A New Kind Of Grind

Chapter 16

I pulled the bike and its trailer into the alleyway behind the Rusty Anchor, and drew to a careful stop just outside the back door, before knocking on it heavily.

"This was a surprisingly smooth ride," I said quietly, waiting for someone to answer.

"Of course," Akane said, seated on the rear passenger seat mounted on top of the rear fender. "The whole bike is pretty much dripping with magic, put down by me. I might not be as skilled a Mystic Artificer as my dad is, but I've got way more magic to throw around than she does."

The back door opened, and standing there was Katie, the omega barmaid who apparently wanted to fuck me, according to Cass. She might've been right, though, as Katie didn't seem too terribly pleased to see me riding a bike with Akane clinging to my back, and went from apparent jealousy to despair as we dismounted and it became clear precisely what Akane looked like.

"Here's the beer, and sorry it's late," I said, wheeling the cart forward so the opening was closer to the door. "Fucking gangsters stole the barrels I tried to get delivered; can't have shit in Dornhelm."

"I-it's okay," Katie said, quietly, a bit busy staring at Akane's boobs. She was either having an internal monologue about how jealous she was of Akane or something like that, with strong undertones of wanting to fuck Akane but not realizing it, or she was just straight up internally monologuing about how much she wanted to fuck Akane. There was no heterosexual explanation for how much trouble Katie was having keeping her eyes above Akane's shoulders.

"Where do you want them?" I asked, as I [Levitate]d a barrel out of the back of the cart.

"H-here is fine."

Oh she is down bad.

"Akane, can you-" I began.

"Sure!" Akane said, casually [Levitate]ing some more barrels out of the cart, through the back door, and into the Rusty Anchor's store room.

Emboldened by Akane's example, I grabbed the last four barrels out of the cart in a single spell, and then felt like a jackass when I had to basically juggle the goddamn things into the store room one by one. How was she better at this spell than I was? I used it every fucking day to move barrels around. So fucking unfair...

"Ah, Roxy, there you are," Rusty said as I set the last barrel down, label facing out so that it could be read. "Do you have a moment to talk, lass?"

"Sure, Rusty," I said, dusting my hands uselessly. "Sorry about the delay- fucking bandits. You know how it is."

"Aye, I do know how it is, lass," Rusty said, nodding. "Y'see, Roxy, business is starting to slow down. The bandit problem is making a lot of longshoremen antsy about going to work, and if they aren't going to work, they're not eating at my establishment."

"Ah, shit," I said quietly.

"We'll likely survive, one way or another," Rusty continued. "Sailors are used to pirates, and likely as not won't even notice the local cutthroats, so they'll still be coming in and drinking more than their fill. But... I'll have to wait and see just how much of your beer I can afford to stock next month."

"I understand, Rusty," I said, nodding. "This mess is a problem for all of us... well, except for Akane, but she's a Delver."

"Aye, Delvers'll be just fine," Rusty said. "They always are, aren't they?"


"Well, it was good seeing you, Roxy," Rusty said. "You take care."

"I'll try."

"I feel like I have to do something about this," Akane muttered as we walked up the stairs to the apartment, the bike and its trailer safely back inside my inventory.

"What, that barmaid who wanted to fuck you?" I asked.

"She's cute, but I prefer taller girls," Akane said. "No, I meant the bandit gangs. Things are getting really bad, and we have to... I mean, there has to be something we can do to make the situation better, right?"

"Yeah, but..." I sighed. "Look. Don't worry about it, okay? I'm working on something. Just focus on your studies, pass your finals, and graduate to full Guild membership. I'll handle it."

"...Roxy, I have two levels and four years of combat training on you."

"And if it was just a question of kicking ass and taking names, that'd actually count for something," I said. "This is going to need a subtler approach, from someone who actually works at the docks and knows those people."

Akane sighed.

"...Is there anything I can do to help?" Akane asked quietly.

In point of fact, there 100% was, except for the fact that I would never actually ask her to do it.

"I might need some enchantment work done," I said instead.

The next morning, I finished milking the cowgirls, and then pulled a hearty breakfast out of my inventory and ate quickly, before dragging my favorite cowgirl back to my room in what she knew by now was a daily routine. One that, thankfully, she seemed quite eager about- she was no mere docile sheep, accepting her fate, she was a goddamn housecat who demanded that you stick to the schedule and feed her, now.

I knew this because she was rubbing against me and being very vocally impatient while I ate.

Still, I did get her to my room and into the sweater and stockings in short order. As far as I could tell, she seemed to quite like the outfit, which was nice, because I liked seeing her in it too. It was excellent inspiration for my daily routine of fucking her tits and then fingerblasting her to a synchronized G-spot and prostate orgasm.

Today, though, things would be different. I had the day off.

The first change was, after I got her all dolled up, I fed her a few potions, each of which was focused on having a long duration. One Stamina potion, one birth control potion, and one aphrodisiac- I was a little surprised I could make those, but considering how horny this world is, and also that crafting classes unlocked synergistic recipes from other classes one had, possibly including Incubus, I suppose I shouldn't be. (Briefly, I wondered if Incubus/Alchemist synergy would let me make magical HRT so I could get the giant boobs I deserved. I mean, I definitely had other stuff I could use transformation potions for, given that I had a transformation fetish, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that my first priority was some fat knockers.)

Once she was properly dosed up, I pulled her into a long, deep kiss, and picked her up. She was heavy, but I was strong; after something like a month of fucking her throat every day and filling her stomach with cum, I'd made a lot of progress in Incubus, and had maxed out my Strength stat through a mix of the power of boners and the power of actual exercise. And while the Strength ceiling of a Level 1 Wizard was not particularly high, it was high enough to pick up and carry a person- or a pet shaped like one.

Cowgirl in hand, I carried her to my bed, and flopped us both down onto it, pinning her beneath me. I was very grateful that wood was still relatively cheap, because otherwise my bed frame would not be solid enough for what I was about to do.

Still kissing the cowgirl, I began to finger her, getting her properly warmed up for what was to come. And come she did, after barely three minutes of my fingering- turns out a maxed-out Dexterity stat has its uses, too. And while I had to admit I really, really did not know what I was doing... I was pretty sure that a g-spot orgasm was a pretty good indicator that I had, in fact, gotten my partner sufficiently warmed-up. Warmed-up for what? What was I even planning?

Carefully, I fished my cock out from under my robe, and lined it up with the cowgirl's well-slicked slit, before slowly but surely losing my virginity to someone else's livestock. I dismissed the thought- this was normal, here, and didn't seem at all harmful to or even unwanted by the animals. Hell, the cowgirl even wrapped her legs around my hips!

I shook away the doubt and recrimination; I could worry about that later. Right now, I was fucking a big fat hottie with magnificent tits, and I was loving every minute of it. As nice as blowjobs and titfucks were- and believe me, they are very nice- they just could not compare to a warm, wet hole that actually was meant to be fucked, that clung to you all over. There was no inexpert technique that brushed teeth against the shaft, no lapse or adjustment in grip that left your cock half-exposed to the open air until things were re-arranged, none of that. Just a fleshy hole that absolutely loved getting fucked, and made funny twitches when you did.

I squeezed and kneaded the cowgirl's tits through her sweater as I pounded away, satisfaction building as I felt her shudder her way through a second orgasm. Then, peeling the sweater back, I broke the kiss, and leaned down to suckle those big, milky titties of hers. I'd been drinking her milk just about every day I'd lived here, sometimes directly and sometimes just in the form of butter and yogurt, but if you could believe it, this was the first time in those nearly five months that I'd tried it straight from the tap.

Something in my system dinged; checking it with half a brain, the other half focused on fucking and milking my cow, I learned that I'd unlocked an Alchemist recipe via Incubus synergy, and resolved to check on it... later.

My own orgasm wasn't far away, and with the way my cowgirl was breathing and clenching, I tried to hurry it along. My efforts were rewarded with a simultaneous orgasm, the rhythmic clenching of the cowgirl's pussy working marvelously to milk rope after rope of cum out of me.

"Hooo fuck," I breathed, mostly to myself, as I collapsed forward onto my lover, my face cradled in the transcendental pillows of her bounteous breasts. "That was... hah, I think... I think I'm liking this whole 'sex' thing. Heh."

My cowgirl, ignorant to my masterful work of comedy, simply mooed plaintively, her previously-jelly-like legs slowly regaining the strength needed to cling to me.

"Yep," I said, nodding. "I gave you a Stamina potion, didn't I?" I was talking to myself, really, but... well, I just did that sometimes, and the fact that there was a pet shaped like a hot bitch in the room didn't really change that. "We've got about ten and a half hours before I've gotta milk you and your friends again. And I intend to spend all of them..." I began to rock my hips once more. "...productively."

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