A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 23: I Kant choose

Priam would have liked to tell Claire to back away to safety behind him, but he didn't want to lose sight of the girl. Besides, he wasn't planning to exterminate everyone in the room. He had questions, and a massacre wasn't a great start. On the other hand, it could be a great end...

Priam's plan was simple: get Claire out to prevent her capture. Then he could deal with the rest of the Amazons and Albin's men. He'd defeated two Barons, so it wasn't a few novice fighters that would scare him.

Anne spoke up, and you could feel the surprise in her voice. "Priam?!"

"Yeah. Surprised the cat didn't eat me?"

"Where are you?!" Albin looked stunned. He looked for the young man with his eyes, but the mist prevented him from seeing him even though they were less than eight meters apart. Honestly, in such a closed environment, the young man did not fear confrontation. He had only detected one crossbow, and his enemies were essentially blind here.

Is this guy stupid?

"I came to rescue my friend and get to the dome," said Priam. "By the way, I didn't much like dealing with two Barons while you... What exactly are you doing? Why is this door still not open?"

During his speech, Priam had taken Claire back into the cave and was starting to walk along the wall.

"How long do you think you'll keep messing with me kid?" Albin backed away from his men. He bumped his foot against a stalagmite and grumbled, "You can't see anything here! Surrender to my guys near the entrance, or I'll order my men to shoot. Paul has a crossbow as I'm sure you know and I have other guys with skills."

Okay, he's stupid.

"You're not much of a strategist, right Albin? If you order your men to fire into this mist, they would have every chance of hitting the Amazons in the crossfire."

Priam had thought about telling Claire to get down on the ground, then charging in. However, in real life, there were consequences to his actions. He didn't know the skills of Albin's men or Anne's Amazons. He would blame himself terribly if something happened to the young woman because he had been too thoughtless.

"Let's calm down." Anne had stepped forward. The Amazon had already regained her composure. While Albin had entrenched himself near two of his men like the coward he was, Anne had instead isolated herself to assert her willingness to talk. Courageous on her part, but stupid. Or does she want me to underestimate her?

"Priam… First, congratulations on Orthos and the second Baron. The System must have showered you with awards. Let's not get worked up, okay? We can talk like civilized people and solve our problems," she announced calmly.

Her voice was calm but firm. She sounded like a mediator, ready to resolve an annoying conflict peacefully. Suddenly, Priam felt reassured. After all, why get upset when they could talk like civilized people? Maybe we could find some common ground. She seems like a fair woman...

"It is unfortunate that it had to come to this, but the men we killed on the way out were criminals. One of my Amazons can see a hint of 'sin'. They were probably rapists or killers before the Tutorial, and I don't want to have those kinds of people getting stronger through the System. I had them near me to ensure we got rid of them. Can you imagine the kind of acts that a powerful, evil individual can do now?"

"I guess so..." Priam stopped instantly. His body was getting hot, and his instincts were screaming that something strange was happening. His Will was fragile, like the flame of a candle in a storm. His Vivacity sharpened his logic and allowed him to think faster. He wasn't smarter, and the System wouldn't change his personality, but he was a better version of himself. Priam had always had good instincts as well as logical intelligence. Right now, the conclusions he was drawing from Anne's speech were contradictory. His logic warned him that the speech was full of errors, but he wanted to believe it. He knew the words were wrong, but Anne wouldn't lie to him, right? What a paradox.

Suddenly, Priam clutched his wounded hand to clear his head. The pain woke him up. The Tree of Merit [Brainless] allowed his mind to be protected by his body. His Vivacity prevented Priam from succumbing to this kind of manipulation. There was no paradox. His Will found strength in his conviction. He would not let anyone manipulate him. Anne was lying, and one of her skills was trying to control him. This bitch!

He had hated the manipulations of the System, of the Passiflora, and now he hated Anne's. His mind was sacred. She's going to pay for this.

Anne had continued her speech, but Priam was no longer listening to her. Her skill seemed tied to her voice, and he was thinking of ripping out her vocal cords. Or maybe I can wait until I develop resistance? It was the kind of skill that seemed essential.

Only the idea of using Anne to strengthen his resistance prevented him from attacking. He'd never killed a human, but she'd crossed the line. Anne had launched into a great monologue to cement the effect of her skill. Priam cut her off curtly.

"You try to pull a trick like that again, Anne and I'll cut you open. Is that clear?" threatened Priam. His voice was full of anger, and he was close to making a massacre.

"I... Please, I'm sorry," replied the Amazon weakly.

"Indeed," Priam continued. "I can imagine the kind of acts that a powerful and ill-intentioned individual can perform now. Coldly ordering the murder of twenty men, for example. Not to mention that I have no way of verifying your Amazon's skill. It's your word against dead men’s. Convenient."

"I admit I have no proof of their sins. But you can give me the benefit of the doubt for now and make your judgment later. After all, it's survival of the fittest now, isn't it? You're stronger than we are, so you can execute us without a trial." Anne's answer made Priam uncomfortable. He had nothing against killing in self-defense. It wouldn't keep him up at night. But if the Amazons laid down their weapons, he wasn't sure he wanted to be an executioner killing opponents after a surrender... She understands I am not cruel and is counting on that to get her through. I don't know about the other Amazons, but you'll pay Anne.

"Regarding the door... We have to wait an hour before opening it to not harm the guard's killer. Or have a title of nobility. Couldn't you possibly help us? We have done no harm to Claire. As you can see, we are not your enemies," Anne finished.

"You are not my enemies? That's simply because I'm stronger than you. Well, I have a question. Can I ask how you knew that a passageway existed here before Orthos died?"

Anne opened her mouth to answer before closing it again. She knew the boy would not believe another lie.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Orthos was not the 'threat' we were all looking for, despite the certainty with which you repeated it. The poor dog was the dome guard, and you killed him. Or that you manipulated people to do it. From there to think that the 'threat' is you..."

Anne clenched her jaw.

"And so? What are you going to do? Despite what the System says to pit us against each other, we are humans looking to find our families."


[Anne ?] - Leader of the Amazons. She survived the Tutorial.

Again. Priam had used his skill a few times while preparing for the assault on Orthos but without much result. The other fighters didn't like it very much, and Priam had understood why when he had asked Claire to use it on him.

[Identification] informed the user about the target but also warned the target. When Claire identified him, Priam felt a chill run down his back. It was unpleasant, as if someone who could see through your clothes was watching you. Priam didn't like it. It felt too much like a violation of his body and mind. On Anne, [Identification] was remarkably terse. She must have had some kind of skill protection. Time to test my hypothesis.

"A mere human? I don't think so... I'm not sure what you're using to camouflage yourself, but I want to be able to read your identification before we continue to argue."

Anne did not answer immediately. She seemed to be thinking about his proposal. Bingo! Seeing Anne hesitate, Albin intervened by shouting.

"You're not thinking about it, Anne! If you do this, the System will update his quest. If he talks, we'll lose our only advantage. You're dooming us all!"

Thank you Albin, you're as stupid as ever! He doesn't seem to be talking only about the people here, and he more or less confirmed that he is part of the 'threat'. But how many are there? If this is a main quest... Thousands? Millions?

Anne breathed in.

"I'm sorry, Priam, but I can't. I really want us to resolve this argument amicably, but your request is impossible. Just know that we are humans. That's how we see ourselves anyway. The System only wants to make things worse to push humanity to the limit. To put us in situations where we have to push our limits. The Concepts don't hide this, and the Tutorial explained it well. But pushing our limits is also pitting us against each other. Artificially creating competition."

Anne turned and opened her arms, pointing at everyone in the room.

"Me, my Amazons, Albin, and his men... We are just pawns of the System. It has put a label on us, this so-called 'threat' but a threat to whom? No one. Our only wish is to find our families. The problem is that we have limited time. If we have not found our loved ones at the end of this Reunion... It will be almost impossible for us to reunite afterward. We will be separated into different worlds. Accepting them into our faction will be extremely hard, even in the next Reunions. I can't say more, but we will be incompatible, like oil and water. Promised to a tragic fate."

Despite the mist, Anne's gaze turned to Priam. The sounds betrayed the young man's position. The Amazon knelt as if to dare him to condemn her.

"Forget for a minute your preconceptions about me," Anne continued. "You can understand us, I'm sure. Our fate is in your hands. The fate of our families, parents, spouses, and children is in your hands. Will you kill us to gain a few points of Potential, or will you let us seek our happiness? I am not asking you to help us. Just don't condemn us. Will you be the System's dog or help your fellow man?" Anne paused dramatically before resuming.

"Most countries abolished the death penalty, and for a good reason. If you kill us today without a trial, and you find out later that we are innocent, you will be a murderer. You have no proof, only doubt, and disdain. Don't let it cloud your judgment. How many innocent men and women have been wrongfully convicted? You say you want to be free? Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Don't unilaterally take away our ultimate freedom - our lives. I am willing to submit to a trial before the people of the dome. Let a court of law judge us."

Holy shit. I just wanted to get into the dome...

Priam sighed and dispersed the surrounding mist, pushing Claire back under another blanket of fog. Might as well draw attention to himself. Albin looked down at his wounded hand thoughtfully. Just try me...

Priam took a few moments to gather his thoughts. Above all, he considered his objectives.

"I don't care if you are aliens, humans or a threat to humanity. I want my family back and if you get in my way, you will die," he declared. "Behind that door may be my family. I'm sure you would do the same if you were me, but I wouldn't put my family at risk for strangers. You are dangerous."

The young man's eyes hardened.

"You won't come with us. I will crush you without remorse if you try. This threat is my stick. Now the carrot. Claire and I will go into the dome to look for our loved ones. Within a day, I'll send you the dome leaders - or anyone if they're unorganized. You can talk to them and convince them to let you through. I will tell them the truth, and you will certainly be judged before entering the dome," Priam announced. "You want to live in peace with your loved ones and most of you have the right to do so."

You have gained the skill: [Rhetoric - Epic].

[Rhetoric - Epic] - Sometimes, the pen is mightier than the sword. You master the art of words. You slay your enemies with your words and enlighten your allies with your verve. Your path will not be that of a barbarian. One more string to your bow.

You will spill as much ink as blood


MEM +2

CHAR + 3

The Tribulation is getting closer. I have no time to waste here.

Anne's face was stressed. Her power would certainly not be accepted by the public. Perhaps some would even condemn mind magic users to death without them even committing a crime. New laws would surely emerge to regulate this. Priam's parents had taught him that murder was wrong, and the young man was slowly beginning to understand that this mentality was no longer appropriate for this world.

But right now, even though he was convinced that Anne deserved to die, he knew it was rarely wise to be both judge and executioner.

The dome is right next door, and a trial is possible. Next time, I will certainly have to get my hands dirty...

Priam nonchalantly raised his spear and brought it down at his feet with three kinetic charges. The movement didn't seem to require much effort, but the kinetic charge gave the blow great power. The spear tip sank ten centimeters into the limestone. Albin's men and the Amazons swallowed.

Lvl Up: [Intimidation] lvl 2

CHAR + 3

Priam swept his eyes around the room. Every man and woman who met his gaze quickly looked down. They knew they were wrong, but most were just trying to survive with what the System had given them. I probably would have done the same in their place.

His gaze rested on Anne.

"Some of you will have to answer for your actions. I am no vigilante, but I will not stand idly by and watch the slaughter and destruction of human civilization. Indeed, a trial is in order. I have neither the time nor the inclination to be part of it, but I will ensure everyone knows the charges against you. You will be judged. Anne, you ordered murders and will answer for this crime."

Priam felt relief as he said these words. He was finally being honest with himself. In truth, he had no desire to judge these people himself. He wanted to be free, and that meant he wanted to be able to choose his actions. He just didn't want to bother with it.

In the end, the death of twenty fighters did not affect him personally, and he was no hero. The massacre had been horrible, and Priam would have prevented it if he had been there. But he did not want to be the judge of these people. He was willing to catch a stranger's jug before it hit the ground but not to pick up the pieces if he missed it. He did not want to see murder become commonplace and would never condone it.

However, he did not want to be involved in protecting the people. He admired heroes, but he was not one. Priam did not intend to spend precious hours sorting out the truth from the falsehood of anonymous deaths. He would not be rewarded for it and had more pressing business. Delegating this responsibility to a court of law suited him perfectly. I am not a hero. I am not a villain. I am me.

I will not kill innocent people, but I will not be the judge of the guilty. I impose morality on myself, but I don't owe anything to anyone. I am me, and I am free. Priam was fighting for his freedom, not the freedom of others. He had confused the two for a moment.

Now, I want to get back at Anne.

The young man's eyes became piercing. His desire for freedom screamed vengeance. "But you will also answer for the attempted manipulation of me. I am the victim, and I will also be the judge. We'll discuss this later." You asked for justice. You will get justice. Now that I have isolated you from the others, they know I am only after you… You’re alone, Anne.

"I think everything is said. To speak more would be useless. There is one simple question left. Will you let us pass and tell the dome about your existence, or shall I use force?"

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 78

Constitution 92

Agility 108

Vitality 126

Perception 95


Vivacity 96

Dexterity 77

Memory 33

Willpower 48

Charisma 50


Meta-affinity 44

Meta-focus 44

Potential: 208

Tier 0

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