A New Hope Nier

Chapter 135

After popping in to check on all my teammates the biggest incident beyond Winter being snippy was my meeting with Yang and Ruby's father Taiyang Xiao-Long.

He seemed to pick up on how my own portals were similar to Raven's semblance of making portals. And got a little defensive about having mini-Raven Branwen near his daughters.

But after a bit, my Earth nature and sharing the tales of Yang and Ruby getting in trouble at Beacon got the father onto my side as he was well aware of his girls being 'capable' of kicking my ass. So he didn't bother giving me some kind of shovel speech despite how affectionate Ruby clearly was towards me.

Then after hanging out with Ruby, I popped in to see Pyrrha, meeting her mother and getting to know them. After a couple of hours there, I then went and spent the night with Jeanne who was visiting her sister Terra so I got to see her little nephew Adrian.

Either way with my meeting with my team over with. I was ready to move on to the next world beyond the Metroid Universe. "Alright, so... Explain how the hell works?" I questioned with a flat face as standing next to a body suit that looked like something out of Gantz were Samus and 06, who were trying to get me into the damned thing.

Exo suits were cool... Power armor was awesome. But skin-tight body suits? "Jake, this is the first layer of armor in a matching nano weave that Samus's zero suit uses that will synch itself to your nervous system. We have upgraded the previous exo-armor you wore to Samus's world with the data you provided while wearing it. Which includes Dust forging into the metals to make it stronger as well as a Maso energy core for slow accumulating but infinite fuel for the mechanisms." My personal Operator unit explained but I still sagged making Samus snort.

"Don't get discouraged O6," Samus said with humor clear in her voice as she continued. "Men hate wearing body suits." She finished with some teasing in her voice which made my eyes roll. 

Granted YoRHa hadn't managed to figure out Samus's Power Suit and its ability to absorb stuff into it, to evolve the suit into higher forms. But let's be honest, the Power Suit put Spartan and Space Marine armor to shame with all its abilities, so even with YoRHa being as great as they were... I wasn't surprised they hadn't cracked to code to it even with Samus's help she could give over the last couple of weeks.

But as the 06 wheeled over my new Exo-Suit, I raised an eyebrow as White who was watching my preparations into the new world spoke out loud. "Due to your pattern of landings in these worlds of highly hostile lifeforms. We have used the Crysis suit template we found that you enjoyed as the style of its build. But regardless it was an interesting challenge despite it not having the same defensive and sheer capabilities the Power Suit does. It being a much thicker second layer to the Zero Suit basically will make it feel like an extension of your own form."

White letting me absorb that crucial fact before she continued. "Also, it is magically sealed with a wind dust internal system so even should you land in a highly inhospitable area. So long as it's not in the middle of a volcano or something, you will have plenty of time for you to teleport back. As the suit is capable of even withstanding the void of space to say nothing of some chemical gases being in the area."

At my raised hand to interrupt, White snorted indulgently and then drawled. "Yes, dear... The suit is capable of the hardening actions as well as optical camouflage that we made sure can also hide you from X-ray, radio, sound wave, and other forms of remote detection." Samus giggled as I made a little fist pump in manly joy.

So after getting suited up into my new Crysis suit, I saw Samus get into her own Power Suit making me raise an eyebrow as 2B also stood beside me. "You two are coming with me?" I asked and they both nodded making me shrug as I took A2 and 2B with me last time to colonize Tallon IV in the perfect British way... We stole all the artifacts, putting them in a museum and then we began strip mining parts of the land for resources to ship home to our own land while keeping scenic areas to show how great and kind our rule was.

"Alright then... Wish me luck, hopefully, it's a magic world this time." I said with a wry smile as White rolled her eyes and retorted.

"No, I much rather it not be... If it's a magical world I cannot save you when you inevitably step on someone's toes and they curse you from across the planet." She drawled and I in a perfect example of maturity stuck my tongue out at White... As I really didn't have a response for that. As Salem could have easily torn me apart when I teleported to her for that drunk booty call.

With White's reminder for me to mind my own business, I opened up the Darkness portal with my Guardian's glowing yellow eyes appearing in my pitch-black shadow for a second as Samus and 2B held one of my arms as we walked into the pitch black undulated pool of darkness.

While walking through the endless darkness with only little pools of light reflecting the far distance of worlds I have yet to see or reach. Samus spoke with an obviously disturbed tint to her voice. "Jake, my suit readings are bugging out. Registering us as being between and even atop dimensions... Where even are we?" She asked in confusion and honestly, I myself had no fucking clue beyond this just being the shadow between all light in Kingdom Hearts logic.

"No idea... All I know is that my Darkness Portals through both Space and Gravity magic can allow me to travel between worlds." I answered and then my following words were cut off as a light appeared before us as we crested past a thick swirl of darkness.

The door to the universe was fucking huge... Remnant's door was the size of a small closet door, and the same as the Nier Automata door. But Metroid's door was as large as a garage door, but this one?

"Why do I feel insulted at my world's door size?" 2B drawled making me snort at the slight indignance in her tone as we beheld the massive door that was something out of a dwarven keep but as I took in the murals on the door and its siding my face twitched as I easily recognized the iconography used in it.

Halos larger than worlds, monsters that could infect bodies, souls, machines, and the concepts of space and time itself. Also, there were smaller sections that depicted aliens committing genocide on helpless humans but in the grand scheme of the timeline of this universe that was small potatoes... 

"Fucking Halo really?" I drawled as I took in the door and wondered if fate was fucking with me and should I just literally avoid the door altogether.

Phazon was bad enough... The Flood? Hell nah.

But as I said Halo. White's voice rang through our comms making my blood go cold at my fuck up. "The universe of Halo? I thought your run into the Metroid Universe was an anomaly... But Jake, to save humanity is YoRHa's goal. Please let us see at least what is going on there." She pleaded with yearning in voice.

To probably fucking commit genocide against an alien race that did the same to the precious humans she loved so much. I sighed and with a wry smile, I could at least give YoRHa the coordinates to the Halo Universe before getting the hell out.



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