A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


Lilith awoke to a sharp pain in the back of her head and a strange sensation. Her neck and hands felt clamped, and so did her feet. Looking around, she saw several naked women in stocks, arranged in rows. Realizing that she was also in one of these stocks, she looked down, revealing that her upper body was being supported by two stakes, which went into the leg-holds of the woman in front of her. If any of these women wanted to escape, they’d have a rough job of it. Another strange sight was a large splatter of semi-clear liquid underneath her. After a moment’s thought, she realized it was her cum. Evidently, her SP filled up even while asleep, and she had been cumming all night. Still unsure of her situation, she had another epiphany. If I’ve been cumming all night, I probably gained a whole bunch of experience! Going to open up her menu, she realized something. Either everyone around me will be able to see this and they'll think I have magic, or they won't see it and think I'm insane. Whispering "menu" as quietly as possible, the menu opened, with seemingly nobody around them noticing.







Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

1 (0%)

Sexual Level

5 ( 9%)

















Holy hell, three levels? How many times did I climax in my sleep? Quickly opening records, she saw that she had climaxed almost 400 times in her sleep. If one climax is every 6 minutes, that means I must have been asleep for, like, seven hours! Wait, 400 climaxes? Either that level curve really is bad, or I don’t get nearly as much XP for climaxing while asleep. Either way, I shouldn’t spend these SLP until I figure out what’s going on and where I am. “Where are we?” she asked, turning to the woman next to her.

“A goblin camp. They kidnapped us and brought us here, same as you.” Looking at the woman, Lilith noticed she was covered in bruises.

“Why?” is she not going to ask about my dick?

“We’re breeding sows. They stick us in these stocks, rape us until we’re pregnant with a goblin baby, and then force us to birth the child. I’m new here, but I’ve seen it happen to the others.”

“And you haven’t tried escape?”

“The only time anyone’s let out of their restraints is when they’re pregnant, and I don’t know where they go after that.”


“By the way, are you a woman?”


“I mean, you have a dick. But they still brought you here.”

“I was born with both parts.” That’s simpler than the real story.


Okay, so that tells me about my situation. Now, how do I get out of here with only sex skills? My Fertility is toggled off, so I can’t get pregnant. Now it’s just how long until they realize that. I won’t need to worry about keeping my SP down if they’re going to be raping us all the time. Opening her menus, she found a skill that she thought would be useful.

Comprehend Language

Type: Miscellaneous/Passive

Level: 1

Allows you to understand other spoken languages.

Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No

This way, I’ll be able to eavesdrop on the goblins. Information is good. Purchasing the skill, she didn’t notice any physical sensation like she did when her dick grew, but she didn’t fully expect to either. These Miscellaneous skills are probably my best hope for getting out of here. I wonder what the next level for this is?

Allows you to understand and speak other spoken languages.

Requirements: Character level 5. Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No

    I could get it right now, but I’m not sure if that’s the best idea. I’ll listen in on the goblins to see if there are any I could get on my side, and then get this level-up. I should look at any other skills that would be useful. Scrolling through her menus, she found another set of skills that may help.

Pheromone Aura

Type: Miscellaneous/Active

Level: 1

Cost: 5 MP

Duration: 5 minutes

Causes you to exude an aura of arousing pheromones within 10 feet.

Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No

Can’t Hide It

Type: Miscellaneous/Passive

Level: 1

People have a slightly harder time suppressing arousal when near you. This will not make them more aroused, simply make their arousal obvious when it does exist.

 Cost: 1 SLP

Insufficient Sexual Level. Needed: 6.

Read Thoughts

Type: Miscellaneous/Active

Level: 1

Cost: 3 MP

Allows you to read people’s surface-level sexual thoughts.

Cost: 2 SLP

Lilith smiled. Read Thoughts might be a bit niche, but it’ll still be useful. If I can get one of the goblins on my side, I could make them release me, and escape. I’m not going to get any of them yet; I should see if there are any goblins I’d be able to manipulate. Soon after, she heard the steps of several people- most likely the goblins. The goblins walked past her, and she noticed one female goblin among the group. The female began touching the women on their bellies, her hands subtly glowing. After touching each woman, she called out to the group of male goblins, short greenish men. Listening in, Lilith could understand the female goblin; She heard the goblin language, which sounded like someone gargling rocks, but overlaid could hear English. For most women, she called out <Unfilled!>, but on occasion, when she called out <Filled!>, a few goblins would come to remove the woman’s restraints, bind her arms and feet with rope, and carry her away. So that goblin woman has a spell that lets her tell if someone’s pregnant? As the woman started to make her way through the lines of women, of which Lilith could see about two dozen with most likely a few more behind her, the goblin men started to line up behind the ‘unfilled’ women and dropped their loincloths, revealing dicks that went almost to their knees. Inserting their dicks, they began roughly fucking the women, who were moaning from a combined pain and pleasure.

Soon enough, the goblin woman made their way near enough for Lilith to see some finer details. She’s actually kind of pretty.Her hair, while not very well taken care of, was still just the sort of semi-long black hair Lilith had always thought was really hot, and for her frame, she had some big breasts too. The goblin hadn’t noticed her dick yet, but she would soon.

Sure enough, when the woman reached Lilith, she was momentarily taken aback. Confusedly, she made her hands glow once more, touching them to Lilith’s belly. Lilith could feel a slight vibration, coupled with the warmth of the hands. <Unfilled!> called out the woman, and she moved on, shaking her head as if to get rid of the memory. Within less than a minute, a goblin had strode behind Lilith. Bracing herself, she soon felt the goblin’s shaft deep inside her, ramming into her womb. For- ah- such little people, they’ve sure got some -ah- big dicks! The goblin was laughing madly, roughly handling her ass and giving it a few slaps. Lilith was never a masochist in her past life, but if it was supposedly even better with someone you really love, she began to seriously consider it. After about ten minutes, Lilith heard a call of <Switch!> from the woman, who had moved back up to the front. The goblin with his dick in her stepped back, complaining <I just got one with a tight pussy!> 

<What, the dick-girl?> chuckled the one next to him.

<Hey, if you don’t look at it, it doesn’t matter.>

Despite his complaining, the goblin moved away, and his spot was soon filled.

After what felt like almost two hours of this shift-rape, the goblin currently fucking Lilith stepped away, and his position wasn’t filled. The goblins all picked up the closest loincloth, and moved out of sight. Looking around, Lilith opened up her menus again, to a welcome sight.

as always, any feedback is appreciated!

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