A New Hope Nier

Chapter 156

Ok... I really fucked up taking his horse away. As that horse was his crutch that kept him bound to the ground for the most part. So without his horse keeping him inlaid upon the ground. He had free reign to use his mastery of Gravity Magic to fly through the air after me.

"Dammit Radahn! Quit cheating you big ginger fuck!" I yelled out in annoyance as I was thrown through a hastily opened Gap portal when General Radahn roared and pulsed with a purple wave of energy that increased all gravity within a couple of miles to more than ten times the normal gravity.

Having ten times normal gravity even on myself for more than thirty seconds could be dangerously debilitating but I wasn't without my own methods. As just to give my own response to his attacks I held a hand out at the flying figure that was rushing towards me and I then with a snarl slammed my hand downwards and in response of flaring my magic a massive lightning bolt that burned all the dust and Rot in the sky slammed into Radahn with a mighty rumble of force that made my chest hurt from the force of the lightning bolt.

Radahn's form was glowing with heat as his armored form changed from burnt and rusted orange to a bright glowing red as it was burning with the heat of the long lightning bolt I had struck him with.

But even with his armor cooking him, Radahn didn't stop or hesitate as he slammed his swords into the ground and then he held up his two hands up into the air with a massive swirling ball of purple energy formed. 'What the hell is he doing?' I thought in confusion as I marshaled my power to hit him again with another bolt of lightning.

Instead, though, I heard A2's voice roaring through my comm units. "Jake get the fuck out of there! He has already summoned an entire meteor shower that's going to slam down all over Caelid!"

I felt ice enter my veins as Radahn's title hit my mind in a whisper. "Starscourge General Radahn. You fucking monster." I muttered as already I could see red streaks of light coming through the air in the dark sky. As the meteors Radahn used his gravity magic to begin pulling towards us were flying in all directions.

Radahn clearly couldn't give less of a shit, he wanted to nuke this entire dessert and the eastern part of Caelid at least so knowing that I did some quick thinking before falling through a portal below my feet and as I came out of my portal a ways away from A2 and Malenia. I grabbed them and then opened another portal high in the sky with my magic creating a pocket of air for us to breathe along with the earth around us when I opened the portal supporting our weight.

"Melina I need to borrow Torrent for a minute," I spoke and Melina's eyes widened before she bit her lip and nodded with her carefully passing the ring over to me.

"Be careful... Torrent is precious to me." Melina said but I could barely hear her as the deep rumbling of meteors colliding with the world rang out I nodded even as I looked down at the thick layers of dust everywhere as the thousands of building-sized meteors had probably cleared up a good bit of the Rot of Caelid with how they brought so much heat and energy as they slammed into the world.

I slipped on the ring and with a mental flex of my will the bestest boy of them all in the Spirit Elk formed beside me and I felt the eyes of the being look at me for a long moment before Torrent nodded and dipped down to let me on easier.

"Jake, what are you doing now? What if Radahn summons a big enough meteor to just destroy the world?" A2 rightfully asked as I also was kinda scared about that.

But I took a breath and said. "Radahn is in there... The fact that he lost his shit so much with Leonard being sent away is proof. So I am going to defeat him in a mounted fight!"

Melina's hand met her face as she groaned out and muttered. "The Radahn festival was just a few months from now... Why didn't we just wait for that?"

I didn't respond and as the dust slowly seemed to settle below us I opened another portal and our forms were dropped out of the portal below us with our forms being shot outwards of the sideways exit to the portal so we landed on the ground.

Already I could feel Radahns magical signature in the distance so giving A2 a look to keep an eye out on Melia I rushed back into battle but this time mounted on Torrent.

"Radahn! Mount up and fight me!" I roared with my magic enhancing my voice and making Radahn's head snap towards me but even as his body glowed purple magic again I opened another portal in front of him and he faltered as his lanky thin and weak Leonard trotted out of the portal and began pushing its head against Radahn's side.

While he gently got onto Leonard's back I was still rushing towards him on Torrent and after a moment he began charging towards me as well with both of his huge swords ready in the air as I held up my own sword in challenge.

And as our swords came to meet I made my move as just like all those weeks and months ago back in the ring fighting Pyrrha who could do kooky shit with her semblance to make herself stupidly strong.

I closed the Gap of all of Radahn's momentum in a split second to make him stagger and then my sword slammed home into his shoulder with him grumbled in slight pain but with a flex my Torrent disappeared as I got onto Radahn's large back was no smaller than fully grown elephants back.

With my sword having pierced his right shoulder, his arm couldn't reach back to grab me so that gave me the time to get down to my main plan as I slit my hand open and then cut into Radahns back, and with my Gap semblance, I began forcing my Phazon into his body.

And now it was just a fight between my Phazon and the remnants of Malenias Rot!



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