A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Comparing Notes

“So, the main thing that I looked at was combat skills. A bunch of the useful everyday skills are in that area, such as your telepathy or regeneration abilities, so I figured combat levels would allow me to get a lot of utility skills.”

“Did you find anything in particular?”

“Well, I knew that the Telepathy skill would be nice, but the only real way to get that would be through [Grant Skill], so I looked for a good weapon to train in for those five levels. I ended up finding [Needle Proficiency], which has a few useful skills related to it, and I’ve already got a little experience thanks to my sewing.”

“Nice! What sort of stuff did you mean by ‘related skills’?”

“Well, two in particular. One seems to be a secondary [proficiency] skill, specifically about using thread with the needles for more ranged combat, and the other allows me to- what was the word- tele-something…”


“That. It lets me ‘telekinetically control’ needles. I’m hoping that means I can move them remotely.”

“Yeah, telekinesis just means ‘moving stuff with your mind’. Could you use that for sewing stuff?”

“Probably- that’s the main reason I wanted to get it. There’s going to be plenty of people in need of new clothes tomorrow.”

“Oh, speaking of- one of the skills I saw earlier was something I talked to Medenta about- she must’ve added it during the ‘system update.’ If I remember right, it was called [Brain Fuck].”

“Which does what, exactly?”

“Basically, it lets me transfer information to people while having sex. So, instead of conversations where I try and fail to explain things like lingerie or some fashion trends from my world, I can just, sorta, fuck the information directly into your brain.”

“I can see how that would be useful.”

“The only problem is that it specifies ‘a slow rate’, so it’ll probably take a while at lower levels.”

“How dreadful,” Amelia said, sarcastically. “Did you see any other good skills?”

“Didn’t look for any. How about you?”

“Well, aside from those needle skills, I found some Minor Enhancements.”

“Oh, you did? I saw the [Minor Enhancement] skill earlier, but couldn’t get it.”

“Yeah, I was wondering what sort of things they would be, so I looked through them, and found a few interesting things.”


“Well, apparently there are Minor Enhancements that are exclusive to your Major, but not all of them are. So, only someone with the [Beast-Kin] Major could get [Taur]. I doubt Kass would want it, though.”

“Based on the name, I can guess what that does, and yeah, that sounds pretty inconvenient. Like, it’d suck getting into buildings, and might make some positions uncomfortable. The benefits don’t really seem to outweigh the downsides.”

“Well, if I remember correctly, it also gave you a spell. I don’t remember what it was called, though.”

“I’ll check,” Lilith said, opening her menu and searching up the [Taur] enhancement.



Type: Minor Enhancement

Requires: [Beast-Kin]

Transforms your lower half into an animal’s. A horse Beast-Kin would become a centaur, a lion beast-kin would become a sphinx, and so on.

Grants [Alter Physique].


“Oh, that’s what it was called.”

“Let’s see what it does, now.”


Alter Physique

Type: Special/Active

Cost: X MP

Duration: 1.5X MP

Temporarily shifts your physique into a more typical humanoid one.


“That’s a pretty high MP cost,” Amelia said.

“Yeah, I guess it’s a more situational thing in case you need to get under doorways or something. I can see situations when people would want it, though- centuars, giants, all those sorts of things..”

“I guess.”

“So, you mentioned other Minor Enhancements- were there any interesting ones you saw?”

“Well, I found one called [Cum Diet]- Basically, it increases the quality level of any ‘fluids’ you consume, with the tradeoff being that it makes any other food less nutritious. It also doesn’t work on your own stuff.”

“That one sounds pretty useful- imagine how much MP that’d restore! It’d probably taste really nice, too.”

“That’s what I was thinking- I saw a few others more specific to me, but I have a feeling some people might like this one.” Like Julia.

“Huh. Well, much as I’d love to spend even more time discussing this stuff, we should probably check on Gorse.”

“Yeah. Do you know how you’d tell if the milk’s working?”

“Well, I know what her condition was like before, so I’m hoping… she looks better?”

“That feels like… not the best way to go about things?”

“Got another idea?”

“Well, for us, we can just pull up our menus to look at things like health, so maybe there’s some sort of skill that lets you look at a menu for someone else?”

“Maybe. I’m going to look at Gorse, you tell me if you find anything. Try keywords like ‘menu’, ‘HP’, or ‘scan’.”

“Got it.” As Lilith went into Kass’s room to check on the goblin, Amelia sat on the bed and opened the list of skills.

Now, which keyword should I start with? HP will probably just bring up healing skills, so I’ll save that for last. Let’s try [scan]. Typing the keyword into the search bar, Amelia was surprised that the first result ended up being more or less exactly what she was looking for.



Type: Special/Active

Create an information menu regarding a person or object. Can add more information by investing more LP.

Cost: 1 LP.


LP- not specifically CLP or SLP. I guess you can use either one to unlock or level up this skill. It also mentions ‘investing’ LP, for some reason. Getting up and going into Kass’s room, Amelia saw Lilith leaning over Gorse’s still-unconscious body, her ear to the goblin’s chest.

“Any luck?”

“Not really. I’m trying to see if her heartbeat’s improved, but I’m not sure if it has or not.”

“Well, I managed to find a skill that might help. It’s called [Scan]- it said that it creates ‘information menus’.”

“I’ll take a look.” Searching up the skill, Lilith took a quick look over what it said. “Yeah, this should be perfect. And I got a level from earlier, so I can use that.” Buying the skill, Lilith turned back to face Gorse.

Now, let’s see how it works. Holding her hand out towards the unconscious goblin, Lilith activated the skill, and a green-tinted pane appeared in front of her.

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