A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 87: What is a Sin?

Hyshana wiped her sword on the monster's fur. Turning towards the exit, she sheathed her weapon. The sand crunched under the metal of her armor, and the smoke rising from it was not only due to its high temperature.

"The thirty-fifth wave is not a walk in the park, right?"

No sooner had the new Champion emerged from the arena than a vulture was already trying to unsettle her. Sighing under her mask, she turned to one of Ishaka's subordinates.

"Your master took twenty-seven minutes to finish his fight. His wounds were so severe he almost had to be amputated. My juggernaut armor is still working, and I'm barely out of breath. I still have enough energy to challenge you to a duel."

The armor masked the subordinate’s expression, but Hyshana could sense his fear. The man bowed.

"I'm sorry, Champion. My words were out of place."

Hyshana swept the excuses aside with her hand. Words were useless in Hoplite society; only actions counted.

"What do you want?"

"Supreme General Ishaka requests the expertise of Champion Hyshana. If you'll follow me," he said, bowing again.

Hyshana nodded and followed the fool. His lack of courage was disappointing, but he knew she'd have killed him if he'd accepted the duel.

A few minutes later, Hyshana and her escort arrived at a heavy door. The Hoplite headquarters were inside the Colosseum. What better place for a warrior civilization?

Without waiting to be announced, Hyshana opened the door. Behind it, a vast room filled with computers, technicians and scientists awaited. The Champion moved quickly through the room, stopping regularly to return the greetings of the men and women working to improve the future of their race.

None of the hoplites here were skilled in warfare. Yet they were respected. Hyshana felt no disdain for those who had chosen the path of science. Sacrificing much of their physical training, the scientists concentrated on supporting the Hoplite soldiers. It was a noble vocation, and the Champion knew they were needed more than ever. After all, the 'threat' sent to them by the System couldn't be cut with blades.

At the far end of the room, a second door was waiting. A secretary tried to stop her, but Hyshana entered quickly. Her time was too precious to be sacrificed to bureaucracy.

"Ishaka, you wanted to see me?" she asked in a neutral voice.

Sitting behind a desk, the Supreme General looked up from a document.

"Come in, Hyshana. Thank you for coming so quickly. Please sit down," he said, pointing to a chair Hyshana had already pulled towards her.

The chair creaked under the weight of her Mecha armor, but didn't break. Hyshana didn't bother to lower her mask. Her attitude was rude, but she didn't like the general. The feeling was mutual.

After a few seconds of silence, and as Hyshana began to entertain the thought of cutting the desk in half - a way of expressing her displeasure at the wait - Ishaka spoke up.

"We think we've found Kazushi."

Hyshana gasped. A second later, the Hoplite Champion stood up abruptly, destroying the chair with her acceleration.


Ishaka lowered his hands to calm the situation.

"Let's calm down. I..." The general paused. The tip of Hyshana's sword lay against his throat. The Champion had unlocked Micro at Stage 1. Ishaka was one of the most powerful hoplites, but he had no chance of escaping alive at this distance if she decided to kill him. He also knew that, despite her proud and upright nature, Hyshana could commit folly when her family's well-being was concerned.

Placing his hands firmly on his desk, Ishaka looked into the eyes of the Champion.

"I know our history has impacted our relationship, Hyshana. The scientific and protective factions' admiration for you is a thorn in my side. However, you know I'm loyal to our race. This is not an attempt at manipulation on my part. He’s your husband and our Champion. Terrible wars are coming, and we'll need him. Sit down and listen to me. Please."

Hyshana's heart rate began to drop. A second later, she slowly put away her weapon, calmed her emotions with Micro, and took another chair.

Taking a breath, she repeated her question.


"A world called Elysium. One of our Prophets was able to make contact using the reward of an Achievement. Your husband was the first hoplite to pass the Impossible Tutorial. He was chosen to enter a unique and perilous world: Elysium. According to him, only Titan-class soldiers could have a chance of survival there in the long term.”

Hyshana frowned at the news. Only one Hoplite in a million could qualify for the Titan class. Trained from an early age, genetically modified and cybernetically enhanced, the Titan classes were the elite. Most were already Barons, and the best were Viscounts. If this level of power was barely enough to survive...

"How is he?" she asked, trying to mask her concern.

"He's alive. I don't have any more information at the moment. However, he was able to give us another piece of information."

Ishaka must have had a reason for helping the Hoplite Champion. Kazushi's political clout was significant, and the general would normally have been delighted to 'lose' his rival.

"I'm listening."

"The resources in Elysium are exceptional. Any blade of grass can be used to craft an elixir. Certain plants, growing naturally, have the ability to boost attributes by dozens of points. The environment itself can unlock resistances," announced the general.

Hyshana nodded. The Supreme General was greedy. But if it could save her husband...

"There is more," he continued. "The environment is saturated with aether. We could save our people."

Hyshana's eyes widened. The System had introduced a deadly virus, a 'threat', which attacked and caused aether hemorrhage in hoplites who had undergone genetic manipulation. A constitution greater than two hundred was required to survive the virus.

It was obviously a trap. Exceeding two hundred in constitution triggered a Tribulation. Fortunately, the virus killed slowly. For the time being, the dead were children and the elderly. Despite this, the entire civilization was paralyzed. A trip to Elysium would solve the virus problem. After all, if the environment had more aether than a hoplite's body, he wouldn't lose his aether...

"You want to open a passageway to Elysium," asserted Hyshana. "And for that, I suppose you need me?"

Otherwise, why would he call her?

"Indeed. There is an object capable of creating a passage between Calisto and Elysium. But Kazushi has to use it."

Callisto was one of the satellites orbiting the Hoplite homeworld. It was currently home to the Hoplite Reunion.

"How do you intend to send this item to my husband?"

"The wave forty-five reward is a wish. That should be enough," smiled Ishaki.

Son of a... Hyshana forced herself to remain calm. The basilisk of the thirty-fifth wave had nearly killed her. Wave forty-five was impossible. Ishaki knew her chances of survival were slim, but he had nothing to lose. If the new Champion died, no one would be left to challenge his orders. If she succeeded, she would use her precious reward to offer him passage to a world that would change their civilization.

But that didn't matter to Hyshana. She finally had a chance to reform the most powerful Champion duo in Hoplite history. A chance to reunite with her husband.

Hyshana stood up, deep in thought. To stand a chance, she had to survive her Tribulations, then unlock Mastery. First, I need to repair my armor.

The door closed behind her. Supreme General Ishaka looked down at the report concerning Kazushi. According to the Champion, other civilizations were present in Elysium.

"It's been a long time since the Hoplites have had an enemy. A war would be excellent..."

Claire watched Priam for several seconds before opening her mouth.

"You should be dead."

Priam took a deep breath. Either the young woman had a death wish or was trying to throw him off balance. The only reason her head was still on was because his father was standing next to them. Decapitating a young woman in front of his family was not a polite thing to do. The System had changed the world, but his father's presence brought back a semblance of education in him.

"I died," Priam acknowledged. Claire's eyes widened, but Priam had already turned around. He didn't need to humiliate her: he just wanted her to die quickly.

Priam looked Alain straight in the eye. "I don't know what she told you, but she tried to kill me. She almost succeeded. I..."

Finding the words was complicated. What should he say? Ask permission to kill the young woman? He had suffered so much, lying on the stone floor, desperately waiting to be resurrected. [Eidetic Memory] reminded him of the immense pain she caused him.

Three days had passed since then. So much had happened. Priam felt as if he'd met Claire months ago.

Yet Claire had taught him an important lesson. Trust had to be earned, and the world had changed. The seething rage had dissipated with time, but a deep, dark anger had replaced it. Priam held a grudge. He wanted her to die.

"She's a dangerous manipulator who's been transformed by the System. As a Revenant, she must kill or corrupt humans,” explained Priam.

He looked at his father before turning to Louis and Mirscella. In his imagination, Priam had thought of executing Claire at first sight. Faced with his family and other humans, the words were stuck in his throat.

It was difficult to ask for the death of a human.

Yet it was necessary. I'm not the same as I was before. She deserves death and I won't be such a coward as to refuse to execute her.

"I intend to kill her," Priam announced.

The silence lasted a few seconds. Alain seemed to hesitate. Finally, his father looked him in the eye and nodded.

"The world has changed, but you are my son. If you think it must be so, then you have my support."

Priam's heart clenched with emotion as he heard his father say this. It felt good to be accompanied.

Mirscella coughed. Approaching Priam, she put a hand on his shoulder and drew him close.

"You must have suffered a lot, and I sympathize. But you can't kill her. Not now."

Priam looked up and pushed the grandmother away. She was his father's friend, but that didn't give her the right to decide his life.

"Why?" he forced himself to ask. Claire didn't deserve for him to provoke an argument between his father and Mirscella.

"Do you hear that noise?" asked Mirscella.

The locusts were attacking the city. There was no screaming or yelling, just the muffled sound of insects whirring. Outside, the noise must have been deafening. Then there were some strange sounds. As if pickaxes were attacking the building.

"The locusts are trying to devour the walls," Priam replied. "We've got no time to lose."

"Exactly. You're their main target, and we're in danger by staying close to you. It's too late now, but you shouldn't have joined us. At least we know the safe places. How were you planning to get us there alive?" asked Mirscella.

"I have a Domain that can protect us, and my mist would be able to keep the insects away."

The grandmother nodded. "All the way to the Palace?"

"Not in one shot." Insects would devour his mist, and only his Domain could then protect them. Priam had considered the problem and thought about a solution. "However, by stopping at houses occasionally so I can replenish my reserves, we'll get there."

"Good, but you're forgetting two things. The first is that Claire's power could allow us to reach the Palace easily. She can order the insects to leave us alone. Not you, because you're their target, but we aren’t."

Priam looked at Claire, who remained silent. "She would betray you."

"She'd die first. But there's a second reason why she should stay alive for now."


"Her power could allow her to go back and forth between the Palace and the most attacked dwellings. She could help evacuate whole groups of people. The lives of millions are at stake, and her contribution could save thousands of lives."

Priam gritted his teeth. "I know her well… She'll say anything to stay alive, but she'll run away as soon as she gets the chance."

Mirscella stared at Priam. "Perhaps. But in the meantime, we would save hundreds of lives. Lives you've condemned," she reminded him.

Instantly, Priam stood still. Mirscella's sentence resonated in his head. He hadn't wanted all those deaths, but... He knew he had a responsibility in this tragedy.

Everything had happened so fast, he hadn't really had time to think about it. Running for survival, listening to his clones, and following the path that offered him the best chance of survival…

When had he realized that people would die? He couldn't say. He knew there would be deaths and had avoided thinking about it. Now, the Locusts were invading New Earth. Was it his fault? He hadn't asked the System to create Tribulations! Could he have survived without using the dome barrier? There was little chance.

Yet people were going to die. What had he done wrong? Thoughts raced through his head.

His hands trembled, and suddenly, he felt himself embraced.


"Shh. Listen to me, okay?"

Priam buried his head in his father's shoulder. It seemed lower than before. He'd grown taller. Yet he had never wanted a hug more. His father's voice soothed him, chasing away his dark thoughts.

"There's going to be a lot of death because of your actions, son. I know you didn't mean it that way, but it's a fact. It was certainly the only way to survive, but you brought a swarm of millions of immortal locusts here. I'm sure you didn't have all the information or much choice. Still, people are going to die."

Priam trembled as tears streamed down his face. His father was right. His clones hadn't told him because Priam was selfish. He had put his own survival above that of New Earth. And if I had to do it again...

"Am I a monster for wanting to survive?"

"No, son," replied Alain, a fierce gleam in his eyes. "If today's deaths allow you to survive, I gladly sacrifice them."

Priam held his father close. Few things were more precious than a parent who stood by you through thick and thin.

"What do you want to tell me, Dad?"

"I want to tell you that your survival is most important. However, that doesn't mean these people's lives are unimportant, right?"

"Of course!"

Alain pushed Priam back and looked him straight in the eye.

"Claire has killed many people, but that's a drop in a bucket compared to the blood that will flow today. It is not the time to find out who's responsible. It is not the time to think about that. You'll find your own answers later and act as you see fit," he smiled. "For now, find a way to kill these fucking bugs, and let us worry about saving as many people as possible."

Priam nodded before looking at his father, his stomach in knots. He had a bad feeling.

"When you talk about saving people..."

"I intend to work with the factions inside this dome. Accompany people to safety. Save those who can be saved."

Priam took a deep breath.

"You're not planning on getting to safety."

"I don't intend to put myself in danger either. The dome is full of underground tunnels, and I'm going to open passages between them and the houses. People will be able to borrow them for shelter. Louis will accompany me for protection. Mirscella will coordinate the rest of the factions, accompanied by Claire if you let her live this day."

Priam glanced at the traitor and clenched his fists. A second later, he controlled himself. The situation was exceptional and deserved exceptional decisions. Claire would live through another day. And if she tried to flee, he'd find her.

"Good. I'll leave you to deal with the situation. Thank you, Mirscella," Priam said, turning to the smiling grandmother. She knew everything but didn't seem to hate or despise him for it. His father had found loyal friends. "I'll try to find a solution to kill these insects," he continued. "Louis, take care of my father."

The old man smiled. "You can rely on me."

Priam took one last look at Claire. The young woman hadn't uttered a second sentence. Her eyes were full of defiance and anger. Deep down, Priam thought he read sadness.

Mirscella spoke up, looking at Claire.

"She will not escape, do not worry. By surviving this Tribulation, you will become the undisputed Champion of humanity. Then you will be able to condemn her in a public trial and explain the danger of the Revenants to the public. She will die then. Too many humans would be ready to join them without understanding."

Looking at Priam, she added. "You'll make enemies, but then humanity will understand your firm conviction. It's the right decision you're making here. Quick revenge would be easier, but getting to the top is never easy. You can be proud of yourself."

Priam remained silent for a moment before nodding. Claire wasn't exactly powerful, whereas Mirscella and Louis were strong enough to make his instinct notice them. If she could save a few lives before her death, why not…

Priam kissed his father before descending the stairs. Down to the first floor, he pondered his next actions. His first goal was to get as many insects away from the mansion as possible. Then he'd have to kill them. Between his new skill and Domain, there had to be a possibility.

Time to hunt a Tribulation.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 173

Constitution 343

Agility 210

Vitality 339

Perception 414


Vivacity 189

Dexterity 269

Memory 50

Willpower 380

Charisma 199


Meta-affinity 216

Meta-focus 143

Meta-endurance 110

Meta-perception 71

Meta-chance 150

Potential: 1194

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 20 hours 5 minutes 13 seconds

[Tribulation]: A Tribulation is coming.

Time: ???


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