A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


After training concluded, most men returned their weapons and went off to their daily tasks. Lilith returned to Amelia’s home, seeing Amelia doing some embroidery in her bedroom.

“Amelia, can we discuss something?”

Apprehensively, Amelia looked up. “What do you want to discuss?”

“Last night, my power grew… enough that, if you wanted, I could turn you into a follower of Medenta. Make you grow a dick.”


“And I don’t know if that’s something you want, or something we should do right away, or if we should wait until the village likes me or-”

“Calm down,” Amelia said, gently touching Lilith’s arm. “I would love to become a follower of your goddess. But I do agree, getting discovered would not be ideal.”

“What’s even this world’s religion anyway?”

“Well, our goddess is named Claria. Her shrine is the one in the center of the village. Supposedly, she’s the one who blessed the nobles with magic.”

“And she didn’t bless anyone else?”

“Not in the stories. It goes that she was the most beautiful of all the gods and goddesses, and the others were jealous. The gods of monsters all banded together one night to kill her, and they almost succeeded. But her Ten Faithful spirited her away before they could finish the job. As she lay there, dying from her wounds, she blessed her Faithful, that they may avenge her against all monsterkind. 

The Ten Faithful then went on a great crusade, carving out a kingdom around Claria’s grave, the kingdom we now live in. Their families became the noble families, and the descendants of the First Faithful, the Laesmi, became the royal line. And that’s why the nobles  have magic, and why our kingdom is named Claren, after the goddess who loved our people so much.”

“So you worship a dead goddess.”

“Even in death, she supposedly has power.”

“So, if I were to start demonstrating the power of Medenta…”

“Assumptions would be that Medenta was a goddess of monsters, and you a monster.”

“Okay. So I’m going to hold off on that until I prove that I am very much on humanity’s side, or at least this village’s side. I’d say that we don’t make you an Acolyte until the raid is over.”

“I’d agree with that.”

“So then, that means I get to unlock more sexy stuff! Let me see what’s available.”

Breasts Size

Type: Passive/Breasts

Level: 1

A set of C-Cup breasts. No matter how large your breasts may grow, you won’t get back pain.

Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No

Cum Quality

Type: Passive/Penis/Balls

Level: 1

Your cum tastes of vanilla, and is slightly nutritious.

Increases Balls level by 1.

Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No


Type: Passive/Penis/Balls

Level: 1

You have a 10% chance to get females pregnant, even when they’re not ovulating. This skill can be toggled off, making your cum infertile.

Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No

“Well, increased fertility wouldn’t be too useful, but the other two do. Hey, Amelia, how do you think I’d look with bigger breasts?”

“You can just- grow your breasts?”

“Yeah. Most parts of my body can be improved.”

“Well, I think you’d look beautiful either way, but bigger breasts couldn’t hurt?”

“Thanks, babe.” Purchasing the [Cum Quality] skill and the [Breast Size] level-up, she felt her body grow and change. Her breasts felt elastic, as if some liquid from inside her body was poured into them, growing and stretching them. At the same time, her balls had gone into overdrive, producing cum at an incredible rate, growing her balls a good amount. The pleasurable sensation from both parts felt incredible, and then it stopped. Her breasts had grown a good amount, as had her balls. 



“I am so goddamn horny right now.”

Smiling, Amelia went to close the door, and then began to take off her dress.

Lilith, taking off her own dress, which she filled out far better around the chest area now,  saw that her dick was ragingly hard. 

Amelia kneeled down, grasping Lilith’s dick. “Your balls grew, looks like.”

“Yup. Supposedly my cum tastes good.” 

“Well, let’s test that.” Amelia wrapped her lips around Lilith’s dick, moving her head up and down. Soon enough, Lilith came, and Amelia looked up, opening her mouth to show the inside coated with white cum. Amelia stood up and kissed Lilith, pushing some of the cum into her mouth. It was sweet, with a vanilla taste.

“Guess that part worked out.”

“Yeah. You filled out your breasts a bit, too.”

“Well, I wanted to see what it felt like. Turns out it feels good.”

“It won’t get in the way of your fighting?”

“Nah. A little freebie I got means that they won’t weigh too much.”

“More magic, probably.” Amelia took Lilith’s breasts in her hands. “They’ve definitely got some heft to me. Now, could I trouble you for a little more cum?”

A couple of cumshots later, and Lilith cast [Clean-Up] again, erasing the evidence of their lovemaking. Donning their dresses once more, Lilith had a question.



“After we come back from the raid on the goblins, and if the village accepts me, how would you feel about…”

“About what?”

“Bearing my child?” Even just saying the idea out loud had Lilith blushing.

“I’d love to, but with how much cum you’ve shot inside me, I don’t think it’s even a choice.”

“I can choose whether I want my cum to be fertile. If… you wanted, I could impregnate you.”

“I would love nothing more. Once I get my own penis, I might have to return the favor.”

“I’d like that.”

And with the conversation concluded, Amelia went back to her embroidery. Lilith went back to her room- she’d started to think of it as hers, instead of just the room she inhabited- and looked over her stats.







Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

4 (14%)

Sexual Level

10 (97%)

















Guess training with my daggers means my attack and speed increase faster than my defense. Anyway, time to see what I can get for this new CLP. Shame me and Amelia didn’t go another round, or I’d have another SLP to spend as well. Looking through the skills, she noticed one new skill among the bunch.

Divine Daggers

Type: Magic-Swordplay/Dagger

Level: 1

Cost: 5 MP

Coats your daggers in a holy aura, making them deal extra Holy damage.

Requirements: 2 levels in Holy, 3 levels in Dagger. Cost: 2 CLP.

    Interesting! Leveling up some things can make new skills appear, seemingly out of nowhere. The goddess made something real special here. Officially deciding that would be the skill to work towards, she searched for a good Holy skill to get her level to 2. Eventually returning to the [Holy Shield], she purchased it. Let me check how powerful this shield is. Holding out her hand and feeding 2 MP into the spell, she soon saw a glowing golden aura appear around her. Oh wait, I don’t have anything to attack it. Closing her hand, the aura disappeared. With only 2 MP, I could probably fit one other person under that shield. Looking outside, the sun was still high in the sky. I’ll have to find something to do in the afternoons. Even in her past life, Lilith had been horrible at standing still, but at least back then she had her computer to occupy her. What to do?

No, seriously, I have no idea.

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