A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!

Chapter 96: The Juggernaut

Priam closed the door to Bechar's office. The rest of their conversation had given the changeling ideas. [He Who Eludes Death] was an alien Talent he had no chance of reproducing, and Priam had no interest in telling him about it. What they had discussed was the possibility of using Titles or Talents to steal affinities from Concepts. This was something Bechar had never heard of.

Priam could do it every day of the week with [Tribulation Hunter]. Whether this only works for Tribulations remains to be seen.

The more he thought about it, the more Priam was convinced that the System wasn't against a user trying to take advantage of the rules. It was almost encouraged. The Tribulations were both a trial and a reward.

Descending the steps to leave the Colosseum, Priam abruptly stopped. On the second floor, Mercury was waiting. The merchant looked up at Priam and smiled.

Priam descended the last steps and shook hands with the merchant.

"I suppose Sphinx was able to pass the Urn to you?" asked Priam.

"Indeed," smiled Mercury. "I've been informed that you've found your father safe and sound. I'm very happy for you. I'll keep looking for your sister."

"Thank you," Priam replied. The System had told him that his sister was not on the Moon, but perhaps the merchant would find someone who had seen her on another world. He kept that to himself - after all, Mercury had specified in their contract that his search would stop at the Moon and Reunion. Sorry, Mercury, but this is too important to be honest.

"I don't suppose you came here just for that?"

"No indeed... I think we can still help each other," Mercury said in a low voice.


"You have enemies who spread… Annoying information, shall we say. They're trying to undermine your authority as Champion by accusing you of sacrificing innocent lives to temporize your Tribulations," Mercury said, probing Priam's eyes.

Priam's gaze remained clear. On the one hand, because the mist concept he controlled now deeply penetrated his being. A kind of cloud now covered his eyes. His gaze could now disconcert those who plunged into it.

On the other hand, Priam was determined to assume his responsibilities.

"That's both true and false," admitted Priam. "To tell you the truth, I didn't think about the dangers to the inhabitants. I was fighting for my life and did what I had to do to survive. However, at no time did I deliberately place the life of an innocent person between myself and danger. I spent about twenty hours saving hundreds, maybe even thousands, of innocent people."

Priam's gaze hardened, "I have wrongs that I intend to right to the best of my ability. If any factions try to play with that, I'll destroy them."

Mercury recoiled, and Priam realized that he had just used his Domain. The Champion of Humanity's aura was heavy. "Sorry, I haven't yet mastered all the subtleties of my Supremacy," he apologized.

Mercury swallowed and smiled again. The man was a professional, Priam had to give him that.

"It's nothing. To tell you the truth, it's even a good experience because I'm sure some people will try to pressure me with this technique. In fact, that's part of the reason I came here today," he explained. "I've got a proposition for you if you'll listen to me."

Priam agreed. Maintaining a cordial relationship with Mercury was a good idea. Even the best fighter would need information to apply his force.

On the second floor of the Colosseum was a restaurant. It was empty when Mercury and Priam entered. A robot led them into a private lounge, where the two men took their seats.

"It's not crowded," Priam remarked, observing an empty wall opposite him. The room was tastefully decorated in an almost baroque woodwork style. Only the wall seemed strangely simple. Too simple.

"The restaurant is closed to the public. You have to reach wave twenty or possess a Noble Title to enter," smiled Mercury.

Priam smiled. "Without me, you'd be stuck outside the door, wouldn't you?"

Mercury let out a small laugh. "Indeed, I’m taking advantage of your prestige! In exchange, I invite you," he offered.

Just as Priam was about to nod, the robot spoke up. "That won't be necessary, Sir Mercury; Earl Priam is the Reunion's first gladiator. As such, all his consumptions are on the house."

Priam turned to the robot. Resembling a white droid, it was almost invisible to his mist. Even the synthetic waiter is stronger than me...

The merchant's discomfited expression made him smile. "I'm reassured, you don't know everything," Priam teased.

"What's the point of this wall?" he then asked the robot.

"This is an enchanted panel, allowing you to observe public or paid matches taking place in the arena or any recorded match to which you have access," informed the artificial intelligence.

"Mmh... Is there a match right now?"

"Yes, Lord Priam. There are three paying matches at the moment."

As if to prove himself, Mercury took a Baron core out of his pocket and threw it at the robot.

It grabbed the core, and the wall was activated. Three miniatures were available, and Priam clicked on one before sitting opposite Mercury. It was important to observe and analyze the strength of his fellow creatures.

The two men ordered and began chatting while waiting for the service.

"I'm looking for information," Mercury explained. "First, about your Tribulations, but also about the evolution of our race."

"Tribulations, I can understand. We'll discuss that later. But what do you mean by the evolution of the human race?"

"My [Identification] is an Epic rarity skill," the merchant clarified. On hearing this, Priam sighed. He had no desire to be an open book. [Eidetic Memory] then reminded him of the blueprint he had extorted from Anne. [Mask] should be able to hide my most secret information...

"What do you see?" questioned Priam.

"That your race has changed. You’re now a..."

"Wait!" interrupted Priam. "Give me a few seconds."

Priam finally opened his notifications. He certainly should have looked at them earlier, but he'd always found an excuse to put it off. The reason was obvious: he was afraid to read that he was no longer human.

Priam wanted to become strong. However, giving up his humanity was an important step. The System was objective, so its opinion had value. Priam inhaled calmly. Come on, Priam, be brave!


Reward chosen: Racial Upgrade - Human

Start of procedure.

Analysis of code and genetic structure.


Analysis of code and aethereal structure.


Error: The target's aethereal code contains alien sections. Risk of bloodline pollution if heavy System intervention.

Solution: End of upgrade.


Error: Absolute Upgrade - Tribulation reward.

Solution: Holistic improvement of the organism from existing elements. Zero risk of pollution.

Analysis of the aethereal and genetic code and structure of humanity.

5,684,126,532 individuals of the human race detected.


Conservation of the user's ego and personality.

Preservation of his main traits - qualities and defects.

Execution of the solution.

Data compilation.


Creation of a temporary world.


Implantation test n°1... Modification of the subject.


Subject deceased. Failure.

Implantation test n°2... Modification of the subject.


Subject deceased. Failure.


Implementation test n°069 115 109 101 101 032 105 115 032 117 110 100 101 114 032 115 117 114 118 101 105 108 108 097 110 099 101... Subject modification.


Critical success.

Observation: The subject brings together the best traits of humanity. His genetic code and structure are incredibly stable. His aethereal code and structure are incredibly stable.

User modification.



Successfully created Tier 1 race. Would you like to choose a name?


No name suggested. The System names this new race: High Human.

[High-Human - Tier 1] - The origins of the Homo genus date back some three million years. Three hundred thousand years ago, successive evolutions finally created the first Homo sapiens. Those primates succeeded in colonizing their native planet.

At the pinnacle of evolution, humanity is characterized by a phenomenal capacity for physical and mental adaptation. This trait is written into its aethereal code.

After extensive testing and using all available samples, the System recompiled the code, retaining the best features.

This new race is called High Human. Their main characteristic is an exceptional adaptation.

Non-exhaustive list of race benefits:

A malleable genetic code, constantly seeking to mutate. Favorable mutations spread throughout the body.

Increased density of improved mitochondria per cell.

Reformatting of neuronal and nerve architecture.

Rapid correction of genetic anomalies.

Improved immune defenses.

Increased bone and muscle density.

Absolute pitch/Tetrachromacy/Tapetum lucidum/…

Caution: Don't confuse High Human with Junkie

PHY +20


System note:

A High Human is the ultimate form of its previous existence, created from the sum of its race's particular and mostly beneficial evolutions. For the moment, there is no known superior race.

The only Tier up possibilities are:

Absorption of alien codes.

Catalyzing new spontaneous developments with Racial Talent.

Modification of Tribulation thresholds: To avoid unnecessarily restricting users whose race has the potential for rapid development, the System grants different Tribulation thresholds according to the race’s Tier.

High Human is a Tier 1 race. The new thresholds are now every 1(+1) hundred.

Next thresholds: 12 attributes > 200 / 3 attributes > 400 / 1 attribute > 600

Tribulations on hold: 0

Improved Racial Talent!

[Humanity adapts - Silver] becomes [High Human adaptation - Gold].

[High Human adaptation - Gold] - The wearer adapts physically and mentally to situations and environments.

The more hostile the environment or situation, the faster the adaptation.

Titles obtained!

[Primogenitor - Gold] - You are the pioneer of a new race. It's your job to keep improving it.

Your charisma doubles when you talk to a member of your own or your original race.


Woah… I might as well see my last notification.

[Horseman of the Apocalypse - Legendary] - You're already a legend. Take control of your destiny. Choose one of the proposals and chart your course:

Death, Famine, War, and Conquest.


You are an artificial force. As such, you refuse to bow to Fate and Nature.

Conquest is a force that gains in power until it is stopped. Become the unstoppable Juggernaut. In this merciless world, you're charting your course.

Long may it be.

In battle, every enemy you defeat temporarily increases your momentum.

STR +20%

CHAR +10%

VIVA +10%

Priam looked slightly up at Mercury and saw that the man had closed his eyes. The merchant was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. It's my Charisma, Priam realized. With his Progenitor bonus, it was now challenging to escape his allure. I'll have to be careful if I don't want to manipulate people unintentionally.

Priam tried to diminish his aura, and Mercury gave him a grateful look. Learning to control his new attributes, Priam gradually calmed down.

He began by lightly testing his Domain before stopping. His Will was terrifying, and his sphere of authority had increased in volume. Moreover, Priam sensed that a qualitative change was approaching. There's a five-hundred-point cap, he understood.

A few seconds later, he reread the notification. It was useless with his memory, but it couldn't hurt. There was good news and bad news.

He began by analyzing the main bad news. Tribulation thresholds did depend on race. During its growth, a High Human, with its capacity for adaptation, would undoubtedly manage to exceed a hundred points in its physical and mental attributes. To avoid killing adolescents or children, the System modified the thresholds. Only multiples of two hundred would now trigger a Tribulation.

It was good news because Priam wouldn't have to spend the next six months avoiding improving his attributes.

It was terrible news, as it meant that a Tier 4 race would have - on average - twice as many attributes as a High Human for the same number of Tribulations. That's why a Dragon is mighty. With that kind of disadvantage, I’ll have to work hard to catch up. But if I can…

For someone willing to work hard, it was potentially positive. Priam thought he could withstand another five or six Tribulations before moving to Tier 1. That meant ten Tribulations at Tier 0. A Tier 9 race being would have to push all its attributes over three thousand to reach that figure. Reaching those heights at Tier 0 seemed unlikely unless you spent centuries there...

In practical terms, Priam was quite happy that humanity was Tier 0. The road would be much longer, but his summit could be higher.

When the robot returned with their dishes, Priam let his joy explode as he reread the description of his race a third time. His relief was palpable. He was still human! He was just a flawless human, with all the genetic and aethereal qualities of his congeners.

His laughter calmed as he analyzed this thought. Although objective, this information could lead to a feeling of superiority. I'll have to never mistreat anyone because I'm more powerful, he promised himself. I'll use my powers to explore the world's wonders and magic.

Priam analyzed his emotions for a moment before smiling. His personality hadn't changed; he was still the same. Moreover, the System allowed every man and woman to become a High Human. Rather than fairness, it was equality.

Reassured, Priam looked again at Mercury.

"Any good news?" asked the merchant.

"I'm a High Human. In practical terms..."

The two men ate while Priam explained a few things to Mercury. In the arena, the human finally forfeited after the twelfth wave. The summoned falcons were too quick for him. The meal ended calmly.

"Your information is valuable. I just would have thought you'd want to draw up a contract with me before sharing it."

"Originally, yes," admitted Priam. "I like to ensure everyone holds up their end of the bargain. But you're a merchant. If I'd negotiated your help, you'd have had the advantage with your skills."

Mercury grinned. "Not sure. You have extremely high charisma, making you almost impervious to social manipulation. My skills help me use my charisma, but even the best sword can't pierce a concrete wall."

Priam chuckled. "You'd be surprised..."

"... Right, it’s a new world. Anyway, you've helped me. Since you didn't let me set the limits of my investment, I guess it's up to me to decide?"

"Exactly," smiled Priam. Despite his modest words, Mercury was an expert in negotiations. When you couldn't fight, you might as well cooperate in the name of a future cordial relationship. "I intend to help humanity survive this apocalypse. If that's your project too, you'd better help me."

Mercury beckoned to the robot waiting by the door. "Coffee, please. No sugar."

He turned back to Priam. "You've survived a quadruple Tribulation, Priam. This Reunion looks huge, but it's an illusion. I've seen one of the capitals of this sector. This world is huge. Infinite even. And you're already making waves in the ocean. Tiny little waves, but that's enough for me. I'll help you."

Mercury pulled a few pieces of paper from his pocket. "Here are the names of the factions that annoy you. We can try to buy them or..."

He looked at Priam, uncertain.

"We scare them. If that's not enough, we kill them," confirmed Priam. "This world has changed, and so have I. Trying to disrupt law and order to scrape together power... Humanity doesn't need this kind of individual."

The merchant nodded, reassured. "Good. Their bases are in several domes, so I'll handle that. You need to make a public speech. Reassure the people. With your charisma, your strength, your Lord Title, and my skills, we'll be able to persuade the population that you're not a monster."

Priam winced. "Listen Mercury, I appreciate you trying to help me, but I refuse to magically manipulate thousands of people. Someone tried it with me, and I hated it." Priam remembered Anne. He should have killed her, but he'd been weak then. Not anymore.

Mercury frowned. "Your insinuation is insulting. I simply want to present you in a good light. I want to emphasize your qualities, your acts of bravery, and the role you can play as a Champion. As a Guardian. When I said skills, I meant increasing your eloquence, helping you find the words and feel the audience's emotions. Nothing more."

"Excuse me, I misunderstood. But... people already know that, no?"

"No. They know that a super-powered man exists. That this Priam brought calamity to their city. That he fought for them afterward. They wonder: Why did he help us?"

Mercury snapped his fingers. "Deep down, they're hoping for a hero to protect them from the horrors of the System. They need hope. They need a symbol. They need to put a shining face on this overpowering unknown. They'd like to see themselves in you. They'll talk about you. Their children will see you as a hero. They'll recognize your mistakes, making you human in their eyes."

"It's not just a mistake. People died because of me."

"True, but... will you allow me a personal opinion?" asked Mercury. Priam nodded. "You're too powerful, Priam. Above all, we need you. Unfortunately, that means you'll be your only real judge. It's up to you to choose whether these dead will eat away at you or be a force you'll use to better yourself."

Silence greeted Mercury's statement. The merchant sipped his coffee while Priam pondered. Finally, he answered: "Let's do it."

Mercury smiled before coming to a halt. Reaching out, he listened to something before sighing.

"Is there a problem?" asked Priam.

"I've just received a report. There's an influential man who needs convincing. He's too strong for me to kill and too influential to bend," Mercury apologized. "He'd like to meet you."

"Who is it?" asked Priam.

"Prometheus, the Divine King."

Priam nodded. "Where and when?"

"... Now and here. He's waiting for you in the arena, sword in hand."

"That's the kind of talk I like," grinned Priam. His body was bursting with power, and he needed a release. I'm going to crush him.

Status: (Average value for a Homo sapiens male before integration: PHY 10 / MEN 10 / META 0)


Strength 231 (+58)

Constitution 373 (+26)

Agility 277 (+49)

Vitality 370 (+30)

Perception 450 (+24)


Vivacity 277 (+76)

Dexterity 321 (+32)

Memory 70 (+20)

Willpower 406 (+26)

Charisma 333 (+111)


Meta-affinity 216

Meta-focus 167 (+12)

Meta-endurance 119

Meta-perception 71

Meta-chance 198

Potential: 5866 (+4868)

Tier 0

[He Who Eludes Death] charge OFF. Reloaded in 21 hours 30 min 57s

[Tribulation]: No Tribulation pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 182 days 22 hours 4 minutes 10 seconds.

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