A Murder Wizards Adventure

116 Secret Ending 2 Electric Boogaloo

After I stopped laughing I got back to my feet and took another moment to just take in my daughter.

"So, Hokage huh? That means you should be pretty string by now right? Well, I am currently immortal, so how about you show me what you got?" I give her a smirk as I say that.

Then I realise something. I'm like, twenty four and my daughter here is twenty.

Isn't that weird?

I challenged her to a fight partly because I do have to fight someone because of the compulsions, but also because I do want to see how strong she is.

I wonder if she can match Hashirama?

I sure hope so.

The challenging grin she sends me after hearing my words make me feel like I am looking in a gender bending mirror.

"I don't know, are you sure you can handle it? I am pretty strong after all." She taunts me.

But I can see through her act.

She isn't nearly as confident as she is making herself seem.

There are too many reasons why she could be feeling that way for me to know the exact reasoning, but she is probably just generally nervous about seeing me for the first time in fifteen years.

Maybe she's worried that I would be disappointed in her or something.

Then again, if she is weak then she would have good reason to worry.

"Ha! We will see. Also keep in mind that I also have endlessly refiling chakra, so you better come at me with your best. Now let's dance!"

As I finish my words I activate all of my stealth, sending forward a clone at the same time.

Hanari drops into a stance and swings an arm forward causing a thin pillar of wood to pierce towards my clone, but it is not a shadow clone, just an illusion so the pillar goes straight through and my clone smirks and keeps running forward.

I'm pretty sure the only reason this worked as a trick is because she must have met Tobi at some point.

As my clone reaches her, she realises it is a fake but not fast enough to avoid the kick I send into her side that has her tumbling across the ground.

"Come now Hanari, don't fall for such simple tricks. Understand what your opponents strengths are and expect them to act around them. Such as my specialty in stealth, why would I charge straight on?"

At the end of my mini lecture Hanari is already back to her feet and listening attentively.

Of course, now I need to teach her not to rely on the information you have being correct.

I swear, whoever her Sensei was should have done a better job.

I make a shadow clone that I have run to Hanari's side meanwhile I make myself visible as I summon three more shadow clones, also visible.

As we all charge her the ground around her rumbles before a ring of thorny branches start to vortex around her, covering her completely before pulsing out wards.

My clones and I all jump back to avoid the sharp thorns that are moving fast enough to basically be a chainsaw.

However with the thorny branches now being further away from her there are now gaps in them that my clones and I waste no time jumping through.

Though I do lose one clone on the way, but now we are all inside of a spinning sphere of thorns.

Before she has time to retract the thorns, my invisible clone goes kick her in the back of the head, but she sensed it coming somehow and blocked.

As she counter attacked my clone I used that moment to shunshin to her side and land another kick in the same spot as last time, sending her flying into her own thorns.

Naturally, her own Wood doesn't hurt her but instead turns into a rubbery texture and absorbs the force of the throw.

"Tch tch. Just because my specialty is stealth, doesn't mean you should ignore me when I'm out of stealth."

She doesn't respond to my chiding, but I can see a fire light in her eyes and decide to let her take the initiative this time.

So, out of stealth I stand there and wait to see what she is going to do.

First she takes a couple of deep breaths, then she relaxes her body. 

Huh, maybe she wasn't fighting as good as she could have been because she was nervous?

Starting from where she stands, massive roots, easily 5 feet (150cm) across burst out of the ground and rise in the air before stopping and pointing down at me from 50 feet (15m) in the air.

I count only five roots, but each one is like a thin building pointing down on me with sharp points.

Well, I must admit that that is pretty impressive looking.

Let's see if it holds up to standard though.

Since it seems we are going to transition to Jutsu now I make five coins appear in my hands.

Mostly for dramatic effect, since I only need to summon the projectile when I am ready to shoot.

With a satisfying 'ting' all five coins are thrown into the air, forming a perfect semicircle once they hit the peak of their arc.

As I threw my coins however, Hanari sent her roots down to crush me.

Just before they can reach me is when my coins reach the peak of their arcs at once and I immediately swipe my charged hand over them all, each one launching forward as soon as it touches my hand.

In a series of explosions, the roots are shattered, sending splinters everywhere.

I admit, I haven't exactly had my guard up since I know I'm immortal.

That is my excuse for why I didn't react in time as the destroyed roots regrew in the blink of an eye and continued their path, crushing me into the ground.


My groan of pain turns into a question at the end because it turns out that reanimated people don't feel pain.

So instead of what I expected, my nerves sort of just blacked out for a moment as my body was destroyed.

After a moment of everything staying black I realise that maybe I should do something about that and transform all of the chakra available to me into fire nature chakra and I explode.

Once the fire dies down I see that I am in a crater of molten slag that is a respectable distance wide.

In front of me is my daughter, looking at me with a smile that I return.

"Let's step this up a notch shall we?" I call out to her.

"I wouldn't want you to strain yourself!" She returns.

I swear. It really is like talking to a mirror.

At this time I also realise that she was also holding back massively as what must be thousands of those same roots rise straight to the sky all around us, making it seem as if we are fighting in a bamboo forest, only bigger.

I make sure to whistle my appreciation at the power displayed, but then I have to start moving as the roots around me start sprouting more roots that swing at me fast enough that I don't doubt they can break straight through me.

A quick test with my immortal regenerating body shows that yes, they will in fact tear straight through me.

I explode in fire again, only able to witness the destruction caused this time.

Everything in my immediate radius is simply gone, leaving the floor around me a hardening liquid.

I can't see Hanari anymore thanks to the forest which I see is already growing back the roots that I destroyed.

Before I do anything else I jump forward to avoid a root as it shoots down at me from the sky, making me look up.

Ok then. It seems that all of the roots at the end of this forest have kept growing so they can reach the centre and pierce down on me.

Dodging to the side to avoid another root, I prepare my full strength Railgun and rapidly shoot all of the roots in the sky, destroying my arm repeatedly but since it regenerates then it's fine.

Once the sky is clear I do what I was trying to do earlier, which is draw a katana and channel every drop of chakra I have into it.

Unfortunately it seems that I won't regenerate more chakra until I actually spend this, which sucks but I can deal.

With a wide swing and a spin, and absolutely enormous blade of chakra cuts through the forest, splitting every root in half and revealing the sky to me once more.

Turning slightly, I spot Hanari sitting on a giant, patterned throne that itself is at the top of a tri layered pyramid with a set of stairs that lead up to her.


She sure knows how to style on people because holy hell this looks awesome.

Since she seems to be playing the God King, it's only right if I play the Devil.

So I send her a smirk and focus on being equally as dramatic.

What I'm about to do could never be done without endless chakra reserves.

First some of the earth rises to climb my body before settling on my back as a large set of wings, each one larger than I am.

Then I charge that earth with fire nature chakra, turning it into molten earth, only held together by the constant presence of my chakra.

If I had Lava Release this would be so much easier, but oh well.

With my molten wings on my back glowing a deep red, I add some electricity that sparks all over my form before adding the final touch.

Which is the manipulation and constant expending of fire and wind chakra.

My feet and wings explode with constant flame like a jet engine and I start to rise into the air slowly.

That's right, I'm flying.

Only because my chakra is constantly coming back can I keep up this technique since it is literally done by throwing away chakra constantly.

After floating in the air for a moment, I push my chakra as hard as I can, bursting forward even faster than I can run, reaching Hanari in an instant.

Or I would have, had the pyramid not spouted hundreds of arms to reach for me.

Not really having control of my flight, I stop using it, the aesthetics falling apart as I fall upwards to Hanari, my momentum carrying me.

The fist hand of wood reaches me and I detonate some more fire chakra next to me so that I fly over it, destroying a part of my body in the process that immediately regenerates.

The next few hands are destroyed by another swing of my sword and I have nearly reached her.

The next group of hands get shredded by a blender of wind blades that I surrounded myself with and before the group of hands after them can even approach me, they are each destroyed by a set of rapid fire Railguns.

With the sky clear, there is nothing to stop me as I fill my sword with fire chakra and swing with all of my strength as I reach Hanari.

I'm not trying to kill her despite how it may seem, I simply trust that she wouldn't die to a head on attack, no matter how strong it is.

My faith is proven to be well placed as right before I reach her she stands from her throne and one of her arms transforms into an ornate wooden straight sword which then also erupts into flames, using its constantly regenerating self as fuel to make the fire burn even hotter.

Quite the technique you've got there.

We reach each other and our blades meet in a world shaking clash.

As the fire of our blades rush forward into each other they rapidly go from red to white before exploding outwards, rampaging through the land either side of us with intense heat.

After a moment we are both sent flying backwards, each of us quickly orienting ourselves and landing unharmed.

When I look around I see a canyon carved into the ground where we clashed, it is deep and an angry red as the stone of the earth drips as a liquid.

The canyon extends almost as far as the eye can see, getting wider and wider the further away from us it gets.

Oh snap! 

We just made a new 'Valley of The End'.


That's pretty cool.

As I am about to focus back on the fight something out of the corner of my eye grabs my attention, making me look over.

When I do, I see a giant meteor falling from the sky.

"That seems a bit overkill."

Another meteor follows.


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