A Murder Wizards Adventure

7 First day and more discoveries

It's a new dawn, a new day, and time for my first real day at the academy and honestly, I'm not really looking forward to it, I had planned to try and get some older kids to teach me the academy three, I doubt it'd be difficult to get some snot nosed brat to brag about his knowledge and skills.

However, thanks to my little foray into the library that is no longer necessary, as I already know now how to cast them. granted I can't actually cast them yet but hey I haven't even had time to practice yet but I am certainly looking forward to it.

"Hey! Haruno-kun! wait up!"

I'm brought out of my thoughts by one of my female classmates approaching me, with some friends too.

"Ah! hello Tsuka-chan how are you today? looking forward to class?"

"uhuh! you bet i am! anyway, Haruno-kun this is Tsuki, Tsumi and Tsuma, guys this is Haruno-kun he's in my class"

"ne ne Haruno-kun why is your hair pink if you're a boy?"

I hate it here, do I hate myself? is that why I'm doing this?

"I don't know, it just is?"

and then with the innocent curiosity only a child can have she returns,

"But you're a boy though? pink is a girl colour, that's what daddy always says"

yeah well, your daddy is a bigot. obviously, I didn't say that out loud.

"Well, I don't know, it's not like I can change my hair colour"

By now were all sitting in class as we talk about inane pointless things, well they talk, I just nod my head and smile and say exactly! every now and then.

Thankfully for my sanity, it doesn't take too long for Koro-Sensei to show up and address the class.

"Alright class quiet down now!-"

Again, how does this work, everyone here is a child, children don't shut up just cuz you tell them too, it's not like he's even shouting!

"-today were going to be doing a series of tests, to see where you stand"

The class groaned a little at the mention of tests, 'at least that's universal' but perked up when koro-Sensei continued speaking.

"This means we will be doing some quizzes and then some practical tests to see where you all stand"

The class starts chatting excitedly at that but i doubt it will be anything interesting, it's probably just going to be to gauge who has already received some training, aka the clan kids and those born to shinobi parents, and who hasn't received any training, aka civilian kids. like me. heh.

"With that being said please pass around these tests, take one from the top and pass the rest backwards, once you've got your test you can start immediately."

The test was hardly anything to take note of, some basic arithmetic, some Japanese, a little bit of history or I suppose you could just call it propaganda since all the questions were about Konohas' victories or Hashiramas feats.

But now that that's over its time for the practical portion.

"Aren't you nervous? Haruno-kun?"

"Not really, Tsuba-chan, I'm confident I did well enough"

Well, I didn't really, I got some questions wrong on purpose, but hopefully in a way that is believable as a mistake, I should score around 70%. Seems average enough for me, and it's not until I get a grasp on my peers' average results can I truly embody m o b.

Now however we are on the field waiting for Koro-Sensei to come back.

"ne ne Haruno-kun where do you think Koro-Sensei went?"

suppressing a sigh I smile to Tsubi and say,

"I'm not sure Tsune-chan, maybe he went to the toilet?"

Tsuna nods solemnly in understanding and doesn't respond, seemingly getting distracted by a passing butterfly.

Koro-Sensei eventually returns, and under his arm is a big box of shuriken and kunai.

"Alright brats! first things first is shurikenjutsu, I'm going to call out your name and when I do I want you to come here and collect five kunai and five shuriken, then you will line up over there-

he points to a line in front of nine straw dummies, three sets of three,

"-And when I say go, I want you to throw them as fast and accurately as you can."

Then as he said, he proceeds to call out a bunch of names, three at a time the kids line up, and most of them only land one or two kunais and most don't even land a shuriken, this continues until an Uchiha gets called up, and he manages to land all the kunai and two of the shuriken, following him it's my turn.

Now as much as I'd like to say I purposely lowered my score, and I did! with the kunai at least. But I literally have no experience throwing anything like a shuriken, except for that one toy but even then I only threw it once then I lost it, so I didn't land any shuriken, to make up for that though I only missed one of my kunai.

After everyone had a go, we moved on to what seems to be a 100-metre track, though I have no idea if it is actually 100 metres, by guestimate it seems about right but it might be a little off.

"Alright kids, now it's time for a 100-metre sprint-

Well, I guess that answers that then,

"-When I call your name, I want you to line up and when I say go run to the finish line!"

Do I really need to explain what happens next? oh mythical voices in my head? they ran, I ran, we all ran, only the Uchiha over performed again, what else is new.


It's the end of the school day now and I really wish I had the shadow clone technique, so I don't have to attend these stupid pointless classes, there isn't even anything to talk about, I mean my classmates are all six after all, I would ask for early graduation already but I'm not that stupid, just because I'm better than a bunch of six year olds doesn't mean I can graduate, I mean if any graduate could lose to an average six year old then they should just die from embarrassment.

But no, the next two years of schooling may be pointless, but I still need that time to grow some more before I can even think about graduating.

And speaking of growth, since I just got home it's about time, I practiced the academy three.

First would be the clone technique, since it seems to be the simplest.

Sitting in my room on my bed (not a crib anymore you asshole) I knead my chakra as it specified and go through the hand seals for the clone justu, only to immediately recoil in abject 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵 at what I just felt, down to my 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭 a feeling like 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 like strings trying to 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦!

Ok deep breath.


What just happened.

I kneaded my chakra just fine, but when I started using the hand seals... I felt my chakra move in accordance with the seals, and I understand that's the point, but I didn't think it would be like this. It felt like the hand seals were puppeteering me, rather than me moving my chakra into the jutsu, it was the hand seals moving 𝘮𝘦 and it was 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨.

My chakra is my soul.

I am the master of my body 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦.

I am the master of my soul 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦.

I am the master of my chakra 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚.

And I will not allow some stupid fucking 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘴 control 𝙢𝙮 chakra.

Deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

Ok, let's try that again, only this time without the 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙨.

Once again, I knead my chakra, only this time I don't use any 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙨 to '𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵' me.

I feel my chakra forming and push it outside of my body where before me a perfect copy of myself appears...

Ok maybe not perfect, but it could trick a passing glance. Maybe? Ok I look a bit like an old 80's anime character but hey, it 𝘪𝘴 my first time. heh.

Following that is the kawarimi.

I follow the instructions, picking my target, a chair, I wrap a thin layer of my chakra around it keeping it tethered to me, kind of like a wormhole and when I activate the technique, I feel a lurch in my gut, and then suddenly I'm somewhere else.

And feeling slightly nauseous.

Turning around I see my chair sitting on my bed.


Now the best for last, Henge, the shapeshifting technique.

I start to slightly suffuse my chakra with my skin, bringing it forward, which causes my skin to have a light, barely noticeable glow to it.

Then I close my eyes and mould my chakra to take on a different shape, I imagine myself but as an Uchiha, which is to say wearing different clothes and with black hair and eyes.

When I feel the jutsu take place I walk over to the body length mirror on the back of my door and gape in silent shock for a few minutes.

"What The Fuck Kind Of Jackson Pollock Bullshite Is This!!!"

I look like a swirling storm of colours, mostly black though, which makes me seem like some eldritch being descending.

Dispelling the jutsu I return to normal, wondering what in the fuck just happened, it takes some pondering during which I pace circles in my room, but I eventually come to a theory.

'My chakra is constantly in motion' so maybe the problem is that instead of the henge being like painting a still canvas it was more like trying to paint on a canvas that's rotating and moving around.

I still don't want to stop moving my chakra, so instead of extending my flow of chakra outside of my skin, I will instead just cut off a small layer and leave the rest behind it, so now I will have my main 'whirlpool' of chakra, my 'core', surrounding which, is a small but fast river, containing all the chakra I'm willing to let people sense, and working something like a barrier to my main chakra reserve.

And now surrounding that, is something like a cover, like a blanket placed on top of everything to keep it hidden.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I see an Uchiha lookalike staring back at me. I probably wouldn't pass as an Uchiha, but I could pass as a bastard son or something.

Satisfied with my progress I decide that I deserve a nap and go to sleep.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

hopefully i explained hanabiras relationship with his chakra properly and i will actually timeskip the academy this time, for realsiesIt's a new dawn, a new day, and time for my first real day at the academy and honestly, I'm not really looking forward to it, I had planned to try and get some older kids to teach me the academy three, I doubt it'd be difficult to get some snot nosed brat to brag about his knowledge and skills.

However, thanks to my little foray into the library that is no longer necessary, as I already know now how to cast them. granted I can't actually cast them yet but hey I haven't even had time to practice yet but I am certainly looking forward to it.

"Hey! Haruno-kun! wait up!"

I'm brought out of my thoughts by one of my female classmates approaching me, with some friends too.

"Ah! hello Tsuka-chan how are you today? looking forward to class?"

"uhuh! you bet i am! anyway, Haruno-kun this is Tsuki, Tsumi and Tsuma, guys this is Haruno-kun he's in my class"

"ne ne Haruno-kun why is your hair pink if you're a boy?"

I hate it here, do I hate myself? is that why I'm doing this?

"I don't know, it just is?"

and then with the innocent curiosity only a child can have she returns,

"But you're a boy though? pink is a girl colour, that's what daddy always says"

yeah well, your daddy is a bigot. obviously, I didn't say that out loud.

"Well, I don't know, it's not like I can change my hair colour"

By now were all sitting in class as we talk about inane pointless things, well they talk, I just nod my head and smile and say exactly! every now and then.

Thankfully for my sanity, it doesn't take too long for Koro-Sensei to show up and address the class.

"Alright class quiet down now!-"

Again, how does this work, everyone here is a child, children don't shut up just cuz you tell them too, it's not like he's even shouting!

"-today were going to be doing a series of tests, to see where you stand"

The class groaned a little at the mention of tests, 'at least that's universal' but perked up when koro-Sensei continued speaking.

"This means we will be doing some quizzes and then some practical tests to see where you all stand"

The class starts chatting excitedly at that but i doubt it will be anything interesting, it's probably just going to be to gauge who has already received some training, aka the clan kids and those born to shinobi parents, and who hasn't received any training, aka civilian kids. like me. heh.

"With that being said please pass around these tests, take one from the top and pass the rest backwards, once you've got your test you can start immediately."

The test was hardly anything to take note of, some basic arithmetic, some Japanese, a little bit of history or I suppose you could just call it propaganda since all the questions were about Konohas' victories or Hashiramas feats.

But now that that's over its time for the practical portion.

"Aren't you nervous? Haruno-kun?"

"Not really, Tsuba-chan, I'm confident I did well enough"

Well, I didn't really, I got some questions wrong on purpose, but hopefully in a way that is believable as a mistake, I should score around 70%. Seems average enough for me, and it's not until I get a grasp on my peers' average results can I truly embody m o b.

Now however we are on the field waiting for Koro-Sensei to come back.

"ne ne Haruno-kun where do you think Koro-Sensei went?"

suppressing a sigh I smile to Tsubi and say,

"I'm not sure Tsune-chan, maybe he went to the toilet?"

Tsuna nods solemnly in understanding and doesn't respond, seemingly getting distracted by a passing butterfly.

Koro-Sensei eventually returns, and under his arm is a big box of shuriken and kunai.

"Alright brats! first things first is shurikenjutsu, I'm going to call out your name and when I do I want you to come here and collect five kunai and five shuriken, then you will line up over there-

he points to a line in front of nine straw dummies, three sets of three,

"-And when I say go, I want you to throw them as fast and accurately as you can."

Then as he said, he proceeds to call out a bunch of names, three at a time the kids line up, and most of them only land one or two kunais and most don't even land a shuriken, this continues until an Uchiha gets called up, and he manages to land all the kunai and two of the shuriken, following him it's my turn.

Now as much as I'd like to say I purposely lowered my score, and I did! with the kunai at least. But I literally have no experience throwing anything like a shuriken, except for that one toy but even then I only threw it once then I lost it, so I didn't land any shuriken, to make up for that though I only missed one of my kunai.

After everyone had a go, we moved on to what seems to be a 100-metre track, though I have no idea if it is actually 100 metres, by guestimate it seems about right but it might be a little off.

"Alright kids, now it's time for a 100-metre sprint-

Well, I guess that answers that then,

"-When I call your name, I want you to line up and when I say go run to the finish line!"

Do I really need to explain what happens next? oh mythical voices in my head? they ran, I ran, we all ran, only the Uchiha over performed again, what else is new.


It's the end of the school day now and I really wish I had the shadow clone technique, so I don't have to attend these stupid pointless classes, there isn't even anything to talk about, I mean my classmates are all six after all, I would ask for early graduation already but I'm not that stupid, just because I'm better than a bunch of six year olds doesn't mean I can graduate, I mean if any graduate could lose to an average six year old then they should just die from embarrassment.

But no, the next two years of schooling may be pointless, but I still need that time to grow some more before I can even think about graduating.

And speaking of growth, since I just got home it's about time, I practiced the academy three.

First would be the clone technique, since it seems to be the simplest.

Sitting in my room on my bed (not a crib anymore you asshole) I knead my chakra as it specified and go through the hand seals for the clone justu, only to immediately recoil in abject 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵 at what I just felt, down to my 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭 a feeling like 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 like strings trying to 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦!

Ok deep breath.


What just happened.

I kneaded my chakra just fine, but when I started using the hand seals... I felt my chakra move in accordance with the seals, and I understand that's the point, but I didn't think it would be like this. It felt like the hand seals were puppeteering me, rather than me moving my chakra into the jutsu, it was the hand seals moving 𝘮𝘦 and it was 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘨𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨.

My chakra is my soul.

I am the master of my body 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦.

I am the master of my soul 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦.

I am the master of my chakra 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚.

And I will not allow some stupid fucking 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘴 control 𝙢𝙮 chakra.

Deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

Ok, let's try that again, only this time without the 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙨.

Once again, I knead my chakra, only this time I don't use any 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙨 to '𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵' me.

I feel my chakra forming and push it outside of my body where before me a perfect copy of myself appears...

Ok maybe not perfect, but it could trick a passing glance. Maybe? Ok I look a bit like an old 80's anime character but hey, it 𝘪𝘴 my first time. heh.

Following that is the kawarimi.

I follow the instructions, picking my target, a chair, I wrap a thin layer of my chakra around it keeping it tethered to me, kind of like a wormhole and when I activate the technique, I feel a lurch in my gut, and then suddenly I'm somewhere else.

And feeling slightly nauseous.

Turning around I see my chair sitting on my bed.


Now the best for last, Henge, the shapeshifting technique.

I start to slightly suffuse my chakra with my skin, bringing it forward, which causes my skin to have a light, barely noticeable glow to it.

Then I close my eyes and mould my chakra to take on a different shape, I imagine myself but as an Uchiha, which is to say wearing different clothes and with black hair and eyes.

When I feel the jutsu take place I walk over to the body length mirror on the back of my door and gape in silent shock for a few minutes.

"What The Fuck Kind Of Jackson Pollock Bullshite Is This!!!"

I look like a swirling storm of colours, mostly black though, which makes me seem like some eldritch being descending.

Dispelling the jutsu I return to normal, wondering what in the fuck just happened, it takes some pondering during which I pace circles in my room, but I eventually come to a theory.

'My chakra is constantly in motion' so maybe the problem is that instead of the henge being like painting a still canvas it was more like trying to paint on a canvas that's rotating and moving around.

I still don't want to stop moving my chakra, so instead of extending my flow of chakra outside of my skin, I will instead just cut off a small layer and leave the rest behind it, so now I will have my main 'whirlpool' of chakra, my 'core', surrounding which, is a small but fast river, containing all the chakra I'm willing to let people sense, and working something like a barrier to my main chakra reserve.

And now surrounding that, is something like a cover, like a blanket placed on top of everything to keep it hidden.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I see an Uchiha lookalike staring back at me. I probably wouldn't pass as an Uchiha, but I could pass as a bastard son or something.

Satisfied with my progress I decide that I deserve a nap and go to sleep.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

hopefully i explained hanabiras relationship with his chakra properly and i will actually timeskip the academy this time, for realsies

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