A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 72: Equilibrium Reached

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Tylo finds his center again~


Holding Aayla’s hands in his own, the Twi’lek Jedi’s very presence has a somewhat calming effect on him, allowing him to beat back the negative emotions trying to take control of him. He’s able to push some of the weaker ones out, letting go of things like his hatred and anger with ease. Yes, it was frustrating that Ventress and Fett had shown up when they did. Incredibly frustrating. But everything had ultimately worked out for the best.

It's a lot harder to let go of the feeling of possession he’d been relying upon to fool Darth Plagueis’ shade, however. He’d gone in deep on that regard. And obsession was a close second, his desire to control and dominate all those around him welling up within Tylo’s chest. Aayla was his. She’d belonged to him for so much of his life. He was her first Padawan and she was his Master… but there was no denying who had taken the reins in the bedroom.

From the very start, Tylo Vondin had made Aayla Secura his bitch. And here they were again, foreheads pressed together, hands clasped tightly with one another… and she was so open. So free for the taking. She’d told him flat out to use her however he saw fit.

It would make sense to claim her as he’d done so many times before. To dominate her right there on the spot and reassert control over her. It was what their dynamic had always been after all… wasn’t it?

But… no. That was the Dark Side talking. He doesn’t think he would have realized it if it weren’t for Aayla. The Jedi Master’s Light Side Presence shines like a beacon for him, but it also illuminates his surroundings. Even still, it’s not easy to see. He almost finds himself falling into the trap all the same. Truly… the Dark Side of the Force is an insidious creature.

Because yes, it was his and Aayla’s dynamic for Tylo to take charge in bed. It was his dynamic with every single woman he’d ever laid with, in fact. But while he’d… dipped his toes into the Dark Side once or twice before now, his actions had never been OF the Dark Side. Possession. Obsession. The women Tylo was with did not belong to him. They were not his property. He did not own them and his control over them extended only as far as the bedroom more often than not. Otherwise, it was merely what they chose to give him.

That was the difference. Whatever Tylo had done before now, it was freely given more often than not. He didn’t have to take it, not when it was offered up to him on a silver platter. And yet… and yet, he had this urge to take anyways. To take and take from Aayla, even though she was offering herself freely. To go beyond simply partaking and straight into claiming.

He could not do that here. Or it would ultimately result in the Dark Side forever dominating his destiny. But at the same time, Tylo knew he could not dispel these feelings of possession and obsession by just holding hands and touching foreheads as he and Aayla were doing now. Aayla’s presence was helping… but it wasn’t enough.

Giving her hands a gentle tug, Tylo pulls back from his former Master, causing Aayla’s eyes to blink open as she looks at him.

“Be with me. Please.”

Pausing at his request, Aayla tilts her head to the side… and then smiles, answering in her mind rather than out loud.

Of course, Tylo.

When she leans forward again, this time she does so to kiss him. Their lips part as they press together and their tongues slip out to meet one another. But far from taking control as he normally would, Tylo lets Aayla direct the flow. He lets her decide how their kissing will go, her lips soft and pliable under his own, her tongue ready and willing to submit… but he does not take advantage.

Instead, after making out with the Twi’lek for a moment, Tylo slowly pulls back… but in doing so he takes Aayla with him. Pulling on her hands some more and even biting at her lower lip to give it a tug as well, he descends to the floor of the meditation chamber, going onto his back. In response, Aayla is on top of him a moment later, climbing aboard and straddling him.

When they pull apart for breath, the beautiful blue skinned Twi’lek has an impish little smile on her lips, tugging the straps of her top down and exposing her breasts. Tylo barely has a moment to register their presence, each capped with a rock hard pink nipple, before Aayla lowers them into his face, bringing them right to his mouth.

Please suck them, Padawan.

Tylo does so, even as Aayla winds a hand around the back of his head through his hair, pulling him up into her bosom. There’s an almost maternal note to it as he suckles at one of her teats and then the other. However, no milk springs forth and there’s certainly nothing maternal about Aayla’s grinding against his crotch, or the soft yet wanton moans that spill forth from the incredibly excited Twi’lek’s lips.

It’s not long before she can’t hold herself back any longer. Pulling her pants off as fast as possible, she quickly takes Tylo’s cock out from its confines. He’s amused by her enthusiasm… but stays where he is all the same, allowing her to continue controlling the pace. As she places his cockhead against her slit and slowly begins sinking down his length, Tylo sighs into one of Aayla’s nipples. It’s a sigh of contentment… of satisfaction.

So good. Always so good.

Aayla agrees with him of course, moaning at the top of her lungs even as she leans in again, providing him with access to her breasts once more. This time, she plants her hands on either side of his head, slowly beginning to gyrate her hips along his shaft. In response, Tylo reaches out and grabs hold of Aayla’s chest, groping and squeezing her beautiful blue tits and pinching and tugging at the pink little nipples capping them both.

Yesssss… harder. More, please Tylo, give me more…

Under such a pleasurable onslaught, it doesn’t take long for Aayla to stop gyrating and start bouncing. She just can’t help herself. But then… Tylo can’t either. For a moment he worries he’s giving in to his darker impulses… only to realize he has nothing to fear. This right here isn’t Darkness. This is the Light in its purest form. This is love, freely offered and freely accepted, between a Master and her Padawan. This… this is what he needs, he slowly comes to realize.

It takes time, of course. Quite a lot of it, in fact. He hadn’t just bathed himself in the Dark Side. No, that wouldn’t have been enough to trick the holocron. He’d welcomed the Dark Side in. He’d accepted it, even if only for a short time, and he’d let it make a home within his very essence. That was the greatest trick the Dark Side pulled, he realized. Even the greatest Sith, even those who thought themselves so in control of themselves and their power… were not.

Tylo didn’t consider himself a Sith Master or anything like that, but his way of commanding the Dark Side had FELT right to him. It had felt like it was a method of power that might even work in the long term. So long as he exercised ironclad control over the Force, then he could make it work without truly falling into Darkness.

But that wasn’t the case. If he’d continued down that path, there was no coming back. Even now… even now, he’s not sure he’s able to ‘come back’ as it were. Rather… there’s no turning around. There’s no retracing his steps, not where the Dark and Light are concerned.

However, that doesn’t mean the Light Side has abandoned him entirely. It won’t give up on him anymore than Aayla herself will. And with his Twi’lek Master acting as the Light’s anchor in this exchange, Tylo is able to slowly expunge the remaining Darkness from within himself… building a Light Side stronghold along the path he’s taken up to this point.

Things can never go back to the way they were before. Change is inevitable and nothing will ever be the same for him, ever again. But by the time Aayla finishes slamming herself down upon his cock and milks his balls of his seed… Tylo is in a much better place than he was earlier. Panting beneath his Master, the young man smiles up at Aayla Secura, even as she smiles back at him. Her chest is heaving, but then both of them are catching their breath right now. Heh, talk about an ‘active’ meditation.

“… How are you feeling, Tylo?”

Smiling softly, Tylo runs his hands along Aayla’s sides… and then slowly pulls her off of his cock. Her clenching pussy doesn’t want to let him go, but as fun as this was, they both still had a LOT on their plates. They couldn’t afford to let this distraction last much longer. Rising to his feet while Aayla does the same, he gives her a nod of appreciation.

“Better. Thank you, Master.”

Aayla smiles softly, her thoughts as clear as day.

Of course, Padawan. I knew you could do it. I didn’t doubt you for a moment.

And… she really didn’t. Maris hadn’t been nearly as confident. Darth Plagueis had been convinced that Tylo was falling under his sway. Even Tylo had doubted himself more than Aayla had. She’d been with him every step of the way and not once considered that he wouldn’t come back to her. Or maybe it was more accurate to say that she’d been ready to stay by his side… no matter what. Even if he’d Fallen, she wouldn’t have abandoned him.

That was a little scary to think about. But then again, Aayla had some Darkness of her own lurking in her heart. After all, the holocron had been just as ready to teach her as it had him at first.

“Your eyes… they’ve settled quite a bit. Not quite so yellow anymore.”

Tylo freezes at the mention of his Sith Yellow Gaze, even as Aayla runs her fingers along his cheek bone, right under one of his eyes. He smiles at her words… and then has a thought. Tilting his head to the side, Tylo reaches out, away from Aayla. It takes him a moment to focus… but to his surprise, Lightning leaps from his fingertips without much effort.

However, this is not Sith Lightning. Characterized by its purplish-blue tint, Sith Lightning was inherently of the Dark Side. But just as Tylo had thought back when he was being forcibly trained by the holocron… there WERE examples of Jedi alive today who had used Force Lightning of their own kind. Master Plo Koon specifically was said to use a green lightning known as Emerald Lightning.

… This Lightning was not green either, but golden. And yet, it felt… right. Even as it leaves his fingertips, Tylo is able to turn the Golden Lightning back on them… forming a shield of power around him and Aayla, protecting them from all would be harm. It feels natural to use this form of Force Lightning defensively. Not to hurt, not to torture… but to protect. To defend. To safeguard.

After a moment, he closes his hand into a fist, letting the Golden Lightning cut off. Then, he looks to Aayla who is staring at him with wide, impressed eyes.

That was amazing, Tylo.

“That was amazing, Tylo.”

He grins as Aayla blushes, recognizing that she was so in awe that she just blurted out the first thing that came to mind… and he, being a mind reader, knew that fact. Still… she doesn’t let her embarrassment keep her from snuggling into his chest for a moment longer. He holds her close… but then they both pull apart, knowing full well that they have responsibilities outside of this room to attend to.

Tylo winces as a thought hits him. When he was steeped in the Dark Side, he hadn’t cared enough to bother. But now… well…

“… We should get back to the others. I don’t know if Ventress is still alive or not but if she is we need to try and keep her that way.”

Yeah. Leaving Ventress with a bunch of Mandalorians who really wanted her dead was probably a mistake in hindsight. But in Tylo’s defense, he quite literally hadn’t been in his right mind. The Dark Side had permeated his every thought even when he’d been convinced he had it completely under control. Insidious indeed.

Leaving the chamber, Tylo and Aayla return to the main laboratory to find Maris and Bo-Katan waiting for them. For a moment, Tylo feels some alarm as the two swivel in his and Aayla’s direction.

Finally! Oh… his eyes are a lot less sickly now, that’s good.

Seriously, what was that even all about? Why’d they run off like that?

Maris’ thoughts are relieved. Bo-Katan’s… not so much.

Looking around the lab, Tylo sighs.

“Where are the others? And… Ventress?”

Bo-Katan huffs.

“Once Janga convinced Boba and the rest of us that it really was her, she decided to secure Ventress on her ship. Apparently she has anti-Jedi protocols that should work on a Sith there. Boba and Rook went with them.”

Of course, it’s more likely that they just shot Ventress in the head, dumped her off a cliff and then left. But we were outnumbered and outgunned with you two off doing your own thing, so it’s not like we could stop them.

Tylo winces at what Bo-Katan isn’t saying. Her thoughts echoed his current fears. If Janga, Boba, and Rook had left with Ventress, or even killed her and left… this all got a little harder. Though it wasn’t completely lost. They could still-!

Pausing, Tylo turns with the other three beings in the room as the doors to the exit suddenly slide open. Janga, Boba, and Rook all walk through. No Ventress to be seen, however. For a long moment, the three Mandalorians stare at them and they stare back.

Tch. What a shitshow.

Tilting his head to the side, Tylo looks Janga Fett right in the eye.

“Is Asajj Ventress still alive?

Heh. Knew it.

“She is. For now. I very much want to put a blaster bolt through that bald head of yours, you understand.”

Would have already… if I didn’t owe this Jedi Bastard a debt I’m not sure how to even begin repaying.

“I understand. But she’s very valuable to us at this stage, as I’m sure you understand.”

Janga just nods her head sharply.

“That’s why I haven’t killed her. Yet. Convince me to let her live.”

Give me a reason to kill her.

Well. This was going to be a delicate situation to navigate, that was for sure.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Focus on what she knows. About both the Sith's plans for the Jedi AND potentially Death Watch. - 71%
[ ] Focus on how the Sith screwed Janga over again and again and again. Time to get them back - 20%
[ ] Focus on the existential threat to the Clones. Janga has to feel some responsibility to them right? - 10%

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