A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 13: Tylo’s First Mission

Needless to say, Master Soara left quite the impression on young Tylo. In the ensuing months after his encounter with her, he threw himself into his saber studies in particular with a single-minded ferocity that both impressed and aroused his Twi’lek teacher. Aayla Secura loved nothing more than to see him growing as a Jedi, even if he was growing as a duelist more than anything else.

That wasn’t to say he ignored everything else in favor of becoming better with a lightsaber, however. As much as Soara’s challenge might have… invigorated him in that direction, Tylo still remembered what he’d told Aayla, about wanting to be more of a Sentinel then a Guardian or Consular. For all that those three specific paths had fallen somewhat out of the modern Order’s teachings, he knew for a fact that Saber Master Soara would have fallen under the title of Jedi Guardian if it were still in use.
And that wasn’t a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, but Tylo wanted to be a bit more well-rounded then that. So, even as he put a lot of his attention into honing his saber skills, rapidly approaching the point where he could defeat his Master, a fully trained Jedi Knight, about one in ten bouts. This in and of itself was astounding, Tylo knew as much from listening to Aayla’s thoughts. But then, that was just it, wasn’t it?
His ability to read his opponents’ minds as he did being a genetic mutation instead of a Force Power gave him an undeniable advantage over anyone. The reason he didn’t beat Aayla ten out of ten times was because he simply wasn’t fast enough yet. Once she got serious, which she usually did about an hour into their spars, Aayla’s thoughts and movements became intwined, and she began moving faster than he could possibly keep track of.
The times he beat her had more to do with him getting lucky early and using her own thoughts against her then anything else. But a lot of the time, her defense was too solid and her speed too overwhelming. Still, he WAS getting better. Not nearly good enough to impress Saber Master Soara yet he didn’t think, let alone handing her a defeat and then getting to tap that tight ass… but maybe one day. No, not maybe, he would achieve his goals one day. He would bed Soara Antana.
In the meantime, time went by and eventually, it was decided that he and Knight Secura were ready for their first bonafide mission together. And as it turned out, it was a rescue mission. Apparently, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi had managed to lose his apprentice to a slaver of all things, one that was backed up by a traitor to the Jedi Order.
Everyone knew all about Kenobi’s apprentice. Annie Skywalker was… well, the whispers said that she was the Chosen One. And from what Tylo knew, they might not be wrong. After all, how else did you explain such a massive break in Jedi Traditions? The former slave was nine years old when she showed up at the Jedi Temple. It was unheard of that a child so old would be trained and having her slotted into some of their classes but not all of them hadn’t helped the gossip and rumor mill much whatsoever.
The fact that she came to the Temple with a Master already picked out as well… it was all just very odd. Tylo still didn’t know all the specifics, and it probably wasn’t his place to know them. But then, it probably wasn’t his place to know all the specifics of this mission he and his Master were going to be backing Kenobi up on either. And yet, by the time all was said and done and they were on a ship, heading out, Tylo was pretty sure he knew more than Aayla herself, all thanks to his power.
From Aayla’s mind, he learned some of the details that he wasn’t actually supposed to know at his rank. Like the fact that Siri Tachi, a former Jedi Padawan, had apparently been implanted in this slave-raider Krayn’s organization many years earlier in a bid to take him down from the inside. She and her former Master, Adi Gallia (and wasn’t that interesting) had had a public falling out shortly after the Battle of Naboo apparently, and that had led to Siri leaving the Order behind, supposedly.
That wasn’t true, of course. She was under orders and it was all part of an undercover mission that Siri had agreed to take part in. Pretending to ‘rebel’ against the Jedi Order and ‘fall to the Dark Side’, Siri Tachi had gone on to join Krayn’s band of raiders under the name ‘Zora’. Needless to say, Obi-Wan hadn’t known any of this… and had thus been completely blindsided when he and his captured apprentice had run into ‘Zora’ on their way out of a confrontation with Krayn.
That run in had resulted in Annie captured and Kenobi running back to the Temple with his tail between his legs, down one Chosen One. All that considered, Tylo could understand why the Council felt the need to send some back up with Knight Kenobi on the rescue mission.
However, that was just what he learned from Aayla. From Kenobi’s thoughts, Tylo learned even more personal details about the mission. Like the fact that, after seeing what Krayn and his raiders were doing, after encountering the slaves that the monstrous alien traded in, Annie Skywalker had tried to stand her ground and put her foot down, had tried to get her Master to stay with her and help free the slaves.
Kenobi had ultimately convinced his padawan to return with him after making it a direct order, but the intervening argument had cost them time… precious time that had ultimately resulted in the forced confrontation between them and ‘Zora’, leading to Annie’s capture.
It was interesting, getting a look behind the man that was Obi-Wan Kenobi. Around the Temple, the young Knight was commonly known as the Sith-Killer, given he was the only Jedi said to have slain a Sith in centuries. Apparently, Dark Jedi didn’t count, but the creature that Kenobi and his Master Qui-Gon Jinn had fought in the reactor beneath Naboo qualified.
With a reputation as fearsome as all that, Tylo hadn’t known what to expect from the Jedi Knight. Now he knew better though… Kenobi was very clearly in over his head. The poor man was barely treading water, barely keeping himself from drowning. He was full of uncertainty, not sure whether to blame himself or Annie for her own capture, not sure how to go about training her, not sure of… well, just about anything concerning her.
They had a tumultuous relationship to say the least, but it wasn’t like it was Tylo’s place to get in the middle of all that. Instead, he would keep his head down and focus on the task at hand… after all, it was his first ever mission.
“It’s time for you to pay for your crimes, Krayn. You die here and now. At the hands of a girl.”
As he stands there beside his fellow Padawan, Tylo has only a moment to contemplate how they’d gotten here, the two of them, the Jedi Learners, facing off against the big bad evil slaver. As Krayn snarls and glares at them with his four red eyes, Tylo unclips his lightsaber from his belt and lights it with a snap-hiss, drawing Annie Skywalker’s attention. She smiles softly at him and gives a simple nod in his direction.
“And a boy.”
Tylo just smiles back, knowing better than to show dissension in the ranks in front of an enemy. Still, he did have some… let’s call them mild concerns about everything that was going on here.
It’d started with them infiltrating Krayn’s slaving operation via the space station Rorak Five alongside Kenobi, posing as inspectors as it were. Shortly after, they’d ended up fighting off a massive Wookiee, apparently the bodyguard of Krayn. Knight Kenobi had been the one to slay him, while it turned out those they were there to free had already begun their own escape.
By the time Tylo, his Master, and Knight Kenobi had arrived on scene, Skywalker and Tachi had already managed to free themselves with the help of a Twi’lek slave named Mazie and her daughter Berri. They’d then began fomenting a rebellion among Krayn’s slaves, causing a complete breakdown in the T’surr alien’s entire operation.
Unfortunately, all of the actual Jedi Knights, as well as the infiltrator Jedi Padawan, were nowhere to be found when Annie finally saw her chance to confront Krayn directly. And so, while Aayla, Kenobi, and Tachi were all off helping make sure this slave rebellion was a success and not put down as easily as most others, Tylo found that it was he and Annie who were facing off against Krayn to keep the monstrous slaver from escaping Nar Shaddaa altogether as his entire power structure crumbled around him.
“You filthy Jedi! I would have made quite the pile of credits if I’d managed to sell your virginity! Heh, perhaps after I take you two down, I still can. What’s worth more than one Jedi Padawan? Two, of course!”
With a cry of rage that echoes not just across the platform but also through the Force itself, Annie leaps forward, the former slave clearly taking distinct umbrage with Krayn’s words. Given the way the T’surr grins a wicked, toothy grin in response to this, that brash recklessness was exactly what he wanted from Annie.
Unfortunately for him, Tylo was there to back up his fellow Padawan. Even as the potential Chosen One closes the distance and lunges towards Krayn, the massive hulking blue alien is pulling up his blaster to shoot her while she’s recklessly lowering her guard and going full offense. Except Tylo is there by Annie’s side, the last several months of saber training giving him incredibly fast reflexes as he cuts the T’surr slaver’s hand from his body, sending the blaster spinning.
In the next moment, Annie’s blade pierces through Krayn’s chest, impaling him even as her eyes go slightly wide at the sight of his hand and blaster flying off into the distance. Krayn chokes on the blade of plasma that’s just finished annihilating several choice parts of his major organs, and as Annie deactivates her saber, the hulking alien slaver falls to his knees, already dead before he even hits the ground.
In the next moment, Tylo’s Master arrives on the platform along with Kenobi and Tachi. Aayla looks worried for Tylo, while Kenobi looks stricken, for some reason. Tachi, meanwhile, just looks relieved and nods in approval as Annie stares down at the dead slaver, breathing lowly. As Tylo shuts off his own lightsaber and turns to rejoin his Master, Annie’s voice stops him, the female Padawan calling out.
“Hey. You’re… um, Tylo, right? Thanks for the save.”
I think I remember him from the Initiate Classes. He never made fun of me or shunned me for being too old to be a Jedi, or for not being in every class because of my position as Obi-Wan’s Padawan. Plus… he’s kind of cute, isn’t he?
A blush spreads across her face at that last part and she smiles rather shyly for a girl who just killed someone before ducking her head and averting her gaze. Tylo is honestly a little surprised she remembers him. But apparently he was ‘cute’. Chuckling, Tylo just shakes his head.
“No worries… happy to help.”
And then he moves to his Master’s side, letting Aayla fuss over him a little bit as Kenobi moved forward and spoke with Annie in a low tone that left the girl’s face going blank and emotionless as she nodded along robotically to what her Master was saying. Tylo could have ‘listened in’, but honestly, he was more interested in what Tachi was thinking as she looked at him appraisingly while she thought he was distracted by his Master.
That was interesting. The boy moved even faster than Skywalker. He seems quite motivated with his training… I wonder what his other saber might be like. It’s been far too long since I got any worthwhile.
Huh… Siri Tachi WAS the padawan of Adi Gallia before she pretended to leave the Order, wasn’t she? Interesting…
Shortly after the successful slave uprising and the destruction of Krayn’s ‘pirate empire’, a special delegation from the Galactic Senate arrived on Nar Shaddaa to congratulate them all on the part they played. But honestly, Tylo was more interested in the Twi’lek Mother and Daughter who stopped by to thank Annie for finally putting an end to their tormentor. When Annie sheepishly tried to foist off some of the credit onto him, Tylo found himself getting appreciative looks from both Mazie AND Berri and knew that he could definitely make something happen there… if he wanted to.
The only thing was, did he want to? Frankly, Tylo saw multiple options directly in front of him in the wake of their successful mission. They had yet to leave Nar Shaddaa, so he could indeed see just how appreciative the mother-daughter pair of gorgeous Twi’leks were feeling. He knew from experience how much fun a Twi’lek could be, let alone a pair of them.
Or… he could tug on the thread of connection that now seemed to exist between him and Annie Skywalker. He just wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk the ire of her Master, Knight Kenobi. The man seemed like such the consummate Jedi Knight at first glance, but thanks to Tylo’s unique perspective he knew that deep down, Kenobi was a bundle of insecurities and trauma.
A third option had presented itself in the form of Siri Tachi. The former Jedi Padawan would likely be Knighted for her role in all of this once they got back to Coruscant, but for now he and she were technically the same rank. He could see if she was as flexible in more ways than one as her former Master was when he’d had his fun with Adi Gallia and Stass Allie.
All three options had their pros and cons. The clearest was that Mazie and Berri were a limited time offer, and by all accounts Skywalker and Tachi should be more than available for fun back at the Jedi Temple, presumably. But still, he had to make a choice soon, before they were scheduled to leave Nar Shaddaa behind and get back to the Council to give their reports…

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