A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 13

I chopped, boiled, mixed, and distilled herbs and roots and mushrooms, preparing two big ol' flasks full of the last two precursors. Just mix these two liquids together in the right ratio at the right temperature, and optionally pour in some magic, and you'd have yourself a nice, potent Magic Capacity stat boosting potion. And I'd prepared enough precursor to make ten.

Carefully, I capped the precursors, and set them aside. The next step, of course, was to brew a much larger quantity of recharge potion- I'd run the math, and found exactly the point where I'd stop seeing benefits from pouring in magic to increase its effect, that being to recharge the magic pool. I ended up brewing an entire sixty gallon barrel of recharge potion, and then worried that it might not be enough.

Finally, I returned to the Magic Capacity precursors, and meticulously dosed out precise amounts of them into a pair of much smaller beakers. Then, setting up the final heat-and-mix flask, I poured in both beakers at once, and watched as the two mostly-clear liquids sloshed together and reacted to form a swirling. growing cloud of green, until the whole thing was green. And at the exact instant when everything was green, I poured my entire magic pool into that potion, once again boosting its effects into the stratosphere. Usagi's Sevenfold Necklace was some genuine fucking insanity, I'll tell you what.

"Alright," I said, decanting the finished potion into a ceramic mug, to cool it down faster. "Potion's done. Akane, your turn." I pulled off the Sevenfold Necklace, and passed it off to Akane- which slowed down my magic regeneration, but also shrank the size of my magic pool, meaning I'd only have to drink two doses of recharge potion to get back to full instead of three.

"Alright," Akane said, putting on the original Sevenfold Necklace, and pulling out her new copy. She set the necklace down on her enchanting altar, which would help lower the enchanting resistance, reviewed her notes on the enchantment, and then drank the mug of potion.

She was on the clock, now, and pressed her hands to the two magic capacitors that came with her altar. Those had a pretty static magic pool of their own, and Akane was nowhere near powerful enough to re-enchant them without simply making them worse. Of course, what that really meant was that they were far more powerful than she could hope to make on her own without a few more levels.

She closed her eyes, and the altar flashed blue, as she dumped the entire contents of not only her own magic pool, but also that of the magic capacitors, into her own Sevenfold Necklace.

She took off Usagi's Sevenfold Necklace, tossing it back to her father, and put on her own, newly re-enchanted Sevenfold Necklace.

"Yesss," Akane hissed, before pumping her fist in victory. "It worked!"

"It's got bigger stats than mine?" Usagi asked.

"It does!" Akane said, grinning and jumping for joy. "Oh, yes, fuck yes, thank fucking god I got Veronica to make a bunch more of these!"

"And she thought we wouldn't need more rubies and orichalcum anytime soon," I said, as though I'd contributed very much of either. While my alchemy kit had come with a triplet of blackbox machines that took in magic and, somehow, produced quicksilver, lead, and salt- the three mineral bases from which a good Alchemist could produce any mineral substance ranging from glass to gold to mineral oil- the unfortunate thing was that those machines were not, ultimately, very good, and took an obscene amount of magic to produce any useful amount of material.

I'd originally intended to use my own gold to supplement the crafting process- no need to get all the quicksilver I'd need to turn lead into gold the hard way, I'd thought at the time- but it turns out that the alchemical byproducts of refining base metals up to gold were, themselves, key precursors to alumina and chromium, which were themselves the key component of rubies.

It was cool that I could turn magic into quicksilver, lead, and salt, and then turn those into any mineral material that existed. It would be a lot cooler if I could turn reasonable amounts of magic into reasonable amounts of those desired materials.

"Okay, okay," Akane said, settling down and taking a deep breath. "Roxy, your turn again." She took the necklace back off and handed it to me, and while I waited for one minute to tick over- so that my magic pool would stay full when I put the necklace on- Akane poured a full gallon of recharge potion into her potion engine, which burned the potion for magic to refill the capacitors.

Ten rounds of this, we'd calculated, would get us well past the point of diminishing returns, and produce a Sevenfold Necklace that we could not get any more powerful even if we used it to brew a Magic Capacity stat potion and then drank it. And so, ten rounds of this we performed, followed by the enchanting of four new, "blank," unenchanted Sevenfold Necklaces.

The Sevenfold Necklace, however, had seven stat boosts, not just one. And so, in a fairly tedious process- during which Usagi left to go prepare lunch- Akane enchanted each of the six remaining pendants on all five necklaces with a different stat boost, stopping each time to recharge not only her own magic pool- taking off the Sevenfold Necklace to do so- but that of her altar's capacitors as well.

Akane groaned as she was halfway through the last necklace.

"What?" I asked.

"I've been doing so much enchanting with such high Affinity Boosts on me," Akane said. "And now I'm a Level 2 Mystic Artificer, and we can squeak out even bigger bonuses."

"...You know what," I said carefully. "As much as it pains me to say this, I think that, just perhaps, we might not need to squeeze out every single bonus we can right now. I think that we can just finish this last necklace, to the same level as the others, and call it a day."

"But-" Akane began.

"We kind of have to, anyways," I continued. "We're almost out of recharge potion, and I don't have any more of the ingredients I need to make it. It'll take a while to grow any more."

Akane pouted, and I patted her shoulder.

"These things take time, darling," I said. "Believe me, I wanna get this over and done with, too. Just... give it another day or three."

She sighed dramatically, and Usagi returned to the room.

"Done yet?" Usagi asked.

"Almost," Akane said. "Just another few minutes."

I sighed, holding the keyhole sweater-dress I'd made in my hands.

I'd intended to give this to Akane, back when I'd made it, but by this point, I'd lost my nerve and changed my mind. Because, while it would be a sight to behold if Akane were to squeeze that figure of hers into this curve-hugging sweater, actually giving her the sweater would be an absolutely terrible idea.

Not because it'd offend her or hurt her feelings- at least, I'm reasonably confident it wouldn't do so. No, because I'm pretty sure she'd like it, and I'm very sure that I'd like it even more. And since she wanted to fuck me, and I was exercising restraint, doing anything that harmed my ability to restrain myself was a certified Bad Idea.

So I grabbed a cowgirl instead. The same cowgirl I'd been facefucking and fingerblasting all this time, in fact. And now, I intended to follow in the footsteps of countless pet owners before me, and stuff her into this stupid outfit entirely because I wanted to see her wear it.

Funny enough, getting the sweater over her head was actually the easy part. Being knit, and thus made completely of long, looping yarn, you'd think that trying to get that over the head of a cowgirl, who had horns, would be an exercise in frustration, but nope. Being knit, and also enchanted, the sweater was also very stretchy, and so it was easy to just bunch it up over my forearms, plant my palms over her horns, and slide the sweater off my forearms and down onto her neck with a spread of my elbows. The closest this whole process got to a hard part was getting the matching thigh-highs onto her, but overall, the cowgirl was remarkably docile, compliant, and easy to handle. Apparently, establishing myself in her mind as someone who brings a lot of pleasure got me some leeway in doing whatever the hell I wanted to her.

I stepped back, and took in the sight of an unawakened cowgirl wearing this stupid goddamn thirst trap of an outfit. True to my predictions, it was very snug and clingy once it was on, and accentuated her generous curves marvelously, the black silk having just enough of a sheen to it to produce some gorgeous highlights on the topside of her hips and bust. The keyhole in the upper chest proudly displayed a generous amount of some of the most magnificent cleavage I'd ever witnessed in my life, which was aided by the knit fabric squeezing in just enough to provide the perfect amount of support for those big ol' cow titties of hers. And, just a foot or so lower, her big ol' cow dick was similarly clung to by the sweater, and her bulge looked absolutely amazing- and I didn't even particularly care for girldick one way or the other!

After a few moments of hesitation, I gave into temptation and pulled out my phone, and began taking pictures of the cowgirl. I would never, under any circumstances, actually share these pictures, but they would be quite nice to have in the event I had to revisit my recent experience of being too injured to just fuck the cowgirl, and had to just look at porn instead.

I hummed quietly to myself as I stepped back towards the cowgirl, after the first few pictures, and gently hooked the bottom edge of the keyhole with a finger. I tugged downward, and... while that did produce a satisfying jiggle along with a larger viewport, it did not do what I actually wanted, and I ended up having to use more than one finger to actually pull the fabric of the sweater down and off of her tits. After recording a short video of me jiggling her tits by tugging on the keyhole, naturally.

I'd kept recording, though, and so had what I felt was a very, very nice video of me (mostly out of frame) tugging downward on the keyhole and letting those fat fucking knockers of hers fall out of the sweater and bounce into the open air. And after I finished recording, I thought to check my system, and, sure enough, acting on this brazenly horny impulse did net me a noticeable amount of Reified Lust. It was a smaller amount than I'd gotten from simply jerking off, and an absolutely pitiful amount compared to an orgasm with company, but all the same, it wasn't nothing, and could possibly be an avenue to explore further in the future.

You know. After I finished titfucking this cowgirl in a sweater designed for titfucks.

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