A Murder Wizards Adventure

5 Academy start

Well today is the day, I'm standing alone in front of the academy waiting, I convinced my parents I should go alone, well I say convinced, all I did was say 'I'm gonna be a ninja so I'm a big boy now' and they just sorta squealed and let me be. I don't think they're very good parents. well, it suits me so I'm fine with it.

Anyways apparently the Hokage is going to be giving a speech, but who ever pays attention to speeches? I know I don't, which is why I am instead looking around to see if there's anyone I recognise in the crowd, unfortunately there isn't.

I do however notice a few clan kids, the Uchiha and Hyūga are probably easiest to spot, since they're the kids trying and failing to be mature like they've no doubt been taught, the Akimichi and Inuzuka are similarly easy to spot, what with their... distinguishable physical features.

Other than that, I can't just assume all the blonds are Yamanaka and I honestly can't remember if there were any other important or noticeable clans. either way it seems I'm not in the same generation as any canon characters which is eh.

I'm not really bothered, I've never actually watched Naruto, I only ever read fanfics based on it, so my knowledge of canon is pretty much non-existent, so rather than worrying about the butterfly effect I'm just going to do what I want and ignore that there's supposed to be a plot.

Besides anyone who thinks my mere existence will have massive butterfly effects clearly doesn't understand how the butterfly effect works, its dominos not battleships.

My musings are however once again interrupted, although this time it's by the Hokages arrival. well, it was actually the clamouring that got my attention, but I figure it's because the Kage is here, and I am not disappointed as I then see Sarutobi Hiruzen himself step up to the stage.

And I am sure he then proceeded to give an amazing speech about the future and hope and the will of fire but honestly I couldn't care less, instead I am much more interested in doing a little test, and calling some attention on myself, because no way am I going through at least six years 'I don't know how long the academy is, don't really care either' of the academy with literal children when early graduation is a thing.

So instead of listening I decide to see if I can test his sensing abilities, though I understand that there is a massive gap between us and I couldn't hope to actually test him in anything but that's beside the point, they don't know I know that, so instead they will (hopefully) just see a talented kid who doesn't understand where he stands in the world.

If all goes according to plan then they will take notice of me, and then when I apply for early graduation, they will remember me as 'that kid' because even if it's not much, it's better than being no one.

That said I start my test, you see I've made a habit of passively concealing my chakra, I got a chance to sense the energy of some kids when I was three and realised that I showed too much chakra that time when I was two, so instead I have just kept up the same amount of chakra as half what I had when I was two and kept my rapidly growing reserves hidden.

Now however I will slowly start to leak my full chakra instead and see when he notices, or at least when he lets me realise that he's noticed, I may be prideful but I'm not arrogant enough to believe I will see anything except what the Hokage wants me to see.

Well here goes, reaching inwards I start to unravel myself, slowly adding more and more chakra to the current I constantly have circling just under my skin, all without taking my eyes of Hiruzens face, and the moment I start showing about three times the amount of chakra as I usually display, I see Hiruzens eyes briefly flicker towards me.

Deciding that's enough I reign in my chakra back to what it was, he's noticed me, that's enough, wow that sounded stalker-ish, maybe he'll even send someone to briefly investigate me, seeing as I'm rather obviously not part of a clan.


I got the pink hair.

Wait a minute, since I'm not part of a clan does that mean Danzo might try to 'recruit' me?


Probably not, right? I mean I want to join ANBU anyway, so maybe if I make that clear he will leave me be? eh whatever, it doesn't really matter but the speech is dying down now so I better put my game face on, which is to say a polite smile, I've decided to at least pretend to be friendly, I need to get better at lying and acting after all so no acting like Itachi.

Wait wouldn't it be him acting like me since he hasn't been born yet? heh

"Class 1-C gather over here!"

That's my cue.

"Alright kids follow me to your class"

Five minutes later and we are all seated in an auditorium like room, kinda like a small university lecture hall, I am seated right in the middle and to my right is some boy I don't care about and to my left, front and back are some girls that I also don't care about (they're six).

Also, apparently I'm super cute and thus popular, since I've decided that I will pretend to be average, this is quite helpful, I will go through school as the 'popular but barely better than average' kid and then when I apply for graduation early and show what I can actually do they will see that I would do well with stealth and espionage, which is what I want. hopefully.

The only downside of this plan is that I have to interact with children that can't hold a coherent thought for longer than three seconds, but hey patience is supposed to be a virtue.

"Alright class settle down!"

The class almost immediately quietens down.

'That worked? maybe kids are just built different here'

"My name is Koro-Sensei and I will be your sensei for the foreseeable future"

As he says that the boy next to me leans over and whispers

"What does forseeble mean?"


'It's going to be a long year'


A/N: He~llo dear readers!

Hanabiras name means 'petal' by the way... at least it should. i dont speak japanese.

i know its not a very manly name but thats the point, his parents are idiots that love cute things

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