A Murder Wizards Adventure

13 a lot of Chakra theory

The first thing Swallow decided to address was my lacking knowledge on fundamentals, as well as any theory questions I may have.

Which would be great.


Apparently 'you don't need to be able to move just to listen'.

Which meant that first thing in the morning Swallow dropped me off in a training hall and left me under the tender mercies of Vulture, who proceeded to beat the shit out of me, then list everything I did wrong (which was a lot), and then beat the shit out of me again.

I mean, come on! I'm six! I have no strength! the only things I have going for me are speed and that I'm hard to hit (relatively), which is all that's stopping me from being a lump of goo on the ground.

All of this leads to now, me and Swallow sharing a pot of tea in the ANBU lounge to discuss theory.

"normally the job of the mentor is to just drop you off with various specialised trainers, but since what you want to know is just the basics, I will answer your questions until I feel you are at an acceptable level, so ask away."

Briefly pondering what to ask first I take a sip of my tea, too hot, I put the cup down, having decided what to ask.

"what can you sense about my chakra? and is that the case with everyone or are you a sensor?"

She seems to nod in approval.

"a good question to start with, firstly, yes I am a sensor, and I can see your chakra perfectly fine, the ring and the ball you've got hiding underneath it, however to anyone who isn't a sensor, they would have to both focus and be skilled at chakra control to see past the first ring, well done by the way, I've never seen someone hide their chakra like that before."

The fact that only sensors can see through my chakra makes me feel slightly better, but I'm still a bit upset that it's so easy for sensors to see through, still.

"how do people normally conceal their chakra?"

"typically by simply silencing it, there isn't really an easy way to explain it to someone who isn't a sensor, but chakra is 𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥, it has 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, so to hide your chakra you silence it, there really isn't a proper way to explain it, but if you meditate on your chakra, you should eventually begin to understand, also to only conceal some chakra, like what you do, is usually done by, instead of silencing your chakra you simply muffle it to the level you need, after all, the more chakra you have, the 𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘳 it is."

Hmm, I think I understand, kinda, that explanation wasn't very good, but I think I get it. maybe. I'll test this later. For now, more important things.

"how does one hide their chakra from sensors?"

"you really are asking all the right questions, the simple answer unfortunately for you, is that you can't, but I see that you won't accept that so I will go into more detail. First you need to understand what it means to be a sensor because despite the title making it seem like were just born better at sensing chakra, that's not the whole truth.

"it's not that were better at sensing chakra, it's that chakra 𝘪𝘴 one of our senses, where you see only the colours of the world, I see 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘳𝘢, not in the literal visual sense, but I know it's there, I know where it is, how much of it there is, what it's doing even, and you simply cannot hide from that.

"what you can do however is 𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘥 your chakra, I said earlier that chakra is loud, but it also has 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘺, the trick to hiding from a sensor is to adjust the 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘺 of the chakra you are trying to hide, until we can't hear it, this, however, is a 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 advanced technique so don't get your hopes up about being taught it any time soon."

That is a lot to think about, the frequency of chakra huh.

The last question I have about my stealth is,

"would a non sensor be able to sense me?"

Saying so I suck all of my chakra into the whirlpool except of a thin layer, as thin as I could make it where it keeps its current and look expectantly at Swallow.

"hmmm, if they weren't expecting you, then probably not, but if they were checking you specifically, focusing on you, then yes they would sense it."

Well that's good enough for now, though in the future I hope to be completely invisible to non-sensors, and after that, invisible even to sensors.

"how do I sense chakra?"

"you can't already?"

"I can sense my own chakra just fine, but I can't sense around me without exhausting myself."

At this she seems to look at me like i just told the sun is blue, 'is it really that weird?'.

"show me how you sense chakra, because if you are exhausting yourself then you must be doing something very, 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 wrong."

I do as I am told and focus on my chakra, I gather it up and begin to suffuse it into my surroundings, wincing slightly at the sudden influx of information, as I suddenly learn about everything in a three-metre radius around me.

Done with the demonstration I try to suck all of my chakra back, but like always I lose most of it, leaving my chakra reserves at about a third.


A tick appears on my forehead at her continued silence.


"that is not how you sense chakra, six, what you just did is how you die of brain damage"

uhhh... what?

"uhhh, what?"

"you're just lucky you're so young and your chakra isn't fully developed, what you just did is a forbidden technique known as 'shi no tama' or 'circle of death' named after the fact that everybody who uses it dies, because that technique tells you 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 about whatever is in its radius, that is far too much information for the human brain to handle, luckily you're control of external chakra only let you make a small 'room', where you to try that as a fully trained shinobi it could have expanded for tens of metres, which is enough to kill you. never use that technique again please."

oh... Well then. That's slightly scary.

"so... how do I sense chakra?"


"well, you weren't that far off, what you were doing was filling your surroundings, with your own chakra, making you able to sense everything, because everything is touching your chakra, however, we're not trying to sense everything here are we? we just want to sense chakra.

"with that in mind, instead of,-

She seems to mull over her words, unsure how to put them,

"-'taking over', your surroundings with your chakra, you should instead, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵 with your surroundings. Chakra is everywhere, and it is in everything, and like I said earlier it has a frequency, so this time, only send out a small amount of your chakra and try to 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘵 to the chakra around you. you probably won't get it for a while but that's fine, it usually takes kids your age a few months to understand."

Her words make sense, and I would be lying if I said a part of me didn't want to master sensing immediately just out of pride, but I'm smarter than that, I still have so much I need to learn, I can practice all I want later, but I don't know is Swallow will be so willing to give me a lesson a second time, she must have her own duties after all.

That said, next question.

"how does chakra enhancement work?"

"you've already been enhancing yourself with chakra?"

"I know, but I came up with my method by myself and I don't know if there's something I've missed, or some theory I haven't considered. that is the point of this one-on-one, no?"

"don't get cheeky kid, as for chakra enhancement, well, it's pretty straight forward really, you just pump your chakra into whatever muscles you want to enhance when you need a boost. though I say muscles, but really you want to enhance everything, muscles, bones, skin, otherwise you will end up breaking yourself."

hmmm now that's interesting, my 'river', I'm just going to call my chakra technique as the river and whirlpool, anyway, my river is constantly suffusing my body with chakra, muscles and skin both, and my whirlpool is constantly suffusing my organs and bones, I will contemplate more on this when I am alone.

"why is it so difficult for me to control elemental chakra when my control is otherwise so good?"

"another good question, one that I won't answer fully, someone else will, but think of it like this, chakra, in its neutral state is basically everywhere and also non-existent in the world, pure chakra doesn't really exist you see, instead chakra takes on the nature of where it is, for instance, the chakra in the air will take on features of the wind, and chakra in a fire will take on its properties.

"it's said that observing these changes in chakra is how elemental jutsu were first invented, by copying and enhancing the natural change, you can force your chakra to take on the features of the elements. understanding this, there exists chakra in many forms, fire chakra, water chakra, earth, wind and lightning chakra, then there also exists yin and yang chakra.

"yin and yang chakra are our natural elements, the soul and the body, because of that, they are generally easy to manipulate, at least, your own yin and yang, manipulating someone else's is a whole different game. anyway, you have had your yin and yang since you were born, so naturally it is much easier for you to control than elemental transformations, which are basically a whole new chakra, so treating it the same as yin and yang won't work either.

"that's all I will say on the matter, one of your actual trainers will answer any questions you still have."

Her piece said Swallow went back to her previously forgotten tea while ponder on her words, also I swear I saw her use fire chakra to heat the tea back up.

So, chakra doesn't just transform to imitate things, it straight up changes to become something else, my control over my body and soul is immaculate, but the reason I've been struggling with controlling the elements is because I've been treating them like the same chakra, even though they are fundamentally different.

Hmmm, I suppose I will have to wait for my jutsu trainer then, to learn how the elements are supposed to be wielded.

Now, what other questions do I have, that aren't just going to be answered by my trainers?

"how does medical jutsu work?"

"no idea."



"what? I'm not a medic, and I never bothered to learn, I'm a long-distance sensor, my job is to coordinate and tell people where to go, it takes enough focus that I can't heal at the same time and also means I'm rarely at the front lines where the injured are."

Ok that actually makes sense, but still kind of sucks, because I have a theory for medical chakra that if it works out could be awesome.

Still, I only really have one more question I can think of that won't just be answered by my trainers, thinking as much, I activate henge, making myself into an adult, not that she can see anything through my outfit beside the height difference.

Swallow doesn't say anything, but she does look at me curiously, but I ignore her, focusing instead on my chakra. Normally I have my whirlpool in the centre and my river surrounding it, but with henge it's like I've put a blanket over all of that, keeping that in mind,

"can you or a non-sensor sense my chakra?"

"yes on both accounts."

She looks even more curious now.

Focusing I activate my stealth, thinning my river down.

"what about now?"

"yes on both accounts, though this time a non-sensor would only be able to sense the henge, it would still be enough for them to focus on you and figure out the rest."


But all is not lost, I have one last test.

I gather another blanket of chakra, like another henge that I put on top of the other one, however it is just chakra, this I make rotate like my river.

"how about now?"

"now you're even easier to notice and you're glowing"



Don't laugh at me woman! I cancel the technique but keep the henge, just because I like being taller than 130cm (a little over 4').

"Well kid, if you don't have any more questions?"

She trails off, and I think for a moment.

"actually, I do, you said earlier that you read my file, how many people know who I am behind the mask?"

"what, don't trust us?"

I just give her an unamused stare that I hope transfers through the mask.

"heh, well, don't you worry, its only me, the commander and lion"

Thats good I suppose, I dispel my henge, which I have some plans for,

"well, I don't really have any other questions for you."

"good! and since we've been talking for so long, you look well rested, so why don't you go report to vulture? don't give me that look, you need the training."


I don't dignify her with a response as I sulk my way to the training hall.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

I swear i was going to do the training this chapter but i got carried away with theory and the chapter is already past 2k words so im gonna put the training in the next chap, i promise.

Also should i keep doing numbers with words? ive been purposely writing four instead of 4, because i feel like if flows better, but if youd prefer numbers let me know, though i will use numbers for big ones, like 130cm, i aint writing all that out.

Also also, please R&R, i want a RATING, that said when (if) i have a surplus of reviews (more than the ten needed for a rating) then i will start deleting reviews that arent actual reviews, like my own for instance, reviews are supposed to tell new readers about the story, not your opinions on it.

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