A New Player in the Force


"Huh?" I mumbled as I woke, feeling a cold, what I assumed was a table, against my back. "Where the hell…" My voice trailed off as my eyes took in where I was.

It appeared as if I was in some sort of room, and everything – be it the walls, floor, or ceiling, was white. There was no smell, but it reminded me of a perfectly sterilised hospital.

"OK, this makes no sense. The last thing I remember was…" Again, my voice trailed off as I remembered the attack.

My team and I had been following intel that suggested the market was a front for terrorist operations and, in a break from our SOP, had patrolled the market like a standard unit of squaddies.

That had been a mistake, as the market had been an ambush.

I remembered rushing in to cover, even as two of my squad mates and friends fell under a hail of rounds, returning fire only to see two of the attackers aim at a school-aged group in the market. In a moment of what could only have been insanity, I disregarded my standing orders - and what I'd been taught - and rushed to save the group.

I think I had gotten them out safely, even as I felt three sharp stabs in my side.

I checked my side but found no wounds, not even a bruise, and I gulped.

"I, I died? This is Heaven?"


"What the…?" I mumbled as I saw the strange floating text that appeared in front of my eyes; no more than six inches away from me. I absently waved my hand through the text, but it remained there, just floating in front of me. "So, this is not Heaven?"


I frowned at the new message, the old one shrinking and moving down to the lower right corner of my vision. I turned my head and found that the new text stayed in the centre of my vision while the old one kept to the corner.

"Weird," I muttered to myself. "So, if this isn't Heaven, am I dead?"


"Fuck." I growled and sat up. I noticed that the table I had been lying on was white, just like the rest of the room; its edges were rounded to avoid cuts. "So where am I? What the hell is this place?"


As a winner in the Multiversal Afterlife Lottery, you have been chosen to live a new life in a universe of your choosing with unique gifts.

Based on your previous life, we have selected the following 10 universes for you to consider for your new life.











If none appeal, you can suggest another, and if it exists, we will allow you to select it.

"WHAT!?" I shouted as I fell backwards off the table. "None of those are real!"


None of them are real to you, but all exist in the multiverse.

Your reality, like others, can glance into other realities.

These glances have allowed writers to create stories that mirror events that happened in those worlds.

I blinked and stared at the newest text in disbelief. "Okay... Are those my only options?" I slowly asked. I wasn’t sure if this was real, but I felt a need to play along at least until I learnt more about what was really going on.


As stated, those are just the choices we felt would most appeal to you based on your previous life and our calculations.

Do you have another you wish to add to the list?

"Um, no. Not really." I said with a gentle shake of my head. "This is just nuts. I mean. I get to live again in a game or story world. That's like some kind of bad fanfiction."


However, for you, it is true.

Are you ready to make a choice?

"Um, not yet," I replied before shaking my head again as a slightly panicked chuckle escaped my lips. "Jeez! I'm having a conversation with floating text in a quasi-afterlife." I shook my head once more as I ignored the morbid humour I was finding in the situation. "How long do I have to decide?"

Time here is inconsequential.

Where we are, simply is. Time does not pass here.

Once you have made your choice, state 'I Choose …' inserting your decision.

"Right, thanks," I mumbled, and the text all vanished bar the list that moved to the side of my vision. "This is… wrong." I paused and tilted my head with a frown. "Why am I not angry, sad, or anything about dying?"

While here, emotion is nullified.

This is due to your first unique gift: Player’s Mind.

Player's Mind [ON/OFF] MAX

Allows the Player to logically think things through without any, for better or worse, emotional interference.

Allows a peaceful state of mind.

Grants immunity to physiological effects.

Protects against compulsions and external controls.

Does not prevent the Player from showing emotional responses, only dissipates them instantly afterwards.

[NOTE: Will automatically turn on when the Player is in battle or HP falls below 25%]

Costs 1PPP/minute

"Wha… Wait! You mean I really am in some type of video game?!"


While you were and will be alive – provided you select a new universe to live in – you are not in a game.

However, the powers we are granting you are easier for a corporeal mind to process if they are treated as powers in what you would call an RPG.

"Well, ok then." I stopped and ran my hand through my hair, only to gasp. "What? Where's my hair?"

Your hair is determined by your life.

As your old one has ended you currently have no bodily hair.

Once you select a new universe you will be taken to 'character creation'.

"Well… This is nuts." I shook my head as I examined the list. "Might as well work through the list." I paused and looked upwards. "Um, could I have a notepad and pen?"

There was a small popping sound and I looked behind myself to see that what I'd asked for had appeared on the table I’d awoken on. "Thanks," I said to the empty room as I picked up the pen and opened the notebook. "Right, time to go through the pros and cons of each choice."

I wasn't sure of how long I took going through the choices and whittling them down until I finally selected the Star Wars universe. Upon my selection, the entire room flashed a brilliant silver. I instinctively threw up my arms to shield my eyes from the glare, the pen and pad I’d been holding falling to the floor.

As the light faded, I slowly removed my arm and peeked. "Whoa," I muttered as I fully opened my eyes. The room had changed, and I was now standing in a room bathed in a gentle light blue light. In front of me, there was now a mirror and display screen beside it. My eyes were drawn to the text on the display.

Welcome to Character Creation. [Star Wars Universe]

Here you will take the steps to create your new persona.

Step 1:

Select your given name.

Currently, this is "Cameron".

Do you wish to change?


"Um, no," I said, figuring there was no reason to do.

Step 2:

Select a species. Examine the list of races and make your selection.


"Holy shit," I mumbled as I scrolled the list, only recognizing a handful of race names. Thankfully, each had a picture of the base male and female form, a brief description of the species and their inherent advantages/weaknesses. There were also options to add a myriad of other advantages or disadvantages, with each having a number next to it. Beside each number, be it a positive or negative number, were the letters ‘CCP’.

For ease and safety, I picked Human as my race. While a few of the options were tempting, I wasn't prepared to alter my race without knowing more about the species.

"What is CCP?" I asked aloud; figuring that who or whatever was in charge would explain. I was surprised when part of the display shifted to show text.

Character Creation Points

During the creation of your new identity, you have the chance to add special perks and abilities that are considered anything from uncommon to rare within your new universe.

You may also add flaws that grant you extra CCPs, though there is no need to take any if you do not wish.

As a new identity, you have 10CPPs to start with.


Certain perks and abilities can be gained later through the spending of perk points (PP)


"Um, ok," I mumbled as I accepted the option and moved to the next stage.

Step 3:

Determine your initial age.

To allow for more control a new identity can start at 0, 8, 16 or 20 for a Human [Starting ages vary with species]

Chosen starting age is 8.



"Um, yeah. I guess," I answered slowly. "I mean I don't want to be born again and have to experience that but starting as a teen or adult means I miss growing up. And I'm kinda curious about how that goes in Star Wars."

Step 4:

Determining base stats, of which there are 6.







Each new identity starts with 5 stat points (SP) to apply as you wish and is granted a further 4+INT/15 SP per level up.

For reaching level 8 [1 level is earned per year as a child] you gain an additional 37 SP.

For comparison:

An average adult Human is level 20-25

An average Human has stat values of around 18 for STR VIT and AGI.


A Human has a maximum value of 55 for STR VIT and AGI.

[Max Values vary from species to species]


Due to unique gifts offered to you, and knowledge from your previous identity, you start with a +10 bonus to INT and +5 to WIS and CHA.

Assign initial stats then press confirm.


Leftover SP will be lost.


"Bloody hell," I muttered as I saw the left side of the display shimmer to display the six stats and a box underneath with each with '0' inside, though there was a +10 under Intelligence and +5 under Wisdom and Charisma. Each box had '+' and '-' beside it that I assumed were for adding and subtracting points.

"Um, can I have an explanation of each stat? I mean, I think I understand but I want to be sure."

The right side of the display shimmered, and I smiled as I read the new text.

Stats and You

Everyone is determined by their stats but as one of the chosen few, you have the chance to see these values and influence them.

However, what does each mean and what does it influence?


Strength measures your character's muscle and physical power.

This ability is especially important for melee soldiers and those with similar careers because it helps them prevail in physical combat.

Additionally, each point of Strength grants 2 inventory slots [this will be explained later]


Vitality represents your character's health and stamina.

Vitality adds to a person's hit points, so it's important for everyone but most important for those who are active combat participants.

Vitality is also key in determining your resistance to diseases and other physically debilitating effects.


Agility measures hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.

This ability is also high on the list for characters who want to be good shots with ranged weapons (Such as Blasters) or who want to handle the controls of a starship or speeder well.


Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons,

Intelligence is important for thinkers and leaders, and any character who wants to have a wide assortment of Skills.


Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, perception, and intuition.

Compared to Intelligence, Wisdom is more related to being in tune with and aware of one's surroundings, while Intelligence represents one's ability to analyse information.

An "absent-minded professor" has a low Wisdom score and a high Intelligence score.

A simpleton with low Intelligence might nonetheless have great insight (High Wisdom).

Wisdom is important for characters wishing to be in tune with their environment or characters who like to gamble.

If you want your character to have keen senses, put a high score in Wisdom.


Charisma measures a character's force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness.

It represents your strength of personality and force of presence, not merely how others perceive you in a social setting.

Charisma is most important for politicians and Jedi.


"Damm. There's no real useless stat. Need to think about this carefully." I examined the stats for a while before slowly adding points until there were none left.

No remaining Stat points.

Are these your final choices?

"Yeah," I said slowly, and I watched as the stats appeared beside the picture and the bonuses it mentioned were added on.



Each new identity has 10 CCPs to spend on perks.

An additional perk point [PP] is gained every 4 levels.

While PPs can be saved, CCPs must be used up when a new identity is created.

You currently have 10CCPs and 2PPs.

Since this is a new identity creation, you can spend your PP on Creation-only perks.

Please browse the list below and make your choices.

Tap a Perk name to see a description and cost.

Click the name again to close the information or click the green box to add to your identity.


I whistled as the left side of the screen filled with over 20 perks, though my eyes were drawn to three that I tapped to open fully.

Force Sensitive

You are Force-sensitive, allowing you to call on The Force and learn to draw on its powers.

Grants 100 Force Points (FP) per level.

[Can only be selected on identity creation]


Force Adept

You are Force-sensitive, allowing you to call on The Force and learn to draw on its powers.

Grants a greater connection to the force and all but guarantees that you will be selected as a Jedi Youngling.

Grants 250 Force Points (FP) per level.

[Can be selected on Identity creation or upgraded to if identity took Force Sensitive on Identity creation.]

CCP 4 [2PP if upgrading]

Force Prodigy

You are Force-sensitive, allowing you to call on The Force and learn to draw on its powers.

Your connection to the Force is immense and marks you out as potentially one of the most powerful Force users of your time.

Grants 500 Force Points (FP) per level.

[Can only be selected on identity creation]



"Damm. If I'm understanding this correctly, Yoda, Vader and Luke would be prodigies while most are just Adepts. Hmm, I'm definitely taking one of those two, but I'd better read the rest of the list to see what else could be useful."

I spent the time going through the list, reading the descriptions of each carefully if it interested me. "That will do," I murmured to myself as I accepted my final perk after however long had passed.


You have selected the following Perks:

Force Prodigy [7CCP]

Ambidextrous [1CCP]

Empathy [2CCP]

Photographic Memory [2PP]

Are these your final choices?


"Yes." I felt a burst of energy as the perks were added below the stats in my mini-picture.



Each identity learns skills as they progress with skills affected by stats.

Each stat point grants a 5% boost to the learning speed of a related skill.

At every level-up, each identity is granted INT*2 skill points to spend how they see fit.

You are free to transfer any of your old skills over, though they may suffer penalties because of being in a different universe or being inserted at a different age.

Each new identity is granted 100 plus level*INT*2 skill points [SKP] during creation.

Skill points can be saved for later use.

Please examine your old skills and potential new ones before deciding on a final list.

Skills are added to your identity the same way perks were.

Currently, you have 340 skill points to spend.


"Whoa…" while the Perk list had twenty, the skills list was massive. My old list had about a hundred ranging from school subjects that were at various levels, to artistic ones like the guitar and singing that I hadn't used in years, to sex skills. "Not sure how much use those will be to start, but definitely keeping them for later on," I commented with a smirk. The smirk shifted after I added Kissing and a line was drawn through the skill. Next to it, the word ‘LOCKED’ appeared.

"Huh, well I guess that makes sense. What eight-year-old knows how to kiss properly?"

I added all the old skills that I thought had any cross-over and noticed that a few were lowered due to being younger – or altered in the case of English becoming Basic – before browsing the list.

In fact, there were two lists for skills; one for skills that seemed to matter – or at least were tracked and awarded levels – and one for what was called Knowledge-Based Skills. This was just a listing of what I knew about various governments, companies, criminal organizations, topographies of planets and History that didn't seem to affect skill checks; and many were prone to falling as information became outdated.

I added what I knew to Knowledge-Based Skills but didn’t pay much attention to the list. What I knew about the Star Wars galaxy was limited, and I had little doubt that once I was there, I could learn more about the place as time passed.

"Hmm, I can't wait to get a lightsaber, but since I'm only eight, there's no point in adding any points to the forms, though a few in the skill to use one makes sense. Having all my knowledge of combat and weapons transfer over was nice, though I’d lost levels here and there due to different tech.

"Maybe add points to repair or crafting so I can look after any pistols or rifles I get a hold of. Concentration grants bonuses to skill XP gain, so if I max it out that's a fifty per cent boost to learn other skills!" I smirked as I added the points and then increased Meditation to 50 since it boosted the regeneration rate of a few things; namely Force Points/

"Right, I think I'll hold on to the other skill points and see what needs a boost later."

Do you accept your skills?



Skills locked.


You have 70 SKP left for later use.

To add, simply call up skills in the user interface and tap the '+' symbol.

Changes will become permeant once you leave the skills list.


You have over 3000 skill levels, this grants 2 bonus stat points.

Do you wish to spend them now?


"Um, no."

Step 7:

The Force

As you are Force-sensitive, you can learn to use the Force.

At each level, you are granted a certain number of Force Points.

The more FP you have, the more you can use the Force.

However, the cost of each power decreases as you become better at using it.

What powers you will have will be determined by your origin story.

After completing the prologue, you may have the chance to learn from a Force Master or experiment with your powers yourself.


"OK. So why bother making that a step?" I asked the display, but it simply ignored me and moved on.

Step 8:


Where do you come from?

Where in the timeline do you wish to live?

These need to be determined before we place you in control of your new identity.

Current timelines in play are:


Old Republic Era

Rise of the Empire Era

Rebellion Era

Legacy Era


If none appeal, then you can select a specific time to enter the universe.


"Uh, I only know the movies and video games," I muttered as I rubbed the back of my head. "So why not the Rise of the Empire? I know that and the Rebellion era best."

Rise of the Empire Era selected.

Step 9:


Certain names and families have relevance throughout the galaxy.

Will you be a scion of one such dynasty or just a random someone?

Famous choices for family names are:





House Ordo

Organa Family

Antilles Family


Please enter your family name below.


Almost any name may have links to someone in the past, however, in most cases, this will not be critical to your new identity.


I looked at the list and chuckled. "Well to beat a Darth, you might need a Darth so why not Shan; assuming that Revan and Bastila had children." I typed in my choice.

Cameron Shan.

Are you sure?


Name set.


This bloodline has a specific prologue to play.

You do not have to select that, but it is the suggested option.

Will you accept the assigned prologue: The Lost Scion?


"Sure, why not," I answered with a shrug. Truthfully, I was getting a little bored with creating my new persona and was hoping that I'd get to leave this place soon.

Character Creation finished.

Please examine the final listings to be sure.

If you accept, press the green box and the bottom of the screen, if not press the red box to restart Character Creation.


The display shifted to show the details that had previously been on the left side of the screen. I noted with amusement that beside my current height it listed a range that I took to mean my potential final height. I chuckled at seeing my current – well old – height of a metre eighty-four was in the middle of that range and laughed some more at seeing the same ranges were available. Those included my leg length, hand, and foot sizes and most amusingly, or disturbingly depending on how you saw it, penile length, and girth.

I decided to spend one of my bonus stat points to raise Strength to 7, thus bringing it in line with Vitality and Agility, before I pressed the green button.

The brightness in the room increased rapidly and I had to shield my eyes again.

… …

… …

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.