A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 25: Padme Amidala Pt. 2

Making direct eye contact with Padme, Tylo brings the commlink to his lips.
“The Senator is asking how the assailant died, Master Kenobi.”
Padme’s eyes widen at that, at him putting those words in her mouth. But Tylo knows for a fact that Obi-Wan wouldn’t have just let Annie kill the assassin. That wasn’t the Jedi Way. Which meant…
“… A third party. Someone else silenced them before we could get anything out of them.”
Nodding, having expected as much, Tylo’s lips twist into a sardonic sort of grin as he continues to look Padme right in the eye.
“The Senator thought as much, Master Kenobi. She’s not letting me end the lockdown just yet. I think she’s concerned that there are more attempts on her life lined up for tonight.”
As Tylo speaks, he moves forward, his cock still rock hard and standing straight out from him. He kneels down and slaps it across Padme’s pussy a few times, making the Senator’s breath hitch and her eyes widen.
Is he… is he going to fuck me while he’s on the comms with Obi-Wan? S-Surely not…
While tempting, that wasn’t the plan. Instead, Tylo had something else in mind. A moment later, after a long beat of silent hesitation on Obi-Wan’s end, the Jedi Master’s voice comes over the commlink again… and sounds less than pleased with him.
“… Padawan, I-!”
But Tylo is ready for that, and cuts Obi-Wan off in what might be an… inadvisable display of disrespect, truth be told.
“The Senator is asking for the commlink, Master Kenobi. Here you go.”
Padme’s eyes widen again in surprise as he smirks at her and holds out the commlink for her to take. Hesitantly, the naked Nabooian Senator does so… and while it’s probably just as inadvisable as his show of disrespect, Tylo can’t help himself. Just as she’s activating the commlink to speak to Obi-Wan, he thrusts in.
“M-Master, oooh, J-Jedi… I, um, ah… I w-will not allow the, mm, E-Emergency Lockdown to e-end until this additional, hah, assailant is c-caught…”
Oh Force, I can’t believe he’s making me do this. This is so… so BAD. He’s making me be so naughty. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!
Given what he’s hearing from her thoughts, Tylo has to give Padme props. She manages to hold in her voice to only a whimper, even as he fucks her right there on the bed while she’s on comms with Master Kenobi. The Jedi Master’s voice comes through a moment later, sounding hesitant.
“Padme, I understand that you may be distraught that the Mandalorian got away. Still, the likelihood of her trying again any time soon is low. You don’t need to be afraid.”
Padme’s eyes widen and her response is entirely genuine.
Even Tylo slows down a bit at that. He’s never met one before, but he’s certainly heard of Mandalorians. A race of warriors who liked to venture out into the galaxy to find work as bounty hunters and mercenaries from what he recalled. And they were usually quite good at it, too, thanks to their culture’s signature armor, made from a special metal found only on their homeworld of Mandalore that was so strong, it could even stand up against lightsabers.
When Obi-Wan’s voice comes back through the commlink a moment later, he sounds weary, as if he knows he made a mistake letting this particular nerf out of the bag.
“… Either that or she was using the armor of one, Senator. She took out the target from afar before escaping via jetpack…”
Padme takes a moment to assimilate this…and then bites her lower lip and wiggles her hips, her pussy walls clenching down on his cock in a way that tells Tylo she doesn’t want him to stop, even in light of this new information.
“T-Then there’s even m-more, nngh, reason for me to stay w-where it’s safe. Padawan, hah, Padawan Vondin w-will watch over me…”
Smirking, Tylo begins to fuck her again, filing the information about the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter in the back of his mind as he leans forward and really begins to pound into Padme’s soft, lithe form. She’s definitely the softest, most pampered, most spoiled woman he’s ever been with… as made evident by her entitled response to Obi-Wan’s next words.
“Senator, I-!”
“That’s an order, Master Jedi!”
And then, before Obi-Wan can remind her that he doesn’t technically take orders from her or say anything else about how her safety is his top priority, Padme turns off the commlink and flings it away. Tylo raises an eyebrow, glancing after it for a moment, but to his mild surprise… it doesn’t go off again. Obi-Wan doesn’t call back, not even to try and speak with Tylo.
That… could be either a good or a bad thing, he figures. But since no lightsaber comes cutting through the suite bedroom’s security door in the next several moments, Tylo figures they’re in the clear.
Stop thinking so much and fuck me already!
“Stop thinking so much and fuck me already!”
Blinking, Tylo finds his attention forced back to Padme as her thoughts go right from her brain to her lips, her words lining up perfectly with what she had on her mind. Chuckling in amusement, he proceeds to do exactly that, leaning down and capturing Padme’s lips with his own, kissing her deeply and with plenty of tongue as he really begins to rail her into the bed.
Oh Force, he’s so… f-forceful. Who knew a Jedi Padawan would be so well-versed in the sexual arts? F-Fuck, he’s pushing all of my buttons. Does he even know what he’s doing to me, acting this way?
Thanks to his little mutation acting as a handicap, yes, he did. And he also knew what Padme was enjoying the most, thanks to his access to her innermost thoughts. Tylo was not and likely would never be above abusing his ability to read minds to bring his lovers to the heights of ecstasy. For him, private thoughts had never really been a thing. Given his ability, he’d always had access, and it had become as natural for him to be able to hear what people were thinking, as it was for him to be able to hear what they were saying.
Maybe it was morally wrong, reading minds like he did… but Tylo only ever used it to give people what they wanted, so was it really all that bad? He knew he wasn’t the best Jedi, nor the most… upstanding. But he’d never done anything to anyone that they didn’t want done to them… even if they were only willing to admit what they wanted in the deepest, darkest depths of their minds.
And so, Tylo takes the Senator from Naboo for a spin, fucking her hard and fast into the bed. And when her mind begins to flit towards wanting… a different position, he heeds the call before she can even think to ask for it. Pulling out of her, flipping her onto her front, he lifts her hips up and buries himself back in her quim without a second thought.
Padme can only moan and mewl, trying to muffle the noises coming out of her mouth with the bedding beneath her as he pounds her into the bed in the downward doggy position. She ends up biting on her blankets to make sure her cries of ecstasy don’t travel too far. To be fair, the security lockdown that her bedroom is under should come with soundproofing, but all the same… its nice to see her thinking about her reputation, heh.
Barely, though. Most of Padme’s mind is focused on the overwhelming pleasure he’s visiting upon her. And to think, Tylo isn’t even pulling out all the stops. The Force Techniques he’s been taught that would undeniably enhance this experience… he holds in reserve, for now. Admittedly, this is at least partially because he’s never used those techniques on a non-Jedi before. Someone like Padme Amidala, who is very much NOT Force Sensitive, might react badly to such techniques… or, even more likely, react TOO well to them.
He had no intentions of frying Padme’s brain, that was for sure. Not literally anyways. Figuratively on the other hand… Tylo has to admit, there’s something truly spectacular about using every last bit of his experience to really drive home how much Padme has been missing out, trying for a prude like Obi-Wan. What she needed all this time was a real Jedi Male to put her through her paces.

After years of fucking mostly Jedi, with only a couple non-Jedi in the form of the Twi’lek Mother-Daughter pair added to the mix, making Padme cum her brains out around his cock is honestly… easy. She’s all talk and no bite, he quickly discovers. She’s slutty, sure, but she has no real idea of just what sex can be.
And so, he fucks her, reaching out and pulling her head back via wrapping her brunette locks around his hand and clenching it into a fist. When her voice starts to come out, he puts his other hand across her mouth, ultimately sticking his fingers into the side of her jaw, yanking back as she gurgles and moans incoherently.
Her inner walls clench and squeeze down around his cock again and again, climax after climax wracking her gorgeous, nubile young frame. She’s older than him, but not by much. Five years at most, from what he knows. Putting her through her paces like this, Tylo makes it clear that the age gap is unimportant. All that matters, in the end, is that he’s fucking her, that he’s giving her what she wants and as much of it as she can handle and then some.
Still, even he has his limits, and as enjoyable as fucking Padme Amidala is, he can’t last forever. After driving the Senator from Naboo positively mad with pleasure, he finally reaches his climax. Is it bad, that he cums directly inside of her? Surely, she should be on birth control, right? An elected official such as herself?
Padme certainly doesn’t raise any complaint, moaning wantonly as he fills her with his seed and experiencing one last orgasm from the sensation, her eyes rolling back in her skull and even her mind an utter incomprehensible mess that he can’t even get words from.
As he pulls out of her and lets go of her body, the Senator collapses forward face down on the bed, her limbs splayed out around her as she shudders and quivers for a second. It takes several moments before she finally recovers enough that he can actually understand what she’s thinking again.
… That was incredible. He was… he was so forceful. B-By the Force… when can we do that again?
And then, much to his amusement, she turns over and looks up at him with lidded eyes.
“Mm… when can we do that again?”
Heh. For a politician, the Senator sure did wear her heart on her sleeve, didn’t she? Smiling almost tenderly, Tylo reaches out and cups one of her breasts, giving it a gentle caress that makes Padme moan and arch her back up into his hand in a way that feels more sinful than should be physically possible. But the moment passes, and he pulls his hand back, amused but shaking his head.
“I’m not sure… but not now. I’d say much longer, and Master Kenobi WILL come through that door using his lightsaber. I assume you want a chance to get cleaned up and dressed and able to leave this room on your own terms before that happens.
Padme’s eyes widen and her nostrils flare as she glances over at the door in question.
“… You’re not wrong.”

And so, ends his tryst with a Senator. They get cleaned up, Padme gets dressed, and the lockdown is finally ended. Time to rejoin the world… and face whatever comes his way.
“For the last time, Padawan, my decision is final. You and Knight Secura will take Senator Amidala to Naboo and keep her safe there. I and Padawan Vondin will follow up on the lead left behind by the bounty hunter’s unique choice of weaponry.”
“But Master-!”
Ah… the consequences of his own actions. Well met. Tylo can’t help but chuckle softly to himself, even as he watches Annie argue with Obi-Wan about his decision. To be perfectly honest, Tylo doesn’t even blame Master Kenobi all that much. From his point of view, this is the only choice that the Jedi Master can make at this point.
From Obi-Wan’s mind, Tylo had already gleaned the obvious… he didn’t believe for one second that Padme was distraught or inconsolable, or even scared. No, Master Kenobi knew Senator Amidala personally… she didn’t GET scared. More than that, he was a fully trained Jedi. He might not have Tylo’s direct mind-reading abilities, but he could certainly sense sex happening through a security door.
At this point, Obi-Wan’s decision to take Tylo with him and send Annie with Aayla to protect Padme was… well, it made sense from the Jedi Master’s perspective. Didn’t mean Tylo was any happier being separated from his own Master, or his friend, or even his newest lover. But he was just a Padawan Learner, so it wasn’t like he could do anything about it.
As Obi-Wan continues to deny Annie, Aayla steps up to him, a smile on her face as she takes him by the shoulders. Tylo smiles right back at her, both of them already resigned to the separation.
“Listen to Master Kenobi’s instructions, Padawan. He might not be the… easiest man to work with, but he is a skilled and knowledgeable Jedi. You can learn much from him… possibly even more than from me.”
Tylo rolls his eyes at that and pulls the blue-skinned Twi’lek into a big hug. He’d love to kiss her, or even feel her up right now, but no, they’re in public. So instead, he just hugs her platonically, and listens to her thoughts as she fidgets a bit.
Tch, if only Obi-Wan had listened to my suggestion. Tylo and I could have protected the Senator while he and Annie went off to chase this lead. Or it could have been the other way around. But no, he doesn’t even trust me to keep my own Padawan in line. Heh, though admittedly… he’s not exactly wrong.
Pulling apart, the two of them nod, and Tylo begins to turn to leave… only to hesitate for a moment. He was going with Master Kenobi, there was no doubt about that. But… before he and Aayla parted ways, he could tell the Jedi Knight about Annie’s dreams. Maybe… maybe she could convince Senator Amidala to stop by Tatooine on the way to Naboo to check in on Annie’s mother?
But that might be a bad idea. Who was to say Aayla would even agree? Who was to say Padme would be safe on a lawless backwater like Tatooine? Annie would no doubt jump at the chance to check on her mother, but would she appreciate him telling his Master about her dreams?
Either way, he had to make a decision fast. Tell Aayla in the hopes she could maybe do something… or say nothing at all.

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