A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 31: Bo-Katan Kryze Pt. 2

Despite the red head’s previous statement, which seemed to imply that any ‘treat’ would be contingent on him answering her questions and being ‘very good’, Bo-Katan’s actions, once they finally reach her quarters, seem to run rather contradictory to all of that.
Indeed, the moment they’re inside, away from prying eyes (presumably) she’s pushing him down onto the couch and activating something in her armor that makes most of it decouple from her body in an instant. As the beskar clatters to the floor noisily, Bo-Katan strips off her breastplate and crotchplate as well, leaving her in just an undersuit… which she wastes no time in unzipping, even as she gazes down at him rather hungrily.
Fuck, that invisible hand around my throat really got my blood pumping. Still, should probably at least make an attempt at asking him questions.
“What brought you lot to Kamino? What business did you have with Fett? And don’t say the Clones, because I know that’s not it.”
Maybe it was his status as a ‘baby Jedi’, but Bo-Katan was giving away an awful lot with even those words. Still, Tylo saw no reason to lie to her at this point.
“We were tracking down an assassin who went after a Senator under Jedi Protection. Fett fits the bill and is almost certainly our quarry.”
As he speaks, keeping his tone as flat and emotionless as possible, Bo-Katan frees her breasts from the confines of the undersuit, and shimmies it further down her… admittedly chiseled bod. She IS a Mandalorian Warrior after all, so he supposes he shouldn’t be surprised. Still, she’s even fitter than most of the Jedi he’s trained with over the years. Fitter than his Master, than Master Shaak Ti, and might even give Master Soara Antana a run for her money.
Smirking as she catches him looking, Bo-Katan runs her hands up and down her naked body, eyes twinkling.
“Like what you see, little Padawan?”
Hmph. That’s… unfortunately quite plausible. But then, if Fett was taking jobs on the side, why didn’t she offer the work to me? Unless… unless this was all part of her plan. Assassinating a Senator under the protection of the Jedi Order? Messy work, to be sure. But the perfect sort of bait to draw the Jedi in and bring them all the way out here to the Outer Rim for a no-name planet like Kamino.
Bo-Katan’s eyes take on a slight glint to them, as she continues to gaze down at him.
Fett’s plot, whatever it is, is in motion. And I suppose I was left out of it because… what? Because she didn’t trust me enough? Not that she’s ever really trusted me with the real shit. Fuck, what a fucking shitshow.
Quite suddenly, Bo-Katan lunges forward. Her leg goes up onto the couch next to Tylo’s seated form, and her pussy is mere inches from his face. She grabs him by the hair and smirks down at him.
“Wanna apologize? Then lick, brat.”
Despite being able to hear her thoughts, Tylo is still a little surprised. And… if he couldn’t hear her thoughts, he would ask this anyways, so he does so.
“You… don’t have any more questions?”
Rolling her eyes, Bo-Katan shoves his face forward into her glistening, slightly sweaty twat.
“Not for you, no.”

Heh, fair enough. Well, Tylo had had the time to think about it on their way here… and had made his decision. While his brush with the Dark Side had certainly… caught him off guard, he couldn’t afford to let it make him truly saber-shy. The Force was a tool, just like a Jedi’s Lightsaber. Of course, it could harm you if you held it from the wrong end. But that was no reason to refuse to wield it in defense of yourself and what was important to you.
As such, as he slides his tongue along Bo-Katan’s quim and then punches it into her depths, Tylo doesn’t hesitate to add a little extra OOMPH to the action. Meaning, he suffuses his tongue with Force Energy in the precise way Luminara Unduli taught him, twisting what was meant to be a Healing Technique in just the right way to apply an infusion of Feel Good Energy right to Bo-Katan’s twat.
Watching the red head’s eyes widen and nearly bulge out of her skull in shock as she chokes on her own spit and doubles over him is gratifying. The way her cunt muscles suddenly flex and grip down on his tongue as he wiggles it around inside of her admittedly tight pussy tells Tylo he’s doing well. And so… he goes for broke.
Lifting his unoccupied hands up, he reaches around and grabs Bo-Katan by her ass. His fingers dig into her chiseled, toned backside with some effort, her bottom incredibly muscled but nevertheless not QUITE as solid or hard as rock. And as he digs in, he plies her with more Force Energy, while continuing to slurp and lap and lick at her cunt like a man possessed, or starving.
Outwardly, Bo-Katan manages to mostly contain her voice, only some light gasps and panting barely audible through the noise of him eating out her cunt. But inwardly…
This little fucking SHIT! Where does a baby Jedi get off being this good with his fucking tongue?! Fuck, f-fucking fuck! Gotta… gotta get a move on. Losing control.
Despite her thoughts, its another handful of moments before she’s actually able to put them into action, using her grip on his hair to tear his face away from her cunt as she in turn pulls back. But only a couple of inches, just so that she can reposition herself.
Dropping into his lap, she wastes no time in extracting his cock from the confines of his pants. Her breath hitches at the throbbing full mast that she pulls free, but otherwise she just smirks at him, as she lines them up together.
“I see someone is eager for their treat~”
Bo-Katan doesn’t give him a chance to respond, before impaling herself upon his member. Tylo grunts, as her impressively muscular cunt walls clench and squeeze along his shaft while inch by inch he disappears up inside of her. To be fair, he’s quite happy not to respond verbally to her provocations. Why think of something to say, when he can ‘speak’ just as loudly with his actions instead, after all?
Bo-Katan might have thought she was taking back control by moving things towards actual sex, rather than cunnilingus. She was wrong, of course. His hands remain on her backside even now, gripping at her fine, toned ass cheeks. And more than that… he’s just as capable of suffusing his cock with the healing energy of the Light Side as he is his tongue.
He lets her have the first bounce, lets that wicked smirk spread across her face. Even lets her hear a groan spill forth from his lips.
That’s more like it. Still got it, Bo. Just need to show this baby Jedi who’s boss and-!
It’s probably a bad sign, how much satisfaction he takes in sending a burst of energy up into her core while she’s mid-thought. Certainly, he probably shouldn’t be enjoying himself quite so much, after his recent brush with the Dark Side. But there it is. Bo-Katan Kryze’s eyes widen, and then roll back in her head as she gurgles, her thoughts suddenly a mess of incoherent mumblings while her cunt walls flex and tighten… and then gush, her pussy flooding his throbbing member in a very clear orgasm.
It wasn’t fair. She was no Force Sensitive and had no defense against this sort of ‘attack’. Absolutely none. But then, she was the one who had initiated all of this. All Tylo was doing… was giving her exactly what she wanted.
Continuing to grip her harshly by the buttocks, he bounces her up and down on his cock a few times, letting her ride him as he thrusts up into her from below. Bo-Katan shudders and quivers and trembles, and the moans spilling out of her lips certainly don’t sound like the kind of thing she wants him to be hearing. But she’s in no state to contain her voice at the moment, and it takes time for her to get her wits back about her.
Only when she’s starting to recover, does Tylo adopt a concerned voice.
“Ms. Kryze? Are you alright?”
Lidded eyes slowly look down at him. Face flushed nearly the same color as her hair, the Mandalorian female goes through a full body shudder, her cunt continuing to clench down on his dick.
“You’re not so little after all, baby Jedi. You were holding out on me.”
This fucking brat. He’s smirking, behind that concerned face he’s making. Heh, who could have guessed that the Jedi were hiding something like this?
Tilting his head to the side, Tylo frowns in mock confusion… but also doesn’t stop squeezing her ass or thrusting up into her cunt. Letting out a breathless laugh, Bo-Katan leans forward and drapes her arms around his neck, looking him dead in the eye.
“Don’t fucking hold back now, baby Jedi. Give it to me. ALL of it.”
If he doesn’t fucking start choking me again, I’m going to put a blaster shot right between his fucking eyes I swear by the creed!
Tylo’s eyes don’t quite widen at what he hears coming from Bo-Katan’s mind, but he does stiffen ever so slightly. And then he’s moving. She might be stronger than him, might be tougher too… but with the Force on his side, flipping things around is easy enough. And so, Bo-Katan is the one suddenly on the couch, on her back, body half-folded up as he leans over her, punching into her cunt at even greater speed from above this time.
Groaning, the red head shudders beneath him, but her eyes… her eyes are staring up at him expectantly. Even as he makes her cum again, they don’t roll back in her head. She knows what she fucking wants, and he can tell if he doesn’t give it to her, she might really get frisky.
He wasn’t one for capitulating to threats, especially threats that weren’t even spoken out loud… but he had to admit, he kind of wanted to put her in her place. Fuck, was this how it went? Was this the Dark Side whispering in his ear? He would… he would just have to make sure to mix it with plenty of the Light Side, he supposed.
Reaching out, hesitantly at first and then with a bit more effort, Tylo wraps an invisible hand around Bo-Katan’s throat and slowly but surely begins to tighten it up. Her lidded eyes snap open, and the choking begins as he continues to fuck her, hard and fast.
That’s it, you fucking bastard. Show me what you’re made of. Fuck yesssss~
Well, she’s certainly enjoying it, the breathplay-loving bitch. Gritting his teeth, Tylo shakes as he feels a bit of anger welling up inside of her. This Mandalorian might not be the cause of all his current stress and frustration. She’s clearly only partially involved with all of this, that much is for sure based on what he’s heard of her thoughts. But all the same, she’s who’s right in front of him right now, and Tylo… Tylo can’t stop himself.
He squeezes down tighter around her throat, while pounding into her with all his might. He tries to keep up the unorthodox healing technique he was using to drive her absolutely wild before, because that was undeniably of the Light Side in spite of the purpose it was being put towards, but it’s hard. The Light and Dark Sides of the Force do NOT live in peaceful matrimony with one another. There is a REASON that they are called two sides of the same coin. They exist in direct opposition to one another and are not meant to be used at the same time.
He can feel the Dark Side pulling on him in one direction, and the Light Side pulling on him in the other. It’s odd, because the Force has never felt like this before. He shouldn’t like it; he knows he shouldn’t… but he kind of does. Just like he likes how Bo-Katan’s cunt is tightening up around his cock all the harder thanks to the choking. Her mind has become impossible to read, mostly because she’s having a hard time stringing any coherent thoughts together.
Instead, it’s just gurgling noises, her eyes fully rolled back in her head… and her face beginning to turn purple. Tylo is somewhat ashamed to say that when he finally cums… it’s one of the best orgasms of his entire life. He lets out a hoarse groan as he fills Bo-Katan Kryze with his seed… and then a moment later, reins it all in. Pulling it back is both harder and easier than it was last time. The Dark Side doesn’t want to go, and he’d called on more of it this time around and for longer too… but he has the Light Side supporting him and backing him up, and so he’s able to let go of his emotions, releasing them into the Force.
Meanwhile, beneath him, Bo-Katan lets out a sudden gasp of air as she finally breathes again. He pulls away from her, half-expecting her to be angry… but she just looks at him with a grin, speaking in a raspy, quiet tone.
“Heh… knew you had it in you, brat.”
The Padawan certainly put it in ME. Fuck, never quite felt like this before… this is what sex with a Jedi is like? Fucking fuck…
Flushing, Tylo can’t help but fidget. When he made the choice to turn the tables on Bo-Katan and rock her world, he hadn’t… well, he hadn’t thought very far ahead, had he? Now that the deed was done, he wasn’t entirely sure what to do next. So maybe… maybe he should leave the ball in her court.
Tucking his cock away, Tylo straightens up and clears his throat, forcing the Mandalorian mercenary to flick her gaze to him and focus on him once more.
“Grand Master Yoda is coming to pick me and the Clones up. If you stick around… you might be detained. So, you probably want to leave. Or… stay and help us out, if you wanted. There might be pay in it, for you.”
There, he’d made something of a peace offering. Of course, he had ulterior motives. If Bo-Katan stuck around, the fact that he’d used the Dark Side on her not once, but twice, might get out. Yoda himself might learn of it, which would be… bad, presumably. However, if she left, well… that could be bad too, depending on what she did next.
Still, Tylo was leaving it up to her. Would she stay or would she go? Wasn’t like he could keep her here even if he wanted to. She’d more than proven that in the sparring session…

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