A Rattling Monster

Chapter 105: Stronger than a God

Ok, first of all, I apparently have lost my spells related to my mouth and claws. That makes sense since I am now ethereal and not in a physical form. After that point, it is not like I really used them a lot, even just once, I don't think I have ever done it. Not a big loss. After that, both my spells related to plague and acid are at the maximum possible, so nothing changed in that part. But I gained something strange, called [Deadly Shadows] and it already level Max, so that's good. I try it to see what it does.

After casting it, I can see some shadows, looking similar of my [Nightfall] spreading around me. I can even control it and makes it fly in a pattern. But it has a range, a short range, less than five meters. And no matter what I do, it doesn't seem to affect the environment. Probably only doing something to living creatures. As for the cost, I calculate and find the same amount as my two other main spells. So, seeing the similar mana used, I try to infuse my deadly shadows inside an orb, and it is working. After throwing it, it has the same area of effect, but with the center being the location where the orb exploded.

Following this, I have a pleasant surprise with the next spell, [Domain of Mayhem]. I search but my previous aura has disappeared, meaning it is probably the upgrade, turning an aura into a domain. I cast it with my acid and instantly cancel it. While previously, my aura could reach at best two meters, and most of the time was barely a meter. This domain is broken, beyond anything possible. Simple, the size, not just a small size, like 5 meters. A grand total of 20 meters, filled with acid. I destroyed dozens of houses by doing this. And at the same time, my precious number one and his fellow magicians. Sorry about that, but don't worry, you will be reborn as something a lot better. As for my Chosen, they have managed to resist, but barely, I can see them shaking.

So, my capacity to prevent any threat at a close range is extremely strong right now. Because, whoever tries to attack me, will have to survive inside my domain. So, no more backstab, or at least, the one that tries this will die when running away. And maybe my deadly spell is even more powerful against living creatures, more powerful than turning the very air into acid. As for the cost, just two times the cost of my former aura. Right now, it is a little less than 8MP for each second. And with my new mana pool of 1100, I can sustain this forever. Well, not really forever, but for enough time to do anything I want.

[Nightfall] improved to level 9, coupled with my new shadows, that would be fun. Sometimes, it is just a harmless shadow, sometimes it is a deadly one. I can even mix the two because my offensive spell doesn't really block my sight.

(I have to interrupt but as a spirit, you will not have the same vision as a normal ratman. For example, try to see beyond the broken wall at your right.)

What do you mean see beyond … WHAT THE HELL? Can I see beyond a wall? That's good, that's very, very good. So what you are implying is the fact that I saw through my spell because of this.

(Exactly, try to cast your [Nightfall] to make a comparison between the two.)

I do as he asked and yes, now I can see beyond my [Nightfall], meaning that I have no idea of what is blocking the light and what is not. And I can't ask my undead to do this either, since they are mentally linked with me and each other, so they will be able to see what I see. Let's just assume, that [Deadly Shadows] doesn't block the sight, as a possibility.

[Raise Undead] is level 7, meaning better in everything. Just looking around me, I don't see any changes in my Chosen, but that's because they are all wearing something. I ask number three if he feels smarter or something like that. Really a shame that I already melted number one.

-Yes, master. I feel that the previous spell that we were using are ineffective and weak. There is a feeling that maybe we should improve them. Can we, master?

Of course, do what you feel is necessary. That's what I thought, now, they can even begin to think on their own and I won't have to ask them to create a fireball from my memory. I am really waiting for what they will create, probably just some small improvements, like the blue fireball. Or something totally new, but they are still the basic skeleton magicians, not some lich. Maybe I should try to create a lich, that would be very good.

[Cursed Winds] is maxed out, hehe. I will not talk about that, let's just go to the next. [Veil of Darkness] is level 8, great, I try it, and the shield surrounding me seems sturdy, like, really strong. I ask number two, my Chosen, to try to hit me with his axe. I can see him swing his deadly weapon, and hit me on my right arm. But nothing happened, the axe was repelled by my dark shield. I can see numerous cracks in it, probably a second it would have destroyed it. But in a mere two seconds, the dark halo surrounding my body is as good as new. So, against people stronger than Chosen, I am still vulnerable. But, it's not a lot of people, carrying magical axes, stronger than them? Besides the holy knights, I don't think of anything else.

(No, just them, or maybe if you decide to go against some old and big dragons. But besides some external enemies that would be stupid to anger, you will just have to flee against the Knights of Aria. I will tell you when one would be too close.)

And finally, keeping the last one as the best, [Death Ray] level 1. I won…


Yes, why? What's the problem?

(THE PROBLEM? WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? Ok, calm down, Oslo, just breathe. One, two, breathe, one, two, breathe.)

Do you need to breathe? Or it is a mental breathing, to calm yourself?

(Mental of course, but that's because of your stupidly overpowered System. He granted you [Death Ray], do you have any idea of what does this means?)

Ehhhh, a good spell?

(GOOD SPELL? Breathe Oslo, don't get mad, he can't know. Breathe. Ok, first of all, you die because of this. It is the spell that traveled for billions of kilometers, without really losing its power.)

So, it was your spell, if I remember, and Aria countered it with something that repelled it to outer space.

(Exactly, it is a spell, that can kill a god, in a real, and straightforward way. For example, suppose we are back at the arena where you fought the Prophet of Krieg. You can just, throw that spell where Krieg is, and at best you kill him, at worst, you injure him so badly, that every blessing on the Prophet is destroyed. As for knowing where the other god is, I can just tell you that. It is basic information surrounding the arena, that's why it is so powerful. As for killing a Hero? That's a piece of cake, without something stronger, you can't resist [Death Ray].)

Great, I will try it out then, let's launch the spell, just to see its power.

"Not enough mana"

I don't have enough mana to cast it.

(Thank the Nine Heavens, there is a justice in this world. If you could already cast it, I would have seriously thought of killing myself at this point. Do you have the idea, of what I had to sacrifice, just to have an expendable [Death Ray] incrusted in a gem? Do you have any idea?)

No, but I guess you had to do a lot of stuff, while I just got it nearly for free. I mean, this spell should cost more than 2000MP, since even with my current mana and cost reduction, I can't use it. But seeing you lose your calm and confidence just as I said this name, I guess that the moment I can use it, I will be invincible.

(Not just invincible, a threat to anyone everywhere in this universe. Just the rest of your spells are deadly enough to slaughter worlds, but now, you can even hunt gods directly. If you can just find a single heretic, you can track the rest of the cult and slaughter not just their Hero, but their God. Think about the rewards you got from the Prophet. Now multiply that by a big amount. Honestly, you are stronger than me. I am telling you this, but, you are, right here and right now, stronger than my current form. This Manifestation of Death is really huge.)

And that's just the beginning. But that means that I will be able to destroy Atria, right?

(Oh no, you just won't destroy Atria. You will turn the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Aria, into a new Necropolis. I really want to see the current face on Aria, when she will face a tribulation brought because of her.)

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