A Murder Wizards Adventure

19 F*ck I didn’t plan for this.

Ok, it's been maybe twelve hours since my daring escape and I am still lost.


I have made discoveries!

Discovery numero uno: I did not pay nearly as much attention to my wilderness survival lessons as I thought, because I caught a snake (why does this shitty country not have any rabbits?) but it tasted horrible after I cooked it.

Wait could it have been venomous? Eh, I feel fine.


Discovery numero duo: this country really is a shithole and I hate it here. A few hours ago, I had thought I'd found a small village and I could get directions, and I suppose, technically I 𝘥𝘪𝘥 find a village, only it was more of a ruin. A relatively fresh one and if it wasn't 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨! I would probably have still seen some dried blood.

And of course, discovery numero, uh... three: It. Does. Not. Stop. Raining.

At first that was a good thing, great! Even, the rain makes it harder for anyone to track me, which is very good since I'm still not doing so great chakra wise, but really I. Am. Sodden.

I was never one to hate the rain, in fact I used to like it, but I'm not sure if I will be able to ever see it the same again.

Now it might seem like I'm oddly fixated on the weather but keep in mind I am both without shelter and running across tree branches when I can and muddy water when I can't. You know when you stay in the shower for too long and your fingers get wrinkly? I would bet money that with white hair I could pass as an old man that shrunk with age.

I'm so tired.

After a few more hours of travelling, (honestly, it's hard to keep track when rainclouds block out the sun.) I 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 come across other people, right now I'm sitting high up in a tree, watching the little... I would hesitate to call it a convoy. Can you call it a gathering if they are traveling?

Either way, there seems to be maybe twenty of them, a quick head count shows that there is eighteen of them and, frankly, they look worse than I feel.

Ah, how could I forget, they are probably refugees. maybe even from that village earlier?

Now how do I get directions without the being suspicious of me?


I could try approaching like a civilian but really, a civilian appearing out of nowhere?


Alright I have an idea. It's not a very good one but I am wet. I am cold. And frankly I don't want to be in this country anymore.

Activating my henge, my outfit changes to a dark grey one-piece with a white obi and a scarf around my neck.

This 𝘪𝘴 the right uniform. Right?

I also, obviously, have an Ame forehead protector, and I made myself look like a 15 years old boy with short brown hair, young enough to make mistakes, but old enough that they probably won't doubt that I'm a ninja, I don't know how old you have to be in Ame to become a ninja after all.

I also gave myself a scar going over the left of my lip, towards my ear. I didn't have to, I just thought it'd be more fun this way.

Anyway time for some Q&A, Jumping down in front of the, caravan? Is that the right term to use?

"Hello! I'm Really sorry to bother you, but I kinda got lost and I need to re-join my squad to help push out those damn 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴, do you have a map I can borrow for a moment?"

I said all of that with a sheepish smile and a hand scratching the back of my head, not to mention I was sure to put the appropriate amount of venom in my voice talking about foreigners, patriotism is strong, especially when your home is being destroyed by three foreign powers' fighting.

When I first appeared they certainly looked scared, but they actually look pretty relieved right about now, though some of them are still eyeing me suspiciously.

Eventually, an old man approaches me, looking like a very stereotypical old man, he has a cane and everything. He looks like he'd be a perfect Skyrim NPC.

"Greetings, Shinobi-sama, I'm sorry to bother you when you're asking for help yourself, but do you think you could listen to an old man's request?"

Ugh, I just want a map damnit old man, Obviously, I didn't day that out loud.

"Sure thing Ossan, It's a shinobi's duty to help the people after all! What do you need?"

God, why did I pick this character, I probably could have just been a scary threatening shinobi and order them to show me a map.

Mentally I sigh, oh well, at least its good practice in a relatively safe environment.

"Such a good young man you are, truly you make me proud to call these lands home. As for what I need, well, you see our small village was destroyed in a fight recently, between those damn 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴, so now we are heading for Taifu village, would you be willing to escort us?-

Damn, an escort quest?

"-I fear for bandits, and none among us are fighters."

Heh. Among us. Sus.

Snap out of it! Focus!

"Sure thing Ossan, though can i have a look at that map while we walk? I don't recognise the village and I'm still quite lost. hehe."

He seems more amused by me than weary, which is nice.

"Of course! Of course! Just come with me."

And like that he took me to their carriage and handed me a map, and after pointing out where we are, we were all now moving to Taifu village.

Thankfully however, it was already late by the time I found these guys, so it's not long before we make camp for the night and having already memorised the (rather poor quality) map, I returned it to the old man.

"Ah Jinku-san, come! We may not have the best food, but Machi-chan can cook a mean stew! Haha!"

Oh yeah, I told them my name was Jinku. To be honest when they asked for a name I kinda panicked a little and just said the first syllables to come to mind.

Also, Machi is a young woman, 16 or 17, and she's been eyeing me up and blushing for a while now, which admittedly is probably my fault, I didn't need to make my henge as attractive as I did, but hey! I think a little vanity is fine, I like being attractive after all.

Unfortunately for Machi, I can't even get aroused yet, joys of being prepubescent.

A shame too, because she's actually pretty cute.

Anyway, after an admittedly nice meal, certainly better than maybe venomous snake cooked on an open fire. Speaking of, watching Machi cook, I realised what I did wrong. Somehow, I forgot you need to spin the food to evenly cook it, also you're not supposed to put the food 𝘪𝘯 the fire but above it.

So. Lessons for later I suppose.

Now that the meals have run out, people are getting in their tents to sleep, Machi offered me to share tents, blushing all the while, but I said that i was going to keep watch instead, which just made her blush even more.

I guess she sees me as some white knight, prince charming, protecting her or something.


Sucks to suck I guess.

Thinking as much, as everyone is going to sleep, I just leave.

I mean, I've got what I needed, with the map and the information I memorised at the base, (and thank fuck I did) I know where the nearest Konoha-nin should be.

Besides, it's not like I owe these guys anyway, and escort quests always take forever and I'm MIA right now and don't really want to be declared presumed KIA.

So, without so much as a goodbye, I leave, heading south-east. Apparently, I was actually heading more to Iwa than Konoha.

It's off topic, but has anyone else realised how its only really Konoha that doesn't get shortened to three or four letters? Iwa, Ame, Kiri, Suna, Kumo, Oto and then there's Konoha.

Anyway, it's time to go home.

Releasing my henge, I get to running, occasionally using a shunshin, but not letting my reserves go below half, once was enough, thank you.

By the time dawn is rising, I think I'm close. The place I'm heading to, if I'm remembering right, there should be some Shinobi returning from the front line with Iwa, to rest and recoup before swapping back in, and they should be around here about now.

Looking around, wondering where they are, I suddenly still, at the feel of a blade pressed against my throat.

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬? 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮?

Making very sure not to move, either myself or my chakra, this person is obviously skilled so I don't doubt for a second they would sense it. Which admittedly hurts my pride a little, but its soothed again remembering that I, myself, am also very little.

My musings, however, are cut off.

"Who are you and what are you doing here"

Well, boy am I glad this guy is an 'ask questions first kill second' kind of guy. I just really hope that I'm right and he is from Konoha.

"six, konoha-ANBU, I got lost on a mission the other day. came here looking for the return group."

"Don't you know Konoha-ANBU use animal designations?"

"I'm still new."

After a tense few moments, the blade is removed from my neck, and I turn around to finally get my first good look at who held me captive.

'Holy shit it's the White Fang'


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

After writing chap 18 i spent the next 8ish hours playing slay the spire till 2 in the morning, so i didnt think id get 2 chapter out today but after waking up at like 11 i have writen this chap in about an hourish and will probably write another for 5ish. im just glad i dont edit anything or my update speed would be so much slower.

Also as the title says, i really didnt plan for him to get lost

I don't believe in pay walling chapters, and I never will, however, if you do want to support me and my ability to pay rent, then I created a ko-fi so please consider donating! even just a pound, of course only if you're financially stable please


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