A Rattling Monster

Chapter 115: Comet? Purple Sun?

Ok, before doing this, let me check my surrounding. I only have my eyes above the ground, and even if I can see a form on the horizon, I can really describe it. That's Ronta, and that's far enough. My five spirits are deployed in an arc between me and the ratmen, capable of seeing any assassins coming after me. So, too far for their weapons, and too protected for their assassins. That's the perfect time to create my new spell.

(Wait for a second, I am detecting something. Yes, a small group of assassins is coming from the North-West, at four hundred meters. They are rapidly approaching, if you throw one or two orbs at them, you will be fine.)

Yes, it is mainly to scare them, just to give me time to create my new spell. I can sense the location of one of my spirits, moving and approaching my army of undead. That should be the one that spotted the discreet ratmen. I wait a bit, to let them get closer and when I think that's enough, I throw three orbs. I can see them quickly reach their destinations, and a cloud of shadows was delivered right under their feet. But I still hear nothing coming from the distance, no cry or shout. That's the difference between the humans and the ratmen, one is willing to do anything to survive, while the other is ready to die.

(Ok, you killed, one, two … Two assassins, the others managed to dodge your shadows. They have some pretty quick reflexes; I have to give that to them. After your attack, I saw them spread in multiple directions, and I have lost them after that. I am redeploying your spirits to encircle you, you can't expect them to only attack from the side of Ronta. If I could have some additional spirits?)

I can produce exactly five additional spirits, but that will make me wait nearly 8 hours just to have the opportunity to create my spell, is it really worth it?

(Well, if you prefer to die after creating a spell that will most likely deplete all your mana pool, that's your opinion. But, just 8 hours is not that long, when you are absolutely certain that nothing can get close to your army. And, you can still let your ghouls hunt the next assassins in your stead unless you personally want to kill them.)

Ok, fine, you convinced me, I will do as you ask. You are right about me dying, I don't want that, and I fear that like you said, my new spell will make my mana pool totally empty. So, here you go, five additional spirits. Now, let me stay underground, and just deal with everything else. If you find any of their strange weapons coming toward us and leaving the walls, just say it. I don't want to hear you say run away once again, without even being warned.

(For the moment, no movements from any of the machines. I have two spirits watching everything in Ronta, six forming a wall between you and the city, and another two behind us. Just in case, but we can't be sure that no one will backstab us. As for the menace from the underground, either a ratman or something worse, I have nothing. The sight of the improved spirits can see at more than fifty meters under the level of the ground, and spot any living creature. So don't worry, either they have to dig really deep, and it's not worth it. Or, they will do like last time, and I will be able to see them.)

Thank you to explain in details everything. I know that I don't really need all those information, but I prefer being safe than having to deal with that in the heat of the fight. Just something bothering me, you are not complaining anymore about the heavy work you are doing, why?

(Because, first, we killed a lot of humans. So, I am fine and ready to do a lot of things. And I have already deal with the most important blessing on Forslo, meaning no additional burden on me. The destruction of the forces of Krieg here and on my planet was a good boost, but what we did in Atria. Really a good stuff, slaughtering all those humans, I was both happy and finally not hungry anymore. That's why, I won't complain for a very long time, probably, the next time I will, it will be because of the creation of the portal linking Astria and Forslo.)

After this discussion, we waited for a very long time. Sometimes, I heard my undead moving to a point, sometimes coming back. Each encounter, however, killed a lot of my ghouls. But, the lack of lich in the list of victims is favoring me in the long term. Even if I don't have hundreds of them, just a little bit less, they are still capable of creating an infinite amount of ghouls, if they have the time to do so. And right now, we have all the time in the world.

But the ratmen are in the same position, now, Ronta should have been fortified to the best of their capabilities. And anything needing time to be prepared, trap to be made or creatures to be breed should have been done. I wonder how the dwarves are dealing with this. This time, I am sincerely hoping that they can defend themselves, and potentially wipe out the threat menacing their homes. They should be able, just based the strength of the only dwarf I met. He was very menacing and have enough explosives to kill a small pack of ratmen by himself.

By now, I will have enough mana in five minutes. So, during that time, I, or I should say, we can finally create something good. What do you think should be the best?

(Something like a [Meteor], or even a [Blizzard]. But you suck so much in those two elements that it is useless to think about them. No, we need something related to death, shadows, darkness or acid. Your plague won't be able to destroy their machines, and that's what we want. As for the form, I am not certain, there are some possibilities, spell created by strong Heroes, some legendary rituals.)

Don't you know something capable of bombarding a location, something from far away?

(Well, I have some stuff, like the [Comet of Cassandra], but it is not related to you. It is even worst, that it is a spell related to light, and you should even have less power in that department that with fire or ice. Let me think a bit, you have the [Fate of Bjuna], that is capable of killing someone, but not destroying the cannons. [Winds of Death], but you already have shadows, and it is to kill enemies in a large zone, I don't know if it is cast from far away. I bet not, but it spread so far that it can probably hit those sniper rifles.)

Ok, fine, I get it, let me think of this by myself. So, I have a dark comet falling from the sky, and destroying the form on the horizon. Descend comet, deadly comet, FALL!

Ok, fine, the System didn't even consider that a spell. I mean, we are searching for something capable of reaching them and destroying equipment, don't have to be something looking like a meteor falling from the skies.

(Can it be something big, but moving far away?)

Yes, I guess, you have an idea?

(Yes, but it should be barely less costly than a [Death Ray]. And it is definitely related to shadows and death. His inventor was called Xerces, and he was coming from an advanced world. They could already travel toward multiple planets, with their rockets and spaceships. He was studying the effect of a black hole when he suddenly tried to replicate the phenomena but in the form of a spell. Instead of a black hole, a true black hole, he created a purple sun, sucking inside it everything nearby, destroying it for eternity. The spell destroyed everything on more than two kilometers, his creator too. But, he already uploaded the exact formula for the spell online, creating the [Purple Sun of Xerces].)

So, you want me to think of a miniature black hole, in a form of a purple sun, absorbing everything and making it disappear in whatever dimension. And that can move toward Ronta? Damn, that's hard to think, but, apparently, someone managed to do it. And therefore my System should be able to do so. Let's try this then so …

(Hold on, you should make your army back off first, and remove the spirits too. They will all die because of your spell. And you should be ready to hide in the ground.)

No, I have a better idea, I will leave this place, and go South to test it. After traveling for three kilometers, I end up in a forest. A calm and peaceful forest. That should be perfect, now, let me try that wonderful invention.

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