A random pokemon journey

Waking up and learning about the system

I stirred awake as my senses picked up various unfamiliar noises such as loud animal cries that didn't sound quite right. 'What the Fuck? Where even am I right now?' I thought as I opened my eyes and saw the rocky and dark ceiling of the cave. Sitting up off the hard stone floor I looked around confused but fairly calm , apathy for the win. It was a small place really , not more than ten feet deep into the mountain and only a few feet wide and tall. I could only barely stand up in the cave with maybe six inches separating the top of my head with the jagged ceiling. None of that mattered however in the face of what I saw next appear in front of my eyes.-


[Dispensing starter pack! Congratulations you've obtained 1x common language(skill) , 1x Random skill ticket , 1000x Poke`(currency) , 1x silph co bag , 5x pokeballs(item) , 1x random pokemon(companion)!]

"You have got to be shitting me!" I couldn't help but say in disbelief at the floating blue words in front of me. Despite not doing anything the words collapsed into a small blue roulette wheel in the corner of my vision leaving a bag with a pokeball symbol on it in midair that fell to the ground. ignoring that I tried to reopen the system 'Uh , system?' I thought , nothing 'Status?' and a blue screen popped up startling me for a moment before I calmed myself down again and really looked over the screen curiously. It was in a familiar RPG game type format with my name at the top followed by my age and then the other system features before finally showing me my actual stats.-

[NAME: Alexander Drake


RACE: human

INVENTORY: 1000 poke` , common language(skill) , random skill ticket , 5x pokeballs , random pokemon(companion)



QUESTS: none

Pokemon: none


SKILLS: none

ABILITIES: Appraise(novice)(system ability)







Now I may not be an expert in such matters but even I knew that my stats were REALLY low after looking my status screen over. 'Um , I don't know if you can like read my mind or some such but could I get an explanation on your functions , please?' he mentally begged. [Host is recommended to asked more specific questions for easier assimilation of system knowledge.] The blue message popped up in front of the rest of the status screen proving that this thing was reading his mind. 'Well that's not concerning at all , whatever. Tell me about these stats and why they are so low.' he mentally thought.-

[Strength: the ability to exert force on an object to move it. Agility: the ability to control ones movement with precision. Aura: the natural lifeforce of all things and determines ones place in the hierarchy of life. Intelligence: the ability to learn and retain knowledge. Charisma: the ability to draw attention and attract or manipulate others via words or actions and includes ones appearance. Luck: affects all things you do but is based on the probability of the outcome. A baseline adult human has an average score of 5 in each stat]

I read over this information carefully before coming to accept it as it made sense all things considered. Before I found myself in this situation I definitely counted as a baseline human with no training or excessive education to speak of. 'What about the Roulette , trading shop and quests?' I question in mind and another answer popped up explaining each of those things. They worked exactly how I had assumed from the names. Roulette used tickets of whatever type I had to randomly draw one such type of thing. The trading shop on the other hand allowed me to trade items and money for tickets for the roulette.-

Quests however were a bit trickier since the system could randomly decide to assign a quest to me that I could then complete for a reward. The system had also specified that it could only assign quests that I could actually complete with my current means. It was also not allowed to assign quests that directly lead me to near fatal scenarios to complete so that was a relief. The quests were also entirely optional so if I wanted to I could simply opt out entirely , not that I likely would. Are you kidding me? This is the most exhilarating situation I have ever been in!-

'What about the inventory? How do I use that?' I asked eagerly. How could I not be eager after learning that I had the ability to be more than just another human? For the first time in a long time I was actually motivated to do more than the bare minimum and I wanted to seize every moment of it! [Inventory is tied to the largest portable storage medium available to the host.] The system explained in it's mono tone blue text manner , not that I minded. 'The largest storage medium is probably this bag on the ground.' I thought as I eyed the strangely normal looking backpack curiously.-

If this bag worked like the ones from the games it was frankly busted as all fucking hell. The bags in the games could carry a stupid amount of items in a manner that I can only describe as science fiction nonsense. Clearly it somehow had an expanded space in it that was much bigger than the bags size would make one guess , that or the even more busted ability to shrink things to tiny sizes. Either way I eagerly picked up the bag that felt like it was made of cotton and unzipped the top of it before peering into it.-

The inside of the bag was actually fairly normal looking as all of the normal items were the size I assumed they would be and somehow seemed to take up nearly no room. The pokeballs were about the size of an orange with the standard red and white plastic look you'd image. There was also three plain white tickets with black lettering that said what they were for next to the small pile of golden coins with a seal of some sort likely from the pokemon league. Taking out the common language ticket I spent the next five minutes trying every possible means short of destroying it to get it to activate.-

In the end I chose to ask the system embarrassed at how stupid I must have seemed before I did so. Honestly speaking I didn't want to rely on the system more than absolutely necessary to learn as It defeated the point of me putting in effort otherwise. Freebies are nice and all every now and then but all the time spoils the experience , like playing a game on godmode. As it turned out the activation method was in fact destroying the ticket on purpose. The on purpose part was rather important as the system warned that accidental destruction or destruction via an outside source other than me invalidated the ticket.

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