A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Stat Checkup

After spending a few hours training with Casey, and getting a combat level for her trouble, Lilith went to go get Kass, then return to the house for lunch.

After realizing she had no idea where Kass worked, she stood around for a bit before seeing him come out from behind a house, a metal gauntlet on his left hand.

“Oh, hey,” he said, flexing and unflexing the fingers of the gauntlet. “What’re you up to?”

“I was going to go get you for lunch, but I forgot I didn’t know where Ostenfeld’s is.”

“It’s honestly amazing you’ve been here for a week and you know more or less nothing about this village.”

“I’ve been busy, okay? I do plan to learn more about the village once the raid’s over. I just… haven’t had time. Anyway, how’s the gauntlet?” Lilith asked, attempting to deflect the conversation.

“I think it came out pretty well,” Kass said, still flexing the finger joints. “It should work for the raid, after which I’ll be able to make a better one in my own time. What were you doing?”

“Dagger training with Casey. I leveled up, but I’m not sure what to spend the point on.”

“Well, I’d say you wait until later. That way, if something comes up during the raid, you can get a skill when the need arises.”

“You really are Amelia’s brother, huh.”

“What do you mean?”

“This morning, she said almost the same thing.”

“But you didn’t- oh. Sex stuff.”

“Yeah. Oh, we’re here.”

The two entered the house, where Amelia was setting out plates.

“So, what’s for lunch?”

“Just some basic salad and bread. We don’t have any meat, and we used up the last of the cheese we got from the Morgans last night.”

“Who are the Morgans?”

“They’re the village’s dairy farmers. They’ve fallen on hard times recently, though. They’ve only got two cows, and no bull,” Amelia said.

“So, naturally, they drive up the price of milk and cheese so they can keep making a profit,” Kass sighed.

“And… they’re the only ones who sell milk?”

“They’re the main dairy farmers in the village, and wandering traders don’t often carry any dairy. So yeah, they’re the main suppliers for milk, and cheese.”

“Well, I doubt their milk’s anywhere near as good as Amelia’s,” Lilith said. “And given time we could probably make our own cheese.”

“Do you know how to make cheese?”

“...No,” Lilith admitted.

And with that, the trio of futanari ate their salads.

- - -

In Milo’s basement, Kass and Lilith grabbed their weapons off of the racks and got into their stances.

“Wait, before we start,” Lilith realized, “Let’s check our stats. That way, we’ll see how much we actually improve by the end of this.”

“Yeah, that makes sense,” Kass said, opening his menu and showing it to Lilith.








Warrior of Medenta

Combat Level


Sexual Level



















“Oh, still level five in Combat?”

“I haven’t had the opportunity to train since last time,” Kass said. “What’s your level at?”

“Ten,” Lilith said, almost gloating. “Here, let me show you.”








Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

10 (0%)

Sexual Level

17 (85%)



















“And your sex level’s at seventeen.”

“I mean, yours is at six now; I remember it being five last time I saw it. So, what leveled up?”

“The [Suppress Arousal] skill you gave me. I used it today, and it apparently leveled up from being a bestowed skill to one I just naturally have access to.”

“Oh, nice.” So if an Acolyte practices a skill I [Bestow] enough, they’ll get it naturally. Cool. “Were there any more… changes? Like, aside from just more hair.”

“...Well, when the skill leveled up, I did feel a sort of… itch. It was during work, though, so I did my best to ignore it.”

“An itch? Where?”

“If I remember, it was around my… rear.”

“Ooh, maybe it’s a tail! We might finally figure out what sort of animal you are.”


“Can I see?”

“...One sec.” Turning around, Kass untied the rope belt he used to hold up his pants, letting them drop and revealing his ass to Liilth.

Taking a look, Kass had indeed grown a tail; a sizable puffball of black fur, about the size of a fist. “Yup, definitely a tail,” Lilith said.

“What sort? Could you tell?” Kass asked, pulling his pants back up and turning back to face Lilith.

“Probably a rabbit tail, I’d have to guess. I don’t know many other animals have that sort of fuzzy puff-ball tail.”


“Why, what sort of animal were you hoping for?”

“I mean, I kind of hoped it would be something strong, like a wolf, maybe. Rabbits just don’t exactly have the same, you know,” Kass said, vaguely waving his hand.

“I mean, rabbits are pretty strong for their size. They move faster than pretty much any human, and their kicks are pretty powerful too. “Hey, maybe that’s why your [Bestial Strength] started off just improving leg strength.”

“And maybe why I was able to do those jumps during sparring against Nabal. Speaking of my [Bestial Strength], I should check what bonuses that gives me right now.”


Bestial Strength (Bunny)

Type: Special/Passive

Level: 5

A measure of your enhanced, animalistic strength. Increases as you gain more animal features. Scales with Sexual Level.

Does not increase Combat Level.

Leg strength increased by 30%.

General strength increased by 15%

[Beast Proficiency] unlocked.


“Oh, now it tells us that I’m a bunny,” Kass groaned.

“Well, at least it lets us prepare for any… future changes.”


“Well, if you’re going to be getting any more bunny features, it’s probable that one of those features ends up being… bunny ears.”

“Oh, goddess. Do we know why it chose a rabbit as the animal?”

“No, I can’t think of any- oh.”


“When you were first transformed, I was wondering what sort of animal you were going to turn into. The last one I thought of before the transformation ended was a bunny.”



“Well, what’s done is done. For now, let’s get to training.”

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