A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 51: Fact Finding Mission Pt. 2

She knows she should be taking this seriously… and she is! She also knows she should obey her Master. But wasn’t she also supposed to listen to the Force? The Force was guiding Maris towards other things in the Prime Minister’s Files… she was sure of it. It definitely wasn’t just how boring pouring through numbers was. It definitely wasn’t because Maris was looking for particularly juicy gossip o-or anything like that.
Lips pressing together in a thin line, the aspiring young Slicer finds herself straying from the Prime Minister’s financials and into other parts of his files. She lets her curiosity wander, entrusting in the Force to take her where she needs to go. A small nudge leads her to an innocuous set of files labeled ‘Personnel’, and from there she finds herself looking at updated dossiers for all of the Clone Templates.
Obviously, Janga Fett’s dossier lists her as deceased. Maris had heard about that, how the bounty hunter had been captured at the Battle for Geonosis. She’d surrendered, only to end her life once they brought her back to the Jedi Temple and relaxed their guard. That wasn’t to say there wasn’t any security, but it was more focused on keeping her from getting out or any of her allies from getting in, rather than focused on preventing her suicide.
Next up, Bo-Katan Kryze’s dossier had been updated to reflect her… attachment to Knight Vondin. It was all done up in dry language, but reading between the lines, Maris could tell that the Kaminoans, or at least the Prime Minister anyways, felt that Bo-Katan’s first loyalty was to Tylo now, rather than the project. Honestly, having met the Mandalorian woman herself, Maris didn’t think Bo-Katan’s first, second, or even third loyalty was ever to the Cloning Project. She was a very independent, free spirited woman.
The third template, Vhonte Tervho, was the one with the least changes to her dossier, mostly because she hadn’t actually stopped doing what she was doing even before the Clone Wars started… namely, she was on Kamino, training Clone Commandos. She’d been one of the Mandalorian Trainers for over a decade, and she’d stuck around even after the Clone Wars had started. There WAS a small note that Vhonte was apparently getting more and more antsy, and a suggestion that she be allowed to go on more off-world hunts going forward to keep her… on side.
However, the most interesting dossier of note has to be the last one. Maris’ eyebrows lift as she reads about Rook Kast… who apparently, the Kaminoans have completely lost contact with. Oh, they don’t say it in so many words. They’re obviously trying to cover it up after all. They don’t want to come across as incompetent to the Republic and losing one of the original templates like this definitely makes them look incompetent.
Rook Kast had apparently gone on a trip back to Mandalore… and never returned. Instead, there were rumors that she’d joined up with a terrorist group known as Death Watch and fallen entirely out of contact with her Kaminoan Handlers. Despite Kamino’s claims that they were keeping tabs on all of their Clone Templates and that there was nothing to worry about… Rook Kast was a wild card, of that there was no doubt.
Especially since she could easily impersonate any of her clones, allowing her to infiltrate the Grand Army of the Republic at any time. Tylo would surely want to know about this, given his closeness to the entire issue of the Clone Templates in the first place. Maris had heard the story of how he’d been the one to talk Janga down to begin with, and there was also his relationship with Bo-Katan to consider.
“Padawan. How goes it?”
Startled from her thoughts by her Master’s questioning tone, Maris flushes a little bit. She’s knee deep in things that are decidedly NOT financials right now. Luckily, Master Ti hasn’t moved from her position near the door, where she’s keeping an eye out.
Quickly downloading the updated dossiers on the Clone Templates, Maris returns to the financial section of the Prime Minister’s Files. The reams and reams of incredibly dry numbers and math are a little more exciting this time around, if only because now she feels like she’s on a time crunch. Still, she also feels like she didn’t necessarily waste her time either. The Force was with her, and she was one with it.
Sinking into a partial meditation, Maris breathes out and then breathes in. Her hands glide over the interface, her eyes darting back and forth across the financials until… there!
The payments are buried. Not necessarily purposefully, but it WAS over ten years ago that the first order for the Clone Army was put in. Finding the trail wasn’t impossible, but it also wasn’t easy. Or so Maris tells herself, feeling a smidgen of pride as she discovers payments for the GAR that apparently went through the Banking Clan. Which… okay, that wasn’t all that surprising when Maris really thought about it.
Sure, the Banking Clan had joined the Confederacy at the start of the Clone Wars, and from what Maris knew, the Banking Clan’s Chairman, San Hill, was a part of the Separatist Council. However, before the Clone Wars, the InterGalactic Banking Clan was a major bank in the Republic and played a large part in ensuring that the Republic’s currency remained stable by keeping a sizable credit reserve.
But Maris was smart enough to recognize that that wasn’t the end of it. The Banking Clan was an intermediary. They were who the payments had gone through, and they would likely have more answers as to just who the hell had originally bought the Clone Army for the Republic in the first place. If those answers could be found… then maybe the identity of the Sith behind all of this, as well as the true scope of their plans, weren’t so far out of reach after all.
Quickly downloading the financial information as well in the hopes of connecting the end of this particular trail to the beginning of another with the Banking Clan, Maris is just straightening up from the terminal when both she and Shaak Ti freeze, hearing a sound out in the corridor. Master and Padawan exchange a glance and a grimace, before Maris silently vaults the desk and moves opposite of her Master on the other side of the door… ready for anything.
“Here it comes, Aayla!”
Yes! All over my face! Nnngh!
As his cock comes out of Aayla’s mouth with a pop, her internal squealing is matched by the look of perverse and lewd desire on her features. His hold on her lekku has left her in a state of intense pleasure, and it’s possibly she’s gotten off on deep throating his cock even more than Tylo himself has. Leaning back, Aayla grabs hold of her own ankles and tilts her head, opening her mouth and lolling out her tongue.
A moment later and Tylo begins to cum, his seed painting the canvas that is his Master’s front. He covers the gorgeous Twi’lek from head to bust with his jizz, his seed dripping down off of her beautiful tits with their rock-hard pink nipples and onto her flexing, clenching abdomen. She shudders in response, her eyes damn near rolling up in her head as her tongue swirls around the outside of her mouth, grabbing up as much as she possibly can of his cum.
For a moment, Tylo is left standing there and panting a little bit as he stares down at the mess he’s made of the Jedi Master, appreciating the artwork he’s turned Aayla into. Aayla appreciates it too, given the way she scoops his cum off of her upper chest and into her mouth, sucking her digits clean while her eyes dance with desire and remain affixed on his face.
Ooooh. Mooooore~
The newly Knighted young man barely has time to register Aayla’s thought before she’s whipped around onto her hands and knees. Her beautiful blue ass lifts into the air as she wiggles it back and forth, and her glistening wet pussy lips are visible, framed perfectly by her equally blue thighs. His fit, toned Jedi Master has no right being this adorable as she looks back at him and bats her eyes in his direction.
Give it to me, Tylo. Take me. Use me. Fuck me silly!
Chuckling, Tylo shakes his head as he drops to his knees behind her.
“You’re incorrigible, Master. A total slut. A whorish fuck toy.”
Aayla just moans at that, one hand reaching up to grope one of her tits as she wiggles her hips even harder.
You say such lovely things, Tylo~ But only for you. Only ever for you~
Sometimes he wondered. And for that, he’s grateful Aayla can’t read his mind right back. Oh, he’s quite confident that the Twi’lek isn’t getting fucked by anyone else on the side. Well, except for Shaak Ti and Maris but that hardly counts when the three female Jedi spend just as much time preparing each other for him as they do making love to one another.
Still, as Tylo grabs Aayla by the hips and sinks his cock into the Jedi Master’s gloriously tight, sopping wet cunt, he reflects on it all. Would she be a different Jedi if he’d never sunk his hooks into her? Perhaps that’s a silly thing to think, given their differences in ages. He was her Padawan after all, not the other way around. And yet, their relationship has only ever been one way when it comes to sex, hasn’t it?
As if to confirm that, Tylo finds himself instinctively reaching for Aayla’s lekku yet again. He grabs onto the Twi’lek’s brain tails, knowing full well how sensitive they are. As he pulls on them, Aayla’s moans become louder and more wanton than ever before, and her thoughts become rather unintelligible in short order.
Ohhhhhh Force-mmrrrhrhghghgl…
As he fucks her savagely from behind, slamming into her constantly clenching, constantly cumming cunt again and again, Tylo can’t help but wonder if Aayla would be seeking out another source of dick if he’d not been around for her. Would she have degraded and humiliated herself to another man if he wasn’t the first one to get his hands on her? Or was he truly special?
… These were thoughts unbecoming of a Jedi, ultimately. A smile plays across Tylo’s face, and he lets himself slip into his own personal form of meditation. His cock is an extension of himself, and while its inside of Aayla, she becomes an extension of him too, in a way. The Force flows through him and through her, and Tylo’s awareness expands outwards.
His hips slam into Aayla’s hip with great force, and his balls slap up against her clit. He can feel her pleasure from these things, he can tell how much she’s enjoying herself. It doesn’t really matter what might have been without him. He’s here and he’s not going anywhere. With that, Tylo easily discharges his insecurity into the Force. He lets it flow out of him, becoming one with both himself and Aayla Secura.
As he does so, his awareness expands even further… and he can feel a pair of familiar Force Signatures making their way back towards the chamber. They feel… hurried but not particularly panicked. With that in mind, Tylo begins to pick up the pace, fucking Aayla even harder, expanding his awareness even further.
By the time he cums inside of Aayla as she creams her brains from the way he’s plowing her silly while pulling on her lekku, Shaak Ti and Maris have made it back and are just stepping in through the door. The two of them look more harried than Tylo thought they would, but a quick glance at their thoughts tells him why. They heard a sound outside of the Prime Minister’s office, but barely managed to escape undetected all the same… or so they hoped anyways.
When Shaak Ti looks to him and Aayla, there’s a spike of arousal, but then she understands what she’s seeing. As she opens her mouth to speak, Tylo preempts her, figuring it was fine to use the information he’d read from her mind in this case.
“No one is following you, Master Ti. You and Padawan Brood are in the clear.”
Shaak Ti’s mouth closes and the tension bleeds from her shoulders as she gives him an appreciative nod. Maris, meanwhile, is all but broadcasting her relief into the Force. There’s also a little bit of guilt there that Tylo detects underneath the relief.
He’s quite confident of his assertion regardless, for even though his awareness is already shrinking now that he and Aayla have finished their… heh, active meditation, Tylo can tell that none of the Kaminoans of Tipoca City are aware of their little clandestine mission. In the end, they’d gotten away clean.
Pulling out of Aayla, Tylo looks at both Maris and Shaak Ti.
“So… what did you find?”
Maris is quick to outline what she uncovered about the payments coming from the Banking Clan, but the entire time it’s obvious she’s thinking about something else. Tylo can quite literally hear what’s on her mind to be fair, but even Shaak Ti can tell she’s hiding something. Eventually, the Togruta can no longer ignore it.
“Padawan… you didn’t just look at the Kaminoans’ financials, did you?”
Tylo grins, already knowing full well what Maris uncovered. The information about Vhonte and Rook is actually pretty interesting. More Rook than Vhonte. He’d actually already met Vhonte, and though she wasn’t very talkative, he’d made use of his ability to make sure she didn’t know any more than she let on.
However, a Clone Template going rogue was a possibility of something more, was it not? Bo-Katan and Vhonte might not have known much of anything since they were hired by Janga, but on the other hand Janga had clearly known a lot more… and Rook might be somewhere in the middle. Tylo had been hoping to meet her for some time, but to find out now that she was completely AWOL…
As he’s considering all of this, Maris finally breaks and shows Shaak Ti and Aayla the dossiers she downloaded, explaining to them her thoughts and feelings on the matter. Things Tylo already knows since he read her mind, but Shaak Ti and Aayla don’t have that privilege, so they have to have it explained to them out loud.
Which means he’s already come to a decision on what he wants to do while they’re still processing what Maris has told them. And sure, he might not be a Jedi Master… but he IS a Jedi Knight now. He has leeway on what missions he takes, so long as he can convince Masters Ti and Secura of their validity. And he knows exactly where he needs to go next.

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