitch, isn't she?".

Oh man, he is certainly not very happy with me now, I don't think I've ever seen anybody's face go through so many different shades of anger before. Yay for a personal record I suppose.

His incredibly muscled form starts sparking as his signature Lightning Armour starts to cover him.

Meanwhile, I simply start gathering chakra in my arm, from my fingers all the way up to my shoulder, preparing to launch a Railgun Vol Three, my most powerful Jutsu.

It's a shame that it's a lightning Jutsu, since that makes this a bad match up, but the actual projectile is just metal, rather than lightning, so it will probably work just fine.

A looks up at me, a glare of pure loathing in his eyes, and it fills me with indescribable excitement!

His killing intent washes over me, like the most comforting of baths, I soak myself in it, savouring the feeling.

I feel my blood pumping in my veins, faster than they have in years, my heart hammering so hard in my chest it feels like it will break free and adrenaline floods my brain with endorphins as I face this man, this Kage who will stop at nothing to see me dead.

My smile is so wide that it hurts when A finally speaks up, his voice cold and biting as ice.

"I will kill you."


Please try your best.

If you die too easily, I will never forgive you.

And if I die, then I thank you regardless.

I haven't felt like this in years.

So I beg of you.

"Don't let me down."

We ð˜®ð˜°ð˜·ð˜¦. Him rushing for me in a blur, and me raising my arm to meet him.

He closes half the distance when I fire.

Then, white.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

He he, cliff hanger. Rekt, git gud, L plus Ratio.

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