A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Settlement Skills

Having finished their discussion of the past, Lilith turned her attention towards the future.

“So, we should probably discuss our plans for what happens next.”

“Next?” Milo asked.

“We?” Gabriel asked.

“Yes to both. Tonight, my plan is to reveal the source of my powers, the fact that I worship Medenta, and offer them the chance to do the same.”

“Doesn’t the skill you use need half of your MP for every use?” 

“Could one of you explain what you mean by ‘MP’ or ‘skills’?”

“Sure. This explanation might be a bit odd, since you can’t see menus, but I’ll try my best,” Amelia said.


“So, all three of us have the ability to create menus- floating panels that quantify things about ourselves. MP, or ‘Magic Points’, quantify how much magic we can do in a day.”

“What other sort of things do these ‘menus’ show you, and why can’t I see them?”

“Well, what we’ve figured out is that only followers of Medenta can see them, but as for what they show us… there’s numbers representing our strength, our speed, our magical prowess-”

“Is that a separate thing from MP?”

“Yes. The most important numbers, however, are our levels; we each have a combat level and a sexual level,” Lilith answered.

“Of course you do.”

“As we gain experience in those respective fields, we ‘level up’, which increases our other numbers and gives us new skills,” she continued.

“‘Skills’ in this case are specific things we can do- for example, Lilith has a skill called [Comprehend Languages], which is why she can speak Goblin,” Amelia explained.

“So, the way she gave us access to magic was using one of her skills ,[Proselytize], which costs 50% of her max MP. So she’d only be able to use it twice a day, and couldn’t do any other magic on those days,” Kass added.

“However, there is another option. One of the skills I can learn is called [Consecrate], which would let me convert an entire settlement- as long as they’re willing. They wouldn’t have their own menus or levels, but the settlement as a whole would- and, I’m assuming, be able to learn spells through that.”

“You assume?”

“Well, I’ve never used the spell before, so how would I know?”

“Maybe there’s some way to look up what spells the settlement could learn?”

“Maybe- I’ll take a look later. Anyway, I plan to explain this to the village, and offer them the choice to follow Medenta.”

“Do you have anything constituting an actual religion yet?” Kass asked.

“...We have a goddess.”

“Anything else?”

“...a symbol?”

“Wait, you’re going to attempt to convince this entire village to join a religion that doesn’t actually exist?” Gabriel said incredulously.

“I’m working on it. I figured that sorting out the biggest changes, the magic stuff, would be more important, and we could get the actual religion part of this religion down as we went along.”

<Lilith, what have you been talking about?> Gorse piped up, making Lilith realize she’d… just sorta forgotten the goblin was there.

<Religious stuff. I’m more or less trying to make a religion.>

<That sounds… difficult.>

<It is. I don’t even have any good myths or anything as a jumping-off point. Hey, you were, like, a shaman or something. Do you have any suggestions?>

<No- being part of a religion is far different than creating one from scratch. Even if I were to give you inspiration, Goblin beliefs are focused on goblins.>

<Oh. Thanks anyway.>

“What was she saying?” Kass asked.

“She just wanted to know what we were talking about.”

“Ah. So, back to your plan- I think it’d be best if we knew definitively whether or not the [Consecrate] spell gives people magic,” Amelia said. “If the settlement has its own level, maybe we can search up skills that it can get.”

“Since we can’t see your menus, should we go and tell people to come here?” Gabriel asked, referring to himself and Milo.

“Tell them to come around sunset,” Lilith replied after a moment’s thought. “That should give us enough time to sort out a few things.”

“Alright,” Milo said, standing up and making his way out of the church, with Gabriel following him.

“Now, let’s see if searching ‘settlement’ brings up anything.”


Type: Faith/Special

Level: 1

Allows you to convert a willing settlement into a settlement of Futanari. The settlement will level up by increasing Faith and Sexuality. Individual non-acolyte settlement members will not have Menus, Levels, or SP, but will generate Sexual XP for you.

Unlock Cost: 1 SLP. Unlock?

“Now, that’s interesting.”

“What is?”

“Last time I saw this skill, it had an unlock condition. ‘When a settlement trusts you’. But now, since it’s available, I assume the condition was met.”

“That’s a good sign. And it doesn’t have any MP cost, so we can use it tonight if we want.”

Scrolling down, Lilith saw the sort skills she was looking for.



Type: Settlement/Sexual/Spell

Level: 1

All members of the settlement can create a magical condom by making a ring with their fingers. The condom can hold up to 1 gallon of fluid, and when tied, will slowly shrink until it disappears.


“Alright, then- that confirms it. This skill’s probably a pretty important one, too.”

“What’s a condom?” Kass asked, leaning over Lilith’s shoulder.

“Basically, it’s a rubber… it’s a thing you put on your dick to hold the cum.”


“To prevent accidental pregancies. We can control our fertility through skills, but they wouldn’t be able to. Hence- the condoms. It also helps with cleanup, since they wouldn’t have that skill either.”

“Would we get access to that skill too?” Amelia asked.

“I assume so. It says ‘all members of the settlement’, which includes you. Why do you ask?”

“It’d make milking easier,” she explained. “The skill changed so now it requires stimulation, but too much stimulation, and…”

“Ah. And you wouldn’t be able to use [Clean-Up] in case it got rid of the milk too, right?”


“Well, we should probably find a few other skills- useful as this may be, I think that people would probably be a bit more amenable to the whole deal if they got more… traditionally useful magic.”


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