A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 9: Tylo’s New Master

“Well… here we are. These will be our Master-Padawan Quarters for the foreseeable future, I suppose.”
I can’t wait to break them in with him. I wonder if he feels the same way… oh, to have him choose me out of everyone… it turns me on more than anything.
Tylo nods to acknowledge what Aayla had said, while studiously ignoring what she’d just thought. The Twi’lek Jedi Knight was young and so far untested. He was going to be her first Padawan Learner as a result. Perhaps that was why, when given the choice in a rather unorthodox flaunting of the rules, he’d gone with Aayla, rather than Masters Luminara or Gallia. Heh, and hadn’t they been disappointed by his decision, too.
Part of becoming a Padawan, if you had the hair for it anyways, was adopting the Padawan braid. Some species who didn’t have hair ended up attaching a small string of beads or some other expression of the braid to their head in some way anyways. It wasn’t necessarily a requirement, but it was tradition, and the Order lived by it’s tradition, that much was certain.
Regardless, part of that tradition involved the Padawan Learner’s new Master applying said braid in front of a small portion of the Council. Expecting the entire Council to be present at the joining ceremony for every single Padawan and Master was a bit much to be sure, but at the very least, it wasn’t too much of an imposition when it was brought down to a mere handful.
… In this case, it had been a trio of Jedi Masters that sat in observance of Tylo’s becoming a Padawan. Masters Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli, and Adi Gallia. Yeah, that had been a little… tense, to say the least. Of course, thanks to his ability, Tylo knew for a fact that neither Luminara nor Adi necessarily blamed him. Just as he knew about the internal struggle going on within Master Ti now, thanks to that particular meeting.
She’d put herself in the same room as him as a test, at least according to her own thoughts. One she was convinced she’d passed, solely because she hadn’t thrown herself at his feet and begged to be fucked again in front of her fellow Masters and Knight. As if that was anything to be proud of, that she could manage to show a modicum of restraint in an incredibly important ceremony like that.
Admittedly, based on what was going through the minds of the other female Jedi in the room, Tylo could have turned things into one big raunchy orgy, if he wanted to. Except, it felt like a trap. Even if they were all thinking it, that didn’t mean they’d actually go along with it, right? Or maybe they would have. But there was another very important reason that he hadn’t turned his braiding ceremony into yet another sex thing.
He had wanted at least this event to be sacred. He had wanted at least this ceremony to… well, mean something besides sex. Honestly, if he’d been asked, he would have preferred at least one male Jedi Master from the Council over say, Shaak Ti or something. Just… someone he knew wasn’t fantasizing about his damn cock the entire time.
But no, that wasn’t something he’d been asked to give his input on, unlike when they’d literally all been vying to become his Master. Still, while they’d all thought about it, their thoughts had been coached in terms of him making a move, their lustful minds bent towards the fantasy of him being audacious enough to whip out his cock in front of all four of them and demand they give in to him right then and there.
By not doing so, Tylo had control over the narrative. In the end, he’d gotten his sex-less braiding ceremony, and was now the official Padawan Learner of Aayla Secura. But… at what cost?
“Padawan? Are you alright?”
Blinking, Tylo realizes he’s been lost in his own head for some indeterminate amount of time. Looking around his and Knight Secura’s new living quarters, he can’t deny that they’re better than anything he’s ever lived in before, especially in terms of a living space for two people. Not that these quarters are more ostentatious or opulent then his old quarters, nothing like that…
But they are more spacious. And they’re more geared towards giving two people the capacity to do different things, rather than giving a whole bunch of initiates one space just to sleep and change in, like he’d previously had. For the first time, Tylo had a kitchen. They also had a table to eat at, and a whole other room clearly meant for relaxation and meditation. And then there was a whole other hallway with multiple doors on it, one of which he imagined was his own private bedroom.
So yes, it was definitely a step up, for all that the space was still rather sparse, and purposefully so given they were in the Jedi Temple.
“… Yes, Master. I’m well. Just… a little overwhelmed, I suppose.”
“Ah, of course. It is all a bit much, isn’t it? Well, why don’t I make us some tea, hm?”
Perhaps once I calm his nerves, he’ll find the courage to throw me down onto the floor and just take me~
The juxtaposition between Aayla’s outward facing confident act, like she was trying to play at being a Jedi Master instead of the Knight she was, and her inner thoughts… it irritated Tylo, just a little bit. But admittedly, it also aroused him. So, with a ‘tch’ sound, he reaches down and pulls at his pants, his cock leaving its confines a moment later as the newly minted Jedi Padawan catches his new Master’s attention just before she can reach their kitchen.
“Or you could get down on your hands and knees, crawl back over here, and relieve my stress with that mouth of yours.”
Aayla’s knees come crashing down to the floor, the Twi’lek Jedi Knight practically moaning as she collapses forward onto her hands as well and begins to crawl over. Tylo strokes his cock as she approaches, watching her wide hips and full ass sway and bounce in the air with her every shift forward.
“I-If… If that’s what you wish, my young Padawan…”
Yessss, give it to me. Feed me your cock. Let me prove that you were right to choose me over those old, aged hussies.
As Aayla tilts her head back and lets her tongue slip out of her lips, Tylo plays keep away with his cock for a moment before slapping it down upon her forehead, rubbing his balls all over her mouth.
“I think we both know it’s not what I want, Master… it’s what YOU want, isn’t it?”
He’s so much more confident. Is this a result of all of those extra lessons the others gave him? F-Fuck, I think I just came a little again…
Thanks to his balls and cock in her face, Aayla doesn’t have to actually answer him, and Tylo doesn’t force her to. Instead he just stands there and lets his new Jedi Master suck at his cock. The Twi’lek Knight is quite enthusiastic and eager, slobbering all over his balls for a moment before trailing her tongue up his length and glomping down with her lips upon his cockhead.
Then, staring up at him with needy eyes, the Jedi Knight begins to bob up and down his length, swirling her tongue around his shaft where she can, and just writhing it along the underside when she goes too deep. It is… a very good blowjob, and Tylo groans as he reaches down and grabs her by her lekku near the base, making sure he has a firm grip as he holds her steady.
Oh, fuck yes, take control. Dominate me, my young Padawan. Fuck my face until you cum all over it.
His young Master was just way too slutty. But then, he’d picked this, hadn’t he? Of course, Tylo had no misconceptions about what life as Luminara or Adi’s Padawan would have been like. They might not have crumbled quite as quickly as Aayla just had, but still… they’d given in quickly enough during his lessons with them both.
Regardless, securing his hold on Aayla’s lekku, feeling her humming and moaning up his shaft as even the act of gripping her lekku this tightly is enough to nearly cause her to cum on the spot… Tylo begins to thrust. He starts fucking her face right then and there, and within a few moments, the tugging of her lekku and his cock pulverizing her throat send Aayla Secura right over the edge, the Jedi Knight letting out a muffled squeal as she creams herself right then and there.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Feeling quite… on top of things, Tylo grunts as he tosses out a command, wondering if his new Master was even cognizant enough to follow it in the heat of the moment.
Aayla’s eyes flutter, and for a moment she looks confused, but to her credit, she quickly catches on and does as she’s told. Her tube top comes off, exposing a pair of beautiful blue breasts capped with tasteful pink nipples. Her pants take a little longer, as she has to keep sucking his cock the entire time, but eventually she manages to strip them away, leaving herself in absolutely nothing.
Gagging, gurgling, and choking on his cock, Aayla Secura rests on her hands and knees in front of him, summarily stripped naked, her beautiful blue behind swaying in the air as her back arches and she claws at the floor of their new living quarters. The sight of this gorgeous Twi’lek debasing herself in front of him… it’s enough to send Tylo right over the edge, in the end.
With a loud groan, he pulls out and coats Aayla’s features in his seed. And then, without hesitation, he pushes her onto her back with the Force and drags her legs apart, going down with her in a controlled fall that results in his cock, still quite hard, sliding right into her snug, wet pussy. Beneath the facial he just gave her, Tylo witnesses his new Master’s eyes widening at the display, and he can’t quite help the small grin that spreads across his face, even as he begins to fuck into her with fast paced thrusts, his hands leaving her lekku to migrate down to her tits instead.
In the meantime, he hums to himself a little nonchalantly and cocks his head to the side.
“So, Master… when should we be going on our first mission?”
Aayla gasps and bites her lower lip, looking nothing like the Jedi Knight she’s supposed to be, laid out on the floor of their new quarters getting fucked after getting covered in cum, with her Padawan Learner’s hands groping and squeezing at her blue tits. Still, the Twi’lek nevertheless does her best to answer him.
“N-Not, ah, any time soon, Padawan. B-Because I am still a young and, ooh, r-relatively untested Jedi K-Knight, we will be… c-continuing your training here at the T-Temple for the time being.”
Tylo nods at that. It makes sense, after all. And he supposes he doesn’t mind too much. Surely, the missions will come soon enough. Leaving the Temple… well, no Master-Padawan pair stays Temple-bound forever, he can hear that in Aayla’s thoughts, plain as day. Not having any more questions for the time being, Tylo settles in and begins to fuck the beautiful naked Twi’lek beneath him all the harder.
As her eyes go crossed and her lips form into a tight puckered ‘o’ beneath the cum staining her blue face, Tylo listens as her thoughts too become unintelligible gibberish. He grins as he pounds into her without pause and without hesitation. He could… he could certainly get used to this.
The next morning, the two of them sit in the room set aside for relaxation and meditation, having had a decent breakfast. Aayla’s slutty mind had briefly fantasized about him jerking one off into her meal before she could eat it, and Tylo had been briefly tempted to make that fantasy a reality, but honestly, he wasn’t that quick of a shot. And besides, if he fulfilled every single one of her fantasies, not only would his new Master begin to get suspicious, she’d also get expectant. Better to leave her wanting more, once in a while.
Now, Aayla was sitting across from him looking rather… nervous. And for once, she wasn’t thinking about sex.
By the Force, how do I even begin? I suppose… I suppose from the top. You’re a Jedi Knight, Aayla. You’ve trained for this. A-and you prepared for this as well! Just… project confidence. That’s what you’re supposed to do, project confidence.
“Right then. Before I can properly begin planning out your training, we need to have a conversation about what you think you want out of being a Jedi. You’ve been taught a lot about how the Order operates, and you understand what it means to be a Padawan, a Knight, and eventually a Master. You’ve also now had some personalized training from some of the Order’s most venerated Jedi Masters in a variety of fields.”
She pauses for a moment, before continuing on.
“With that in mind, it’s time to talk about specialization. There are three distinct schools of thought when it comes to being a Jedi. There are Guardians, Consulars, and Sentinels. Jedi Guardians skills and talents lay in lightsaber combat and battle. I myself, am a Guardian in fact. Jedi Consulars, meanwhile, tend to avoid drawing their lightsabers save for as a last resort. They focus on diplomacy and healing, and study of the Force above all else.”
Aayla takes another breath and then finishes up.
“Sentinels, the last of the three disciplines, are a combination of the other two. A sort of balance, if you will. They focus on both combat and the Force, preferring to blend Force Techniques with Lightsaber skills. They also tend to focus on developing skills outside of the Force, such as piloting, or repairs, or computers.”
Smiling, Aayla splays her hands out across her lap.
“Now, you don’t necessarily have to choose any one of these paths. Truth be told, the Jedi Order doesn’t treat the three disciplines as hard and fast mandates and hasn’t for quite some time. You can identify as a Guardian, but still be a pilot and a diplomat. You can be close with the Force and considered a Consular, but still be an incredibly frightening prospect in a lightsaber duel. Just ask Master Yoda.”
Tylo must not have been able to keep the look of disbelief off of his face, because Aayla just giggles a little.
“Hopefully one day you’ll get a chance to witness him in action. You wouldn’t expect it, but he’s truly a sight to behold. Regardless, young Padawan… do any of these paths speak to you more than the others? Or do you think it’s too early to say, quite yet?”
Hm, a good question. What DID he think?

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