A Murder Wizards Adventure

43 Slice of Life 2 Electric Boogaloo

After breakfast at Hideo's we head out to what is basically Konoha's version of an arcade, it's more like a field with carnival games really, but they open every month for a few days, including today.

Kizashi is bouncing around like the excited little kit that he is as we approach the not too crowded field.

There really are a lot of games, some are recognisable, even if they are a little different, some are basically the same, I spot a line of men (noticeably civilian) in front of one of those 'whack a bell with a hammer and watch the thing go up' things, I have no idea if it even has a name, but the guys are clearly trying to impress their dates with their super manly man strength.

Funnily enough, most of the girls seem super bored which the guys of course don't notice, though to be fair, a few of the girls look really impressed and happy about their man's strength, so, each to their own, I guess.

There are some games that I've never seen before, mostly because they are kind of ninja related but, in a pretending not to be, kind of way.

I saw one game, which was a line of poles with gaps between them, and you have to throw a ball so that it bounces at least once on each pole before hitting the target at the end, really it sounds harder than it is, since on the left its pole gap pole, while on the right it's inverted.

Though I do notice that the gaps aren't evenly spaced, but that's carnival scams for you.

After paying for our entrances, since you pay to enter and get your first try at each stall free, Kizashi is off like a rocket, or he would be if mum didn't have a firm grip on his hand, something that I had to insist upon, so he just ends up dragging mum to the nearest game, me and dad following along at a more sedate pace.

"Come on! Come on! I wanna play!"

The game is one of those, 'throw a ball into a bucket but the bucket is tilted to make it almost impossible' kinds of games, they really should name this stuff, rather than just accepting that the people here won't call anything by its names and will just point and be like 'let's go do that one'.

"Alright sweety, you get three balls! Ganbatte!" [Ganbatte means 'do your best']

Naturally Kizashi doesn't land any of the balls and gets sad, I was getting ready to move on before I saw the stall guy smirking briefly at my little brother.

Now, I can't let this scammer go now, can I?

Walking up to the stall as my mum comforts Kizashi I slam my own money on the table and stare the guy in the eye.

"I'd like a go too."

Mr scam man gives me a fake smile and takes my Ryo before handing me the balls.

"Of course! of course! The more the merrier!"

Eat dirt.

All without breaking eye contact, I pick up the balls in one hand and throw them all at once, all of them staying in the bucket because fuck you, I'm a ninja.

Scam man's forehead twitches, and his smile becomes a little more forced.


Turning only enough that I don't break eye contact, I catch my little brother as he jumps at me, then hold him up, facing the stall.

"Well, Kiza-kun, pick which toy you want."

"Really!?! Then I want the fox!"

Scam man just smiles and acquiesces, handing Kizashi the fox plush which he hugs to his chest with a smile.

"Next game! Next game!"

As Kizashi runs off, dragging mum away again, dad leans down to my ear as we walk after them.

"That was a very cool thing for you to do, son, I'm proud of you."

Uh, I uh, don't really know what I'm supposed to say to that. I mean it's not very conversational, what am I supposed to say? Thank you? Whatever, I just focus on what's happening around us, seeing if there's anything interesting.

I definitely did not blush. That would be lame.

Anyway, the day continues from then, thankfully the other stall workers weren't such scammers, or at least they were kind to Kizashi, so I didn't really join in on much of the games, since they are for civilians and are too easy, it almost feels like cheating.

Wait a minute, I love cheating!

I still don't play many of the games, only really if Kizashi really wanted a prize, the games aren't exactly fun after all, and I don't want any of the prizes.

After a bit, Kizashi gets thirsty, so I volunteer to go get some drinks and food while I'm at it while they keep having fun.

On the way though, I'm bumped into by a girl who falls to the floor from running into me.

Extending my hand down to her, I offer to help her up with a smile on my face, she has black hair and brown eyes with a symmetrical face in a way that you just know she's going to grow up really pretty, unfortunately she is just a kid right now and so is firmly outside of my strike zone.

Still, that doesn't mean I need to be a dick.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought and didn't see you coming."

If you're wondering why my ninja reflexes didn't save me, one, I don't have my guard up here of all places and two, her chakra is very non threatening so I didn't instinctively react.

The girl blushes up at me and grabs my hand, letting me hoist her to her feet.

"Wow, you're pretty strong huh? Also, I should be the one apologising, I shouldn't be running around in a place like this."

"It's fine, though I am curious what had you in such a rush? Oh and my name is Hanabira by the way, you can just call me Hana though, I understand my full name is a mouthful haha."

Her blush deepens and could truly be considered atomic by now, and I don't even feel the slightest bit paedophilic about it because I literally cannot see her as anything but a cute kid, it probably has something to do with the fact that I've basically been a third parent to Kizashi, and some paternal instincts have awoken.

"O-oh, well, my name is Yoshino Nara but you can just call me Shino, and I was just looking for my parents, but! You're really strong right? Can you help me?"

I can't just say no to that, I mean, it's unlikely, especially since she is a clan kid, but what if she is in danger or some other kind of trouble? It would be pretty stupid to just leave a kid alone to search for 'strong people' for whatever she needs help with.

"Sure, lead the way."

So I agree with a smile and her blush goes away as her excitement overwhelms her embarrassment.

Yoshino ends up leading me to that hammer game thing where there are a few other girls and a couple of boys standing around it.

I note, happily, that there isn't a cue right now, so at least they aren't holding up a line.

Shino drags me to the kids and is immediately shouting at the biggest boy.

"Hey Matsuo-san! I bed Hana-kun here could beat your record easy!"

Her words get the attention of the other kids, and the big guy, probably thirteen or fourteen, returns Shino's comment with a sneer.

"Hmph, A little kid like you lot could never beat my record, I'm an actual ninja you know? Kids like you aren't in my league."

My guy, if you are so far ahead, why are you 'proving' yourself to them? Clearly you were bottom of the class and need validation to prove to yourself that you're not as weak as you are.

Still, as Shino and her friends start arguing with the newly graduated shinobi (It almost hurts to call them that) I can't help but suspiciously think this situation is way too cliche, then I'm reminded of why I always bet on cliche's and focus back on what's happening.

"Well Hana-kun will show you! Right, Hana-kun?"

I don't know if she is purposely trying to manipulate me or if she is just a natural at it, it's hard to tell since she's a Nara and they're all smart.

Still, only assholes refuse to obey the whims of kids, because if you're mean to a kid, that shit will stick with them for the rest of their lives, even if you forget about it the next day, they won't.

So instead of ignoring this silly little competition that means nothing to me for these kids that I don't know, I just smile and flex my bicep, grabbing it with my other arm.

"Of course, Yoshino-chan, it won't be a problem."

Saying so I head over to the guy with the hammer, who's just been watching the drama unfold with an amused smile, I pay him (I don't think any of the kids even thought about the fact you have to pay, but it's super cheap so I'm not really upset about it.) and I accept the hammer that he offers to me.

Getting in position, I swing the hammer without any fanfare, and strike the bell on the ground, causing the thing on the board to shoot up to the top and hit the bell there.

I hand the hammer back to the shocked keeper, which is fair, I saw some grown men fail to hit the bell at the top, and I turn to the kids.

"Well, I've gotta get back to my family now, so, see ya!"

Then I just leave, responding to their goodbyes with nothing but a wave of the hand.

It doesn't take me long to find a food and drink stand, where I order four burgers and some juices.

I will never not be thankful that Konoha does have tome greasy fast food, even if most of the food is traditional Japanese stuff.

When I get my order, I head back to my family to see them playing that game where you hook things out of a big box of water with a long stick, Kizashi is focusing so intently on getting something that he doesn't even notice as my parents greet me and we start eating.

My dad turns to me after a few bites, guess he was hungry too.

"So, it took you a while, did you get lost?"

"Nah, just helped a couple kids with something on the way."

Now my mother is suddenly interested in this conversation, and I have a feeling that I know what she is going to say.

"Did you meet any girls you like?"

Woman. I am not even in the double digits of age yet. Calm down.

"They were all boys, they just couldn't find one of their wallets."

Sighing despondently, my mother seems to deflate and starts munching on her burger as if it just told her she will never be a grandmother.

Honestly, so impatient, besides just bother Kizashi about this stuff, I don't want any kids.

"AHA! Gotcha!"

Ah, it seems Kizashi finally caught something and turned to show it off, letting him see me, and I just give a little wave.


"Onii-sama!! Look! Look what I got!"

He then pulls out a frog plush, this one small enough to fit in his pocket, unlike the fox that dad is now carrying, really it's more of a keychain.

"That's very cool Kiza-kun, now here, eat your burger and drink your juice, you have to refuel if you want to play more games."

"Ok Onii-sama!"

The rest of the day was much of the same, Kizashi playing every single game until night started to fall and he finally started getting sleepy, leaving mum to carry him home, as me and dad carry all the toys that Kizashi or I won.

All in all, this has been a nice day.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

That's the end of the slice of life for now, probably.


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