A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 84: Death Watch Revisited

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

A meeting is had, things come to light... and come to a head.


Tylo isn’t sure what to expect once they really get the ball rolling. He’s apparently Head of Clan Vondin now, a small Mandalorian Clan but with an Armorer onside. Every Mandalorian Tylo has wound up meeting and collecting in his travels comes along save one… Bo-Katan Kryze. She’s still distracting her sister, which is probably for the best at this point.

He doesn’t have anything against Satine, really he doesn’t, but the Duchess is… well, she’s a bit of a handful at the best of times. For a pacifist, she can be a real firebrand, can’t she? And opinionated to say the least. But then, those were qualities one wanted in a leader, Tylo figured. Even a leader who rejected the militaristic warrior traditions of her people’s past.

Regardless, with the Armorer Talya’s help and Janga Fett dipping deeply into her coffers, they were able to make new sets of beskar armor for Fett, Kast, and Reeves, on top of making little Boba her first pieces of the armor. It was just a helmet and a small chestplate at the moment, both of which would have to be modified as she grew into them, but the girl seemed pleased all the same.

Meanwhile, Tylo had ultimately decided to bring the others along as well. Aayla and Maris were somewhat scantily clad, dressed as attendants and done up in enough makeup to disguise them and keep their identities safe. Ahsoka, meanwhile, joined Asajj in wearing standard mercenary armor as Clan Vondin’s servitors. She’d likely been seen multiple times on Mandalore since her arrival alongside Master Kenobi, and with Togruta being a rarity in this part of the galaxy, it wasn’t worth risking them identifying her as a Padawan.

Everyone’s lightsabers were secured within Ahsoka and Ventress’ armor, save for Tylo’s lightsaber which remained hidden in his own Mandalorian Armor.

All in all, they made for quite the intimidating force, or so Tylo felt. But would it be enough to draw the interest of Death Watch?

… Perhaps not under normal circumstances. Not without their ‘in’, at least. But that was where Ursa Wren came in. Rook Kast’s desertion had done more for Ursa Wren then Tylo had even realized, because within a couple days of them formulating their plan, the pregnant Mandalorian had come back with confirmation that the meeting was happening.

It wouldn’t be on Mandalore itself, nor would it be with the head of Death Watch, Ursa had said. But if Tylo played his part well, she was certain they could push for a meeting with the true leader of Death Watch and cut the head off the snake, just like they wanted. First though, they had to get through this meeting with Pre Vizsla, the Governor of Concordia.

Hearing that name had set Janga on edge and almost sent her into a spiral. Without Tylo’s mind reading, he likely wouldn’t have even known of course, she was good at hiding her emotions. But thanks to his mutation, he knew that Janga had had beef with another member of not just Death Watch but also another member of Clan Vizsla. Apparently, it was a Tor Vizsla that had not only killed Janga’s adoptive father, but also seen the True Mandalorians decimated and her sold into slavery so many years ago.

She’d gotten her revenge on him a long time ago before moving on to trying to get her revenge on the Jedi as well, but hearing the name Vizsla still rankled her something fierce. She seemed like she could keep it together though, and so long as this Pre Vizsla didn’t know who Janga really was, things should be just fine.

Besides… it was up to Tylo to make sure this meeting went smoothly. As their group is led through back hallways of the Governor’s Palace on Concordia, Tylo is keeping an eye on the men escorting them, listening to their thoughts. None of them knows much about anything, though they all are loyal members of Death Watch. There’s no plan in their minds to ambush him and his allies, but there is some jealousy over his apparent wealth of women.

What kind of fucking luck does a bastard like that have to be able to grab not just some prime Mandalorian Women, but so many hot pieces of alien ass too?!

That was the average thought running through the minds of the less-disciplined Mandalorians escorting them to their meeting. Not all of them were like that though of course. Some were calmer and more collected than that. But most were at least tossing glances at his companions. Until finally, they’ve arrived at their destination.

Pre Vizsla greets them in full Mandalorian Armor. Technically as Governor of Concordia, he serves at the will of the Duchess. If Satine were to know that Vizsla was running around wearing beskar, she’d likely have something to say about it. But then, that was likely why the man was part of Death Watch in the first place.

When you tore down the old ways in the way the New Mandalorians had done, you were always going to build resentment right alongside whatever else you tried to make a reality. You couldn’t not build the foundations of your future on a bedrock of hate and anger and rage, really.

Not that Tylo was sympathizing with Death Watch. If they’d had an honorable bone in their bodies, they would have sided with Janga and her True Mandalorians back when she was still Mandalore. Fact was, all Death Watch really wanted was power. They didn’t believe in the Resol’nare, not truly. They paid lip service to Mandalorian Traditions at best.

… Heh, was Tylo starting to get a little infected by all the thoughts he was constantly hearing from his Mandalorian Companions? Because that sounded like it was a mixture of Janga and Tayla’s voices in his head, even though he wasn’t actually listening to either of their minds at the moment. No, instead, Tylo only has eyes for Governor Vizsla.

“Be welcome in this hall, Clan Vondin.”

Pre Vizsla sits upon a throne, even as his helmeted visage sweeps back and forth across all of them.

… I’d heard of the makeup of this new clan from Wren, but I must admit, I wasn’t entirely sure I believed it. The man has a harem.

As they walk forward, Tylo takes the lead with Janga flanking him on one side and Talya flanking him on the other. The Armorer had insisted, and Janga had agreed… having Talya front and center would make them look much more legitimate then they actually were. Holding his own helmeted head high, Tylo speaks clearly and concisely, relying on the Force to keep him in a state of calm. Truth be told, this is nothing compared to dealing with the Shade of Plagueis. Pre Vizsla is just a stepping stone that they need to wring dry for more information.

“Well met, Pre Vizsla. I must admit, I was surprised when I heard the Governor of Concordia was not quite the lickspittle he appeared to be.”

The Death Watch guards in the room stiffen at that, but Pre Vizsla holds up a hand to stay their anger.

“It is a fair description of the guise I am forced to wear outside this room. In order to maintain my position for the good of all true Mandalorians, I must set aside my own honor and play to the Duchess’ tune. I hope this is not truly objectionable.”

Outward, Pre Vizsla manages to sound amused. Inwardly…

This one speaks rather brazenly. But then, he likely doesn’t know who I really am. Tch, not even Wren knows who I really am. Soon though. Soon, we will not have to hide behind subterfuge anymore. Soon, all of Death Watch will know who their true leader is.

Wait, what?

Tylo pauses for a moment at that revelation. Ursa had assured them all that this was a meeting with a middleman of sorts. That Pre Vizsla was a high-ranking member of Death Watch, certainly, but not at the top. And yet… the man certainly seemed convinced that he WAS at the top. And nobody on Tylo’s side but him knew it.

Inclining his head in agreement, Tylo keeps the conversation going.

“No, it is not truly objectionable. Merely surprising. And just as well, too. Someone like you can tell me if I’m wasting my clan’s time with this venture.”

Another wave of bristling from the guards, and even Pre Vizsla stiffens up on his throne.

Truly much too brazen.

“I assure you, no time is wasted here, my friend. You and your clan are finally among likeminded people, among friends. You are finally safe.”

Tylo scoffs at that, bringing Pre pause. He needs to play his role to the hilt here, so that’s exactly what he does.

“Safe? Do you think we came to join you because we sought safety? From whom? Those pacifists couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.”

That actually causes a tremor of amusement from the Death Watch in the room. Pre Vizsla though, is silent for a moment.

… I’m beginning to think Ursa Wren purposefully under-prepared me for meeting with this man. Perhaps because she thinks we are rivals vying for position with one another. When all of this is said and done, I will have to make sure to impress upon her the reality of the situation.

In the end, though it weakens his position immensely, Pre Vizsla is forced to ask the obvious in the ensuing silence.

“If you have not come to us seeking safety, why have you come Clan Vondin?”

Tylo straightens his back and rolls his shoulders, tilting his head from side to side for a long moment.

“… Simple. We seek victory.”

He gestures to Ursa, standing off to the side.

“Wren here assured us that Death Watch was on the rise. That your plans were finally beginning to become something worthwhile. Clan Vondin has no need to be coddled. We are here to join the fight, not hide behind your legs like scared little children.”

Of course, even as Tylo talks up the Death Watch, his backhanded compliments don’t go unnoticed. For their plans to finally become something worthwhile, it meant that they weren’t worthwhile before now. He can tell those words don’t go over well with their audience… but he doesn’t really care.

Instead, Tylo is trying to figure out how to best get Pre Vizsla to expose himself as the true leader of Death Watch. If he can do that, then they can decide how to move on the man… attack him now, while they have the element of surprise, or wait a little bit so that he lets his guard down even further? First though…

“I see. This is not objectionable to us. In fact, it is preferred. You and your warriors will be welcome in our ranks. Though your servitors and attendants…”

Perhaps concessions can be had here…

Tylo scoffs again, not even sparing a glance to the four alien women behind him.

“Yes? They are, all of them, mine. Gifts and rewards earned through mercenary work.”

Suddenly leaning forward in an almost predatory manner, Pre Vizsla seems ready to pounce.

“They are not Mandalorian. And yet, you brought them here anyways. Do you mean to keep them with you, even once you are fully among your own kind once more?”

Tylo, seeing an opportunity himself, decides to pounce first so to speak.

“Are you not getting ahead of yourself, Governor? I told you why I wished to join Death Watch, but that does not mean Clan Vondin will join you right here and now. First… I would speak with your leader.”

That gives Pre Vizsla pause.

Tch! This fool doesn’t even realize he already speaks to our leader!

“Oh? Surely Wren told you I am one of Death Watch’s leaders, yes?”

Scoffing again, Tylo shakes his head.

“One of? Are you not Mandalorians? Who is your Mandalore? Who would I swear fealty to? Who would I demand progress from? If we are to retake Mandalore, if we are to cast down the New Mandalorians, I WILL know who my leader is, once and for all.”

He’s playing Pre Vizsla like a fiddle, Tylo can’t help but feel. Mentally patting himself on the back, he watches the Governor of Concordia lean back in his throne, even as the Death Watch guards around them shift back and forth from foot to foot. For a moment, Tylo can feel the fragile peace hanging in the balance. Pre Vizsla COULD turn this into a fight, and he can tell his allies are wondering why Tylo is being so aggressive with what they still believe is a middleman. Fortunately, it doesn’t come to that.

… Now is as good a time as any, really. My plans have almost come to a fruition regardless of whether this little clan joins us willingly or unwillingly. Dooku and his Separatists will see that Death Watch is ascendant soon enough.

Tylo is glad for the helmet he’s wearing, though he’s very good at controlling his reactions even without it. Still, as Pre Vizsla suddenly rises from his throne, he can’t help but tense a little bit. Moving rather slowly, almost reverently, the secret leader of Death Watch reaches back and pulls something from a hidden compartment in his armor. Tylo’s eyes widen when he realizes what it is… the hilt of a lightsaber.

Lifting the hilt above his head, Pre Vizsla activates the thing and a blade of darkness, somehow glowing despite its black color, fills the air.

Shock runs through the room, both on Tylo’s side and Vizsla’s. Ursa Wren in particular jolts as if struck, staring upwards in undisguised awe. It’s from here that Tylo picks up some of what’s happening.

The Darksaber… he has the Darksaber.

“I am Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla. I wield the Darksaber, as my forefathers before me once did so many centuries ago. As such, I am the Mandalore, rightful ruler of the Mandalorian People. I claim this title here and now before you all. If any would challenge me for it, feel free.”

No one moves. No one breathes a word. Tylo half-expects Janga to go for it, but she stays silent at his side. None of the Death Watch guards seem ready to leap at the opportunity either.

… Tylo isn’t sure challenging Pre Vizsla to a duel is a good idea, all things considered. But maybe it IS time to give the signal to attack? Or perhaps they can draw things out a little bit more. Perhaps they can string the Death Watch leader on a little bit further.


The Vote:
[X] Fuck it, challenge Pre Vizsla to a duel - 74%
[ ] Fuck it, give the signal for everyone to attack - 4%

[ ] Play it cool, look for a better opportunity to strike - 22%


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