A Murder Wizards Adventure

28 Devotion

So, as it turns out, creating a massive Genjutsu like this is actually a lot more difficult than you would think, and of course, it was simply impossible for it to be autonomous, like a proper golem.

Instead, it had to be piloted, both by a few Uzumaki, to control the seals, and someone with incredible chakra control to control the golem.

Guess who has prodigious chakra control?

Yeah, me. Since I 𝘸𝘢𝘴 the one who came up with the plan, I had no problem taking the job, even though it's basically a death sentence.

We will after all be staying behind, buying time for our allies to leave.

Thankfully, with the speed of ninjas, and it was only ninjas that survived till now, we only need to but a few minutes for them to be far enough to be safe.

That is really great, because in the end it 𝘪𝘴 just a trick, and they will eventually realise that and it's not like we have the power of an actual biju. at best we have one attack.

One biju bomb, which is actually just all of our explosive tags rolled into a ball and surrounded with a genjutsu seal to make it look right.

By the way, we are in Uzu, so there are a 𝘭𝘰𝘵 of seals in that ball of death.

So, we have one attack, and can only really defend against a few A-rank jutsu before the construct fails and the Genjutsu break.

Which means, it's basically up to my acting skills to draw the coming encounter out as long as possible.

Thank god I love being dramatic, a few minutes shouldn't be too hard, especially with the innate fear that comes with looking at a Biju.

The shell was finished remarkably quickly, and the seals are almost done, all in a little over three hours and we have at best, an hour before our enemy attacks.

The five Uzumaki that have volunteered to join me in likely death are all saying their goodbyes, tearful but smiling, knowing that those they are hugging will live past today, whilst those in question are crying for the exact same reason but opposite, because they know this will be their last time seeing each other.

Me, however?

I'm alone, by the construct, I briefly think about the people you could say are close to me.

My mum, my dad and even Hound.

I feel a slight pain in my chest, but I ignore it, it's not important.

My musings are interrupted by the approach of a few ANBU, namely Wolf, Horse and surprisingly, Mantis, I didn't know he was here.

"sup, if you're here for tearful goodbyes, i'd rather you don't stain my clothes."

It wasn't my best icebreaker. Ok it was a lame joke, but I can't bring myself to come up with anything better. I don't fear death per say, I've died once and it went fine after all. But I don't really want to go. Not yet. There is still so much I want to do, from my Medical chakra project, to my Fuinjutsu and I haven't even been on a proper ninja mission yet, just war.

My thoughts are distracted by Wolf, as they thankfully just ignored what I said.

Wolf looks around a moment, before taking off his mask, oh yeah, once I got a proper name, the other ANBU were a lot less secretive of their identities, apparently, it's just when there are new numbers, everyone keeps their masks on, as some extra protection from spies I guess, paranoid ninja.

Still, I don't interact with wolf much, and you only really take your mask of with people you trust or like, so I haven't seen his face before. Though I have seen both Horses and Mantis' as I've grown rather close with them both, as well as the rest of Horses team.

He has grey hair, not like he's old, but more like a steel grey, and I immediately identify him as an Inuzuka by the red fangs tattooed to his face.

I take of my mask too, after making sure no one is looking, it would be rude not to after all.

Wolf smiles down to me, (I've grown to about 140cm or 4'6) before speaking.

"Butterfly, no, Hanabira, you may be young, but you have again and again proven that your age does not speak for you, and now, today, you have earned my respect, if, somehow, you manage to survive this, then I will buy you a drink, and if you don't. I will personally make sure that your family never wants for anything in life."

Why am I blinking so much?

Smiling back and ignoring my eyes, I make use of the mask not interfering with my tone to adopt the most teasing tone I can and practically sing back at him,

"Buying me a drink? Aren't I too young for such a thing? Tut, tut, Instilling such bad habits in the youth, how unbecoming of you Wolfy-kun."

He smiles at my response, letting my disrespect for authority pass without so much as blinking, probably because of the situation, and understanding that this is how i prefer things, than that sappy stuff.

"Heh, old enough to kill-"

I interrupt Wolf, finishing his sentence,

"-Old enough to drink, yes I know the saying"

He sends me a bemused look, before nodding, putting his mask back on and turning to leave, before he gets to far away, I call out to him, loudly at first, but quietly at the end.

"And Wolf!... thank you."

He doesn't stop in his steps, but I know he heard me.

I turn to the other two, who have both taken off their masks when I was looking towards Wolf.

Horse looks like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alleyway, built full of muscles and a face full of scars and standing at an impressive 185cm (6'1"). especially since in this world that makes him a veritable giant.

Mantis however, just kinda looks like a normal dude, black hair brown eyes and an unremarkable face, the kind of guy you could lose in a crowd

Not really liking the kinda awkward silence that followed I speak up.


Both of them huff a little at my invitation for them to speak. Before Horse starts, putting a meaty hand on my shoulder, he speaks in a voice laden with emotion, but also somehow being completely even.

"Hana, you truly are a great shinobi, even with a stupid name like 'Flower Petal',


"and despite being a little kid,


"and even though you have pink hair that just looks ridiculous-"

"Oi, are you just going to insult me?"

He gives a little laugh, before looking back at me, face full of seriousness,

"but despite all of that, I'm proud to call you my comrade, and happy to call you my friend. I truly hope you survive this, but I am realistic, so just know, if you don't make it back, I'll pour a drink out for you."

Damn eyes, stop blinking, now isn't the time, studiously ignoring the slight wetness in my eyes, I smile back to Horse.

"Why waste good booze? I'd really rather you drank it."

He just laughs and lets go of my shoulder, putting his mask back on and with one final nod, leaves to join the rest. Leaving just me and mantis, staring at his back in silence.

"You're pretty incredible, you know? Your stealth is already better than mine, and you're a good actor."

I don't respond, it sounded rhetorical, so we just stand in silence for a moment more, until Mantis seems to find the right words.

"I've seen you fight, and with how much you rely on trickery and deception. If anyone can survive what you're about to face. Then it's you. Don't make me a liar."

And with those parting words he puts back on his mask and walks away, barely allowing me to hear his final word, a quiet, whispered '𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦'.

Turning to the nearly done construct, I wipe some dust out of my eyes, well, I wipe a few times, as the damn dust doesn't want to go away, then I put my mask back on, a white background with a stylised pair of butterfly wings framing face, really it looks more beautiful than intimidating, but that's fine with me, since my combat style is basically cantered around confusing my opponent and doing the unexpected.

Still, left with nothing to do until the preparations are complete, I simply sit down and meditate. If I survive this, then I am definitely going to be seeing Yamada.

After going through my general chakra exercises, and briefly admiring how much more full of chakra I am now than I was before, my entire body is saturated in chakra, and it feels amazing, according to Hawk, it makes my chakra control even more encompassing, allowing me to truly disappear from her senses.

Not to brag, but I am probably one of the best at stealth in the entire village, though I don't doubt there are still some better than me, I will take the title as number one soon enough.


If i survive today, that is.

I honestly, truly, don't want to die, which is kind of a strange feeling, since I lived a whole life never particularly caring if I died or not.

Snapping out of my thoughts at the feel of someone's approaching chakra, I get up and turn to face the Uzumaki patriarch, apparently, he's finished saying his goodbyes.

Yeah, the patriarch, Tsukino, has decided to stay behind.

Gotta protect your people and all that.

As he walks up to me, he nods but doesn't say anything, coming to stand beside me, watching everyone milling around, waiting or preparing, or still saying goodbye, revelling in what little time they have left together.

"I wanted to thank you, young man. What you have done and are going to do for my people. It is a debt I will never forget. A debt the Uzumaki, will never forget."

Man, people are being so fatalistic today.

"don't thank me yet uzumaki-sama, your people aren't in the clear yet."

He huffs before speaking,

"Considering the situation, you needn't speak with such formality, and even if this plan doesn't work, you are still putting your life on the line for my people, and for that you have my thanks, if there was anything I could do for you to repay this debt, I would see it done, unfortunately, I don't think I will live to see the morning sun."

Despite talking about his own death, he has a sad smile on his face, as he watches what is left of his people, preparing to run.

His words about debt get me thinking, and he 𝘥𝘪𝘥 say I don't need to be formal...

"well then, old man, if you really want to thank me, mind giving me a fuinjutsu lesson while we wait?"

"Hah! Old man huh? Well, I did say to be informal, but I was expecting more like calling me Tsukino-san, as for a lesson, sure, why not, though I'd like to know why first?"

He's a surprisingly pleasant person for a patriarch, I'd have figured bureaucracy and paperwork would drive any patriarch into being an asshole, but it's nice to be wrong sometimes.

"I've always been fascinated by fuinjutsu and what it can accomplish, I started learning it a little over a year ago, but I can only make explosion seals so far, and my inability to make a proper storage scroll has been bugging me for a while now. It would be nice to at least die without that regret."

Tsukino's smile falters at the reminder, looking at me with sadness and pity, before he smiles again, and starts a short lecture, as we wait for the death call to come.

"Well, when making a storage scroll the first thing you must consider is..."


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

Ok so i got carried away with the prep, action starts tomorrow!

I don't believe in pay walling chapters, and I never will, however, if you do want to support me and my ability to pay rent, then I created a ko-fi so please consider donating! even just a pound, of course only if you're financially stable please


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