A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 97: The End

A/N: Started this fic in March of 2020. Over four years later... it's been a wild ride folks, thanks for coming on it with me.


“Master Kenobi, Master Ti… we welcome you both warmly to Mandalore.”

Hands in the sleeves of their robes, both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Shaak Ti bow their heads in acknowledgement. The two former Jedi High Council Members are each sporting smiles on their faces, even as Kenobi speaks on their behalf.

“Thank you for the warm greetings, Duchess Kryze. We appreciate the welcome and are eager to begin our liaison here on Mandalore.”

They’re in the throne room of the Sundari Royal Palace right now. Duchess Satine Kryze stands with her hands clasped in front of her as well, beside the throne that she once occupied. Meanwhile… Tylo Vondin sits on the throne as Mandalore, ruler of the Mandalorian people.

Its just the four of them at the moment, and gazing down at Obi-Wan and Shaak Ti, Tylo very deliberately doesn’t read the former’s mind, given the glances he’s throwing Satine’s way. Reading Shaak Ti’s mind however is… well…

Want. Want. Want. 

The Togruta Jedi is managing to maintain her composure outwardly, but under the surface, her thoughts are filled with desire and wanton lust. Seeing this, Tylo lifts a hand, cutting Satine off before she can answer Kenobi and speaking in a gravelly voice through the helmet he’s wearing.

“You’re here for two different reasons, right Masters? Master Kenobi is here to discuss setting up a Jedi Alcove… and Master Ti is here to oversee the transition of the Clone Soldiers who have decided to resettle on Mandalore. As such, I see no reason why we cannot… divide and conquer, so to speak. The Duchess will be adequate for your purposes, Master Kenobi. I shall assist Master Ti.”

There’s a brief pause as all three stare at him, clearly a little nonplussed by the incredibly thin excuses he’s throwing out. And yet…

“That would be most agreeable.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi bows his head, and Satine clears her throat.

“R-Right. Right this way, Master Kenobi.”

As the two leave the otherwise empty throne room, Tylo gazes down at Shaak Ti, who trembles under the weight of his eyes the moment that they’re properly alone. Of course, they don’t remain alone for long.

No sooner has Duchess Kryze led Master Kenobi out through one side door than the opposite side door opens. Walking into the throne room are Aayla Secura, Maris Brood, and Ahsoka Tano. All three are dressed in tight leathers that hug their chests and lower bodies, but leave their shoulders, arms, and midriffs completely exposed.

They look good, the three of them. Really good. If Ahsoka is upset that her Master didn’t even hang around long enough to greet her, she doesn’t show it… but then to be fair, for the past while, as the Republic and the Jedi Order both got themselves in order, Obi-Wan Kenobi hasn’t truly been Ahsoka’s Master save for official channels. Instead, her training, much like Maris, has been at the hands of Aayla, Annie… and himself.

Shaak Ti doesn’t even look at her own Padawan as Maris and Ahsoka approach her while Aayla saunters up the dais to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder. Instead, the older Togruta has eyes only for Tylo, even now. Even when the Jedi Padawans come up on either side of her and begin tugging off her robes to reveal her own tight leather garments, she doesn’t look away from him.

Her clothes come off under Maris and Ahsoka’s hands, while Aayla leans in close to whisper in Tylo’s ear.

“I have been instructed to tell you that we are all expected for dinner, Mandalore. I believe there will be dire consequences if we do not show up to the meal prepared for our Clan.”

Tylo chuckles and shakes his head.

“Then we’ll make sure to be on time, won’t we?”

They still had a few hours before dinner anyways, so he wasn’t too worried. Aayla, meanwhile, just hums in acknowledgment, her hand on his shoulder moving off after a moment as she then proceeds to move in front of him and drop to her knees.

Finally, the Togruta Jedi Master being stripped before his eyes looks away from him and down at Aayla, a noise of displeasure emanating from her throat as the Twi’lek begins to work open the codpiece of Tylo’s armor, removing the crotch plate and subsequently freeing his cock from its confines.

No! Mine!

As Aayla goes down on him, Shaak Ti looks like she’s one second away from leaping across the room, up the dais, and shoving his former Master out of the way to take her place. Tylo, knowing full well that Maris and Ahsoka aren’t enough to stop her, does it himself.

Reaching out with the Force, he freezes Shaak Ti in place, causing her to go stiff even as the Jedi Padawans both play with her body, hands roaming across her naked flesh, mouths nibbling, nipping, and suckling at her red neck.

Even then, Tylo doubts he’ll be able to hold Shaak Ti forever… she is a Jedi Master after all. That’s why he adds another layer of distraction to the whole thing for her.

“Tell me about the clones, Shaak Ti.”

That causes the Togruta to blink stupidly at him, before ultimately her gaze turns incredulous.

W-What?! Now?!

Tylo simply tilts his helmeted head to the side as Aayla takes his cock in her mouth, sucking him off diligently and dutifully.

“We’ve had quite a few trickling in the past several months, ever since the Senate voted to recognize them all as sapient beings and forced the Kaminoans to halt the rapid aging. But you and Master Kenobi have just brought the largest contingent yet. How many can we expect to join us as Mandalorians, and how many are here out of loyalty to the Jedi?”

It was rather ironic that in the end, Palpatine’s plan had backfired so massively on him. Before Tylo fried the biochips with Order Zero, the whole plan had hinged on the clones killing the Jedi for the Sith. However, in order to make sure that plan worked, the clones had to be integrated into the Jedi, to become their most useful tools, and to effectively ingratiate themselves with the entire Order.

And in doing that, Palpatine had made an army of the Republic that was more loyal to the Jedi than they were to the Republic. That was by design to be fair, but Tylo doubts the deceased Sith Lord ever intended for things to turn out the way they had. While a small portion of the Clone Army had in fact stuck with the Republic, becoming actual paid members of the navy, the vast majority of the clones had chosen to either go their own way, stick with the Jedi, or migrate here to the Mandalore Sector.

At the end of the day, the biggest amount had come to Mandalore so far, and the second largest amount had stuck with the Jedi. This meant though, that the vast majority of the clones were now in the Mandalore Sector, either serving under Jedi Masters Kenobi and Ti, or integrating into Mandalorian Society.

It would probably take a while for the integration to truly complete, given that the clones were… well, clones. Fortunately there were four templates and not just one or two, but that didn’t mean it was easy. Tylo wanted them all to be able to live normal lives, and fortunately the people in power agreed with him, but there was still the matter of a bunch of folks wearing the same face walking around the same set of planets.

Fortunately, with Duchess Kryze all but abdicating and supporting a Mandalore who went around wearing beskar armor everywhere, Mandalorians in armor in general was back in fashion. It was a lot easier to differentiate all of the clones from one another when they all wore armor with different styles and their own unique flairs.

Finally finding her voice down below, Shaak Ti shivers as she speaks through Maris and Ahsoka’s touches.

“More than three-quarters are here to join Mandalorian Society, Mandalore. The rest are here to support Master Kenobi’s new Jedi Temple.”

That lined up with what Tylo knew, yes. Humming, he places a hand on Aayla’s head, sliding his fingers along one of her lekku in a way that makes her moan around his cock quite happily. The Jedi Temple that Obi-Wan would be setting up on Mandalore was also a good idea, as far as Tylo was concerned. Even if he wasn’t a Jedi anymore, he still loved the Order. And frankly, this was a move in the right direction.

Even a few hundred years ago, the galaxy had been dotted with Jedi Temples as far out as the Outer Rim. However, as time went on and the Sith spread their shroud of darkness further and further, the Jedi had involuntarily huddled together for warmth more and more without even realizing they were doing it.

The end result was an insular and isolated Order where any Jedi who didn’t live out of the Grand Temple and come back to Coruscant after each mission was considered an oddity. That wasn’t to say there were no other temples in the galaxy, and indeed there were multiple Jedi Holdings scattered across the stars… but they were limited in the extreme compared to the past.

Even before the Clone Wars, the Jedi Order had already been reduced to a shadow of its former self by its shadowy enemies, and it hadn’t even realized it until it was almost too late.

With things on Coruscant finally beginning to calm down, the issue of clone rights settled, and the war with the Separatists officially over with their surrender, the Jedi Order was finally in a position to begin rebuilding and expanding. Tylo had high hopes for them if he was being honest, but it also wasn’t his problem. His responsibilities were here in the Mandalore Sector, to both the Mandalorian People at large and Clan Vondin on a more personal level.

Still, he would always hold the Jedi close to his heart, which is why he’d made the offer to set up a Jedi Temple on Mandalore in the first place. For as long as the Jedi and Sith had been in conflict, the Mandalorians had been a third party for hire, basically fighting both sides of the fight for millennia now.

But no more. Tylo planned to see Mandalorians and Jedi find common cause and bonds of brotherhood and unity in his lifetime. He would change the Mandalorian people, not into pacifists as Satine had wanted, but into righteous warriors fighting for a just cause. That just cause was already decided too. Slavery. Their first battle had already been won, making the Republic recognize that using the Clone Army in the first place had been slavery and giving the clones the rights they deserved.

But slavery as an institution existed elsewhere in the galaxy in greater amounts, and Tylo would be damned if he would let it remain that way when there was something he… all of them really, could do about it.

Please… pleasepleaseplease…

Ah, but he was being cruel, getting distracted like that. Not only was Aayla’s jaw likely beginning to ache down between his legs, but poor Shaak Ti was rapidly nearing the end of her rope.

Chuckling, Tylo yanks on Aayla’s lekku, making the blue-skinned Twi’lek moan wantonly around his cock as she cums on the spot before popping off of his prick with a gasp. He doesn’t cum though, even as she looks up at him with a hooded expression.

“Good girl, Aayla. But it’s Shaak’s turn now.”

Hmph. I suppose I can share~

Her coy grin as she sends that thought his way causes Tylo to grin back, though his helmet hides the expression. But she can feel his amusement through the Force all the same. Meanwhile, Shaak Ti hadn’t failed to hear Tylo’s decree even from halfway across the throne room. She rips herself out of the Padawans’ arms and all but bounds the steps of the dais, lunging for him eagerly as Aayla moves aside.

Of course, Tylo grabs her before she can reach him, both with the Force and with his actual hands. Rising from his throne, he spins Shaak Ti around and forces her to bend over in front of him and his throne.

The Jedi Master barely has time to catch herself, before Tylo thrusts his spit-polished, throbbing cock deep into her cunt. The red-skinned Togruta squeals as she cums on the spot, clearly having missed him and his dick quite dearly.



Smirking, Tylo doesn’t hold back. He fucks Shaak Ti hard and fast, pounding her pussy into the shape of his dick as the squelching sounds fill the throne room. His armored greaves strike her backside and back thighs harshly, but she doesn’t seem to mind one bit of the amount of times she cums for him is any indication. Her pussy flexes and clenches around his cock nonstop, her shrieks, squeals, and moans all filling the air right alongside the squelching and smacking noises.

Meanwhile, Aayla beckons Maris and Ahsoka up the dais, and the Jedi Master and Padawans put on a little show for him as their tight leathers come off bit by bit. Tongues, teeth, and fingers are everywhere while the Twi’lek, Zabrak, and Togruta strip one another naked and play with each other for his viewing pleasure.

Reaching up, Tylo grabs Shaak Ti by one of her montrals and one of her lekku, pulling her head back by both, though he’s careful not to crush the hollow horn in his grip. In response, the Togruta just shrieks all the louder and cums all the harder from him fondling and manhandling those erogenous zones.

Once they’re naked, Aayla and the Padawans touch themselves, fingering their cunts and playing with their tits as they watch him go at it with Shaak Ti. Their thoughts are uniform in their eagerness for their own turns, their desire to go next on the forefront of each of their minds. Though with Aayla, her desire is mixed with a bit of self-sacrifice.

Fuck her, Tylo. Fuck her and then fuck them. I can wait. I will always wait for you, no matter how long~

Meeting Aayla’s eyes, Tylo smiles at his former Master, even as he finishes inside of Shaak Ti and lets her limp body drop to the side. Then, without missing a beat, he steps forward towards Aayla. She’s surprised, but really she shouldn’t be… Maris and Ahsoka were the ones who could wait their turn.

Of course, fucking all of them winds up taking several hours… and they maybe miss dinner. But that’s okay, because that just means dinner comes to them, with all of Clan Vondin eating in the throne room… and then defiling it together for the rest of the night.

And when it’s finally over and Tylo finds himself laid out with Aayla curled into one side and a very pregnant Annie curled into the other, he looks upon his great big family, all spread out across the throne room floor… and smiles, knowing it’s all been worth it. This is where his journey has taken him… and truth be told, he wouldn’t change a single moment of it, not for anything in the entire galaxy.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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