A Murder Wizards Adventure

93 It’s cu-Coming

The months pass in a flash and I have been working on a new Jutsu during this time, and it was actually simple enough that it didn't take long to make it.

Though I was doing the experimenting with shadow clones, since I needed to be present for Ibiki's training, not to mention the missions we did.

However, it is more difficult to make it powerful enough for why I wanted it in the first place.

See, after fighting a Bijuu, I realised that while I am confident that I can kill any human sized or smaller opponent, but if they are simply big, like a Bijuu is, then what can a sword do to that?

Yes, I could make a sword strike big enough to hit their whole body, but that is incredibly inefficient and would drain me of basically all my chakra.

So I needed something that would hit hard and doesn't need me to be a part of a clan or a Jinchurriki.

I thought about trying for a Rasengan, but if I'm already close enough to hit someone with a Rasengan, then at that point I would rather just cut them in half with a chakra sharpened sword.

So I decided I need something with both range and that packs a massive punch.

And that's when it came to me.


For the power a railgun can achieve, they are actually pretty simple, just two rails with an alternating current, at least, that's the simple explanation.

The only problem is 'winding', for lack of a better word, the two currents so that the projectile is launched with maximum efficiency.

Also, I am glad I have a large supply of bo shuriken, because the ring in a kunai doesn't help with aerodynamics.

So far, the technique is well on it's way to being an S-class Jutsu in terms of power, even though it's actually pretty chakra inexpensive, though it does rely on good chakra control, which I have in spades.

There is only one downside, if I put too much power behind the shot, then the force of it's launch can tear the skin of off my arm.

So I don't think anyone without a regenerative ability should ever use it, hell, it could probably be classified as a Kinjutsu.

As for my Genin team, well, after the first month was up, we started going on missions, though it was more like I was going on missions and they were following me.

Me, Minato, Kushina and the Sannin are the villages big hitters, so there was generally at least four of us out on the front lines at a time, so I would go to various places and the kids would come with me.

Then, while I was busy fighting people like Iwa's Jinchurriki, the kids would be fighting with the rabble.

Though I haven't been in many tough fights, only a couple Jinchurriki that I couldn't kill before they escaped, and so, most of the time, if a battle breaks out while I was there, then I'd just be killing a bunch of Jonin.

That's not to say I'm quite at the level of Madara though, I have a couple new scars from careless mistakes, or simply bad luck.

But none of that is important right now, what matters is that the Chunin exam is coming up.

Because we are still at war, it won't be the month long event that it usually is, instead it will only be a few days.

As one of the Jonin putting their team forth, I know the gist of the exams contents, first will be a mostly pointless written exam, then we will be keeping things simple by having a short treasure hunt, followed by the ending tournament.

Short but efficient.

So, now here I am, in our usual training grounds the day before the exam starts so that I can tell them they are participating.

My squad has changed a lot over the past half year. Gone are the green Genin, in their place stands a group of hardened, veteran Genin.

Or, I suppose you could simply call them super traumatised.

They look very different too, Tokara for instance, has put on a lot of muscle and can now run around even with the gourd on his back, though I am going to give him a gourd with some seals that make it lighter for the exam.

I don't want them to fail after all, and I didn't give it to him earlier because it is good training.

Other than that though, he has had the smallest changes, only having a harder look to his eyes, but to be honest I mostly ignored him, since he isn't as talented as the other two.

I suppose he might consider himself lucky for that, since he had to watch his team deal with me.

Hayate still looks the worst. The bags under his eyes have deepened and seemingly become permanent as he has developed insomnia thanks to me and whenever he does get to sleep, he wakes up from night terrors.

Other than that, he generally has a much harder look to him, confident in himself and he moves without hesitation, keeping watch on everything around him like a properly paranoid Shinobi should.

Then there's Ibiki, if anything, I consider him to be something of a masterpiece of mine. I have honed his analytical mind to be sharper than any blade, hesitation is never something he will be plagued by again, and he can find solutions to almost any problem.

See, I've been running him through scenario after scenario, so despite having next to zero experience in his files, he is as experienced as many Jonin are, and he has a natural talent for manipulating people.

A perfect team leader, and honestly, even with Hayate's surprising skill in Kenjutsu, I still think it's going to be Ibiki carrying the team through the exam.

My Genin are stood in front of me, as they wait for me to explain what we are doing today.

So disciplined, way more than I have ever been.

"Alright brats, today is a little bit different, because today will be your first ever rest day, congratulations!"

Other than looking happy or relaxed by my positive words and tone, they instead start shifting uncomfortably and looking around for threats, there is even that bit of fear that never goes away whenever they can see me.

"Relax, relax, this isn't a trap," That just makes them more panicked, not that they show it much, "The Chunin exams are tomorrow, you are participating, so you rest today, and do your best tomorrow."

The 'or else' goes unsaid, but they all understand well enough by now that failure is not an option, they will either pass the exams or I will be genuinely annoyed and they will be punished.

So none of them complain, or ask for more information for that matter, knowing by now that I will tell them everything I want to and nothing more.

"Good, now, go do whatever for the day, have fun, just nothing that will impact your performance tomorrow."

With that out of the way, I disappear in a shunshin and head of to a prior arrangement.

After a short travel, I arrive in training ground four, and make my way over to Minato, who is leaning against the trunk of a tree as Kushina and Rin sit and gossip beside him.

As I go to stand next to him, my eyes join his in watching the proceedings happening on the field in front of us.

There is Kakashi and a kid in green spandex that can only be Guy, the two of them fighting a Taijutsu bout, both seemingly around evenly matched.

Meanwhile, Obito is standing of to the side cheering for Guy to kick his teammates ass.

I look to Minato in amusement at a particularly enthusiastic cheer as Guy lands a strike, which causes the man to look away from me, embarrassed by his teams lack of unity.

"So, what's up Minato?" I inquire of him, as he only asked to meet, but did not specify why.

Though I have an idea what he is going to say, an idea that is proven right a moment later.

"Ah, you see, I have enrolled my team into the chunin exams, and I was wondering if you did also?"

"You know, if that was all you wanted, you could have just teleported to me and asked."

He laughs at my sceptical tone, but nods his head in acceptance nonetheless.

"Your right, I also wanted you to see this. That over there it Might Guy, self declared rival of Kakashi's. I wanted to know what you think of him."

You have too much free time if this is what you are spending your time thinking about, we are at war you know?

Then again, I'm not being very proactive about the war either, though it has entered something of a stalemate between the major powers and at this point it is more like the five of us bullying the smaller villages.

But I humour Minato's request regardless and I pay close attention to the spar happening in front of us.

Honestly, watching Guy fight is almost painful, because he really has no talent whatsoever.

It's like that saying, 'I fear not the man who has practiced ten thousand strikes once, but the man who has practiced one strike ten thousand times'.

Only, the problem here is that if you only have one strike then you are not very versatile, Guy fights like he has five moves, each of which he has repeated enough to make up for his lack of talent.

The problem is that it doesn't flow together at all, and he is repeating the same moves over and over again, the only reason he hasn't already lost is because the moves he does know, he knows really, really well.

Minato said he wants my thoughts on the kid though, so I'd better give them.

"He should give up on being a Shinobi." I say, blithely, causing Minato to look to me in curiosity, wondering what else I will say.

"But he won't. He'd make a good iron bell, if nothing else."

Minato's curiosity turns to show surprise at my words which are a mix between complimentary and callous.

See, the term 'iron bell', is something the Shinobi here use for someone who won't break during interrogation.

The idea being that if you have an iron bell on your team and you are running away to avoid capture and you have to leave someone behind, then you can leave the iron bell behind and trust that the enemy won't learn any secrets from their lips.

So by saying he'd make a good iron bell, I am both complimenting his will, whilst also suggesting he should be used as a sacrifice.

I can tell that Minato doesn't like my response, but he sees where I'm coming from and doesn't think less of me for saying it, because he is just incredibly kind like that.

Seemingly wanting to change the subject away from human sacrifices, especially with his wife not two steps away from us, Minato asks me a question.

"How do you think your squad will do? I have faith my Genin will all get promoted, but I haven't seen much of your Genin, do you think they are good enough to pass?"

I ignore the conversation change and give him a challenging smirk.

"Are you implying that my Genin are not as competent as yours?"

I can see the way he hastily goes to assure me that he didn't mean offence, before realising I'm messing with him. He really is too nice when he's not fighting.


"Why must you do this to me Hana, besides, I've had my Genin longer than you, so maybe I am implying that?" He says with a friendly smile that I return.

But I decide to answer his earlier question anyway.

"My team should do just fine, none of them are as talented as Kakashi, but if you took some of his talent and gave it to Rin, then that would be about the same as Hayate and Ibiki, then Obito and Tokara are both about the same."

I make sure to avoid calling them useless, because Minato doesn't like pointing out Obito's lack of talent, or that Rin is about average and Kakashi is carrying the team even though he is six and they are thirteen.

"Well, I'll get going, see you at the exams Minato." I exclaim as I turn around and leave, waving an arm in response to his own goodbye as I head for ANBU HQ, wanting to see what Mantis is up to.


A/N: He~llo! Dear readers!

Shit. I got distracted on youtube for 3 hours, right as I finally had a single chapter backlogged and now I am back to none. I hate myself

There is an aux chap with pics of Hana, and hopefully I will remember to post adult hana here, also join the discord!

Advanced chapters with the link below! It's basically Pat/reon!



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