A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 80: Ahsoka Tano

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Ahsoka explains herself~


Ahsoka Tano was young, but not too young. She was Maris Brood’s age and only a little younger than he and Annie were, truth be told. In fact, if this war dragged on any longer and the Togruta Padawan found herself in too many more battles, Tylo could see Ahsoka being given a field promotion to Jedi Knight. It wouldn’t be something Kenobi would do lightly of course, but it might just have proven necessary.

That shouldn’t be the case any more though, Tylo hoped. With Obi-Wan on his way to Coruscant, maybe things could still be salvaged. In the meantime however, Tylo found himself dragged into Padawan Tano’s quarters alongside his own Master with words on the Togruta’s lips that he’d not at all been expecting to hear.

As Ahsoka’s words about fucking her hang in the air, Tylo exchanges a look with Aayla who seems just as surprised as he is… but also increasingly amused by the second.

It would seem your reputation precedes you, Tylo.

There’s no way. Was this Annie’s fault or something? With them sharing Obi-Wan as a Master, Tylo didn’t doubt for a second that Annie would have immediately considered Ahsoka to be her adoptive little sister. So it would make sense for them to talk a lot… but about him? Surely not, right?

In the end, there was nothing for it. He does the obvious… he focuses on Ahsoka’s thoughts and penetrates the Togruta Padawan’s mind for the first time with his mutation as she stands before them, antsy and hopping from foot to foot in anticipation.


… Okay, well that just wasn’t very helpful at all, was it? He’s never ran into this situation before, where the person he was mind-reading was literally too horny to be mind read. Still…

“Breathe, Padawan. Calm down for a moment… and please explain yourself.”

As expected, being taken to task by one of her superiors breaks through the haze that’s fallen over Tano’s mind. The orange Togruta flushes in embarrassment, her Jedi Training reasserting itself. In the process, her mind clears up somewhat as she bows her head.

“A-Ah… apologies, Masters. I just… I’ve been naughty. I deserve to be punished.”

Annie said that might work with Knight Vondin. So that’s what I’ll do!

Okay, now they were getting somewhere. Annie said. Confirmation that Annie was behind this and Tylo might just have to tan his fellow Knight’s hide when he next saw her. Exchanging another look with Aayla, Tylo sighs and moves deeper into the room while the Twi’lek does the same with an even more amused look on her face than before. Ahsoka swivels to follow him though, not the Jedi Master, her eyes tracking him as he crosses his arms over his chest and looks at her with what he hopes is a relatively authoritative manner.

“You’ve been… naughty, you say. You deserve to be punished, you say. And what does that mean, exactly? What have you done that deserves punishment, Padawan Tano? And why didn’t you bring it up to your Master before you left?”

At this, Ahsoka’s sense of embarrassment skyrockets, becoming all too genuine as she squirms for a moment under his gaze.

I couldn’t possibly go to Master Kenobi for this… he wouldn’t have understood, Annie said so!

Tylo just keeps staring at her until Ahsoka breaks.

“… Because Master Kenobi and Duchess Kryze have been fucking like rabbits since we arrived! And I’ve been able to sense it all through my Master-Padawan bond with Master Kenobi, but he doesn’t believe in Master-Padawan sexual relations! But my Sister Padawan, Annie Skywalker, s-said that you do and that you’d be willing to help me if I could just get i-in the same room as you! So when Master Kenobi told me he was leaving you in charge I thought it was finally my chance!”

The barrage of words comes as a pure stream of thought-to-mouth consciousness, catching Tylo off guard just as much as Aayla as a result. Neither of them were expecting all of THAT to be thrown their way. Tylo might have thought some of it was coming, but… not all of it.

Still… good for Kenobi, he supposed? There had been a moment when Tylo had an opportunity to bed the Duchess, but he’d ultimately chosen a different path. And that had been, in large part, because the Duchess still had feelings for Kenobi. They were clear as day in her mind at the time. So he’d called in Obi-Wan and left the Jedi Master in charge of the mess brewing on Mandalore while he’d continued on his way to rejoin Aayla.

It seemed that Tylo’s little half-hearted, off-hand attempt at playing matchmaker had borne fruit almost immediately. But in doing so, he’d left poor Ahsoka here to suffer for his actions. And she’d in turn complained to Annie, who had told her all about him and the ‘opportunity’ that he represented.

They even have a child already from the past named Korkie Kryze who’s disguised as Duchess Kryze’s nephew to protect him! He’s so cute, but the way they’ve been going at it feels like they’re trying for kid two!

Wait, what? Okay, Tylo has officially learned too much. He’s well aware of how good his mutation is at sussing out secrets… it’s literally the only reason that the Jedi Order has a chance to end this war without immense bloodshed. But he really didn’t need to know about Obi-Wan Kenobi’s secret love child. That felt like information he could have done without.

… Best to focus Ahsoka’s thoughts back on the matter at hand.

“Very well, Padawan. So you believe you need to be punished because you’ve been spying on your Master having sex with the Duchess?”

Ahsoka bites her lower lip… and then hastily nods.

I wouldn’t call it spying exactly, but if that gets me what I want, he can call it whatever he likes!

“Y-Yes sir! I’ve been very, very naughty. So I need to be disciplined p-properly! With your cock!”

She blurts out that last sentence like she’s afraid he’ll keep her punishment completely platonic if she doesn’t tack it on. Tylo just chuckles as she quivers with excitement and anticipation in front of him. Still, he does take a moment to take stock now that he actually understands the situation. Basically, Kenobi had been getting his freak on with the Duchess and Annie had recommended him as a meat dildo to Ahsoka. Aayla was just collateral damage.

… Fine then. It felt a little weird to be acting so frivolous given everything that was happening, but at the same time… one look to Aayla lets him know she agrees.

I’ll follow your lead here, Tylo. We have some time to spare to deal with this little… discipline issue.

Even Aayla’s thoughts are tinged with amusement as her eyes twinkle. Still, with the support of his Jedi Master, Tylo feels bolstered in his decision to play along with Ahsoka’s little games. That doesn’t mean she’s going to get exactly what she wants, however.

“With my cock, you say? Don’t be silly now, Padawan. My cock isn’t a punishment.”

Ahsoka’s face falls at that, her hope withering in her mind.

But Annie said-

Tylo smirks at her.

“My cock is the reward.”

That causes a jolt to go through the Togruta and she’s excited all over again, even as she fidgets and twitches. Much like Maris and Aayla, Ahsoka tended to eschew traditional Jedi Robes. Though unlike Maris and Aayla, she’s not even bothering to wear pants. Instead, she’s clad in a frankly inappropriate leather mini-skirt and tube top combo. One that she’s already starting to grow out of.

Tylo would wonder why Master Kenobi let her galivant around in such attire, but he didn’t really need to think about it very hard. With a war going on and then the Duchess taking up so much of Obi-Wan’s time, it was no wonder that some things just slipped through the cracks. Still…

“Bend over the bed.”

For a moment, Ahsoka looks confused by the order… then her eyes light up with realization.

O-Oh! He’s going to s-spank me!

Just as soon as she’s had that thought, she hurries over to show her eagerness to obey. Bending over the small bed the guest quarters she’s been given contains, the Togruta looks back over her shoulder at him, biting her lower lip in anticipation while also shaking her ass in his direction.

“P-Please Knight Vondin s-sir… I’ve been very, very naughty…”

Tylo resists the urge to roll his eyes at that, but there’s no denying that Ahsoka is laying it all on a bit too thick. She’s clearly trying too hard to impress him, so as he walks up behind her and places his hands on her hips, he pauses for a moment to make sure he has her attention.

“Take a deep breath, Padawan. Relax. You’re going to get what you want, so the cheesy holo-porn acting isn’t necessary, alright?”

Ahsoka flushes at that, her orange skin going a deep crimson as she nods.

H-How did he know?!

Actually, Tylo hadn’t known. But it made sense. If she was stuck feeling what Kenobi and Satine were doing through the Master-Padawan Bond but had no one to go to herself, she would of course have to turn to the holonet for help. Oh Force… the Padawan had literally learned sex from holo-pornos.

They’d have to see just how bad it was, but for now Tylo just flips up the back of Ahsoka’s mini skirt, revealing that she’s at least wearing shorts underneath that look functional and rooftop-hopping worthy.

Her pert orange behind is clad is very tightly clad by those shorts and after a moment of thought Tylo grabs hold of Ahsoka’s ass through the fitted garment, giving it a hard, rough mauling. She moans and groans in response, shuddering under his touch. Tylo spends a few seconds groping her like that before finally pulling his hands away again, leaving her to whine in confusion and disappointment.

“Remember, Padawan… this is discipline.”

“A-Ah… of course, M-Master…”

Please stop teasing me then! Spank me! Punish me! Use me!

Huffing, Tylo hooks his thumbs into the waistband of Ahsoka’s shorts and yanks them down her thighs in one, smooth motion that has her gasping as her breath hitches in anticipation. He’s glad he was a little rough about it to be honest, because if he’d tried to go slowly he would have encountered some difficulty in peeling the shorts away from her absolutely sopping, completely drenched pussy.

As it is, the moment he has the shorts down to her thighs, her pussy begins leaking onto the floor between her legs as she remains bent over the bed in front of him. Tylo doesn’t pay it much mind, however. He’s far more focused on Ahsoka’s perky behind, her toned ass making it clear that she’s very physically active, even as it quivers under his gaze.

After a moment, he reaches out and grabs hold of one of the Padawan’s montrals. She might be more of an orange color compared to Shaak Ti’s red skin, but in the end, Ahsoka and the Togruta Jedi Master are the exact same sort of sensitive where it counts. The moment Tylo has ahold of the sensitive, hollow horn, Ahsoka gasps and her pussy floods even harder as he pulls her head backwards, forcing her spine to arch.

Meanwhile, his other hand comes down on her now-naked ass for a moment, groping and squeezing one of her cheeks again before pulling away as he speaks clearly and concisely.

“I’m going to discipline you now, Padawan. I want you to keep count. Can you do that?”

“Y-Yes… yes sir…”


It would seem the young Togruta had a propensity for developing one track minds. They would see how well she kept count in spite of that fact, Tylo supposed.


“Nnngh… o-one!”




“Guh! Three!”





And on it goes. Tylo doesn’t hold back very much, though he’s also not trying to hurt her. Still, he does want her to feel it, if for no other reason than to punish her a little bit for damn near giving him a heart attack with her opening line earlier. Ten smacks should do it, he figures, and so ten is how far he goes. And when Ahsoka is finished counting them out, he massages her ass cheeks one after the other with his free hand while still holding onto her montral with his other hand.

Nnngh… more… please, more…

She’s cute, Tylo decides. Very cute. It’s been a while since he was with a Togruta, but Shaak Ti, while a certain flavor of adorable herself, is also far older than him and thus far more mature. Ahsoka is like a cross between Master Ti and Maris at the end of the day. It’s a lot of fun.

Still, he’s not going to keep spanking her forever. Not when he could move on to something more… fun. Utilizing his hold on Ahsoka’s montral, Tylo pulls the Togruta back even further, dragging her all the way up off the bed before swinging her around. The Padawan gasps in response but doesn’t fight him as he forces her to her knees.

His other hand hasn’t been idle in the meantime, reaching down and pulling open his pants. As such, the moment Ahsoka’s knees hit the floor is also the moment Tylo’s engorged cock slaps down upon her face with a meaty, wet slap.

Ahsoka’s eyes go crossed just trying to look at his dick and Tylo doesn’t have to read her mind to know that it’s one long drawn out ‘Yesssssssssssssss’ going on right now.

Hesitantly, the Togruta Padawan brings her hands up to wrap around his member. Inexpertly but eagerly, she begins to stroke him off after carefully making sure he’s okay with her doing so. Tylo watches quietly, allowing her to slide her palms up and down his throbbing shaft, while also breathing against the underside of his cock. They were definitely just getting started here… but he felt like he was leaving Aayla out.

But how to involve her, exactly? He could have her help him dominate Ahsoka. Or he could have her show Ahsoka what a proper submissive Twi’lek or Togruta fuck toy really looked like. Or he could keep this all about Ahsoka and leave Aayla on the sidelines for this one.

It wasn’t like the Jedi Master was upset she wasn’t being involved, to be fair. Aayla has moved off to the side and is touching herself as she watches him with Ahsoka but makes no indication that she needs him to include her directly. Still…


The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Focus solely on Ahsoka, leave Aayla on the sidelines - 5%
[ ] Bring Aayla in to help dominate Ahsoka - 17%

[X] Bring Aayla in to be dominated alongside Ahsoka - 78%


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