A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 59: Me

“Aunt Maggie, what are you talking about?”

“I saw it, his face!”

“Aunt Maggie, does that mean that Nito appeared in an announcement?”

“Sufilia, you were chased by a dragon and met this man.”

“Yeah, that’s what happened.”

“I was talking about in my dream!”

Sufilia was confused, the announcement was the reason that she had stole from the dragon in the first place.

“But, did you say that you saw me holding the dragon jewel?”

“I did say that.”

“Uhm, sorry to interrupt but, could you explain to me what’s going in princess?”

Sierra was too late to stop him and she broke out in a cold sweat.

“Aunt Maggie is a star reader, a prophet of sorts.”

“Star reader?” Masamune asked.

“It means she can see the future.”

“So the old ladies prophecy….”

“Masamune, use the titles.” Sierra hissed, her face was pale.

“Sorry, so that means I appeared in her prophecy?”


“Aunt Maggie, why don’t you read Nito’s star?” Sufilia suggested.

“You can really see my future?” Masamune stands up without thinking.

“Yes…do you not want me too?”

“Its not that, I just don’t know anything about it. ”

“Star reading is the ability to follow people into the future.”


“Connecting to the future, this is star reading.”

“I have no idea what you’re saying but, I don’t really want to know my future.”

“Masamune, why don’t you give it a shot.” Toa interjected. “We don’t know what will happen on our trip so, it might be useful?”

“When you put it that way…”

For Masamune it seems like it would be just another thing to worry about. More importantly he hates the idea of a predestined future.

“Fine, I’ll give it a shot.” However he couldn’t refuse Toa.

“It is a good day since you have decided upon such a course.”

Appearing in front of him Maggie put her hand on Masamunes head.

“Take a deep breath.”

Masamune took a deep breath and then let it out. “Ok what’s next. ” but there was no response.


The star reading had been activated and Masamune wasn’t looking at the same scene any longer.


There was the old woman in front of me and the princess as well. But the three behind me were gone, in there place was an earthen wall.

I could see the cave entrance, the light from outside lit the cave. I couldn’t speak, more over the rest of my body didn’t move as I wanted it too.

“You were here?”

It was a nostalgic voice that caused emotions to flow through me.

“Why did you come.”

My voice came out without my permission.

“The war has started, it will be worse now that ever before.”

It was the same voice.

“Why….why won’t you look at me.”

It was a sad voice.

“Master! Look at Nem!”

I looked up to see a beautiful woman with white cat ears at the cave entrance.


This was Nem? But, not the Nem that I know, she’s much more mature here.

“You knew about this place?”

“I looked all over as I traveled.”

“Nem has quite the sense of smell.”

“The war, was it Lucious?”

“Yes, but he wasn’t the Mastermind.”

“Who was it?”

I couldn’t believe my ears at Nems next words.

“Saeki…. Or that’s what he calls himself.”

Why is he still alive in this future?

“Please help us master, we can’t do this alone.”

“I can’t. ”


“What can I do.”

“If this goes on we’re going to lose big sister Sierra!”

At that moment I was filled with a deep sadness.

“I couldn’t even protect Toa, what can I possibly do? ”

I finally understood the meaning of these feelings. I had lost Toa.

“Master, this isn’t the time to be saying such things.”

“I don’t care about what happens to this world anymore!”

There is nothing left inside me.

“I should have died in that dungeon. ”

“If you had, Nem would not be here now. ”

“Nem, run away. Tell Sierra to run too.”

Tears ran down Nems cheeks.

“I’m sorry Nem. Choosing someone like me, I should have left you in Razhousen back then. You would still be having fun with the sister now. ”

Nem turned her back on me.

“Im….Nem is still….master’s Nem.”

Nem disappeared. What the hell is future me doing? Making Nem cry like that! Demonic.

“You’re here right? Masamune.”

Suddenly I started to speak to myself.

“When I saw myself last time I was here. That means you are too.”

It’s obvious that the me then was talking knowing that I am watching this scene now.

“This is awkward, don’t you think?”

The me then didn’t have the strength to smile.

“I longed for a different world, dreamed of magic. But in the end I couldn’t protect anything.”

I knew where the sadness came from.

“You know know right? That Toa died.”

I could hear the sound of wind from outside.

“That time, it happened right in front of me, if only I had listened to that old lady.”

He laughed, ridiculing himself.

“Masamune, this is reality. I didn’t think so at the time, I rejected the possibility. But Toa is dead. By the time I realized it was already too late.”

I stood and walked out of the cave.

“Masamune, find that magic. At the academy, you must find that magic, or you will lose Toa.”

I cast a spell and it began to erase everything.

“You will lose this world.”

It erased everything in sight.

“This world is finished now. And so is the war.”

This guy is crazy, he’s completely broken.

“It should be there.. the magic that can save Toa.”

He fired more spells.

“Masamune…. Dont become like me.”

A bright white flash and my consciousness was cut off.


I could see the old lady being supported by the princess. Them the faces of Toa, Sierra and Nem. The young Nem.

“Master are you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You… who are you? That light.”

The old lady was very upset, apparently she saw the same thing I did. So in other words, she saw me destroy the world.

“Thats my line. What kind of prophecy was that!”

The old lady stood up slowly supported by the princess.

“The prophecy is the prophecy, it’s something that will absolutely happen to you unless you notice the turning point.”

“The turning point?”

“You said it already, look for the magic.”

The magic that can save Toa, I said it was at the academy.

“Aunt Maggie, what on earth did you see? ”

“Don’t ask.”

The old lady stared at me intently.

“You called yourself Nito?”

“Huh? Uh… yeah.”

“Thats…..fine. Nito, do you like this word?”

The old lady knew instinctively that I was from another world, and she was worried. Worried about the future of this world.

“Relax. I longed for a world like this. I’ll never let that happen.”

“I see. I’m relieved to hear that. I need to rest.”

The old lady disappeared into her room.

“Masamune, are you ok?”

I looked at Toa and was reminded of the future. That I lost her, the beautiful Nem. She called Sierra, big sister didn’t she?

“Master is weird.” Nem tilted her head at my sudden smile.

“Its ok, it’s nothing. ”

“Did you see the future?” Toa asked.

“Yeah I saw it. I’ll tell you about it later.”

It’s not something I want to talk about with the three of them.

“Well then Nito, I want to give you a reward. Do you have any requests?” Sufilia asked.

“Reward? How about Trifar.”

“My apologies but, I can’t give you that.”

“Well then, how about a carriage? I’m going to Halekuwait, so I want a really nice carriage. Of course I only want to ride it there, you can have it back afterwards.”

“Father, is that alright?”

“Its not a problem.”

“In that case I will prepare you a carriage.”

“Your highness! I bring information!”

A messenger burst into the hall.


“A letter has arrived from Latosphilia.”

The kings expression became clouded.

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