A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 142: A coward's excuse

“Oswald what do we do?”

Sabrina seemed to be asking Oswald for help, maybe she couldnt do anything on her own? On the other hand Oswald was already chanting magic. A magic circle appeared in front of him and he picked it up before rushing to those who were on the ground.

“Teacher. That.. Legendary class!”



Nation treasure




These are the standard classifications of equipment and magical tools. The statue that Oswald took out seemed to be of the legendary variety. This is also my first time seeing a legendary class tool.

Well I say but the sword I got from Shawn was appraised to be of Legendary class or better. Meanwhile, the phantoms continued to stab at the king and his escort’s arms. There was no blood and the cuts were only visible to me.


All of a sudden the leader of the phantoms gave the signal to stop even though I hadn’t given any instructions.

‘Master? We hurt them a lot, if we keep going these guys might die. What do we do?’

Apparently the phantoms could measure how much a person could take mentally before death.

‘You can’t do the legs?’

I figured I’d ask just in case.

‘I don’t think they can take anymore pain, they’ll go into shock and die.’

It seems these guys were at their limit.

‘Ok, Well that’s okay then.’

When I said that the phantoms smiled and disappeared. I felt a bit lonely after that even though I’d never seen them before. Were they there when I killed Aries too? At that moment Oswald applied magic power to the statue causing it to emit green light. It was probably healing magic since these guys can’t use that kind of magic without using tools.

The people who make fun of healers can’t even treat themselves when it comes down to it. They need magic tools to help them, who’s weak now? While I was thinking this a medical team arrived before I knew it carrying a stretcher. Where did they come from? Did one of the people around me report it? Well, I guess it doesn’t matter.

‘Ihihihihihihihih, Master? What do we do with these guys? Should we kill them?’

The old woman paused and asked me, honestly I felt like I should kill them. Nobody here would know if I did kill them, they couldn’t testify against me because I didn’t even touch the people on the ground. However, I feel like it would be a hassle to kill them.

‘It’s fine, You can return now.’

‘Call me again ok? Ihihihihihi.’

The two old women disappeared after that while the medical team was healing the people on the ground. It seems like it will take a while for them to finish as the quality of their healing isn’t as good as mine.

“Take them to the infirmary immediately.”

The expressions on Sabrina’s and Oswald’s expressions changed as they left with the medical team. I felt like Oswald was staring at me for a moment but I didn’t care. They can glare at me all they want, but they will probably cause trouble for me by calling me to their offices later. How annoying.

“Nem, It’s ok now.”

Nem may be strong but she is still small after all.

“Nem, can you let go of me for now?”


“You too as well ok? And when I’m in my match make sure you stay where I can see you.”

Just in case. These three are the only ones on my side now so I will do whatever it takes to protect them. I have magic now, the strongest magic and I know how to use it.

“Nito….. They…”

“I still want them to die, my opinion hasn’t changed on that matter.”

Toa didn’t seem to be convinced but I’ve already decided. Next to her Sufilia looked as though she wanted to say something.


After that Francesca and Dolly rushed over.

“What happened? Wasn’t that the king of Utopiya and the king of Pascantin?”

Why does she seem to know everything?

“Thats what it looked like huh?”

“Uh, yeah. So did something happen between you and them, Nito?”

Francesca seemed to have guess the details. No, I guess considering how things look I’m the obvious first suspect.

“It was just a misunderstanding. What happened with them though? Why are you here?”

I tried to divert attention from me by asking them something. Francesca seemed to suddenly remember something as she replied.

“We saw Nem’s match. We wanted to know if we could post it in Magical communication next week!”

They’re the same as ever.

“It was a splendid match. Not taking into account you Nito, It is clear that Nem is quite strong on her own.”

Dolly seemed to be very impressed.

“I dont mind. But can you wait for a bit? Nem is a bit tired now so I want to let her rest a while before giving you the final go ahead.”

I want to ask Nem first. Nem’s expression seemed a little dark as well.

“ I see…. I understand.”

Francesca was disappointed but seemed to understand.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not a problem. It was rude to come as soon as the match was finished. I can see that you are in a hurry. I will talk to you again tomorrow.”

I apologised again and returned a friendly smile.

Fancesca seemed to have some idea about what was going on but she didn’t ask. I bowed quickly and left.

“They suspect me.”

“ What are you going to do?”

Toa asked anxiously.

“Nothing? They may suspect me but they don’t have any proof. Even if the two kings regain consciousness it wouldn’t help. Unless they could somehow recognize that I used magic, However there was no magic circle.”

“I see.”

Even though I reassured her Toa didn’t seem to be satisfied. She seemed to be worried about something else.

“Are you worried about that stupid king?”

Toa then asked a different question.

“ Are you really going to kill them? I dont want you to kill them!”

“Yeah, I’m going to kill them.”


“But thats not the point right now. I don’t want to be suspected by the two principals, I hate being monitored. After they recover I’m sure we will hear from them so it depends on the result of that.”

“I think it would be better to kill them quickly.”

Sufilia had an unpleasant look on her face.


“Toa? Please don’t bother lord Nito with this anymore. He’s saying this because he’s worried about what you’ll say. You understand that right?”


“Personally I don’t think it’s necessary to hesitate to kill someone who is this troublesome. But I understand Toa’s Ideas and morals so I know your thoughts on the matter. Like I said before though humans are selfish creatures. Those two kings are atypical example, my father was the same way. They treat lives, especially those of beastmen like garbage. You can’t imagine how many beastmen have been humiliated and then murdered just because they were alive.”

Sufilia had no sympathy in this situation.

“Lives will be saved by those two dying.”

“I know…but…”

I know that Toa just doesn’t want me to kill. But that just isn’t possible.”

“You had Sierra before but now shes not here. So now you feel like you have to be the one to say those things right?”

I know how she feels, she just wants me to be a good person.

“But, being a hero is just a pretense.”

It can’t be helped.

“I’m not a hero. The people around me just called me that based off their mood at the time. There was an attack at the time and I stopped it to protect you and Sierra. They just wanted someone to be hero and began calling me that without permission, it was selfish of them.”


I hate them calling me that. After all what if I as incompetent? There’s something wrong with it, not everyone can be a hero.



“I’m a cowardly human.”


“Humans are cowardly creatures, even me. I don’t know if its because we are weaker than other races or what. But humans oppress others out of fear of being oppressed themselves. I’m the same.”

“Nito, You’re not like that!”

“I’m the same!”

I am human, I’m rotten.

“Thats why I won’t be a hero.”


What does Toa think? Is she going to be disillusioned or is she going to accept me?

“A hero is strong right? I’m different, it’s not me. It was nice in the beginning but now I just feel annoyed. I despised it in my heart, I’m just the bi-product of some ugly desire of those who wanted to be saved. “

“I think that’s fine. Hero’s are just convenient for the weak. But for the person who gets the title its just inconvenient, I don’t think it’s wrong to think that way.”

Sufilia seemed to agree with me. The problem is Toa. What is she going to think now that she’s heard this. Does she want me to be a hero?

“Yeah…I…… I guess im asking too much of you huh?”

Thats not what I’m saying.

“It’s fine. It’s okay for you three to ask things of me but what I can do is limited, that’s all I’m saying.”

The area around us suddenly became noisy again, why was a crowd gathering? I still have something I wanted to say.

“Shall we go and get ready for the banquet now?”

We should leave here before something happens again or another king comes. There are too many enemies as it is and it would get bad if I started dropping bodies.

“Toa? I want you to just be yourself. And I’ll be myself. I think thats for the best.”

Toa’s expression seemed worse than in the beginning. I understand that you don’t want me to kill if I dont have to though. I can tell the way you feel when you look into my eyes.


I’m still going to kill. I don’t want them polluting my world so I’m going to kill them. I have no regrets.

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