A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 57: Ursa Wren

“… Fine. I’ll do it.”
Bo-Katan and Koska both look at him weirdly at that.
He sounds as though he was considering not doing it.
Honestly, he’s acting as though we’re asking some arduous, difficult task of him. It’s not as though Wren is hard on the eyes or anything like that.
Valiantly, Tylo does NOT roll his eyes at the thoughts he hears coming from the two female Mandalorians. After a moment, Koska nods sharply, deciding not to get into it apparently.
“Good. Don’t come on too strong, of course. She might get suspicious. In fact, just make yourself available. Act a little disgruntled, but make it clear you’re more annoyed with me than her. She’ll definitely come to you, so long as you’re not confrontational. From there… well, you know what to do.”
Yes. Yes, he did know what to do. He didn’t even need to hear Bo-Katan and Koska’s thoughts to know what he needed to do. Even as the two of them couldn’t help imagining him and Ursa Wren doing the horizontal, Tylo lets out the smallest of sighs. This was apparently what he was now. Jedi Man-Whore, sent off by his Mandalorian Pimps to seduce a target.
But… well, he couldn’t truly bring himself to mind, for all his internal griping. Ursa Wren really wasn’t that hard on the eyes. Besides… it was what he was good at, wasn’t it?
Just as Koska said, it doesn’t take much longer for Ursa to approach him. As they’d previously discussed, she’d already been eyeing him like a piece of meat for days now as it was. In the end, all he really had to do was not be overly caustic when she finally made her move. This was made only a little difficult by just how… direct she was about it.
“Hey there, big boy.”
Tylo grunts as Ursa grabs him by the crotch of his armor. She doesn’t really cop a feel, so to speak… it’s more of a dominance display than anything, what with the literal beskar codpiece between her gloved palm and his cock. Still, it would certainly have been quite the surprise, and he’s not sure how he would have reacted… if he hadn’t known ahead of time Ursa was going to do just that thanks to his ability to read minds.
As she pretends to fondle him up but really just gropes a piece of metal for a few moments, Tylo doesn’t react beyond to look at her. He’s got a little bit of height on Wren, leaving the female Mandalorian forced to gaze up at him in turn. The two of them stare at each other through their visors for a long second, before Tylo finally speaks.
His level, differential, respectful tone seems to have quite the effect on his new superior.
Oh? Looks like shit duty has worked better than expected. Either that or Koska’s newest boy toy was already looking to jump ship to a better model. Well then…
Outwardly, Ursa continues to grope him for just a second longer before pulling her hand back.
“You’re not like Koska and her right-hand woman, are you? You’ve got ambition to you, don’t you?”
Tilting his head to the side, Tylo grunts as he decides how to play this. It’s obvious Ursa is on a bit of a power trip right now. Has been since they showed up in fact. Might as well play into that.
“Permission to speak frankly, ma’am?”
He doesn’t need to be able to read her mind to notice the way the female Mandalorian perks up at that. She tries to disguise it, but doesn’t do a very good job as she steps back and crosses her arms over her chest, trying to sound gruff.
“Permission granted, recruit.”
“I didn’t join Death Watch to stay on guard duty forever, ma’am. Whatever issue you have with Reeves… I don’t care. Give me the chance to prove myself, and I promise I’ll impress.”
Her helmet moves up and down as she makes a show of inspecting him from head to toe. Then, she tilts her head to the side.
“Yeah? And how do you want to do that, recruit?”
I can think of a few ways for you to prove yourself, meat…
He can see in Ursa’s mind what she wants. It’s what Koska and Bo-Katan wanted him to do as well. And frankly… it’s the easiest way to get what he wants out of Wren. With a shrug, he steps forward and grabs her by the wrist before she can react. Then, he places her hand back on his codpiece, staring her down all the while as she freezes in place.
“Whatever works best for you… ma’am.”
Ooooh fuuuuck. He’s good. He’s TOO good with that tongue of his. Fuck, fuck, fuuuuck~
Five minutes later, Tylo is sans helmet and on his knees in front of some durasteel crates. Ursa is up on top of one of those crates, her helmet still on, but her crotch exposed as her fingers tighten in his hair, grinding his face down into her naked, juicy, wet cunt. He can tell that it takes every single fiber of her concentration to try and hide her reactions to his technique. But then… Tylo isn’t exactly playing fair.
No, he’s not just swirling his tongue around Ursa Wren’s folds and wiggling it around inside of her sopping wet pussy. She probably wouldn’t be half as wet as she is right now if he were. Instead, he’s going all out. Infusing his tongue with Force Healing energy isn’t easy and might in fact be a little ill-advised… but Tylo is well-trained. He pushes the Force into Ursa’s cunt with every swish and flick of his tongue, with every thrust of the flexible mouth muscle.
It’s driving her absolutely wild, though he wouldn’t know that if it weren’t for his ability to read her mind. The woman is doing her level best to stay as taciturn and stoic as possible… for all that she’s already given in to her urges slightly and has started humping his face.
Looking up into her visor, Tylo decides it’s time to stop playing around. He drives his tongue into her depths once again… and this time goes ahead and bumps his nose against her clit at the same time. A small surge of the Force pushes into that tiny little nub, causing Ursa to seize up… and then squirt all over his face, climaxing on the spot.
Outwardly, she doesn’t make a sound to accompany her shaking, spasming, bucking body. But that just proves what Tylo already suspected… she’d muted herself so that no sound could escape her helmet, allowing the dirty Mandalorian bitch to moan and groan to her heart’s content while keeping her seemingly stoic façade.
Until now, that is. Her climax being what it is, Tylo pulls away from her crotch, looking up at her with a raised brow and a messy grin.
“You enjoy that, ma’am?”
Ursa’s chest is heaving, and it takes her a moment to properly recover. When she does, her brain is a little on the fritz, even as she forces the words out.
“It was… satisfactory, recruit…”
It was a lot more than satisfactory and Tylo fucking knows it. Hell, he’d know it even without his mutation. Ursa Wren isn’t nearly as good at concealing her true feelings as she might think she is. But then, she’s a Mandalorian… it’s clear to Tylo that they rely heavily on their armor to do the heavy lifting in that department.
That said…
“If you want more ma’am… you need only give the order.”
He almost says ‘you need only ask’, but realizes at the last second that that’s not a good idea. Wren is still as much of a power tripping bitch as ever, and to hear him say she had to ‘ask’ would undo a lot of the rapport he’d already managed to build with her. Luckily he caught himself in time, and Ursa is considering it heavily as she stares down at him.
“… Fine.”
If he’s even half as good with his cock as he is with his tongue, I want him inside of me. But also… I need to make sure he’s loyal to me and not Reeves. Yes, that’s why I’m doing this. To ensure he knows who’s hand feeds him…
Even as she constructs arguments in her own head for why she’s doing this that don’t just involve getting dicked down by him, Tylo grunts as he pulls back and stands up.
“I assume you’ll want to take this somewhere more private before we start Round Two, ma’am. Lead the way.”
O-Oh… yeah, that’s a good idea…
Fixing her armor, even as he puts back on his helmet, Ursa Wren does in fact lead the way. She leads the way directly to her personal quarters, while swaying her hips from side to side the entire way there. Tylo, knowing what she’s doing, makes a show of staring. After all, he has to make sure she thinks she has him thoroughly ensnared.
“Fuck… fuck, fuck, FUCK!”
So deep! SO good! Nnnnnngh~
Once they’re safely ensconced in the privacy of Ursa Wren’s quarters and the armor has mostly come off, Tylo doesn’t hold back. Ursa has kept on her gauntlets and her boots, but beyond that, she’s completely naked… and thus completely at his mercy.
The Mandalorian female rides on top of him, continuing her string of dominance plays. However, this time around… she’s so thoroughly outmatched, it’s not even funny. Tylo might be on the bottom, but that does not mean he’s the submissive in this scenario. Not anymore. In fact, there’s not much Ursa can do at this point but hang on for dear life as he bounces her up and down on his cock, having taken complete control.
She hasn’t even demanded he move his hands off of her hips, even though they’re gripping down with somewhat bruising force by this point. Instead, she seems to be relying on the stability provided by his grasp. Indeed, if it wasn’t for his hands, Ursa Wren probably would have been flung off of his dick by this point, that’s how hard Tylo is moving his hips.
He’s not just pushing the Force into her with every thrust, using the perverted versions of the Healing Techniques he was taught to drive her absolutely wild. No, he’s also reinforcing his own speed and strength, enhancing his physical abilities so that he can truly rail her from down below. Unaware of his true nature, Ursa has no way of combatting what he’s doing to her. It’s driving her absolutely insane.
Seeing no reason to let her remain on top of him at this point, Tylo proceeds to roll them both over. As Ursa grunts, the breath driven from her lungs, he plunges into her depths from above, fucking her harder and faster and deeper than ever before. Her arms immediately wrap around his neck for support, though to her credit, she does try to muster up a small amount of defiance.
“Wha-… what do you… think you’re d-doing, recruit?”
Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Never stop!
Grinning a little bit, Tylo looks down into Ursa’s eyes, his own gaze filled with mirth.
“Proving myself… ma’am.”
Before she can muster up a response, he captures her lips in a kiss. From the way her eyes widen at that, she clearly wasn’t expecting it. But then, that was sort of the point. As expected, she’s quite weak to a two-pronged attack like this. Being kissed and fucked at the same time, especially when her brain is on the fritz from the ‘healing’ he’s giving her… yeah, it’s too much. Ursa’s eyes roll back in her head and she gurgles as she climaxes HARD upon his cock. The explosive orgasm causes her to shake and spasm, her legs kicking up into the air on either side of him as he pounds her into the bed with all his might.
Even when he lowers his mouth from her lips to one of her tits, she’s still nothing more than a gurgling mess incapable of expressing herself in a coherent manner. Her thoughts are likewise completely unintelligible for the latter half of their fuck session. That doesn’t stop him, of course. He needs Ursa Wren to break for him, at least a little bit. He needs to make her fall madly in lust with him.
Unfortunately, with her so out of it… as he closes in on his release, he doesn’t get any forewarning before she suddenly clamps down. Not just her pussy walls clamping down around his cock, driving him over the edge… but also her legs, wrapping around his waist and holding him in place inside of her. As far as he can tell, she does it purely on instinct. Certainly, it’s not premeditated in any way.
He wasn’t intending to cum inside of her, but its out of his hands. With Ursa clinging to him so tightly, the only way that Tylo could escape at this point is with a more obvious use of the Force than he’s comfortable with. And at this point, it’s already too late. And so he creampies the Mandalorian woman, filling her up right then and there as she shudders in ecstasy beneath him.
When all is said and done, Tylo rolls off of her as soon as she loosens her grip. Laying on his back, he waits for her to recover, listening carefully to her thoughts to find out how she’s feeling after all of that. On the one hand, he hadn’t quite managed to let her remain dominant the entire time. On the other hand, he’d absolutely rocked her world, so she had no reason to be mad. Still, sapients could be quite irrational at times. There was every possibility she’d be mad anyways or make a show of being mad in order to defend her pride or something.
He’s ready for anything… or so he assumes. He’s not quite ready for what actually happens. When Ursa Wren finally sits up, she looks at him for a moment before nodding slowly.
“I’ve got some extra responsibility for you, recruit. You’ll be directly under me from now on though. Put Reeves out of your mind… you’re being reassigned. Got it?”
That seems fine. Well in line with what he and the others wanted. Still, it’s not what’s in Tylo’s mind that has him concerned. It’s what’s in Ursa’s.
Mm, fuck… I wish I could keep him all to myself, but he’s not as tame as I initially thought. He’s got a wild side to him and I’ll have to be careful to keep him under control. Still, he’ll be able to take one of the children off my hands at least. He’s earned that right if nothing else.
Children? What children?

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