A Night with a Cute Zombie Girl

Chapter 3: Doing April

I apologize for this chapter. Simultaneously, I apologize for nothing.

April’s master bedroom wasn’t much larger than Robin’s bedroom, though it wasn’t quite as cramped. A few small lamps cast the room in a dim, warm light. Robin gulped and stepped into the room. Even though April was holding his hand, he was shaking.

“Now, let’s get you out of these rags,” April cooed, causing heat to rush to Robin’s face.

“These are my nicest clothes,” he mumbled as April started pulling up his polo shirt.

“Oh, you and I can go shopping later.” She ran her hands down Robin’s bare, hairy chest. “Does that sound good to you?”

Robin nodded.

April’s hands reached his waist and started fumbling with his belt. He couldn’t help but squirm just a little. His dick was already a little hard. When April undid the button on his khakis, Robin whined.

“I don’t really like my body,” he admitted, crossing his arms over his chest.

April hesitated.

“Do you want me to stop?” she asked. “We don’t have to do this.”

“I want to do this,” Robin said. “I just… I don’t want to think about my body while it happens.”

“Hmm… Okay. That makes sense.” It did? “How about my body, then?”

She stepped back and grabbed the hem of her blue dress, pulling it up and over her shoulders with only a little difficulty. Some of the bows fell out of her hair as she pulled her head out of the collar and grinned. Robin bit his lip as he took in what he was looking at.

“A perfect body, frozen in time,” April said, placing a hand on her hip and cocking it to the side. “You like what you see?”

“You look beautiful,” he said, heart aching. Nobody was ever going to say that about him. If he’d known a year ago that a zombie would be more attractive than him, it would have sent him into an even worse spiral.

“Are you okay?”

Robin blinked away the tears at the edge of his eyes and smiled, insisting, “I’m fine. You’re just… really pretty.” He turned away and blushed. “I’m not used to being in this situation.”

“Well, hopefully it becomes a bit more frequent from here on out,” April replied, turning around. “Unhook my bra for me.”

With a gulp, Robin stepped forward and placed his shaky hands on the hooks of her bra. He was actually really doing this. Robin was touching a girl’s underwear. The bra came unhooked and April slid out of it.

She twirled to face him and asked, “Not bad for a dead girl, right?”

“Ugh, please don’t phrase it like that. I feel gross.”

He shivered and her expression softened.

“Sorry,” she muttered. “I’m technically not dead, I’m just not alive in the traditional sense. Those words don’t really mean what they used to anymore. It’s a lot to wrap your head around and you kind of need to have a sense of humor about it.”

He stepped back and replied, “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to it yet.”

“Hey, no worries.” She stepped closer. “We can stop at any point if you feel uncomfortable.”

“I’m okay, I promise.”

April took another step closer. Her breasts were pressed right up against Robin’s chest. He brought up his hands and touched them lightly. She shivered a little at his touch, then leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

Robin closed his eyes. She wasn’t warm, but she felt alive. He ran his hands over her body. Except for a bit of stitching here and there, she was indistinguishable from a regular human, in feel, in scent, and in taste.

He felt her grab him by the arms and start to move him. His eyes flew open in surprise at her sheer display of strength. Were all zombies this strong?

With a heave, April threw Robin onto the bed. He was in the air for a good full second before hitting the blankets and curling up. April stood over him, hands on her hips and a smirk dancing on her lips.

“You wanna fight on who gets to top or do you know your place already?” she asked.

Robin started stammering, his face a deep red. He was pitching a tent through his pants. April seemed to notice, because she raised an eyebrow before grabbing Robin’s pants by the legs and pulling them off.

“This isn’t what I expected,” Robin admitted as his khakis were pulled off of him.

“Do you want to stop?” April asked, yanking his pants off with a final tug.

“…Well, I didn’t say that. You’re just a lot more… aggressive than I thought you’d be.”

“A girl ought to know what she wants,” April said, climbing onto the bed and sitting on her knees. “Don’t you think?”

Robin was sure that there was a hidden meaning in that question, but all the blood was in his cheeks and dick. There was nothing left to grease the gears in his head. He just nodded dumbly.

April scooted closer to Robin and asked, “So, how do you want to do this? What are you into?”

“I… I… I don’t really know,” he admitted, squirming a little.

She chuckled. It sounded like a bell to his ears. He couldn’t help but smile.

“You’re very cute,” she said, tracing his hairline with a finger. “It’s adorable seeing you uncertain. How about I suggest a few things and you tell me what sounds best?” Robin nodded. “Let’s see. There’s the traditional approach your church expected but never told you about. I could sit on your face for a while. Probably should avoid biting; don’t want you to catch zombie. Though, I would love to nibble those cute little ears of yours, if I get the chance.” Robin whimpered. “I don’t really have any toys that you can use. We’ll have to talk about that later. How about I start by giving you a blowjob?”

Robin nodded and whimpered, “Okay.”

April grinned and repositioned herself between his legs. She slid his boxers down, letting his cock spring up. Its tip was glistening with pre-cum. Quickly, April swiped her finger against it and stuck it in her mouth.

“Mmm. So that’s what boys taste like. Most dicks I’ve done this with belonged to girls.”

“Come again?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she chimed, before leaning in to give the head a little kiss. “I expect you to make a lot of noise, okay?”

He nodded.

April moved up and down his dick, giving it a bunch of little kisses. She ran her fingers across the shaft, causing Robin to squirm and moan. Occasionally, she’d give him a little lick and he’d have to bite his tongue to keep from crying out too loudly.

It was slow and deliberate. April was toying with him. His breathing was deep and irregular. Robin’s whole body was twitching in anticipation.

Finally, April wrapped her lips around the head of Robin’s dick. He moaned and started gently twisting and thrusting his hips. April rode the movements, sucking and running her tongue all over the shaft.

“Oh, fuck!” Robin cried, breathing heavily. This was heavenly. “Oh, fuck fuck fuck. Keep going. Fuck.”

She wasn’t moving any faster than before. It was torture. He loved it. April could do whatever she wanted to him and he would let her. What had he done to deserve her? He’d do it again a million times over.

April sped up just a little bit. Robin bit his lip and released a slow, ragged breath. Pleasure continued to build. He wanted release but she wouldn’t let him. How much control had he given her? Oh, April had said she’d stop at any time, but he was in too deep now.

He continued to moan and thrash as April sped up even more. Robin closed his eyes as a sharp rush of pleasure spread through his cock, followed by a sudden jolt of pain that caused him to cry out. He opened his eyes and started to breathe more slowly as April pulled herself away.

“Ah, shit.”

“What’s wrong?” Robin asked, trying and failing to sit up.

“Um… It’s nothing.” She sounded worried. “Just… don’t move. I’ll get a towel.”


She rushed into the bathroom and opened some cabinets. Robin was still too tired to sit up. He actually felt a little numb for some reason.

April returned and started pressing a towel down on Robin’s dick. 

“Okay, so… bad news. When you came, it took me a little by surprise and I may have… bitten down.” Robin’s heart dropped. “It turns out that it… broke the skin a little.”

“April!” Robin whined, struggling to do more than twitch. “What’s going on? Why can’t I move?”

“L-Look.” April plastered on a fake smile. “It’s probably nothing. Just a little shock. I’m sure you’ll be fine. There’s no guarantee that it transferred to you.”

“I feel a little warm,” Robin slurred.

“Just close your eyes and take a nap. You’re probably just really tired after such an exciting day. I’ll watch over you and make sure you’re alright. But there’s no worry. Zombie isn’t very contagious or anything.”

“Yes it is,” Robin tried to protest, but his eyes and jaw were too heavy. Maybe should just close his eyes for a bit. A rest would do him so good.

April stepped away and returned with a glass of water. She tipped it gently into Robin’s open mouth. He couldn’t thank her, but appreciated it nonetheless. His heart was hammering in his chest and his vision was blurry with tears.

What was happening to his body? He felt like he should know this, but it was hard to focus on anything. Where was he again? Someone was moving in the corners of his vision. Did he know them? He hoped so. How did they get in his apartment?

He could hear something that sounded like words but they didn’t make any sense. His whole body was on fire. Someone threw a blanket over him. He hated that. But he was also freezing. He spasmed and something wet came out of his mouth, spurting all over his face before a heavy towel landed on him to wipe it up.

Robin could have been there for hours or years. How long didn’t seem to matter. Was he even still Robin anymore? Did he even want to be? He didn’t have any options. He’d never had. There was no way to escape being Robin. Robin wished he could have been April. Or at least like April. She knew who she wanted to be and she did it with all the confidence of a goddess.

His skin was crawling with beetles. He felt like water. Robin’s insides were on fire. He was sinking like a lead weight. A stiff breeze would blow him away. His head was going to implode from the pressure. A thousand melodies pounded the inside of his skull like pecking birds.

It was a million years before every feeling had faded. Robin was no longer himself, but nothing had happened to change him in all that time. The feel of the blankets over him was oddly heightened, but less uncomfortable than he was used to. The sound of his heartbeat and his breathing were gone. He took in a breath and every scent in the room bloomed in his mind in every color there was. Robin was still in April’s room; he could practically see the contours of the room from the smell alone.

Finally, he opened his eyes. The dim lights were still on, but the colors were sharper and the shadows were less obtrusive. April was sitting in a small reading chair, curled up with a book.

Robin sat up, letting the blanket fall off of his naked body. He glanced down, then blinked. His skin was green. Little stitching crossed it here and there. But his body had changed in drastic ways, too. His frame was much smaller, his hips wider, and pert little breasts hung from his chest. Robin’s dick was still there, if a little smaller.

“You’re up,” April said, setting her book aside and standing up. “How do you feel?”

“…Good?” he asked, his voice soft and sweet. “I feel… good.”

April knelt down by the bed, resting her arms on the bed and looking up on Robin before asking, “What about your body?”

“I don’t know,” Robin admitted, pulling himself into a cross-legged position. “I don’t hate it. Actually, it’s starting to sink in that I really did kind of hate the way my body used to look.”

“So, you’re a girl now? Congratulations on figuring it out.”

Robin frowned.

“Maybe,” he answered. She answered? They explained, “I don’t know what I am yet, but I like looking this way more.”

“Then you forgive me?” April asked, sinking down a little.

“I forgive you, April.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” April stood up. “I knew you’d be okay. Everybody gets an affirming body from the experience. I was really worried you’d be upset at me. I’d hate to lose you.”

Robin reached over and placed a hand on April’s, promising, “You’re not going to lose me.”

Then it hit them.

“April, I’m not hungry anymore!” They started bouncing a little. “Can you believe it!?”

April laughed, replying, “Yeah, I can believe it. So, does that mean we can have more dates?”

Robin leaned over and planted a soft, cold kiss on April’s lips.


No refunds.

This was all I had planned for this story initially. I have an idea for a second arc, but it's not entirely high-priority for me at the moment. I'm just glad I was able to get a complete arc finished at all. In the future, hopefully we'll see some more zombie smut and a bit of action.

Gentle reminder, dear readers: I have a Patreon. If you want a say in what kind of future stories I write, this is the best way to participate: patrons get to vote on the new stories that I work on. At the moment, I'm working on a story about an egg who becomes a magical girl with the help of a magical pixie, and I'm adoring every moment I get to write it, all thanks to my patrons who voted for the idea. You'll also get early access to new chapters by at least a week, and higher-level contributors get access to Patreon-exclusive stories every month. You can find my page here if you're interested.

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Special thanks to my patrons of honor: Grymmette, Alex, Zoey, Chloe, Elsie,  and Victoria.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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