A random pokemon journey


Gaia snorted at that but left the matter alone as she got up and stretched causing her carapace the pop and crackle. She walked over to the frankly huge boulder that now covered the entrance of the entrance and with Vulcans help pushed it aside. We left the cave after that and made our way over to the training area ignoring the rain falling from the sky. I had a new appreciation for the rain after living in the wilderness of Hoenn and savored the feeling of the cool water streaming down my now semi long hair and over my skin.-

Gaia didn't seem to mind the rain all that much but Vulcan was uncomfortable in it which made sense considering his typing. We soon made it to the training ground that was covered in thick mud from the sand getting thoroughly wet. Turning to my two pokemon I speak up "Alright so the object of todays training is to improve Vulcan's mastery of non attacking moves such as sunny day , leer and roar. To keep it fair Gaia will also only be allowed to use non attacking moves , other than that she will also not be allowed to use sandstorm as despite being a weather move it will cause damage over time." I explained to both of them.-

Vulcan got excited when it heard that they were going to be fighting but seemed to deflate a bit when I laid out the rules of this spar. 'Battle junky it looks like , I'll need to keep that in mind.' I thought to myself before motioning for them to get in position. Once ready I called out "START!" and Gaia of course went first due to her much higher move mastery and used rock polish to up her speed.-

Vulcan took a moment but a white glow built up around his eyes before they flashed causing Gaia to relax her muscles a bit lowering her defense which was the effect of leer. Despite starting earlier than Vulcan , Gaia finished her move after it since rock polish took a few moments to pull off. Vulcan had clearly had enough of getting wet however and it gathered fire energy into it's mouth the moment it finished leer and shot a glowing red orb high into the air dispersing the rain in a small area as it created a sort of dome of fire energy rich air.-

Gaia however made her throat glow white before screeching at Vulcan causing his defense to drop even lower than hers did as the energy infused soundwaves hit him. That was the straw that broke the camels back however as Vulcan had already gotten tired of trading stat decreases and dashed forwards spraying mud behind it. Gaia didn't seem to react at all to its sudden acceleration but just before it was set to arrive she leapt to the side rapidly. Vulcan tried to turn to chase after her but mud wasn't great for getting traction.

Rather than turn on a dime like it would be able to normally , Vulcan instead rolled as momentum and unsure footing took over sending it barreling into a rock shard literally head over heels. "CRASH!" the sound was loud and made me wince just thinking about how bad it had to hurt. Pokemon were tough things though and Vulcan got up and shook off the mud with an upset expression. Gaia meanwhile had a mocking look on her face and was rumbling in laughter which really seemed to set Vulcan off. 'Short temper as well , Vulcans going to be a handful alright.' I thought with a sigh.-

Vulcan squatted down and did something surprising , it glowed white on all four legs before shooting forward many times faster than before. This clearly wasn't a move of any sort or it would show up on it's appraisal but it did use move energy which was odd. Gaia was obviously not expecting this and barely managed to dodge though she got hit on the hip by Vulcan. It was only at that point I figured it out and couldn't help but grit my teeth at the unfairness of it.-

What Vulcan used wasn't a move but rather stopped right before that final step that created a move , energy manipulation. I had explained how I trained Gaia to manipulate her own energy which is how she had created the sand bomb move to Vulcan over the last few days but It was beyond unfair to Gaia that it could figure it out on the first try whereas she needed almost two weeks. I get the difference in talent between a pseudo and an actual legendary was quite large but this is just insane. Vulcan hadn't created a new move but rather used the energy of a move to boost his running ability like a knock off quick attack.-

Sure it was genius but at the same time there is a reason why despite being able to do something similar I refuse to allow Gaia to do so. Gaia had a small scuff mark from that hit while Vulcan's nose was gushing blood violently. When a pokemon uses a move their body prepares itself for the recoil of the attack which leaves them usually unaffected by their own attack but by not actually using a move Vulcan was hit with all that force right in the face.-

In other words the trade off was absolutely not worth it in most cases and since Vulcan didn't know reversal which did more damage to the opponent based on how damaged the user was this was not an exception. Gaia turned around and punched Vulcan in the chest as hard as she could since it was stunned after the recoil hit it hard. "CRACK!" the sound of her attack rang out and Vulcan fell into a coughing fit as the air was pushed out of it's lungs from the impact but Gaia didn't look done just yet and went for another hit before I stopped her.-

"Separate and wait for Vulcan to recover , Remember that this is only to get it more familiar with it's non attacking moves!" I spoke firmly and Gaia huffed but walked away from the practically defenseless legendary. It took about five minutes for Vulcan to recover from it's coughing fit and the recoil of it's half move. The reason for this was because after getting the air knocked out of it it tried to inhale through it's nose which only made the coughing fit worse as the blood irritated it's throat and lungs.-

"Now rather than being a smart ass actually focus on improving your moves like you are supposed to." I said firmly and the legendary looked embarrassed. Training went much more smoothly after that since Vulcan had clearly learned it's lesson and focused on it's original task. 'Yep so unfair.' I thought as I looked at Vulcans status after the training was done for the day.

[Pokemon species: Entei


Moveset: Bite(J) , Leer(J) , Ember(N) , roar(J) , fire spin(N) , Stomp(N) , flamethrower(N) , sunny day(J)

Variations: none



Sp. Atk:110

Sp. Def:83


Ability: Inner focus(n)]

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