A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 38: Aayla Secura Redux

Freeing his thickening, hardening cock from its confines, Tylo leans back over Aayla a moment later, and eagerly takes one of her bright pink nipples surrounded by beautiful blue flesh into his mouth. In response, Aayla moans and groans, and her words match her thoughts perfectly in this instance.
“Yes! Please, my Padawan… I’ve missed you!”
Feeling a small twinge of guilt for running off to Naboo when his Master clearly needed him, Tylo continues to suckle at the one breast, while groping and squeezing the other. As he toys with and plays with her tits, his free hand moves down between her legs and presses against her tight, wet cunt. Aayla’s hot pussy feels amazing to his fingers, her soft and pliable folds juxtaposed with the sheer athleticism of the beautiful Twi’lek Jedi.
She’s quite fit and toned in all the right ways, his Master, and her pussy walls clench down around his digits in need as a whimper leaves her throat.
He’s teasing me! Nnngh, j-just fuck me already!
Tylo lifts his gaze while remaining latched onto Aayla’s nipple and watches the moment that the Twi’lek realizes he ‘heard’ her. There’s something to be said about finally laying with a partner who knows this secret about him. The reveal that he could read the minds of anyone, no matter what sort of shielding they might have in the Force, had probably been a hard one to swallow.
Still, Aayla freezes up and blushes prettily as she understands he’s listening in.
Please, Padawan. Don’t torment me so.
Grinning an impish sort of grin as he pulls his mouth back across her nipple until just his teeth are around her teat, Tylo nibbles for a moment, while pistoning his digits in and out of Aayla’s cunt all the harder, until the Twi’lek throws her head back and cries out, unable to hold back the building orgasm any longer.
Jedi Master she might be now… but they’d long established who the Master of their bedroom was, hadn’t they? Theirs was not a conventional apprenticeship, perhaps, nor a conventional Master-Padawan relationship… but it was all theirs, in the end. And that was what mattered.
Aayla’s thoughts are indecipherable for a moment, as she feels nothing but blinding pleasure. That’s alright though, Tylo has a pretty good idea of what she wants from him already, now doesn’t he? Pulling back both his mouth and hands, Tylo recenters his grip on his Master’s hips, before summarily flipping her onto her front.
The Twi’lek gasps but is in the process of still recovering from her orgasm and raises no fuss. She does lift her hips for him though, even as Tylo draws her up onto her hands and knees right there in the center of their shared domicile’s medication space. Aayla’s shapely, toned derriere stares him right in the face, and down betwixt her beautiful blue thighs is a pair of puffy pussy lips positively drooling with anticipation.
Don’t make me wait any longer, my Padawan. Take me. Take me now!
Tylo startles, blinking owlishly for a moment. For some reason, he could tell that Aayla meant for him to hear that, in comparison to everything before it. It was almost like she’d projected it at him with a deeper meaning than anything he’d ever gleaned from anyone’s mind. Mewling outwardly, the beautiful Twi’lek Jedi master shimmies her hips back at him, and Tylo… Tylo sees no reason to make her wait any longer.
Lining up properly and holding her firmly by the hips, the Padawan slams home into his beloved Master’s hungering twat. Aayla is so incredibly tight and feels utterly amazing wrapped around his cock. It takes every ounce of Tylo’s concentration not to cum right there on the spot, but he manages it all the same. He would be a pretty poor Jedi if he lacked that much in self-control.
As it is, he begins to fuck Aayla hard and fast from behind, his cock throbbing and his balls churning, but his release held at bay for the time being. Of course, in comparison, the beautiful Twi’lek doesn’t have that concern.
Aayla lets herself stop thinking, and just embraces the pleasure. Tylo hadn’t realized just how their extended time apart had effected the Twi’lek, truth be told. Her pussy squeezes down incredibly tightly around his cock, and he quickly loses track of where one of her orgasms ends and the next begins. It’s almost like that point doesn’t exist, as if Aayla is constantly cumming for him right now.
She must have really gotten pent up while she was apart from him. He’s surprised she didn’t try anything with Annie or Senator Amidala. After all, Aayla and Shaak Ti had engaged in all sorts of… arousing and titillating bedroom play, with him in the room. But then, maybe that was the qualifier he was missing? ‘With him in the room’, could that be what was needed for Aayla to make a move like that?
Either way, it’s clear from how needy she’s being that she’s missed him. Well, Tylo missed his Master too. And sure, they’ve gone a whole shitstorm to get through together ahead of them, but for this moment and this moment alone, they have each other, right?
Sliding his hands up from Aayla’s hips, even as he continues to fuck her, Tylo reaches up and grabs hold of the Jedi Master by her lekku. Aayla freezes in place for a moment, as he secures a firm, solid grip on her brain tails. Then, Tylo gives them a knowing tug and watches as she spasms crazily, experiencing a fresh new orgasm that puts all of her previous climaxes to shame. Yep, his Master was still incredibly weak in this spot.
Grinning, Tylo continues to pull on her lekku, treating them almost as reins as he fucks her from behind. Aayla’s back arches beautifully, and she cries out in pleasure and ecstasy, her pussy gushing down his length much more judiciously now. A Twi’lek’s lekku are their most erogenous zone, in Tylo’s experience. Or rather, is it that Aayla’s lekku are her most erogenous zone?
No, it’s not just her, Tylo can’t help thinking to himself. He’s been with several aliens who have lekku at this point and can confirm… it’s an erogenous zone for all of them. Master Ti comes to mind as one such individual. Even though the Togruta Jedi had fought it, she was, in the end, a sucker for a good hard plowing, wasn’t she?
But this wasn’t about Shaak Ti. This moment in time was all about Aayla. And so, Tylo continues to focus on giving his Master what she so desperately needs, even as his tugging on her lekku make her thoughts completely unintelligible. It’s all just moaning and squealing and incoherent gurgling in there, which is in turn mirrored by the noises coming out of Aayla’s mouth as he fucks her from behind.
Still, that doesn’t mean Tylo is all tapped out. There’s one more thing he can do, to truly enhance his Master’s pleasure. Fucking her from behind, drilling her with his enlarged, throbbing cock. Pulling on her lekku, using her brain tails like reins and bringing her untold pleasure in the process. And finally, what with his hands and cock both occupied, Tylo reaches out with his mind, and calls upon the Force.
Grabbing hold of Aayla’s bouncing, jiggling tits with just his Force Telekinesis takes a moment, but once he’s done so, Tylo doesn’t let go, not for anything. He uses his mental hold to fondle and squeeze and pinch in all the right places, playing with those beautiful breasts of hers to his heart’s content. Aayla, of course, responds with a fresh squeal, feeling her nipples being attacked and assaulted by seemingly nothing at all, her blue breasts compressing and squeezed under Tylo’s mental hold.
Her arousal peaks again and again, the pleasure and bliss overcoming her over and over. Until finally, Tylo himself can hold back no longer. His balls churning, his cock pulsating with need, there’s simply no helping it… he NEEDS to cum. And yet, even as he rapidly closes in on the point of no return, Tylo thinks back to how responsible Annie was, by having him creampie Padme instead.
… As much as he knew this war was a trap, as much as he didn’t want to even be fighting in it, his wants shouldn’t come into play here. It would be grossly irresponsible to risk knocking Aayla up when she was going to have to be a General in the GAR for at least however long it took them to unravel the Sith’s schemes.
And so, at the last possible second, Tylo pulls out of Aayla’s cunt, getting to his feet while using his grip on her lekku to yank Aayla back and then around. She’s barely repositioned on her knees facing him before he finally blows his load all over her front. Covering her from head to slit, Tylo cums all across her face, breasts, belly, and cunt, coating her in his jizz.
He didn’t think himself backed up or anything close to it, but damn… that was an impressive load, on his part.
Blinking, Aayla comes back to herself and stares at him blankly for a moment before looking down and admiring her glazed appearance.
Well done, Padawan Mine…
A swell of pride hits him as Aayla’s thought crystallizes in her mind. But before Tylo can reply, the door to their domicile abruptly opens and admits not one, but two individuals.
“Just so you’re aware, Padawan, we will be sharing these quarters with another Master-Padawan… duo…”
Now, the meditation area of the quarters Tylo and Aayla shared with Master Ti in the Jedi Temple was supposed to be a shared living space. Which was why the door to the rest of the Jedi Temple was located on one side of it. They… probably shouldn’t have been fucking in that area, but then to be fair, the only one who should have walked in on them was Master Shaak Ti, so it should have been fine, right?
Well, Master Ti had indeed walked in on them… she just wasn’t alone.
Standing there with his dick out and his own Jedi Master kneeling before him, covered in his cum, both Tylo and Aayla stare blankly at Shaak Ti and the young Zabrak female she’s brought into their quarters. Tylo can tell she’s Zabrak from the red horns protruding from her head. On top of that, she’s got a very pale white skin tone, with black hair done in dreadlocks and black lips.
Said lips are currently spread wide open in a gesture of shock, as are her eyes. Shaak Ti also looks taken aback… but then, after a moment, resigned.
Of course. I should have known… bah, I should have commed ahead that we were coming. What will Maris think of us now?
The now-named Maris, on the other hand, is beginning to blush and even avert her gaze.
O-Oh! They-! I-!
“S-Sorry! Master, do we have the wrong room?!”
As Tylo and Aayla slowly pull apart, with Aayla rising to her feet and Tylo sheepishly tucking his cock away, Shaak Ti sighs and places a hand on her forehead.
“No, Maris. We have the right room. These are our… roommates. Master Secura and her Padawan, Tylo Vondin. Aayla, Tylo… this is my new Padawan, Maris Brood.”
It takes a moment for poor Maris to properly process that she’s being introduced to them, even under the… somewhat strenuous circumstances. When she does finally realize that the Zabrak’s blush fully materializes, even as she gives a stilted bow.
I suppose t-this sort of thing is n-normal then? Ah, all this time… I thought I was the only one.
And there it was. Tylo cocks his head to the side and eyes Maris Brood consideringly, even as Shaak Ti sighs.
“Maris here has been trained by another Master for quite some time… but recent events have shaken her former Master’s confidence in the Republic. He has asked to be assigned to the Gray Pilgrim, a starship operating as a mobile Jedi Academy on the Outer Rim, and at the same time asked for young Maris here to be reassigned. With… limited options, it was decided that I would take her on.”
At this, the Togruta Master gives her Padawan an encouraging smile, one that Maris returns rather hesitantly, squirming a little bit as her eyes flicker between her new Master… and Tylo and HIS Master. Aayla is still standing there, naked and covered in his cum, seemingly without a care in the world.
Finally seeming to take issue with this, Master Ti clears her throat pointedly.
“Aayla… wouldn’t you say that it’s time for you to go and get cleaned up?”
The newly promoted Jedi Master’s eyes dart between Shaak Ti and Maris for a second, a long moment of silence passing. Even if Aayla was now a Jedi Master, Shaak Ti was a High Council Member, and under normal circumstances, should have held seniority. However, the relationship the three of them had shared in these quarters over the past few years had not necessarily been so cut and dry.
Perhaps that was why Aayla did not immediately respond in the affirmative to Shaak Ti’s pointed suggestion. Perhaps that was why the cum-soaked Twi’lek instead gave her fellow Jedi Master a wicked grin before scooping sum of Tylo’s seed off of her breast and into her mouth.
“Hm. Are you sure it wouldn’t be better to… show Maris precisely what she’s in for, if she’s going to be staying in these quarters, Master Ti?”
She can’t be serious.
The Togruta Master’s eyes widen, and she stiffens at Aayla’s suggestion, her thoughts tinged with incredulity. Meanwhile, Maris’ reaction is a bit more… pronounced.
O-Oh? Oh!
The Zabrak Padawan is blushing like mad right now, looking between Tylo and Aayla, clearly enticed by the Twi’lek’s suggestion.
However, was this really the best time? Didn’t they need to get back to work? Or maybe… maybe this was Aayla’s way of loosening Master Ti up? No, rather, Tylo could clearly hear Aayla’s thoughts, so he knew exactly what she was doing.
Going to the entire Jedi Council with this too early could spell doom for the Order. But Master Ti is… a safer option. She can help us. Unfortunately, it seems that something has wound her up nice and tight, so why don’t we see about unwinding her first. Please, Padawan, play along.
And Aayla in turn knew that he knew exactly what she was doing as well. He just wasn’t sure if she was truly coming from a place of logic and rational, or a place of lust and arousal. Aayla wanted them to draw Shaak Ti into a foursome by way of her curious, virginal Padawan. Then, afterwards they could talk things out.
But was that really the best way of going about things?

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